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Where is the best all-you-can-drink promo near Nimman?


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The last time I was in a beer buffet was in January in DeGarden on Nimmanhamin soi 9, an upstairs restaurant/bar next to Wawee coffee. All I could drink Chang from 7 to 10 pm for 99 baht. Good service, hit or miss food (the last time I ate there the food was all miss), a pool table and live music--like other places on Nimmanhamin I think many of the musicians are graduate students or professors in the CMU music school. I wish the food were better, but overall I like the place.

Rush Bar on Nimmanhamin soi 9, about half way between Monkey Club and Sri Mangklachan road. I haven't been since October last year, they had all you can drink Heineken from 6 to 9 p.m. for 99 baht if you bought food, a little more without food. Ice cost extra. Food and service are hit of miss, some of the waitresses will never let a customer's glass go dry, others are more interested in their smart phones than their customers. It has a nice outdoor sitting area and I like Heineken, so sometimes I go and try to find a table with a good waitress.

I still don't know the name of this place, but there is a sushi restaurant between California Wow gym and soi 6 on Nimmanhamin with all you can drink Chang, Heineken or Asahi beer buffet from 6 to 8 p.m. for 99 baht. I think the sushi is pretty good, but I'm no sushi expert. This place is popular, I advise getting there a little before 6.

When I checked in July 2013 Monkey Club had an all you can drink beer buffet from 6 to 9 p.m., 99 baht for Chang, 129 baht for Federbrau, and 139 baht for Heineken. It was pretty dead when I checked, and Monkey Club is a gloomy place when it's empty, so I've never taken advantage of this one. However if you want to go with a group of friends to an uncrowded bar this might be the place for you.

I think the place you are referring is a new place (there are many new places on Nimmanhamin) called Club Cafe or Cafe Club on Nimmanhamin soi 7. I haven't tried it but I know it's only a short walk from there to Lism and Blar Blar Bar with their beer promotions and pretties, so if the Cafe place isn't to your liking their are interesting alternatives nearby.

The customers at these places are typical for Nimmanhamin, mostly young Thais. Also, this being Nimmanhamin, English is a foreign language (unlike in more touristy parts of Chiang Mai), but most of the staff know enough to take your order if you don't speak Thai, and some of them speak English very well. There was generally a slightly older and more western crowd at the sushi place, which is only a parking lot away from Punna condo. However I'm neither young nor Thai and I've never felt unwanted in any of these bars.

Most of the information above is a few months old. I'll probably do more beer buffet research between now and the end of Songkran, if I learn anything new and interesting I'll post it.

With cheap beer buffets, beer promotions with pretty ladies to serve you in almost every bar, and Beer Republic and Hobs for expensive but good imported craft beer, Nimmanhamin has a lot to offer the thirsty. But no bar girls...well, unless you count the yellow house, and I don't think you want to go there.

Edited by heybruce
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"All you can drink" promotions are illegal in many US states.

"Free-Flow" is a term I have often seen in Western Hotels in BKK and english speaking Asia (Hong Kong, Philippines, maybe Bali)

Beer Buffet is something I have only heard on this forum. Buffet implies self-service spreads of a number of items. I like Heineken

so will try the place on Soi 7.

Edited by arunsakda
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Why on earth do you want to drink so much?

If there is ever a sign that someone has a drink problem, it sure is the OP. Drinking as much as you can in a certain time for a certain amount of money is not social drinking.

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"All you can drink" promotions are illegal in many US states.

"Free-Flow" is a term I have often seen in Western Hotels in BKK and english speaking Asia (Hong Kong, Philippines, maybe Bali)

Beer Buffet is something I have only heard on this forum. Buffet implies self-service spreads of a number of items. I like Heineken

so will try the place on Soi 7.

**Just Google imaged it. I see Bee Buffets are common in Thailand.

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Buy a case of Chang at Makro and drink in your apt. Cheap and you won't

make an ass of yourself in public...

I'm pretty sure a case of Chang cost more than 99 baht, and getting hammered alone is definitely a sign of a sad alcoholic. However if I could get the short-skirted pretties to serve me in my condo I'd happily take this option.

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If only heavy drinkers who want to drink a lot and get smashed frequent such places, they may not be ordering much of food also, a bowl of nuts perhaps. How then do these places make money at these ridiculous low prices?

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I believe, but I could be wrong, that it is no longer "legal" to sell an "all-you-can-drink" wine or beer buffet as the Thai Police do not want people to be encouraged to overconsume alcohol. I think the change was put in place late last year, around October or November. Perhaps it just went underground but I have not been able to find a "buffet" since late last year. Even Why Not removed all of their signage and I have not actually asked anyone their if they still offer their wine buffet.

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Buy a case of Chang at Makro and drink in your apt. Cheap and you won't

make an ass of yourself in public...

I'm pretty sure a case of Chang cost more than 99 baht, and getting hammered alone is definitely a sign of a sad alcoholic. However if I could get the short-skirted pretties to serve me in my condo I'd happily take this option.

I know that drinking alone in ones own room is a "warning sign" that one might be an alcoholic, or perhaps a "problem drinker", but I disagree. At home, one doesn't have hear all the lies and watch (or become involved in) all of the stupid little dramas that take place daily in the typical low end bar. You don't have the worry of getting hassled or rolled, getting a DUI, ending up with bad company, etc. Go to sleep safely in your own bed, with nothing to feel bad about tomorrow, except maybe a bad head.

Of course, there is lots to recommend not drinking at all, but that is another thread entirely, rarely seen on TV.

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Buy a case of Chang at Makro and drink in your apt. Cheap and you won't

make an ass of yourself in public...

You got that all backwards: the actual goal of drinking is to make an ass of yourself in public.

I honestly can't see the point in drinking at home.

The 55 thb Tiger Yai out of the brand new LG frig really hits the spot, but I actually like to drink with others, unless they're Pattaya types. However, I won't pay double to drink at a bar, especially when so many have issues with freshness and refrigeration. Been here two months and haven't had a single beer on MM or LK.

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the off licence in nimman is a great place for people watching,and for cost conscious people,always seems full with a mixture of thai and farangs every time i go past past,generally more elder farangs,have to get there in good time to get a table,even though they have about 10- 12 tables,supermarket prices,free ice.lol TIT.

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guy asks where he can find something and than gets told how to live his live by the holier than thou brigade, some ppl need to get a life of their own and than they can stop offering judgement on everyone else's

yeah, no <removed>. I had a simple question, and got comments on my age/wealth/character/health.

The threads about bar promos seem to ruffle the feathers of the many people on TV, who have an interest in some pathetic restaurant/bar that will likely soon be extinct.

In America; we call this prison food. For some strange reason, on TV, this is a highly touted, special pub grub dinner for a mere 219 thb.

BTW, seen the market with the tables on Nimman. A little higher than market prices, but much lower than MM/LK, and it does look like a lot of fun. The didn't have fresh ones, the one time I was going to have a few, but I might give them another chance. The 7-11 up here has Leos born on 17-03-14...So even at the 65 or 70 they are charging on Nimman; I'm not buying if it's more than a month old, and there are still a lot from 2013 floating around town.


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Buy a case of Chang at Makro and drink in your apt. Cheap and you won't

make an ass of yourself in public...

I'm pretty sure a case of Chang cost more than 99 baht, and getting hammered alone is definitely a sign of a sad alcoholic. However if I could get the short-skirted pretties to serve me in my condo I'd happily take this option.

Who said anything about drinking alone, a couple of friends, a local hooker....Party City

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guy asks where he can find something and than gets told how to live his live by the holier than thou brigade, some ppl need to get a life of their own and than they can stop offering judgement on everyone else's

Quite agree. You get stuck in my boy. Quantity not quality... like your style. Hic barumf cheers...

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Kabuki is 99B but I forget what soi it is on.

That's the sushi place I couldn't remember the name of. It's on Nimmanhamin soi 6 in the strip of shops next to Powerhouse Gym. I checked today, it's still 6 to 8 p.m., all you can drink Chang, Heineken, or Asahi for 99 baht, and it's still popular, at five minutes to six over half the tables were already taken.

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Buy a case of Chang at Makro and drink in your apt. Cheap and you won't

make an ass of yourself in public...

I'm pretty sure a case of Chang cost more than 99 baht, and getting hammered alone is definitely a sign of a sad alcoholic. However if I could get the short-skirted pretties to serve me in my condo I'd happily take this option.

Who said anything about drinking alone, a couple of friends, a local hooker....Party City

Share my hooker with friends?! No way, friendship only goes so far!

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