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Pheu Thai tells Abhisit to discipline party spokeswoman


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PT Tells Abhisit To Discipline Party Spokeswoman

By Khaosod English

Ms. Mallika Boonmetrakul (photo from Ms. Mallika's official Facebook account)

BANGKOK: -- The ruling Pheu Thai Party has lashed out at deputy spokeswoman of the Democrat Party who falsely accused Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra of attempting to flee the country.

In a Facebook post - which is now deleted - Ms. Mallika Boonmetrakul published a photo showing rows of baggages and boxes at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport, and alleged that the baggage might have belonged to Ms. Yingluck who is attempting to flee Thailand amid the ongoing political crisis.

Some commentators also posted comments criticising the owner of the baggage for displaying such apparent luxury and unncessary waste of taxpayers' money.

However, it later emerged that the cargoes belong to Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana, who was flying to a fashion event in London. The post was eventually removed by Ms. Mallika without any explanation.

Mr. Prompong Nopparit, spokesman of Pheu Thai Party, called Ms. Mallika's statement a "distortion with political agenda to smear Ms. Yingluck", and insisted that the Prime Minister has no plan to leave the country.

"Ms. Yingluck and members of the Shinawatra family have no plan to run away from Thailand," Mr. Prompong said, "She has no intention to flee, because she has nothing wrong. Ms. Yingluck has also made it clear that she will stay here to defend democracy until the last second".

Mr. Prompong also urged Democrat leader, Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva, to take disciplinary action against Ms. Mallika and take responsibility for her dissemination of false information.

"If he refuses to do so, we will take it that he conspires with her," Mr. Prompong said in a press conference, adding that Pheu Thai Party will never tolerate such irreponsible actions within the party.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1396956632&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2014-04-09

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It appears there are a lot of individuals in the political ranks with a ''5 star general complex'', There is a time, situation, and place to give orders and this lot seem unaware of any of them. Do any of these bozos take any management, or employee relations, etc courses while trying to attain the coveted position of political hack in this country?

Then we have the mob that accuse others of having said so and so or meant so and so, while using second or third hand info. I guess verification of a statement, act or the lack thereof would be a strain on their valuable time.

When I first moved to Thailand I was impressed by the lack of lawyers and civil suits that were pursued. In the past couple of decades both seem to have taken a page from ''civilizations downfalls'', and they have managed to bring the legal system effectiveness down to a level below the IQ of a lemming.

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Showing photos that the princess have too much luggage deserves to be jail for 5 years under current Thai law. Please stop the speculation,

And I ask you to do the same, do you believe every explanation by an unnamed source or only that suits your agenda.

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" baggage MIGHT have belonged to Ms. Yingluck"

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If THAI are paid, for transporting the god's know what valuable, or national treasure inside (most probably to Dubai), the airlines company should be doing very well.

But I am afraid, who so ever that belong to (most like the evil Yingluck), THAI have to carry for FREE. Hence that explains why THAI keeps loosing money, while peer like SQ, CX etc, keep making records margins.


Edited by chotthee
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When Yingluck and her fellow Shins leave Thailand, they'll leave on Dear Leader's private jet anyway. If there are not enough seats for Jatuporn, Natthawut, Arisaman, Kwanchai, Waeng, etc., they'll get the bus to Cambodia.

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I see Khaosod has been cranked up to full power with several news reports daily of a mass barrage of attacks against the Dems and the PDRC which are becoming increasingly desperate in their bid to cling to power.

Signs of a crumbling government that knows it is on its very last legs and is in morbid fear of what is going to be unearthed in their wake.

YL is almost certainly on the verge of fleeing the country.

Monkey see.... monkey do.

WoopyDoo, I suggest you have a quiet word with some Thai people and ask them what they think about her claims on her FB and the reality of said baggage and boxes, then try to spin it, good luck.

Err, firstly the lady in question made a statement on her FB account about the boxes and baggage criticizing it's luxury and a waste of tax payers money, and claiming it to be YL getting ready to leave the country, well It's seems the boxes and baggage so well criticized belongs to a member of the highly influential family, OOppp's Time for her to take one foot out of her mouth to make room for the other, Isn't there a law regarding saying things like this lady did?

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Aussieinthailand.. " Err, firstly the lady in question made a statement on her FB account about the boxes and baggage criticizing it's luxury and a waste of tax payers money, and claiming it to be YL getting ready to leave the country, well It's seems the boxes and baggage so well criticized belongs to a member of the highly influential family, "

If the tax payer payed then YES it is a waste of their money for what in all tense and purpose is a private, commercial deal. No?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Showing photos that the princess have too much luggage deserves to be jail for 5 years under current Thai law. Please stop the speculation,

And I ask you to do the same, do you believe every explanation by an unnamed source or only that suits your agenda.

Can I ask you just what is it about this OP post you have a problem with? also an interesting Monika you have antimedia, what's that about?

May I suggest you ask a Thai college as I have, read a few of the posts made by some people on the said FB account regarding the luggage, some of it is extremely poor taste and insulting, and I'm sure that these posters on this subject are quite ashamed of their comments now that the truth is out and the smear plot revealed...

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Now we're really getting into the nitty gritty tit for tat bullshit that PT loves so much. When do the grownups arrive to take over this asylum?

So someone writes about the waste of taxpayers money, it turns out that it's a member of the royal family (not a good idea)

but you call it tit for tat PT BS.

The guy who seems first on the list for treatment in the asylum is put forward in another thread based on a report in the nation.

Time to stop digging me thinks.

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Aussieinthailand.. " Err, firstly the lady in question made a statement on her FB account about the boxes and baggage criticizing it's luxury and a waste of tax payers money, and claiming it to be YL getting ready to leave the country, well It's seems the boxes and baggage so well criticized belongs to a member of the highly influential family, "

If the tax payer payed then YES it is a waste of their money for what in all tense and purpose is a private, commercial deal. No?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

casualbiker, It is not up to me to decide if tax payers money was used or not for this purpose or not, It's not the point in question.

Who is to say that this was funded by tax payers or privately? YOU? As I have said in my previous post maybe you should get a Thai college to read some of the comments on the FB post and maybe you will understand why it was remover with out a reason given, I think there well maybe some people running for cover.

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Practically speaking, Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva has no control over the PDRC and Democrats at all. The puppet master Suthep controls all aspects of the Democrats and PDRC activities. Mr. Vejjajiva himself is just another puppet whom Suthep has sacraficed to a political Twilight Zone after having served his use as a political shill for Suthep.

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rickirs poast # 26

Practically speaking, Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva has no control over the PDRC and Democrats at all. The puppet master Suthep controls all aspects of the Democrats and PDRC activities. Mr. Vejjajiva himself is just another puppet whom Suthep has sacraficed to a political Twilight Zone after having served his use as a political shill for Suthep.

The above should of course in reality read thus.

Practically speaking, Yingluck Shinwatra has no control over the P.T.P. and its members at all at all. The puppet master Thaksin Shinwatra

(her brother) controls all aspects of the Red Shirts and P.T.P.. activities. Yingluck Shinwatra herself is just another puppet along with the Red Shirt pawns whom Thaksin Shinwatra (her brother) has sacrificed to a political Twilight Zone after having served their use as a political shill for Thaksin Shinwatras fascist dictatorial aims

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Showing photos that the princess have too much luggage deserves to be jail for 5 years under current Thai law. Please stop the speculation,

And I ask you to do the same, do you believe every explanation by an unnamed source or only that suits your agenda.

Can I ask you just what is it about this OP post you have a problem with? also an interesting Monika you have antimedia, what's that about?

May I suggest you ask a Thai college as I have, read a few of the posts made by some people on the said FB account regarding the luggage, some of it is extremely poor taste and insulting, and I'm sure that these posters on this subject are quite ashamed of their comments now that the truth is out and the smear plot revealed...

1. Hypocrisy 2. Q -What have Lawyers, Politicians, Car & Insurance Salespersons, Real estate agents and Editors/Journalists have in common. A- Lack of moral fibre. First of all I am capable of reading Thai myself, secondly I wouldn't believe anything a Thai casually interprets. Now when someone presents the cold hard proof it was a royals baggage instead of trying to spin the whole affair then we might be getting somewhere. Finally, does Yingluck not deserve poor treatment. A leader of the country who not only condones her own supporters violence but encourages it.

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Showing photos that the princess have too much luggage deserves to be jail for 5 years under current Thai law. Please stop the speculation,

And I ask you to do the same, do you believe every explanation by an unnamed source or only that suits your agenda.

Can I ask you just what is it about this OP post you have a problem with? also an interesting Monika you have antimedia, what's that about?

May I suggest you ask a Thai college as I have, read a few of the posts made by some people on the said FB account regarding the luggage, some of it is extremely poor taste and insulting, and I'm sure that these posters on this subject are quite ashamed of their comments now that the truth is out and the smear plot revealed...

1. Hypocrisy 2. Q -What have Lawyers, Politicians, Car & Insurance Salespersons, Real estate agents and Editors/Journalists have in common. A- Lack of moral fibre. First of all I am capable of reading Thai myself, secondly I wouldn't believe anything a Thai casually interprets. Now when someone presents the cold hard proof it was a royals baggage instead of trying to spin the whole affair then we might be getting somewhere. Finally, does Yingluck not deserve poor treatment. A leader of the country who not only condones her own supporters violence but encourages it.

Q. Hypocrisy, what about it? Secondly I agree with your list those with a lack of morel fiber, Third did the woman post on her FB with the ownership of the luggage, Forth did others post on the said FB post with poor taste and insulting comments, Fifth take the ownership of the luggage out of the equation and then dose anyone deserve this kind of things said about them?" like your wife or daughter, mum, sister? NO!!! now how do you feel about it?

And lastly No I do not think YL deserves poor treatment. and lastly you say YL "who not only condones her own supporters violence but encourages it"

you made this statement now back it up with proof! but hey Suthep has encouraged it now hasn't he, ie; kidnaping a PM and ministers, highly illegal in Australia with a 20-25 year jail term.

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