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No notifications ... no PM updates - no NewsLetter


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Currently I am receiving ... no notification that a PM has been updated, no NewsLetter, I asked the system for 2 PM's to be archived and the message came up that it had and been sent to my email address ... none were received.

Anyone else with these issues?

Admin @ ThaiVisa ... any answers?

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Have you checked your spam folder?

Thanks for the quick reply.

I'm in Thailand and remoteing through the Internet provider ... I don't have any filters.

I've changed no settings and have been receiving them (PM updates, newsletters etc for the past 2 months up until about a week ago.

Receiving other emails, no problem.

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Since on-one else has come to this OP mentioning that they have the same issue as me, I must conclude that then, it is me.

It just seems strange that it changes with no input from me.

I'll be back in the West next month and see if the notifications start to re-appear then.

Thanks for the help.

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