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PDRC denies trying to illegally overthrow Thai govt


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... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

I was wondering the same... apart that rallies all over the world leave a shitload of trash afterwards.

But the PDRC clean up after theirs as they are considerate human beings and not red 'trash'!!!

I would expect that UDD had people to clear up after the crowds have gone much the same as PDRC. It is just so much easier to sweep up when the site is empty. Had the picture been taken the following morning - i.e. making it clear that no attempt had been made to clear up - then it (and all those twits on here wailing and gnashing their teeth) would have been valid.

Calling people "Red Trash" clearly shows that you have no knowledge or understanding of the vast majority of Thai people. Do you think they all should look like the Singha heiress or that tart daggling her mammaries off the back of Daddy's convertable Benz?

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So there's a way to legally overthrow the government??? and here was I thinking the legal way to take over government was to vote!!!

Yes, that'd work. If the system wasn't made to fit the Phue Thai. They changed the constituencies so they can hardly lose, even if the popular vote would vote them out.

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... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

I was wondering the same... apart that rallies all over the world leave a shitload of trash afterwards.

But the PDRC clean up after theirs as they are considerate human beings and not red 'trash'!!!

I would expect that UDD had people to clear up after the crowds have gone much the same as PDRC. It is just so much easier to sweep up when the site is empty. Had the picture been taken the following morning - i.e. making it clear that no attempt had been made to clear up - then it (and all those twits on here wailing and gnashing their teeth) would have been valid.

Calling people "Red Trash" clearly shows that you have no knowledge or understanding of the vast majority of Thai people. Do you think they all should look like the Singha heiress or that tart daggling her mammaries off the back of Daddy's convertable Benz?

If they had all returned to their provinces in the North/North East then how could they clear up the mess??

The mess will be cleared up by the good people of Bangkok and not these ignorant people that carry out disgusting acts such as smearing human faeces and blood over gates and peoples property.

I am entitled to call them red 'trash' if I like BTW, as anyone who cheers to the rafters the deaths of human beings (and children) is simply that!!!

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So there's a way to legally overthrow the government??? and here was I thinking the legal way to take over government was to vote!!!

The government cannot be overthrown because Thailand doesn't have a government at the moment!!!

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Well they had me fooled. I actually thought they were trying to over throw the government. Didn't realise it was just a few mates getting together for a garden party. Guess now that the misunderstanding is over we can get back to normal.

There you go thinking againcoffee1.gif

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" Thaworn Senneam, a PDRC leader, said yesterday Suthep was referring only to a situation where red-shirt supporters and the government might refuse to accept two Constitutional Court rulings. "

Everyone expects Pheu Thai and the UDD not to accept guilty verdicts if they are handed down by the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Pheu Thai supporters don't admit or even like to discuss that imminent reality at all, because it naturally undermines their entire argument. Their argument crumbles like a house of cards when the party they support refuses to recognize and abide by judicial rulings. And yet, as much as they will avoid this reality, that is the reality we will be faced with. Thaworn here makes it clear that the PDRC wants the courts to be heard, respected, and to prevail. But what happens if the rulings are not heard, respected and adhered to ? What then ? Purely and simply, if the administration of the day - Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down - if they refused to do that - it would create a constitutional crisis. It is as simple as that. And that is what would escalate the crisis to a whole new level.

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Phew, so many anti-UDD/RS and electoral majority folderol, makes one's head spin..Even trying to use Rally site clean-up as political denigration.....unbelievable ....Let's look at reality:

>>>>a declaration by PDRC secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban that the movement had the sovereign status to seek a royal endorsement to install a new administration.

"Install a new administration".... Via un-electoral processes is not a coup?...Is not illegaly overthrowing an elected Govt.?....Using their co-conspirators in Judicial and Independent agcy's instead of the military is not overthrowing an elected Govt?.....Try telling that to the majority voters whose selection they are trying to nullify.......Just some more smoke seeking to make white appear to be black.

>>>the government and its supporters must accept scrutiny and possible punishment by the independent organisations under the Constitution.

Yup, the Independent Agcy's are going to 'punish' the electoral majority for the choices they made......And some continue trying to 'normalize the abnormal' with respect to the PAD-Dem's controlling these guys.

>>> (Jatuporn)..boasting that the next event would involve a massive number of supporters.

Stating fact is 'boasting'?.....Keep in mind, in this instance, we are talking about 'supporters' as being the key elements representing an electoral majority...There is nothing boastful when one has measurable, objective data to back it up..You think the PDRC/DP blocking voters and tabulating an election was without reason?

BTW, When was the last time you heard Suthep's demagoguery referred to as "boasting"....Sometimes media double-standards and put-downs are not subtle.

Really, you need to stop abusing yourself, it is effecting your grip on reality.

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But are the rulings within the legal scope of the courts? When the National Anti-Corruption Agency removed the President of the Senate for voting to amend the Constitution restoring elections for all senators, that issue was hardly one of "corruption." Since when does the NACC have the authority to rule on the constitutionality of the actions of senators? If voting to amend the Constitution is a matter of "corruption" then there is no elected official who cannot be removed by the NACC for any action.

" Thaworn Senneam, a PDRC leader, said yesterday Suthep was referring only to a situation where red-shirt supporters and the government might refuse to accept two Constitutional Court rulings. "

Everyone expects Pheu Thai and the UDD not to accept guilty verdicts if they are handed down by the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Pheu Thai supporters don't admit or even like to discuss that imminent reality at all, because it naturally undermines their entire argument. Their argument crumbles like a house of cards when the party they support refuses to recognize and abide by judicial rulings. And yet, as much as they will avoid this reality, that is the reality we will be faced with. Thaworn here makes it clear that the PDRC wants the courts to be heard, respected, and to prevail. But what happens if the rulings are not heard, respected and adhered to ? What then ? Purely and simply, if the administration of the day - Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down - if they refused to do that - it would create a constitutional crisis. It is as simple as that. And that is what would escalate the crisis to a whole new level.

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Suthep and his PDRC marchers planning to remove the govt and install a dictatorship recalls Mussolini's 1922 march on Rome in which they took over the govt to rule until 1943.

No need to worry about street litter in the future. Fascists are very tidy.

When you post you should try not to be one-sided. So allow me to add what you didnt. What about the Reds? They are moving all of their people into positions of power to control all aspects of the government. They disregard their own constitution or try to change it secretly so it suits their power hungry party. The disregard laws and go against court rulings. Can you imagine how thailand would be if soneone had not opposed them publicly? Sure it would be a democratic country. The same kind of democracy N. Korea has.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

PTP tried to return the Senate to a fully democratically-elected body as it was before the military coup-leaders crammed the latest constitution down the throats of the Thai people with the threat that if the Thais did not approve it the generals would just put in any constitution they chose. The ammat opposed democracy then and do so now because they represent the interests of the rich minority against the interests of the majority of the Thai people. The ammat stacked half the Senate with their hand-picked people. Since the Senate appoints judges, they also stack the judiciary so that they can pull off judicial coups like removing PM Samak for teaching a cooking class on TV. And they're getting ready to do another judicial coup now.

Whenever you start with you ammat and elite i know you are not seeing thinhgs clearly. Actually to have half the senate being non elected is probably a good check and balance for them since the PTP party has tried to monopolise every elected and placed position they can with their leaders.

PM Sanak was rightfully canned. He should have taken his job more seriously and not taken money to cook. He is a good example if what will happen to YL soon. She didnt take her job seriously also and will soon pay the piper for it. As for who you support. Secret changes in the constitution, double voting so bills can be passed, billions missing in schemes, calls to seperate north and south thailand, refusal to follow laws or accept rulings against them. Think about those things.

You like to mention elite so much yet the Shin and the PTP are so rich and show they are elite more than anyone. They are so elite they think they are above the laws.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Suthep and his PDRC marchers planning to remove the govt and install a dictatorship recalls Mussolini's 1922 march on Rome in which they took over the govt to rule until 1943.

No need to worry about street litter in the future. Fascists are very tidy.

When you post you should try not to be one-sided. So allow me to add what you didnt. What about the Reds? They are moving all of their people into positions of power to control all aspects of the government. They disregard their own constitution or try to change it secretly so it suits their power hungry party. The disregard laws and go against court rulings. Can you imagine how thailand would be if soneone had not opposed them publicly? Sure it would be a democratic country. The same kind of democracy N. Korea has.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Actually the North Korea system isn't bad for country like Thailand.

No one is poorer than his/her neighbor.

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Suthep and his PDRC marchers planning to remove the govt and install a dictatorship recalls Mussolini's 1922 march on Rome in which they took over the govt to rule until 1943.

No need to worry about street litter in the future. Fascists are very tidy.

When you post you should try not to be one-sided. So allow me to add what you didnt. What about the Reds? They are moving all of their people into positions of power to control all aspects of the government. They disregard their own constitution or try to change it secretly so it suits their power hungry party. The disregard laws and go against court rulings. Can you imagine how thailand would be if soneone had not opposed them publicly? Sure it would be a democratic country. The same kind of democracy N. Korea has.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Actually the North Korea system isn't bad for country like Thailand.

No one is poorer than his/her neighbor.

But I notice you aren't living there , are you?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

I was wondering the same... apart that rallies all over the world leave a shitload of trash afterwards.

But the PDRC clean up after theirs as they are considerate human beings and not red 'trash'!!!

I would expect that UDD had people to clear up after the crowds have gone much the same as PDRC. It is just so much easier to sweep up when the site is empty. Had the picture been taken the following morning - i.e. making it clear that no attempt had been made to clear up - then it (and all those twits on here wailing and gnashing their teeth) would have been valid.

Calling people "Red Trash" clearly shows that you have no knowledge or understanding of the vast majority of Thai people. Do you think they all should look like the Singha heiress or that tart daggling her mammaries off the back of Daddy's convertable Benz?

If they had all returned to their provinces in the North/North East then how could they clear up the mess??

The mess will be cleared up by the good people of Bangkok and not these ignorant people that carry out disgusting acts such as smearing human faeces and blood over gates and peoples property.

I am entitled to call them red 'trash' if I like BTW, as anyone who cheers to the rafters the deaths of human beings (and children) is simply that!!!

The mess will be cleaned up by the BMA cleaners who are either from isaan Burma or Cambodia. The mess isn't nice, but its irrelevant to the discussion.

well let me ask Mr. what's his name who cleaned up after they ellow shirts did their mass BS on government house in 2006???? How many millions of baht were spent cleaning and fixing and repairing????????????????????????

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It sure is obvious to me that the PDRC and suthep and ALL its leaders lie continously and completely. If I as an old fart can see this then sure as hell the entire Thai population should be able to see it also.

.......and Yingluck is honest and never tells lies!!!!wai2.gif

I honestly cannot think of one instance when she was telling the truth (and that's not a lie, as I don't).

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... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

I was wondering the same... apart that rallies all over the world leave a shitload of trash afterwards.

However, the PDRC held regular cleaning days and as I remember when they closed their sites to move to Lumpini they cleaned their sites. I often walk in Chatuchak Park, and when they were rallying at Ladphrao the park was kept quite clean as was the street around the rally site (often curiosity drew me to take a look at what was going on around the stage, same at Asok)... Really a different attitude, but not unlike 2010 except at least there was no violence at the UDD demonstration over the weekend. Since 2009 and 2010, I always am concerned about violence when they rally.... Trashing a site like this - and it is a very beautiful road normally - is pretty awful, but the violence they often bring is worse...

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Hope they provide more rubbish bins at the next rally, that is a disgrace !!!

Just goes to show how much they really care about their country...

Sadly Lumpini Park will look as horrible after the protesters encamped there depart. Just glancing from the BTS you can see that the grass has been reduced to dry and hardened earth. Trees and vegetation normally watered cannot be reached by the tankers and sprinklers, so one can expect much of that will have died. You can only imagine the state of the other facilities like lavatories etc. Hey ho, the normal degradation seen in so many parts of this once very pretty land.

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correction - Not all rallies leave a mess If they are organised properly...

So the mess and the organisation says more than words...

... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

I was wondering the same... apart that rallies all over the world leave a shitload of trash afterwards.

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Hope they provide more rubbish bins at the next rally, that is a disgrace !!!

Just goes to show how much they really care about their country...

It was just as bad after PDRC events. Nation Media chose not to run those photos.

Rubbish bins are not an option for security sake. the fear is that they are place to conceal bombs.

I don't care if its a UDD rally or a PDRC rally, it's a disgrace...

My reference was to the mess that people find acceptable to leave.

I live in the south and it is just as bad here, cars dumping bags n bags of <deleted> any place they fancy.

Basically, the country needs cleaning up... Pun intended

Yes, you are right. We all know it. Some Thais do make an effort. Many westerners make an effort too, and I regularly see them with their reusable shopping bags. Unfortunately, for all the good that is we see, there are plenty of ignorant ones too. All you can do is to be responsible and make change by sharing your belief and acting as an example. Support the Thais who want positive change.

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But the PDRC clean up after theirs as they are considerate human beings and not red 'trash'!!!

I would expect that UDD had people to clear up after the crowds have gone much the same as PDRC. It is just so much easier to sweep up when the site is empty. Had the picture been taken the following morning - i.e. making it clear that no attempt had been made to clear up - then it (and all those twits on here wailing and gnashing their teeth) would have been valid.

Calling people "Red Trash" clearly shows that you have no knowledge or understanding of the vast majority of Thai people. Do you think they all should look like the Singha heiress or that tart daggling her mammaries off the back of Daddy's convertable Benz?

The picture, and others I have seen, it looks like all gone when the photos taken and no indication that there was any effort to clean the mess, but if anyone has other info, please share that.

I agree about using words like "red trash"... I know a lot of red shirt people who are sincere and decent people. Some of them don't understand why I don't support the red shirts. However, I've been here for several years, since 2009, and I can't forget 2010. I think the red shirt leadership is pretty bad and manipulate the masses that support them, for one of Thailand's richest men...

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... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

I was wondering the same... apart that rallies all over the world leave a shitload of trash afterwards.

But the PDRC clean up after theirs as they are considerate human beings and not red 'trash'!!!

Sorry, but in Bangkok those were BMA workers. The Governor had even commented on the cost of the extra work required. The PDRC hasn't reimbursed the BMA for that expense has it?

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Can anyone tell me why these people don't go on a (peaceful, non disruptive, non tourism damage) campaign
to every city and village, explaining why They would be better in Government, and what they would do to change things for the poor.
(& everyone else)

And why people should vote for them in a (peaceful) Democratic VOTE?

Instead of sitting around waiting for the government to give in!

(Please don't say "This is Thailand" - that would be toooo easy)

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The picture, and others I have seen, it looks like all gone when the photos taken and no indication that there was any effort to clean the mess, but if anyone has other info, please share that.

I agree about using words like "red trash"... I know a lot of red shirt people who are sincere and decent people. Some of them don't understand why I don't support the red shirts. However, I've been here for several years, since 2009, and I can't forget 2010. I think the red shirt leadership is pretty bad and manipulate the masses that support them, for one of Thailand's richest men...

You may wish to learn more about the UDD leadership view of Thaksin. It is not a love-in. There are quite a few who would not shed a tear if he vaporized tomorrow. The Redshirts are not a homogeneous group. They are a coalition uniting multiple groups all with different views.

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... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

I was wondering the same... apart that rallies all over the world leave a shitload of trash afterwards.

However, the PDRC held regular cleaning days and as I remember when they closed their sites to move to Lumpini they cleaned their sites. I often walk in Chatuchak Park, and when they were rallying at Ladphrao the park was kept quite clean as was the street around the rally site (often curiosity drew me to take a look at what was going on around the stage, same at Asok)... Really a different attitude, but not unlike 2010 except at least there was no violence at the UDD demonstration over the weekend. Since 2009 and 2010, I always am concerned about violence when they rally.... Trashing a site like this - and it is a very beautiful road normally - is pretty awful, but the violence they often bring is worse...

So instead of discussing Suthep and his PDRC marchers planning to remove the govt and install a dictatorship we find it more to our liking to talk (about) rubbish.

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I have no idea why the nation would add that picture to that article.

Then again the nation is so unbiased !

Maybe the read left the trash to symbolise what sutep is doing to democracy the constitution and rights the of the thai people to vote .

Then again there's a lot of trash talk going on here!

Perhaps because the photo illustrates part of the article. Did you read it? It includes a passage on the aftermath on Utthayan Road. The problem is not with the photo but with the headline, which doesn't cover the entirety of the article and which is probably all that you bothered to read.

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So is the picture of UDD rally site rubbish meant to connote wasted efforts of the pro-government supporters to sensationalize remarks made at the anti-government rally?

The crux of the article concerns a PDRC spokesman attempting to clarify declarations Suthep made about having “sovereign status” would only pertain to a situation where the government would refuse to abide by Constitutional Court rulings.

Apparantly, either certain comments were taken out of context and exploited by government supporters or Suthep finally divulged particulars about his elusive scheme to reform Thailand. If the latter is true then Suthep has just inserted a hyphen in “reform,” as in “re-form” (to form again) the government in the image of Suthep.

Edited by hcvc
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