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Pheu Thai Party urges Democrat Party to enter the election


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Pheu Thai Party urges Democrat Party to enter the election


BANGKOK, 8 April 2014 (NNT) – The Pheu Thai Party has urged the Democrat Party to enter the new round of the general election should the latter is sincere about solving the ongoing political turmoil as it claims.

The comment was made by Mr. Noppadon Pattama, legal adviser of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Mr. Noppadon implored the Democrat Party and Secretary General of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) Suthep Thaugsuban to participate in the upcoming national poll.

The lawyer quoted Democrat Party Leader Abhisit Vejjajiva’s speech given during the party’s recent 68th anniversary that the oldest political party is ready to be a part of the solution to the current political deadlock. Mr. Noppadon said if the party intends to be true to its words, it should support and enter the race, not boycotting it.

Pheu Thai’s legal adviser also expressed his disagreement with the PDRC’s protesting approach, blaming the group is creating rifts and hatred among Thais by advocating people to go against the opposite side.

Meanwhile, Pheu Thai Spokesperson Prompong Nopparit echoed Mr. Noppadon, speculating that the Democrat Party avoids the election in order to evade a defeat. He also urged Mr. Abhisit to show his support to the election if the latter is sincere about mending the prolonged political crisis.

-- NNT 2014-04-08 footer_n.gif

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The Dems have made their point and exposed the PT for what they are. Open support for Suthep is waning but that is even more the case with the redshirts. Now it's up to the people to decide.

PT say they want the Dems to take part but in a contest you should always do what your opponent least wants you to do. So should the Dems decline PT's wishes or is it all a double bluff?

IMO despite the fact that Suthep's megalomania is almost reaching Thaksin proportions the election will be a lot closer than many on here think.

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Just go back to the KING. get rid of these parties as no,one in,this country has enough education or even really cares. Unless there is a spare 2000baht in it...

And then with no,political,parties ripping out 60% of everything, the country might see something better.

It seems there is no real democracy here and an absolute monarchy as they had in the past and seem to still adore is the next best thing to get rid of the many evils

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Please, please, please my good friends the Democrats. If you don't let us win another corrupt election the world will find out how we screwed Thailand and it's people, we will loose face and Thais should not let that happen to one another. And what about our bank balances you forgot about that, many have already been promised their cut of the 2 trillion plus. Don't worry about the people they will get over it, any way what has it got to do with them anyway. Both sides of politics have been screwing them for years, keeping them uneducated, poor and uniformed so we have it all. Tell you what we will promise to give you a higher share of the spoils or even contemplate a term of government in the future if you agree. Come on be good sports, just drop Suthep in it and come back on side.

i bet your not a million miles off the mark unfortunatly...

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Thai people urged PT to obey of the rule of law, to accept courts ruling, and accept fair and free election............................

But we all know this will not happen !! They follow only their dear leader that camel turd jockey in Dubai blink.png All the red shirt flag wavers believe is that by burning down building, Intimation, Thuggery and killing children that that is the way to True Democracy and they work very hard at this thumbsup.gif

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Only Phue Thai could somehow manage to " reach out " to a political party while deriding them at the same time. Some outreach. Pheu Thai is essentially incapable of talking to anyone. They have no talent for it. They won't talk to the EC, and they won't listen to judicial rulings. It's a perfect track record of non-receptiveness. They seem to have the idea that the optics of having the spokesman of your party be Thaksin's lawyer is the winner they've all been looking for. No one in Pheu Thai ever smiles. It's starting to get kind of creepy. Pheu Thai has always been Rod Serling material - grist for the Twilight Zone or the Outer Limits. Yingluck smiles - but it's still too close to the Stepford Wives for comfort. Every time we see a spokesman for Pheu Thai, or from the DSI, or from the surreal Mr. Surapong - the expressions seem only just north of indicating their alive. Dour expressions abound. Protecting democracy appears to be a humourless business. No laughs to spare there. Without an election there is no end game for Pheu Thai. Without the participation of the Democratic party there is no end game for Pheu Thai. Pheu Thai - knock off the dour expressions, knock off the slights, and put a little sugar in your outreach.

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Although the reality is that it will be up to the smaller parties on who they decide to form a coalition government ...

I can't ever remember either side actually getting a real majority (over 50%)

So the issue in who will be the next government will not be decided on by the election , but will be based on back rooms deals ... Who is willing to give more to the little parties to get behind them.

So how do the Democrats out bid the other side... That is the real question they have to be asking themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Meanwhile, Pheu Thai Spokesperson Prompong Nopparit echoed Mr. Noppadon, speculating that the Democrat Party avoids the election in order to evade a defeat. He also urged Mr. Abhisit to show his support to the election if the latter is sincere about mending the prolonged political crisis.

Prompong Nopparit echoed Mr. Noppadon, I wouldn't believe either of these guys if they recommended breathing to sustain life.

They are the hired help, the bootlickers and toadies that hang on Thaksins every word like a distant relative waiting for a rich uncle to pass. They are, in a word, pathetic.

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The democrats have already declared that they will run again as long as their are at a minimum 'electoral reforms' before the ballot.

They have no desire to run in an undemocratic election like the last several.

What part of that do PTP not understand?

Of course PT want elections, they know that in 80% of the country, the Dems are no allowed to campaign for fear of being shot dead by PT's red shirt terrorist unit. Along with all the voter intimidation (and yes it exists), and buying off village chiefs to force their villagers to vote Thaksin.

If I was leader of the Dems, I would refuse as well, and in every civilized democracy, all parties would also refuse if one party was producing elections like this for the rest of their competition.


You make a very valid point here about safety in campaigning, however surely 80% of the country is an exaggeration. Reform of the police to provide even-handed protection is essential.

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The democrats have already declared that they will run again as long as their are at a minimum 'electoral reforms' before the ballot.

They have no desire to run in an undemocratic election like the last several.

What part of that do PTP not understand?

Of course PT want elections, they know that in 80% of the country, the Dems are no allowed to campaign for fear of being shot dead by PT's red shirt terrorist unit. Along with all the voter intimidation (and yes it exists), and buying off village chiefs to force their villagers to vote Thaksin.

If I was leader of the Dems, I would refuse as well, and in every civilized democracy, all parties would also refuse if one party was producing elections like this for the rest of their competition.


The last electiom was free and fair except for sutheps thugs beating up poeple so they could not vote.

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The democrats have already declared that they will run again as long as their are at a minimum 'electoral reforms' before the ballot.

They have no desire to run in an undemocratic election like the last several.

What part of that do PTP not understand?

Of course PT want elections, they know that in 80% of the country, the Dems are no allowed to campaign for fear of being shot dead by PT's red shirt terrorist unit. Along with all the voter intimidation (and yes it exists), and buying off village chiefs to force their villagers to vote Thaksin.

If I was leader of the Dems, I would refuse as well, and in every civilized democracy, all parties would also refuse if one party was producing elections like this for the rest of their competition.


More hyperbole. ANFREL found that the 2011 Election was free and fair and the only thing not free and fair about the February 2nd Election was suthep and his goons disrupting it. abhisit was just trotting out the usual excuse for the dems being unelectable.

A point of interest, the last political person to be shot dead was a PTP official who was shot dead by the democrat MP Khanchit Thabsuwan in 2012. Of course, the murderer is on bail.

Absolutely incorrect. The last full election was not free and fair:

1. Democrat Posters throughout Thailand were defaced by tearing out the face of Abhisit in an attempt to demonise him. During this election I saw hundreds of these defaced posters as I travelled the country and I also had a letter in the national press about this. Just for a bit of balance here, I saw two, yes 2, defaced PTP posters.

2. Village chiefs were ensuring that people voted for PTP by intimidating villagers and spelling out the consequences if they did not vote for PTP. This was reported around the northern part of the country and the consequences included not allowing anyone to access village loans if they were not PTP voters; intimidating locals voters with the threat of violence and in one case that I know about, waving guns (hand guns) at one family.

3. Creating "policies" that were carefully designed to "buy" votes without exchanging cash. These promises, which were akin to major bribes, proved to be impossible to maintain (ie Rice, auto credit, computers for kids and so on).

4. Creating red villages and whole areas where Democrat and other opposition parties were not allowed to canvass. (I witnessed one such incident where a pick up with posters was stoned on a country road near Chiang Mai and people stood in the road forcing this vehicle to turn back. I was cycling. When I found someone to question about this I was threatened.

And so on.

Fair elections are about creating an atmosphere conducive to fairness so that everyone can have a voice and a free choice. We have seen the tactics time and time again from the Thaksin people which do not allow people to question, express an opinion or to make a free choice. There are many ways of intimidating people and forcing them to vote Thaksin because, at the end of the day, people want peace in their lives and to be able to live in their village without being a so cial outcast. So whatever ANFREL found, I am sure they only looked at the surface. Send them to me at the next election and I'll take them to families in the villages around Chiang Mai who live in fear of the Thaksinites.

As for the murder you refer to, one such incident does not create a general rule. If this guy actually carried out this shoo ting then he has to face justice. Unfortunately your hero, Thaksin, ordered the extra-judicial killings of almost 3000 people in the so-called drug war. Some of those murdered on Thaksin's instruction were political opponents. Then there was the suffocation of some 80 young people ........ Thaksin has never been charged and your cowardly hero ran away from justice. So your point is not well made.

Where is your proof???? If you had it why did you NOT take it to the elction commission??????? Instead of complaining after the fact.

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The democrats have already declared that they will run again as long as their are at a minimum 'electoral reforms' before the ballot.

They have no desire to run in an undemocratic election like the last several.

What part of that do PTP not understand?

Of course PT want elections, they know that in 80% of the country, the Dems are no allowed to campaign for fear of being shot dead by PT's red shirt terrorist unit. Along with all the voter intimidation (and yes it exists), and buying off village chiefs to force their villagers to vote Thaksin.

If I was leader of the Dems, I would refuse as well, and in every civilized democracy, all parties would also refuse if one party was producing elections like this for the rest of their competition.


You make a very valid point here about safety in campaigning, however surely 80% of the country is an exaggeration. Reform of the police to provide even-handed protection is essential.

80%?????? you are so wromng. They came and canvessed up here in the NE. In big time. Maybe it was your own little village but no where near 80%

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The democrats have already declared that they will run again as long as their are at a minimum 'electoral reforms' before the ballot.

They have no desire to run in an undemocratic election like the last several.

What part of that do PTP not understand?

Of course PT want elections, they know that in 80% of the country, the Dems are no allowed to campaign for fear of being shot dead by PT's red shirt terrorist unit. Along with all the voter intimidation (and yes it exists), and buying off village chiefs to force their villagers to vote Thaksin.

If I was leader of the Dems, I would refuse as well, and in every civilized democracy, all parties would also refuse if one party was producing elections like this for the rest of their competition.


More hyperbole. ANFREL found that the 2011 Election was free and fair and the only thing not free and fair about the February 2nd Election was suthep and his goons disrupting it. abhisit was just trotting out the usual excuse for the dems being unelectable.

A point of interest, the last political person to be shot dead was a PTP official who was shot dead by the democrat MP Khanchit Thabsuwan in 2012. Of course, the murderer is on bail.

Absolutely incorrect. The last full election was not free and fair:

1. Democrat Posters throughout Thailand were defaced by tearing out the face of Abhisit in an attempt to demonise him. During this election I saw hundreds of these defaced posters as I travelled the country and I also had a letter in the national press about this. Just for a bit of balance here, I saw two, yes 2, defaced PTP posters.

2. Village chiefs were ensuring that people voted for PTP by intimidating villagers and spelling out the consequences if they did not vote for PTP. This was reported around the northern part of the country and the consequences included not allowing anyone to access village loans if they were not PTP voters; intimidating locals voters with the threat of violence and in one case that I know about, waving guns (hand guns) at one family.

3. Creating "policies" that were carefully designed to "buy" votes without exchanging cash. These promises, which were akin to major bribes, proved to be impossible to maintain (ie Rice, auto credit, computers for kids and so on).

4. Creating red villages and whole areas where Democrat and other opposition parties were not allowed to canvass. (I witnessed one such incident where a pick up with posters was stoned on a country road near Chiang Mai and people stood in the road forcing this vehicle to turn back. I was cycling. When I found someone to question about this I was threatened.

And so on.

Fair elections are about creating an atmosphere conducive to fairness so that everyone can have a voice and a free choice. We have seen the tactics time and time again from the Thaksin people which do not allow people to question, express an opinion or to make a free choice. There are many ways of intimidating people and forcing them to vote Thaksin because, at the end of the day, people want peace in their lives and to be able to live in their village without being a so cial outcast. So whatever ANFREL found, I am sure they only looked at the surface. Send them to me at the next election and I'll take them to families in the villages around Chiang Mai who live in fear of the Thaksinites.

As for the murder you refer to, one such incident does not create a general rule. If this guy actually carried out this shoo ting then he has to face justice. Unfortunately your hero, Thaksin, ordered the extra-judicial killings of almost 3000 people in the so-called drug war. Some of those murdered on Thaksin's instruction were political opponents. Then there was the suffocation of some 80 young people ........ Thaksin has never been charged and your cowardly hero ran away from justice. So your point is not well made.

I do believe you're wrong but I really can't be bothered correcting you - oh, the hyperbole thing, have a think about that 3000 number you're quoting....................

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one burning question been bugging me, when a thai votes, does he/she put their name and address on the voting forms, surely not, so how the hell does the "village boss" know who a.b.c. or d. voted for confused ! perhaps someone can enlighten me ??

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Surprisingly Thaksin's legal representative Noppadon didn't get the message about reforms first it would seem.

Surprisingly nobody else got it either, not a message that contained any content anyway.

We all read the pretty title but when trying to open the message it reads "unable to open Mr Suthep refuses to compromise, discuss or divulge the nature of his "reforms"."

Or is Suthep's Lumpini speech where he suggests installing himself as "sovereign body" and rule by ""Revolutionary Decrees" the reform? Please tell me it isn't so?


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The democrats have already declared that they will run again as long as their are at a minimum 'electoral reforms' before the ballot.

They have no desire to run in an undemocratic election like the last several.

What part of that do PTP not understand?

Of course PT want elections, they know that in 80% of the country, the Dems are no allowed to campaign for fear of being shot dead by PT's red shirt terrorist unit. Along with all the voter intimidation (and yes it exists), and buying off village chiefs to force their villagers to vote Thaksin.

If I was leader of the Dems, I would refuse as well, and in every civilized democracy, all parties would also refuse if one party was producing elections like this for the rest of their competition.


Give me a break, you know as well as anyone here that vote buying has nothing to do with why the North votes Red, and that the Democrats are as guilty as anyone of vote buying. The whole reason they brought Chidchob into their coaltion was because of his expertise in this field and it ended in a miserable failure in the 2011 election. And moreover if there was any actual evidence of vote buying the election commision would've used it against PTP by now.

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one burning question been bugging me, when a thai votes, does he/she put their name and address on the voting forms, surely not, so how the hell does the "village boss" know who a.b.c. or d. voted for confused ! perhaps someone can enlighten me ??

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

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one burning question been bugging me, when a thai votes, does he/she put their name and address on the voting forms, surely not, so how the hell does the "village boss" know who a.b.c. or d. voted for confused ! perhaps someone can enlighten me ??

The village boss does not have to be able to know.

He only needs to convince the villagers that it is possible for him to know.

Perception is more important than reality.

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The democrats have already declared that they will run again as long as their are at a minimum 'electoral reforms' before the ballot.

They have no desire to run in an undemocratic election like the last several.

What part of that do PTP not understand?

Of course PT want elections, they know that in 80% of the country, the Dems are no allowed to campaign for fear of being shot dead by PT's red shirt terrorist unit. Along with all the voter intimidation (and yes it exists), and buying off village chiefs to force their villagers to vote Thaksin.

If I was leader of the Dems, I would refuse as well, and in every civilized democracy, all parties would also refuse if one party was producing elections like this for the rest of their competition.


If I could, I surely would....

Vote for you!

Between your lines I can feel your great compashion for all the people and you really did understand what this country needs......

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The so called "Democrats" belong to the corrupted old elites of Thailand and they probably would not win the next election. (when they won the last election?)

I think many Thais are fed up with all the parties because most of all politicians are self-serving and corrupt.

Thailand needs a new socialdemocratic/socialist/labour party without any influence of Thaksin´s family clan.

I am optimistic Thailand can develope from a feudalistic system to a modern democracy.

Best wishes


The democrats have already declared that they will run again as long as their are at a minimum 'electoral reforms' before the ballot.

They have no desire to run in an undemocratic election like the last several.

What part of that do PTP not understand?

Of course PT want elections, they know that in 80% of the country, the Dems are no allowed to campaign for fear of being shot dead by PT's red shirt terrorist unit. Along with all the voter intimidation (and yes it exists), and buying off village chiefs to force their villagers to vote Thaksin.

If I was leader of the Dems, I would refuse as well, and in every civilized democracy, all parties would also refuse if one party was producing elections like this for the rest of their competition.


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