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Why Tell The World ?


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Yeah why tell the world ? Having been here for many years I feel we're killing the goose that laid the golden egg, Im talking about year's ago it was only the farang that had the gut's to leave their country and go off to start a new life in a strange land that came here, we knew next to nothing and had to fend for ourselves the best we could, because of this we we're in a minority, these day's with the formation of the ex pat's club and their website they are encoraging people by the thousand's to re locate here, the result's are increased prices everywere, and nowhere to park your car !

Edited by pop3
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Yeah why tell the world ? Having been here for many years I feel we're killing the goose that laid the golden egg, Im talking about year's ago it was only the farang that had the gut's to leave their country and go off to start a new life in a strange land that came here, we knew next to nothing and had to fend for ourselves the best we could, because of this we we're in a minority, these day's with the formation of the ex pat's club and their website they are encoraging people by the thousand's to re locate here, the result's are increased prices everywere, and nowhere to park your car !

"Water will always find its own level"

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This notion of Thailand having been ruined by mass influx is over a decade old. Now the place to live like Thailand was in the 80s and early 90s is Cambodia. Please don't tell anyone though

I would love to see you living there :D:D:o:D

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Yeah why tell the world ? Having been here for many years I feel we're killing the goose that laid the golden egg, Im talking about year's ago it was only the farang that had the gut's to leave their country and go off to start a new life in a strange land that came here, we knew next to nothing and had to fend for ourselves the best we could, because of this we we're in a minority, these day's with the formation of the ex pat's club and their website they are encoraging people by the thousand's to re locate here, the result's are increased prices everywere, and nowhere to park your car !

You mus't really like apostrophe's.

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He's right though. :o

I thought you would have disagreed, UG! You are alway talking about how great it is to have farang food in Chiang Mai - do you think we would have decent burger, ribs, The Dukes, burritos,etc if there wasn't a big demand for them from more and more people coming to LOS.

If anyone wants to avoid ex-pats there are plenty of place to go!

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Yeah why tell the world ? Having been here for many years I feel we're killing the goose that laid the golden egg, Im talking about year's ago it was only the farang that had the gut's to leave their country and go off to start a new life in a strange land that came here, we knew next to nothing and had to fend for ourselves the best we could, because of this we we're in a minority, these day's with the formation of the ex pat's club and their website they are encoraging people by the thousand's to re locate here, the result's are increased prices everywere, and nowhere to park your car !

You mus't really like apostrophe's.



If it's a competition to see who was here first among the expats you would lose by decades.

Reminds me of the:

English who were pissed with the influx of Irish immigrants

Irish who were pissed with the influx of German immigrants after that

Germans who were pissed with the influx of Italian immigrants after that

Italians who were pissed with the influx of Greek immigrants after that

Greeks who were pissed with the influx of Lebanese immigrants after that

Lebanese who were pissed with the influx of Chinese immigrants after that

Chinese who were pissed with the influx of more Chinese immigrants after that

Chinese who were pissed with the influx of Vietnamese immigrants after that

Vietnamese who were pissed with the influx of Korean immigrants after that

etcetera ad infinitum

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He's right though. :o

I thought you would have disagreed, UG! You are alway talking about how great it is to have farang food in Chiang Mai - do you think we would have decent burger, ribs, The Dukes, burritos,etc if there wasn't a big demand for them from more and more people coming to LOS.

If anyone wants to avoid ex-pats there are plenty of place to go!

You are right too! :D

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Just like a person that has a good idear for a buissines, tell's a few people about it and before they even get chance to get the idear going there's people doing it everywhere !

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If it's a competition to see who was here first among the expats you would lose by decades.

I am sure that I would. When I first worked in Thailand the two partners of Price Waterhouse had been around for decades already. So long in fact that they both had Thai citizenship (both were Brits, of course).

And I used to love having a coffee in the old Saigon Bakery on Silom and talk to the old hands.

Mind you, I'm still alive. I'm not sure about all those old guys. :o

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Yeah why tell the world ? Having been here for many years I feel we're killing the goose that laid the golden egg, Im talking about year's ago it was only the farang that had the gut's to leave their country and go off to start a new life in a strange land that came here, we knew next to nothing and had to fend for ourselves the best we could, because of this we we're in a minority, these day's with the formation of the ex pat's club and their website they are encoraging people by the thousand's to re locate here, the result's are increased prices everywere, and nowhere to park your car !

You know the actual amount of people who say that want to live here and can actually live here is pretty large, I would think. For many, once the girls and drinking becomes mundane....or kills them...there isnt much left and they become the cynical old buggers in the bar. Many romantacise about moving upcountry and tend to head back again within a month. So really unless you hang around Patpong, Pattaya, Phuket...etc you can still find places that you are welcome, especially if you are of some value to the community (no, not a walking wallett). I think boards like this are helpful to let people know there is more to Thailand than sex and beer. Perhaps we will get better people coming and therefore raising the respect of westerners that has deterioted over the years.

No. I am not saying that people who live in the tourist areas are evil and bad, I have many friends living in these places. If that is what you want, good luck to you :o

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Both I and a friend of mine have noted and commented on higher numbers of foreigners living in our area (just outside downtown Bangkok). Many of them look like retirees or long-term tourists, but some of them do not.

However, all I have to do is go about 30 minutes further out, and I'm the only one.


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Both I and a friend of mine have noted and commented on higher numbers of foreigners living in our area (just outside downtown Bangkok). Many of them look like retirees or long-term tourists, but some of them do not.

However, all I have to do is go about 30 minutes further out, and I'm the only one.


So true Steve. I am in the middle part of Thailand and we seem to have about twenty to thirty westerners at any time. Some go and some come but the amount stays the same. I do not know of any retirees here. I did notice that Udon Thani seemed to have a growing farang population when I left but do not know about today.

Also traveliing a small distance from where I am, means no westerners but I am not fond of village life. I prefer the small town. As I get older thsi may change :o

PS: I like your quote. Very wise :D

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Yeah why tell the world ? Having been here for many years I feel we're killing the goose that laid the golden egg, Im talking about year's ago it was only the farang that had the gut's to leave their country and go off to start a new life in a strange land that came here, we knew next to nothing and had to fend for ourselves the best we could, because of this we we're in a minority, these day's with the formation of the ex pat's club and their website they are encoraging people by the thousand's to re locate here, the result's are increased prices everywere, and nowhere to park your car !

You mus't really like apostrophe's.

Those are commas. :o


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Yeah why tell the world ? Having been here for many years I feel we're killing the goose that laid the golden egg, Im talking about year's ago it was only the farang that had the gut's to leave their country and go off to start a new life in a strange land that came here, we knew next to nothing and had to fend for ourselves the best we could, because of this we we're in a minority, these day's with the formation of the ex pat's club and their website they are encoraging people by the thousand's to re locate here, the result's are increased prices everywere, and nowhere to park your car !

You mus't really like apostrophe's.

Those are commas. :o



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