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PCAD activist accuses red lobbyist of lese majeste


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When it's spring again I'll bring again,

Bulls**t from Amsterdam.

Well come on guys he doe's have a legit excuse.He is a Canuke.No offence intended towards our colonial bretheren,but in this case.Hope I am PC.

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Everyone is entitled to be ugly and stupid,but this guy abuses the privelage.Is this the best that ET (extra testicle ) can employ.

The quality of debate on this forum just amazes me at times....................

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Ooh i have waited days to hear it from the yellow ultra-nationalists.

The lese mayeste saga goes on.

I see Yingluck has charged Ko Tee with LM.

The fascist saga continues

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Really? Jeez. Laying lese majeste complaints is like a holier than thou competition. I am soooooo loyal.

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Everyone is entitled to be ugly and stupid,but this guy abuses the privelage.Is this the best that ET (extra testicle ) can employ.

The quality of debate on this forum just amazes me at times....................

When I read your posts I think the same. So we do agree on certain points so to speak.

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Everyone is entitled to be ugly and stupid,but this guy abuses the privelage.Is this the best that ET (extra testicle ) can employ.

The quality of debate on this forum just amazes me at times....................

Well, this isn't exactly the Oxford Union is it.rolleyes.gif

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Ooh i have waited days to hear it from the yellow ultra-nationalists.

The lese mayeste saga goes on.

I see Yingluck has charged Ko Tee with LM.

The fascist saga continues

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Really? Jeez. Laying lese majeste complaints is like a holier than thou competition. I am soooooo loyal.

Ko tee was interviewed by a certain lady from Vice TV and made some remarkable remarks that cannot be discussed within Thailand. Even telling you where to find that video would get me in problems. But after coincidentally seeing this video (It went viral for a short while today), I wonder whether Ko Tee is a serious contender for the 'Darwin Award, or is the force backing him is extraordinary dangerous.

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Ooh i have waited days to hear it from the yellow ultra-nationalists.

The lese mayeste saga goes on.

I see Yingluck has charged Ko Tee with LM.

The fascist saga continues

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

She have no choice, if she did nothing courts was charge her for negligence too in this case..... and she no want to rise criticism about this case on her failled government.

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The objective of Robert Amsterdam’s incendiary speech to the Red Shirts was very clear: to mobilize Thaksin’s militia. To instigate hate in the tiny minds of the Red Shirts to make them raise up with anger against those who dare to criticize or investigate the wrongdoing of the Shinawatra regime. To ignite a spark that would make the Red Shirts to create as much havoc as possible; enough havoc and destruction to bring the prince of darkness back to the country in the middle of the smoke and ashes.

Why Mr. T. didn’t gave the speech himself? He would have loved to do that, but he is very clever; he knew very well that he could be incriminated, so he paid his lawyer to do the dirty job. Amsterdam has been used as a pawn by his evil employer, and now he is in trouble for that.

Fortunately, the Red Shirts did not come to central Bangkok this time.

Edited by MGP
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Ooh i have waited days to hear it from the yellow ultra-nationalists.

The lese mayeste saga goes on.

I see Yingluck has charged Ko Tee with LM.

The fascist saga continues

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

just stretchin' the neck of a renegade walking to the beat of the wrong drum.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Everyone is entitled to be ugly and stupid,but this guy abuses the privelage.Is this the best that ET (extra testicle ) can employ.

The quality of debate on this forum just amazes me at times....................

Well, this isn't exactly the Oxford Union is it.rolleyes.gif

There's nothing special about anything at Oxford. wink.png

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They have a nerve with this kind of thing after some of the things that have been said recently by Anti Government protest leaders.

The main one that springs to mind is one of the leaders saying they wanted a President/Chancellor political system like France or Germany, who obviously have no Monarchy.

Obviously know one has batted an eyelid about that......................

PCAD made the claim, not PDRC because they don't want to draw attention to the Suthep use of the Sovereignty word. The army military school has already critized Suthep for that, reminding soldiers of their sworn oath. Prayuth too, has been trying to diffuse it, by claiming multiple meanings for the word, so no need for the army to tackle Suthep....erm...right. And lots of REALLY BIG things have happened that we can't discuss here.

So they're busy trying to draw attention away from Suthep with a lot of bogus claims like this.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Really hate stupid topics like this, stone age laws for topics that are not to be discussed being used as a whip or attempt to scare or distract people. Pathetic really.

One day people will be able to speak as they choose here, but not today.

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a friendly reminder

In using Thai Visa I agree:

1) Do not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban. This rule also applies to links to external websites.


It is however OK to express disrespect for Amsterdam.

I would say it's obligatory.

But I guess he's just another cash chasing lawyer who knows his client is desperate enough to pay top baht so it may as well be him as another legal jackal.

Well he is one of the oddest creatures. A paid lobbyist and lawyer who takes a position when he has no stake in the game. Very weird.

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May our most beloved and illustrious HMTK enjoy great health and happiness always.

He has done so much for this nation, unlike Amsterdam and Co. A tree is judged by the quality of the fruits, and in this article I can only see one person worthy of great praise.

Are you Thai?

My legs and shoulders are made in Bangkok. That makes me half-Thai. It also sets off all the alarms in all good airports.

Also my father was Thai although I have never met him. My mother was Swedish and an Asia-backpacker in the 1960's.

But I myself had the great fortune to grow in the care of the social services on a coal-mining estate outside Leeds UK in the 1970s and 80s.

Please feel free to ask me more irrelevant and offtopic personal details, I will tell you my whole life story for the price of a coffee and a bag of crisps.

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Thailand’s Source of Strength : His Majestie's system of self-sufficiency economy.

Very interesting article. Despite what some of you may think about Mr. Cartalucci being biased, in this article he explains very well what is the best source of strength that Thailand has, as a sovereign nation.

And that is, precisely, what Mr T, the greedy money-maker tycoon, and his associates want to destroy for the benefit of their business empire.


Very true. Desovereignisation is the essential first step, followed by deindustrialisation, fragmentation and social implosion. After that you can asset strip and junk the nation's infrastructure and turn it into another IMF debt-slavery workhouse.

Patriotism, pride in sovereignty and the nation's historical lineages, especially when persons in those lineages are worthy of great respect, is a powerful self-defense mechanism against the borderless and unaccountable corporate flying-citadels that orbit this unfortunate planet like big grey vultures.

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Mr. Thaworn Senniam lives in his limited little world with his limited horizon never realizing that there are things out there beyond his limited imagination.

Does he really think anybody outside Thailand gives a damn about this outdated law?

In a democracy no one is above criticism no one is above the law - if Mr. Thaworn Senniam can not grasp that in a democracy people are held accountable and are praised or criticized for their actions no matter who they are - he should maybe move to North Korea - where people who criticize the Dear Leader are eaten alive by a bunch of starved dogs!

But then of course he is one of those brainwashed bright minds in Thailand who do not believe in democracy - rather in a non elected "peoples council".

Does Mr. Thaworn Senniam even have the slightest idea what the political crises Thailand currently faces is all about? I don't think so!

It seems that his little brain does not understand what is actually going on in Thailand and what this conflict is all about!

Is he to stupid to understand the speech his majesty gave a few years back now - stating that "the king is not above criticism" and the meaning of this speech?

Or is he just one of those who uses this outdated law for political gain and to try to silence political opponents like so many before him?

Mr Amsterdam does not give a damn about his police complaint - he knows you try to turn this into an international issue and the entire world will laugh about Thailand!

With his idiotic police complaint making this an international issue falling into Mr. Amsterdam's trap Mr. Thaworn Senniam is causing more harm to the reputation of Thailand and the Thai royal family then Mr Amsterdam ever could - and should maybe for this reason be charged under article 112 for lese majeste!

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So I am not the only one who suspected that FB is RA... So I am not going loopy after all.

Don't know that I could agree that FB and RA are one and the same, however, I have long suspected that a red-boiler room typing pool is in action being feed constant updates / information - just look at the number of posts they make every day, it also appears that a number of them have been banned over the past few months but pop up again 5 minutes later with a new handle.

How right you are. Why, WoopyDoo has averaged over 23 posts a day since he joined (again?) just over a week ago..................................

Well beaten by your red compatriot since he has re joined, member since Yesterday, 14:13 (9/045/14) 90 posts at the moment.

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Ooh i have waited days to hear it from the yellow ultra-nationalists.

The lese mayeste saga goes on.

I see Yingluck has charged Ko Tee with LM.

The fascist saga continues

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

She have no choice, if she did nothing courts was charge her for negligence too in this case..... and she no want to rise criticism about this case on her failled government.

Just about sums up the strength of her convictions.

I suppose Amsterdam will crawl back into his hole and maintain radio silence.

Meanwhile the policeman who cheered on the red shirt stage at the murder of several young children still has his job.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Everyone is entitled to be ugly and stupid,but this guy abuses the privelage.Is this the best that ET (extra testicle ) can employ.

The quality of debate on this forum just amazes me at times....................

Most of your posts are comments like this. Get it?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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