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On The Forum Why Do People..............


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I am not a perfect poster but i am really focussing on improving. I am not trying to start arguments but wondering why do some posters......

respond to lenghty posts that have a thought out argument with a one line comment?

eg: "The evidence does not support that."

How about sharing it!!!

generalise eveything and everyone?

eg: "You are here for the sex and beer, my friend."

respond to logical comments with responses they do nothing for the topic?

eg: "Is there more to Thailand then sex and beer?? :o " (seen that 500 times) or, as in a discussion about Thai language, "People here should learn to use English grammar."

when someone disagrees with them and uses a logical argument the response just gets hostile?

"Your idea is idiotic, you would'nt know the real Thailand"

go out of their way to make Thailand appear as backward and all Thais corrupt and stupid?

I mean Thailand is not perfect and discussing the flaws is fine but also realise that every country has flaws. Use comparisons, think about the issue. Would be a joy for all.

The sad thing for me is that a lot of these responses come from people who have 200+ posts. Is that how they got them? It is just sad that many good posts degenerate or good topics can not develop because of things like the above.

Why do people need to do it? Do they not think before posting? I know sometimes I walk the line when I read some responses and want to say something smartassed back but then think what does it contribute to the board. I also know how hard it can be to stick to the original topic because the topic can wind off. There are so many intelligent people here, many make excellent points, and then later resort to one of the above responses!

Should there be an area inside this board that is used for academic discussion. Where comments need to be supported and thought shown. Anyone breaching the above points gets warned and banned from that area? Could it be done or should it be done?

I also bet that there will be some smartass comments made in reply to this post :D

Edited by anuaaron
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Should there be an area inside this board that is used for academic discussion. Where comments need to be supported and thought shown. Anyone breaching the above points gets warned and banned from that area? Could it be done or should it be done?

Actually, i have made yesterday a proposal to a moderator exactly along those lines. :o

It is fair enough that people want to shoot shit, but i would like to have a forum where serious discussion is possible from which i can learn, and get not only intellectually inspired, but that also helps me filling gaps in my own research.

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Should there be an area inside this board that is used for academic discussion. Where comments need to be supported and thought shown. Anyone breaching the above points gets warned and banned from that area? Could it be done or should it be done?

Actually, i have made yesterday a proposal to a moderator exactly along those lines. :o

It is fair enough that people want to shoot shit, but i would like to have a forum where serious discussion is possible from which i can learn, and get not only intellectually inspired, but that also helps me filling gaps in my own research.

Two classic, yet not unexpected responses above.

A moderated forum with attempted intellectual discourse would be great, but who would moderate and decide what is worthwhile and what is not . . . .

A fine line, but I support the idea!

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Most people on this forum post both serious topics as well as shoot the sh*t! Its the very nature of the beast I'm afraid.

My advice is lighten up. As an open forum aijed at the expat community you have the full range of people here from the dossers like myself right through to the highly intellectual like Totster and Daleyboy.

Thats one reason I like it so much. You can learn from one post and then chuckle at another.

If you find a post inane or beneath you then just scroll past to the next 'sensible' post.

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highly intellectual like Totster and Daleyboy.

Nice to be recognised at last, thanks Prof :D:D:o:D

But to be fair there are a fair share of posters on here that like to get all serious, which is fine, but i have no interest in that, i have enough serious stuff going on in my real life so i come on here purely to shoot the shit with like minded Thailand lovers. I sometimes post something serious, like now :D but most of the time i hope to just be here to give people a laugh and to give myself a laugh :D

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im with proffessor fart!

most people who spend alot of time on tv,have probably got too much time on there hands & are looking for a bit of stimulation,a wind up,banter etc.

sometimes its good to be serious,but if it wasnt for people talking sh**te,or poking fun it may get boring.

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highly intellectual like Totster and Daleyboy.

Nice to be recognised at last, thanks Prof :D:D:o:D

But to be fair there are a fair share of posters on here that like to get all serious, which is fine, but i have no interest in that, i have enough serious stuff going on in my real life so i come on here purely to shoot the shit with like minded Thailand lovers. I sometimes post something serious, like now :D but most of the time i hope to just be here to give people a laugh and to give myself a laugh :D

Daleyboy, that lad's so clever,

Bristol expert on the weather,

Patchway clouds or Clifden shine,

Just turn to rain thread,page 199.

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im with proffessor fart!

most people who spend alot of time on tv,have probably got too much time on there hands & are looking for a bit of stimulation,a wind up,banter etc.

sometimes its good to be serious,but if it wasnt for people talking sh**te,or poking fun it may get boring.

I think the point the OP is making is that there could be a small part of the forum where we can discuss things seriously, not that we shouldn't be making slapstick comments during other threads


The disturbing aspect of 'just scrolling to the next serious one' interrupts the train of thought.

I do agree with your first assertion that people are happy with banter, a wind up . . etc . . . but some probably don't have the opportunity to stress their brains very often, and the suggested idea could be an outlet for that.

Edited by Sing_Sling
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There's little crap in specialised forums - like Computers, Real Estate, Motoring, even News Clippings.

Having a general forum for selected posters only is a bit too much - do you need a special permission to post? It's like "moderators forum", not even visible to general public.

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I find that if it is a serious discussion, you will generally get serious responses. If it is a "head-up-your-arse" topic, then the responses will match.

I know what the OP means. When someone spends the time to draft a well thought-out reply, and all of the responses to it are just smileys or one word "huh ?" type replies.

I also like the ones where someone feels compelled to quote an entire post, and doesn't add anything at all to it.

And then someone else will quote that entire post and add a smiley.

And then someone else will again quote the entire piece, and add yet another smiley.

You end up with 4 screens of crap for what amounts to 2 lines of comments (including the smileys) from a total of 10 posters. :D

I browse hundreds of posts and never feel I have to reply to every one of them in some manner, but others do feel compelled to do so, even when they have nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

It's unfortunate, but as someone else mentioned, it is the nature of public boards such as these. The only way to avoid it would be to start your own board, and only invite those whose views (and posting styles) match your own. Kinda like that "other" site that shall not be mentioned :o

Then, anyone who doesn't follow your views on posting could be banned !

(now, count the number of replies to this that consist of just a smiley or short, pointless one liners. You know it's going to happen. You can't help yourself. I can see you now trying to decide which smiley would be most appropriate. Go on, DO IT ! You know you wanna...........)


There, now don't you feel better ? Don't you feel like you've made a significant contribution to the conversation ? I can see the smug smile on your face from here. Good work ! Now go give yourself a congratulatory wank in the WC ! :D

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Most people on this forum post both serious topics as well as shoot the sh*t! Its the very nature of the beast I'm afraid.

My advice is lighten up. As an open forum aijed at the expat community you have the full range of people here from the dossers like myself right through to the highly intellectual like Totster and Daleyboy.

Thats one reason I like it so much. You can learn from one post and then chuckle at another.

If you find a post inane or beneath you then just scroll past to the next 'sensible' post.

I agree with that but some topics would remain more relevant. Important if it has been suggested by a person as something that they would like to learn more about, . There are things I would like to learn more of and I know there are people here could help but when you have to go through a heap of "shit shooting :o" it makes the whole thing pointless. Sure have fun and make good points on the forum but have an area that uses references for further readings and expands on ideas. Just a thought!

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I agree that if it is leads off topic then it is out of order but one liners seldom lead to a post deviating from its original theme.

Sure, they can annoy, rather like a pub drunk who keeps butting in every other sentence when you are trying to have an intelligent conversation but with time you learn to blank them out. If there are repeat offenders who persistently get your goat then you can use your 'ignore' feature.

I do agree that there could well be room for a serious forum - a smiley free zone if you will. However, I would rather discuss even the most serious matters with a degree of levity as real life is heavy enough going at times.

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I do agree that there could well be room for a serious forum - a smiley free zone if you will. However, I would rather discuss even the most serious matters with a degree of levity as real life is heavy enough going at times.

I would wish for a serious forum. I don't want the whole board to be serious, but i would wish for a space that is strictly moderated in which certain topics can be discussed seriously, absolutely flame free, where discussions can be held undisturbed on a very high level. No sarcy posting of pictures replacing well researched and intelligent statements, no ad hominem attacks, with clear rules of conduct.

This would be for me professionally and personally a valuable addition here. I belive that on the board are many posters doing serious research in one way or the other in Thai and Asian studies, and would love to exchange ideas in a way that is benefitting to their research.

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I would like to have a forum where serious discussion is possible from which i can learn, and get not only intellectually inspired, but that also helps me filling gaps in my own research.

Thaivisa is as good as it gets for your stated requirements. :D

If it is not good enough then why not start your own? :o

99% of regular contributors on here want to learn, share, and to take the piss out of those who leave themselves open to ridicule. :D

It's a terrific format that works, your's on the other hand sounds boring :D

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Should there be an area inside this board that is used for academic discussion. Where comments need to be supported and thought shown. Anyone breaching the above points gets warned and banned from that area? Could it be done or should it be done?

Acedemic discussion?

Everything on here is academic, detailed instructions on how to do virtually everything in Thailand are outlined perfectly in these pages. Hundreds of years of combined experience of living, working and surviving in Thailand is spread across this website every day.

And you want an academic area?

It's the talk of pompous buffoons? :o

Get a life! and get a sense of humour!

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Acedemic discussion?

Everything on here is academic, detailed instructions on how to do virtually everything in Thailand are outlined perfectly in these pages. Hundreds of years of combined experience of living, working and surviving in Thailand is spread across this website every day.

And you want an academic area?

It's the talk of pompous buffoons? :o

Get a life! and get a sense of humour!

So, intelligent discussions are for buffoons . . .

People who want to have intelligent discussions have no life and lack a sense of humour?

Sounds like you'd be ideally suited for the proposed idea . . .

Edited by Sing_Sling
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I would wish for a serious forum. I don't want the whole board to be serious, but i would wish for a space that is strictly moderated in which certain topics can be discussed seriously, absolutely flame free, where discussions can be held undisturbed on a very high level. No sarcy posting of pictures replacing well researched and intelligent statements, no ad hominem attacks, with clear rules of conduct.

This would be for me professionally and personally a valuable addition here. I belive that on the board are many posters doing serious research in one way or the other in Thai and Asian studies, and would love to exchange ideas in a way that is benefitting to their research.

Sounds a great idea and not hard to set up. If it is boring for some people then they do not have to enter that part of the board.

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Acedemic discussion?

Everything on here is academic, detailed instructions on how to do virtually everything in Thailand are outlined perfectly in these pages. Hundreds of years of combined experience of living, working and surviving in Thailand is spread across this website every day.

And you want an academic area?

It's the talk of pompous buffoons? bah.gif

Get a life! and get a sense of humour!

uhm... can I reference that?

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I would wish for a serious forum. I don't want the whole board to be serious, but i would wish for a space that is strictly moderated in which certain topics can be discussed seriously, absolutely flame free, where discussions can be held undisturbed on a very high level. No sarcy posting of pictures replacing well researched and intelligent statements, no ad hominem attacks, with clear rules of conduct.

This would be for me professionally and personally a valuable addition here. I belive that on the board are many posters doing serious research in one way or the other in Thai and Asian studies, and would love to exchange ideas in a way that is benefitting to their research.

oh pllllllease, take your inflated head out of your backside. 'undisturbed discussions held at a very high level'. a very high level? and I suppose you'd be the pace-setter?!! :D:D

IMO the serious discussion topics usually contain 3 different types of poster:

1. the newbie trying to impress by posting a profound essay.

2. the established member who's far too high an opinion of theirself, trying to impress by posting a profound essay. (you'd fit in here colpy)

3. the rest of the members who, as said previously, know when to piss about and when to take things seriously.

the odd one-liner doesn't do any harm, the majority of the piss-takers do post seriously too and iirc daleyboy said personal life has enough serious matters without getting all uptight on an internet forum.

but, I suppose your serious forum idea isn't a bad one. would leave everyone with a sense of humour to get on with it.



PS was it you who complained to the mods about my old member comment?!! :o:D

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I log on nearly everyday into the forum and, even if I am not a great poster, I haven't found a better source for information and advices anywhere on the web, whenever you want to know something about Thailand just do a topic search or post a question and surely you will receive an answer to that question from the old posters (old for experience in the forum and not related to age).

Personally I find some of the replies so hilarius that more than once I nearly pissed myself laughing and this is another reason why I feed my addition to thaivisa logging on the site so often. A serious topic will be taken seriously depending on the post itself (just look at "dying" posted by Richardb sometime ago)

Is there a particular reason for you not being able to accept a joke or a single liner or just scrolling down to the next very serious reply that will inevitably follow?

Said that I would regret to see this as the "intellectuals forum" as one liners and jokes have sometime more meaning than a long reply........

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PS was it you who complained to the mods about my old member comment?!! :o:D

I am sorry, i am not interested in your member, old or not.

No, i don't recall ever complaining about your member to the moderators.

And apart from that, i really don't care if you think me pretentious, pompous or whatever.

I just wish that there would be a forum where people who do serious and professional research can discuss exchange points of their research with other posters doing research without having to wade through, and be sidelined by ad hominem attacks, and idiotic comments.

A forum that is strictly moderated in order to keep it civil, intelligent and informative for people with a professional interest in Thai studies, somehow along the lines of the Buddhism forum.

No, i am not interested in changing boardpolicy, or moderation of existing forums, just in an addition to the board.

I don't understand why this idea meets so much hostility. :D

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