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if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex....


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So I've been chatting with a pretty little Thai thing for about 2-3 months or so before heading over there.. College educated, has a bachelors degree, works full time for a company (not that she earns much of anything), has a new leased car, lives rent free in a company house. I was planning on spending time with her when I got there.. she's 24.. I am 31.....she seemed ok.. like a normal girl who wants a real relationship..........

But being the careful person I am I was curious as to what her true character might be so I figured a good way to find that out would be to run a little test on her and see how she would react...

So one glorious day I had my buddy chat her up... basically he offered her a sum of money ( a fairly large amount ) in exchange for sex.. and she accepted...

Now .. if a Western girl would do something like this I would not even think twice about her again... But with a Thai girl... a poor girl..... should there be more leeway given with something like this? Or should this be the end of the road her?

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College educated, has a bachelors degree...

Did your friend gain a B.A. from college?

how is that relevant to anything

It's relevant because a B.A. would be gained from a university.

Your story doesn't add up.

Nice try.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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What the hell are you talking about? I swear half you fuxers on these boards seem like you're drunk or senile 90% of the time.

The most convincing trolls are intelligent.

Could it be that the OP is American in which case the aforementioned degree was attained at a college (known to others as a university?)

Could it be you're too lazy to look up the difference?


Most "colleges" are separate schools. They are not located in a university. Some colleges are part of a university and are located on the university campus. (The "campus" is the school buildings and surrounding area). A few colleges offer graduate programs in selected subjects. However, it is usually universities that offer graduate programs. So, Americans use the word" university" and not "college" when they talk about graduate study.

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You need to know something...

There is a consortium of girls that use the internet to make cash.

There are also brokers that work for girls that cannot speak english, or who just do not want to bother with finding farangs themselves. (Brokers get 20-50 thousand if you show up. It then becomes the girl's job to extract money from you to pay the broker)

These websites usually have warnings about sending money.

Do not believe the profiles they write. They are sometimes just canned profiles that look good. Probably fictional or half true.

Your college gal may be getting her hair done, as I write, in preparation for a night at work (may or may not be a bar)

You only verify these things in person, without offers of cash. If you can move into their homes and check out her claims, then you are halfway there.

This sounds like bar room tittle tattle to me. Do you actually have any evidence as to the existence of this 'consortium'?

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I find it harder to believe that there are seemingly intelligent people who actually believe the random girl they are chatting to off some dodgy dating site really is "educated".....seems like some people really do think with their d*cks....

It's not just men.


Some of the numbers that were thrown around in that story just left me shaking my head. One guy claimed to have sent his 'internet lover' 380K AUD, half of which he had borrowed from friends (!) who accepted the scammers (it was an organised gang) increasingly farcical claims each time they needed money. I've seen a few of these stories previously, and most of the victims appear as classic 'lonely old guy who has very little social interaction' : I was surprised that the first woman in that story allowed herself to be roped in so easily. It's clear that the scammers know how to push buttons.

Her tips for avoiding fraudsters online showed a sense of humour : 'Anyone who lists U2, Pussycat Dolls and Norah Jones under their musical interests should be avoided at all costs !' Words to live by ;)

(the QLD cop in that episode is one of very few I've seen fly to Asia and Africa and actually arrange for the locals to sting the scammers - its good PR for the QLD cops, but at least he gets off his butt and goes after them)

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