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How do you rate Paypal? Good or bad experiences

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Maintained a PayPal business account with debit card for years. Great. Using debit card for ATM overseas, no exchange fee, no service charge. PP to PP account transfers are no fee. Paying using credit card or bank to another's PP account, I think it is about 2.5% -- charged to recipient.

One area they are likely taking advantage is transferring from account holder's PP to same account holder's linked bank account. I think policy is about 3-6 business days, but should really not take that many days. So the cash is immediately out of your PP account, can be up to maybe 7 days before it hits your bank account. In between they have your money, what is known as "the float", if I recall correctly. So during the float they effectively *own* your money -- interesting bearing. Add it up over millions of transfers, not bad.

But instant availability to incoming transfers can't be beat. US clients pay me via their PP account, no fee, cash is instantly available via ATM on the other side of the world.

And, get this: A few week ago I see PP transferred US$300 to my account. Turns out they refunded me for erroneous overseas ATM fees at $1 x 300 withdrawals over the years. My Bank of America business account, overseas ATM charge of $5 plus currency conversion fee. And you can bet they would be refunding nada, their mistake or not.

Edited by Wordworx
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I also sale on eBay 10 years now

Some problems with bad buyers try to cheating I got also in this time!

One buyer bought a hard drive

After I send he complained its faulty!

Send it back to me I was not at home my sister sign the parcel and then the problem began!

He send me back same hard drive type I sold but with another serial number, checking buyers history I find out

He bought exactly this same faulty hard drive with the serial number he send to me,

But paypal not believe me, I don't pay the bill a month later paypal eu comes with there collection office force me to pay and want 100€ more for there lawyer!

Usually inside Germany a seller claiming a fault must join a 3rd independent party for confirm a technician the product fault realy exists!

But This Processing for oversea. Buyers not exists!

Iam not sure,paypal Singapore have also a collection office force the seller

To pay under any circumstances , without checking the background?

Many time it happens on paypal eu

That money I got was freezed one month, espadsly when I sold in uk

Until I could withdrawal

I not use my eu account anymore!

On PayPal Thailand never got any problem!

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I have been using PayPal for a number of years and found them to be very good indeed.

I experienced a strange transaction a few years ago and as soon as it was reported it was resolved.

No issues at all all in the last seven years.

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I had a couple of years of trouble-free service using Paypal. Then, things went to hell in a hurry. When there is a problem, they are out to lunch. They "stole" money from my checking account rather than depositing it. I had to sue in my local court (US) and won, it took me two years to get the money back after I had received a favorable court ruling.

I suggest that everyone stay away from Paypal and use standard, regular financial institutions for financial transactions; ones that have real people working in them.

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Millions upon millions upon millions of people use PayPal accounts. I've had one for I can't remember how many years...have made hundreds of payments using Paypal and transferred money a few times--never a problem. Providing a bank account is all part of the verification process to help confirm who you say you are, plus it can serve as a source of payment, but you can also add credit/debit account numbers. I always use my credit cards for the PayPal payment source as I just prefer managing my finances this way, plus most of my credit cards give cash back.

Agreed and have used PayPal for years and purchase many items all the time from eBay and directly from other manufacturing companies in the US and use PayPal to settle my accounts with them. In the US these vendors receive my payment within 1-2 days. However, I have used PayPal to transfer money to my Thai bank account, PayPal did not tell me but found out later that using their service from US to Thailand for funds transfers, it will take 7-10 business days for the local bank to credit my account. It seems that since PayPal has Singapore HQ for SE Asia and no offices in Thailand, this might create the delay in receiving funds, or else, Thai banks are using the "float" to make money. When I contacted my bank, they keep saying they do not have my money, but PayPal Singapore then told me that my cash was transferred several days ago but they had not received any confirmation from my bank to having funds. Somehow my money got lost in cyberspace, which was disconcerting. This is only problem I have experienced with PayPal and would advise to use a wire transfer from another country to Thailand taking 2-3 business days to be received, and costs a bit more than PayPal charges, and will continue using PayPal to make purchases outside of Thailand.

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Great when all goes well, but come dispute time, they can be not so good

I bought a 1926 saxophone on ebay, advertised as 'pristine condition'. It arrived, + USPS $120 at my cost. The sax wasn't as advertised, pristine body/metalwork, but pads shot and cost estimated at $150 for repad job.

I lodged a dispute, and won. The seller had to refund, but I had to pay A $200+ to send it back. The cost of the sax was just over $400, so I would have spent $320 to get back $400, so only a net refund of $80.00.

I bought a set of pads + supplies online, spent a few hours repadding it, had a tech do the final adjustments for a total out of pocket cost of under $100.00.

I emailed PP 10+ times trying to have them order the seller pay postage, but was ignored, not even a standard email response.

In summary, PayPal is a great facility, secure, but until they can order punitive costs, worthless at dispute resolution.

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i have not used them a lot I must admit, But I once transferred 200 Euros to a paypal account of someone in Spain and for the privilege they charged me 38 Euros......never again.

I suggest that at that rate of commission, you must have pressed the wrong button. I have used them 100s of times at least - maybe 1,000s, and like others have said, they are great if nothing goes wrong. EG, it's not a good idea to forget your password etc - total hassle especially if you've also forgotten the mobile-phone number you registered with. Oh - about the boxes - when someone ants to send money as opposed to buying a product, you must press 'Sending money to friends or family', then it's almost free.

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Use only a credit card. You never know about ANY internet security. And you never know when there system, or your system, will get broken into. This is a general rule that should never be violated. Banks are often as secure as it gets. But you should also be weary of online with them. But that is another subject. And I use a lot of online banking. I'm just careful.

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I used them quite a bit with no problems . There fee s are too high if you are a seller ... Also if you buy something and its defective and the seller has drawn the money out already you are out of luck . As far as them having my credit card number I stopped that as well ...

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Use only a credit card. You never know about ANY internet security. And you never know when there system, or your system, will get broken into. This is a general rule that should never be violated. Banks are often as secure as it gets. But you should also be weary of online with them. But that is another subject. And I use a lot of online banking. I'm just careful.

Many good vendors do not offer the ability to process CCs aside from via PayPal's system, setting up a merchant account and online CC handling is not a cheap enterprise. If you link a Credit Card to PayPal and use that source of funding exclusively (on a per transaction basis) it gives you an extra level of protection, since in that scenario you can still raise a dispute with the CC company just as if you had purchased directly with a card, in addition to the PayPal protection.

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I can not withdrawn to my bank account. Always error! First problem, but I'm aware about they block your money for "days" and after release as part of normal operation. in other words, they use your money, just like a bank does!

PayPal means Pay High fee, get slow withdrawn process! If you or your business are comfortable with this, then go on!

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Good for buyers , bad for sellers especially when things go wrong ,, then they are uncontactable ,

i sold a special diagnostic unit to a guy in Australia from UK he received the goods with a parcel receipted signature and actually registered the product , then told Paypal he had not received it and paypal gave him the money back ,, i had to call the police in to resolve the situation as paypal could not give a toss . the guy was prosecuted and fined in australia but 4 years later paypal still have not refunded my money even after i sued in the UK courts . problem is paypal have no legal juristiction to pin down for recovery of money.

Paypal should be made to staff an office in cap city of each country they operate in. Anonymity can get very, very tedious.

They locked up funds of a sale of mine for 3 or 6 months. Needed it desperately. No reasons given, they just thought it was a good idea. Or maybe they needed to use the cash?

Long time ago, don't know if they are still up to the same tricks.

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Why do paypal keep refunds for what seems like days and sometimes weeks?? All you read every time you receive a refund from a company or seller is "REFUND PENDING" then it's a long long wait until they release YOUR CASH back into your account?

Answers on a postcard please....... Addressed to PayPal....

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Extremely convenient. For buyer. For seller (on ebay) not, fees high and slow withdrawal process. And if you want to withdraw from PP account to bank, it takes about 5 working days. I think you US citizen, because only for US PP using Direct Debit from/to accounts. All others can use only CC or Debit card and nothing more.

I use completely separated account from Kasikorn Bank to withdraw and Thai credit card for payment.

Am no citizen and like to report that the ACH (direct debit from bank account) works in Germany as well.

Like it as a buyer, won't trust it as a seller after reading horror stories. (Send to a non-verified address? Weeks later, the buyer can get his money back!!)

Wish they had the same functionality here in Thailand with the ability to fund purchases in advance by sending money from the bank account to Paypal as I can in Germany.

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I have used Paypal to transfer my pension and Social Security payments from the U.S. since I moved to Tland. Before that, I used it to send money to my Thai wife. Other than a small problem with reference phone numbers and one security check which I got straightened out, their service has been smooth and economical. It only costs me $7.00 usd to transfer 47,000 thb every month.

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Pay Pal is just fine. I have never have had any issues that caused me to be concerned. I have had the account for years now. They have even dealt with complaints I have had with regards to purchases I have made on various Ebay type sites. So I say that they are on your side and well worth staying with them.

Hacking is a problem with any online site. Hell, even Chase bank has been hacked in the past and so be ready for it, but do not think that they do not do all that they can to prevent hacking. Your information is as safe as it can be and well protected.

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