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OTC Weight Loss Pharmaceutical Sales In Chiang Mai


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Hi There,

I've put on a few pounds in the last 6 months and was curious how to go about obtaining an appetite suppressants in the form of Phentermine (aka Metermine/Duramine) to aid in dropping a few kgs in the short term.

I've noticed a great discrepancy in what's is considered over the counter and under the counter here, is it best to keep on asking pharmacies or just bite the bullet and make an appointment with a GP?

I'm an experienced health and fitness professional with no history of dependence or abuse know how to use it responsibly with minimal side effects, will visit a GP if necessary but would prefer to just buy it over the counter to save the time and hassle.

Been knocked back on all my pharmacy visits, which was unexpected as I had no problem buying it OTC on the island pharmacies when I had to make weight for my martial obligations.

Anyone who could clear this up would be most appreciated.

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Thanks everyone for their replies, I'll keep asking around at pharmacies using thepool's description but maybe a doctors consultation may be on the cards.
Generally for a patient to qualify for a prescription they must be over 30BMI (Body Mass Index= height divided by weight) which puts them into the overweight/obese category.

For what it's worth, due to the higher density of muscle tissue compared to fat means the same volume of fat weighing a great deal less than muscle.

For example, Brad Fit circa Fight Club is considered overweight/obese on the BMI scale at 6% bodyfat:


Just for the record this is what most Hollywood celebrities use in conjunction with their exercise programs to obtain their amazing body transformations, with responsible use and a healthy high nutrient paleo/ketogenic diet the side effects are manageable and very minimal at low doses.

Thanks for the tips, the search continues.

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Thanks everyone for their replies, I'll keep asking around at pharmacies using thepool's description but maybe a doctors consultation may be on the cards.

Do not do that - purchasing thisi from a pharmacy is completely illegal and penalties can be severe.

It is Thai FDA Category P2:

"Sale restricted to Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2. Only hospitals can purchase directly from FDA - Ministry of Public Health.".

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Thanks everyone for their replies, I'll keep asking around at pharmacies using thepool's description but maybe a doctors consultation may be on the cards.

Do not do that - purchasing thisi from a pharmacy is completely illegal and penalties can be severe.

It is Thai FDA Category P2:

"Sale restricted to Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2. Only hospitals can purchase directly from FDA - Ministry of Public Health.".

Thanks for the tip, might have been a bit cavalier in this approach so will go see a GP instead. My friend had an nightmare run of stopovers enroute so just kept going from pharmacy to pharmacy until he found one that would sell him sleeping pills to get some rest after sleep deprived journey, thought it might be the way things were done around here.
Just wish all our governments would treat adults like adults and let them make informed decisions regarding their own health and wellbeing, after all if you aren't sovereign over your own body you are hardy a free citizen. Prosecuting someone for something they have not yet done is a travesty, societies already have punishments in place for people who commit offences against people and property why the need for a pre-emptive strike on someone who has not committed a crime?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thanks everyone for their replies, I'll keep asking around at pharmacies using thepool's description but maybe a doctors consultation may be on the cards.

Do not do that - purchasing thisi from a pharmacy is completely illegal and penalties can be severe.

It is Thai FDA Category P2:

"Sale restricted to Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2. Only hospitals can purchase directly from FDA - Ministry of Public Health.".

Thanks for the tip, might have been a bit cavalier in this approach so will go see a GP instead. My friend had an nightmare run of stopovers enroute so just kept going from pharmacy to pharmacy until he found one that would sell him sleeping pills to get some rest after sleep deprived journey, thought it might be the way things were done around here.
Just wish all our governments would treat adults like adults and let them make informed decisions regarding their own health and wellbeing, after all if you aren't sovereign over your own body you are hardy a free citizen. Prosecuting someone for something they have not yet done is a travesty, societies already have punishments in place for people who commit offences against people and property why the need for a pre-emptive strike on someone who has not committed a crime?

Very unlikely that a GP will prescribe for you ( and would have to be a Hospital based GP)

A GP may however refer you to someone able to prescribe ............................but be warned being able and being willing are very different.


Penalties for drug offences in Asia are severe !

Any decent travel guide such as the Lonely Planet carries warnings !

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OTC = OVER THE COUNTER simply relates to anything that can be bought without a script from your doctor in saying that in Thailand that does not apply to a whole range of products it's pretty much down to the Phamacist themselves.


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OTC = OVER THE COUNTER simply relates to anything that can be bought without a script from your doctor in saying that in Thailand that does not apply to a whole range of products it's pretty much down to the Phamacist themselves.


Actually no, it is not. There are very clear regulations and laws in place. The drug in question in this thread cannot legally be obtained from other than the Thai FDA itself and they will supply only to hospitals. For an outside pharmacy to even have the drug is completely illegal.

Certain drugs are legal to sell in pharmacies provided it has been prescribed by a doctor. There does seem to be some flexibility as to how this is ascertained.

And of course a large number of medications can legally be sold without prescription.

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"I'm an experienced health and fitness professional.....know how to use it responsibly with minimal side effects"

Forgive me but yet your looking for medication to drop some weight....blink.png

Surely an experienced health and fitness professional, will tell you to eat correctly and exercise and also advise losing too much weight too quickly as its not good for you.

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ive been mixing 3-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with honey and water and its been working.

What sort of results have you been getting? Made any changes to your diet? I've been reading up on cider vinegar- mixed reports...

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"I'm an experienced health and fitness professional.....know how to use it responsibly with minimal side effects"

Forgive me but yet your looking for medication to drop some weight....blink.png

Surely an experienced health and fitness professional, will tell you to eat correctly and exercise and also advise losing too much weight too quickly as its not good for you.

You really think Hugh Jackman dropped 8% bodyfat in 12 weeks with diet and exercise? That all these movie star mums instantly are right back in shape a month after having a child by drinking apple cider vinegar? That Beyonce looks that way from a lemon cleanse? If you believe what you read in the tabloids, well....

Thats the thing about being in the fitness industry so long, you see it's diet, exercise and appetite suppressants.

The key to fat loss is ketosis.

Your body uses whatever fuel is most prevalent in the system to fuel your metabolism, which is about two thirds of the energy you burn on a daily basis.

Whatever energy source you have the most available in is what you will use to fuel your metabolism, once again this dwarfs the amount of calories that can be burned with exercise or a calorically restrictive diet.

If you have a plenty of glycogen in your body because you eat a lot of carbohydrates, the fat you eat will be stored instead of utilised. By utilising intermittent fasting to trigger ketosis, which is where your body switches over from using glycogen to using ketones (aka fat) your body begins to use your stored fat instead of glycogen (carb/sugar).

In time as your metabolism switches from using glycogen to using stored fat you become ketogenically adapted, meaning that your body now produces more enzymes which break down ketones which release the fatty acids and give you the energy you need.

Unfortunately in the first stages of ketosis your body does not produce enough enzymes to break down the fatty acids for energy, this only happens by consistently reducing your carbohydrate intake under 50g per day. The brain also functions better in a ketogenic state, many neurologists are now studying the links between neurodegenerative disease and high carb diets (read a book called Grain Brain for more detail on this).

All this is well and good but the problem when you drop your carbs initially is that your blood sugar drops also, when blood sugar drops it triggers hunger. In a few days this goes away as you become keto adapted as you are now able to produce more enzymes to break down fatty acids to use as fuel.

So the problem with going keto is that you get really hungry for a few days as your body adapts to using fat as fuel. As far as 'having a good diet goes', what exactly does that mean? Most nutritionists advocate a diet high in grains, fruits and starches (and how's that working out? Last time I checked two thirds of people were overweight and it's only getting worse).

Hence the request for information on finding Phentermine/Duramine/Panbesy in Thailand, to manage the food cravings in the short term until my body adapts to using fat instead of sugar as fuel.

I'm not a junkie I just know the most simple way to burn fat.

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