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Surapong warns of possible violence if court rules against Yingluck


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This from the man who wanted to involve USA and the UN and any other foreign diplomat who would listen, That he is trying to defend democracy! Guess what Surapong You have just made the biggest error, do you really think They are listening when you threaten violence (couched in supposed truths).

If you were for democracy you would make sure that the UDD and PDRC are kept far apart. Maybe even asking the Army to keep the two parts apart as the BiB won't do it.

And what was that meeting between Chalerm and the UDD about, were they working out their attack plans for Saturday? I Think Saturday will be anything but peaceful.

How many deaths will there be!

Edited by ggold
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This sounds like a veiled threat to me if the courts find against Yingluck, they reds will be unleashed to create havok and probably bring the army out, as usual no forward planning.

The judiciary are the people who oversea the law and I expect them to be impartial in their judgement. Here is Thailand its ok to find in favour but not against, well if the country is to move forward then that has to change. If the courts find against Yingluck she has to accept that and tell her supporters to do so as well. If the courts find she has no case to answer then others need to accept that as well.

The options are as I see it 3 options.

1, things carry on as they have been for the last few months.

2, civil war.

3 The army has to take control of the country away from the people who run or want to run the country because they have to do so.

Let us hope the judges make the right decision based on the law of the land and everyone accepts that.

Edited by nong38
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I guess the DSI are investigating who is financing and supporting this Rehearsal for War,no doubt freezing accounts and leaking lists of supporters...................no I didn't think so.

What is the point of this mission ? To show numbers ? Haven't we all been told that protester numbers are not the majority of the populations opinions.We have both Surapong and Charlerm indicating and virtually inciting some form of violence to the point of condoning it.Will they trash the NACC ? Will they take nightly potshots at the anti govt protesters ? Burn the CC to the ground? What good will it do them apart from lose the very little credibility they have left.

We have so much talk of "coup mongers" on this forum,but seems to be its the UDD and the PTP that always mention the possibility.it would not surprise me if this exercise is to instigate a military intervention.Lets face it the PTP have picked all the meat off the bones and left only a carcass,all their get rich schemes have been thwarted why not let someone else fatten up the carcass and sort out the problems then have another go in a few years and can use the old excuse of ousted by a coup and tried by a military installed Junta,and everything was politically motivated........it really is the only way the Family and govt can save any resemblance of face.........................Just my opinion

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Why did FryslandBoppe to react on this post yet???

Or might he be preparing the final countdown for Saturday and packing his M79 grenades to support his fellow Red Rag thugs.....

He's probably "in" Amsterdam.

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of course they would be peed off after all their votes have been ignored and the yellow elites have conspired on numerous occasions to displace the freely elected PM by chicanery and dubious means by using every dirty trick they can think of.

every means except by the ballot box

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Any hope of the army protecting the people from Surapong's and Chalerm's threats appear to have been lost, IMO.

Prayuth Chan-Ocha's suttle hints that he is an employee of the gov't makes me very uneasy. I am afraid that any violence used by the red shirts will be ignored by the army and the anti-protestors will have to deal with the mess without army help.

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why don't they just shut up I just hoe if they try ashy stupid stuff like back in 2010 army step in have coup and put all this to in prison and throw away the key

enough is enough and they act just like Hitlers brown shirts

Stupidity is in their nature and can't show it by talking talking and talking

Sent from my C1904 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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why don't they just shut up I just hoe if they try ashy stupid stuff like back in 2010 army step in have coup and put all this to in prison and throw away the key

enough is enough and they act just like Hitlers brown shirts

Stupidity is in their nature and can't help it by show it by talking talking and talking

Sent from my C1904 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sent from my C1904 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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They can't risk fighting things in court. Too many charges and investigations from all directions. Too many shannanigans to keep the lid on.

Resort to threats of real mass violence whilst stepping up the actual violence. Street violence increases, maybe the army steps in maybe not, Either way it diverts attention from the courts and the investigations.

What has happened to the farmers? They haven't been paid and have stopped protesting?

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This pathetic little maggot needs to be gagged and confined, just to put the people of Thailand and the rest of the world out of the misery of being subjected to his nonsense and the physical sight of him.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

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A threat, or a promise?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


A promise, hopefully. Any and all means are legitimate in defence of democracy. Time for the voters of Thailand to make their voices heard.

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why don't they just shut up I just hoe if they try ashy stupid stuff like back in 2010 army step in have coup and put all this to in prison and throw away the key

enough is enough and they act just like Hitlers brown shirts

Let's leave Hitler out of this, except perhaps to say the brown shirt you are wearing on top of the black one are together an exact fit..

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Surapong fears violence if court rules against PM

The Nation

Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, in a wheelchair due to a sprained ankle, gets a helping hand from former premier Banharn Silapa-archa during her visit to the Bueng Chawak Aquarium in Suphan Buri yesterday.

Yingluck insists Thawil's transfer within 'legal process'; Pheu Thai pessimistic on Constitutional Court verdict

BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt rallies could turn violent if the Constitutional Court rules against caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in relation to the transfer of the National Security Council (NSC) chief, Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul warned yesterday.

However, in her first public statement on the case, Yingluck maintained yesterday that the 2011 transfer of NSC secretary-general Thawil Pliensri to become her adviser was "in line with the legal process". She was reacting after the court agreed on Wednesday to consider the petition by a group of senators who accused her of conflict of interest in getting Thawil transferred.

Yingluck said yesterday that she expected the court to treat her case with the same standard applied to other politicians.

Meanwhile, political observers say the case would deliver a fatal blow to the premier and her caretaker government because if she is found guilty of violating the Constitution, she could lose her post automatically and her Cabinet could also be removed.

The Supreme Administrative Court ruled last month that Thawil's transfer was illegal.

"A political vacuum like this is not healthy and chaos will most surely follow. I'm not trying to instigate violence but I see the pressure people are under, and most Thais are hot-tempered. Chaos can break out at any time. I am not threatening the court, I'm just telling the truth," he said.

Surapong was apparently referring to the "vacuum" that might be created if Yingluck is disqualified as premier, as she cannot be replaced by a member of Parliament because the House of Representatives has been dissolved.

"We should be aware there could be chaos in the future. We have already seen this. Whatever the PDRC does, the UDD may do that too. A non-elected prime minister may be appointed to run the country but the UDD could also besiege Government Complex," Surapong said. He was referring to the anti- and pro-government groups, the People's Democratic Reform Committee and United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship respectively.

PM 'won't be spared'

Politicians from the ruling Pheu Thai Party also said yesterday that the Constitutional Court "would not spare" Yingluck in this case.

Surasit Jiamvichak, an ex-Pheu Thai MP, said it looked like the judiciary was colluding to create trouble for the prime minister as part of an effort to bring down the government.

Korkaew Pikulthong, a former Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader, said he expected the court to rule against Yingluck, adding that moves were being made to "distort the law".

He warned that if this was really happening, then the country would be in chaos, adding that he did not think the red shirts would accept a negative court verdict.

Another controversial issue is whether the entire caretaker Cabinet would have to go if Yingluck is disqualified.

Pheu Thai Party's key members insist that Yingluck was within her rights when she transferred Thawil and if she is disqualified as the anti-government group wishes, then it would result in a political vacuum as a non-elected premier is not possible under the Constitution. However, caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung pointed out that the deputy premier could take over if Yingluck was disqualified.

Meanwhile, Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said accepting the petition did not necessarily mean the court would disqualify Yingluck. He explained that the court would have to first consider whether Yingluck had violated the Constitution by interfering in the transfer and if the transfer was aimed at benefiting her and her group.

In a related development, the pro-government People's Radios for Democracy has announced that it will hold a rally across Bangkok and surrounding provinces today to "create a good public understanding" about the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). The red-shirt group has tried to disrupt the work of the NACC, which is investigating a case against the premier.

-- The Nation 2014-04-04

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'In a related development, the pro-government People's Radios for Democracy has announced that it will hold a rally across Bangkok and surrounding provinces today to "create a good public understanding" about the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). The red-shirt group has tried to disrupt the work of the NACC, which is investigating a case against the premier.'

Ah... Ko Tee is popping his head up again.

He wants to make sure it doesn't get shot off this time.

The guy must be mentally retarded or something, not to realize he is public enemy number one and his days are seriously numbered.

He who lives by the sword.

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'In a related development, the pro-government People's Radios for Democracy has announced that it will hold a rally across Bangkok and surrounding provinces today to "create a good public understanding" about the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). The red-shirt group has tried to disrupt the work of the NACC, which is investigating a case against the premier.'

Ah... Ko Tee is popping his head up again.

He wants to make sure it doesn't get shot off this time.

The guy must be mentally retarded or something, not to realize he is public enemy number one and his days are seriously numbered.

He who lives by the sword.

And once again, no condemnation of the manical Ko Tee's by other Red Shirts nor by PTP.

Altogether unsurprising as Surapong and Paradorn are too busy making their own threats of violence.

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'In a related development, the pro-government People's Radios for Democracy has announced that it will hold a rally across Bangkok and surrounding provinces today to "create a good public understanding" about the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). The red-shirt group has tried to disrupt the work of the NACC, which is investigating a case against the premier.'

Ah... Ko Tee is popping his head up again.

He wants to make sure it doesn't get shot off this time.

The guy must be mentally retarded or something, not to realize he is public enemy number one and his days are seriously numbered.

He who lives by the sword.

And once again, no condemnation of the manical Ko Tee's by other Red Shirts nor by PTP.

Altogether unsurprising as Surapong and Paradorn are too busy making their own threats of violence.

You people not only are asking for it and inviting it to happen, you're encouraging it and drooling over the prospect. The American Revolution occurred precisely because of this kind of stuff from another colonizer government. Those who advocate a military mutiny coup d'état and talk about the army killing other Thais have to stand down. That means you.

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