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On The Forum Why Do People..............


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Personally I find some of the replies so hilarius that more than once I nearly pissed myself laughing and this is another reason why I feed my addition to thaivisa logging on the site so often.

I hear you. I've nearly pissed myself laughing just at some of the stuff posted on this thread alone... :o

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Should there be an area inside this board that is used for academic discussion. Where comments need to be supported and thought shown. Anyone breaching the above points gets warned and banned from that area? Could it be done or should it be done?

Are you kidding? Who's to decide whats thought, whats educated, whats right"

Besides a lot of these discussions are based on ones personal experiences and opinions and can not be verified by Wikipedia.

Have you ever sat in on an "academic" discussion forum with 5 "experts" on stage debating a specific topic?

sure they dont get as down and dirty as people do on forums but Ive seen my share of "thats preposterous", "completeley unfounded", "no evidence to support that", etc.

I've even seen "academics" throw their hands up in the air and walk out.

Do you really think the Mods want to have their PM box filled by, "so and so just made an unqualified suggestion in my thread about the blue throated swallow!"

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Do you really think the Mods want to have their PM box filled by, "so and so just made an unqualified suggestion in my thread about the blue throated swallow!"

Don't think these things don't happen already :o


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I just wish that there would be a forum where people who do serious and professional research can discuss exchange points of their research with other posters doing research without having to wade through, and be sidelined by ad hominem attacks, and idiotic comments.

A forum that is strictly moderated in order to keep it civil, intelligent and informative for people with a professional interest in Thai studies, somehow along the lines of the Buddhism forum.

No, i am not interested in changing boardpolicy, or moderation of existing forums, just in an addition to the board.

How many posters will there be?

You and topfield?

Most guys who come on here are working class retirees who are living in Thailand to chase a bit of tail in the sunshine.

Just how much demand is there for a forum for "nimrods" that want want to do "serious and professional research" And what makes you think that your research is any more important than the next guys research?

You come across as aloof, superior, serious and also a crashing bore most of the time.

I have heard many folks say the same about you behind your back.

Maybe it's time I stopped posting on here becuase uptight dorks like you are getting right up my nose.

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Sure have fun and make good points on the forum but have an area that uses references for further readings and expands on ideas. Just a thought!

Here ya go, heres your new "forum area",


Im not being a smartass, I think you would really enjoy it, and Im sure you can find someone willing to put their 2 cents in on any topic you can think up...if they havent already.

They do have forums there, and you can contribute in a meaningful way , a permanent way.

ie. your post may end up on the topic page for all the WORLD to see.

Edited by ROFL
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I have heard many folks say the same about you behind your back.

Maybe it's time I stopped posting on here becuase uptight dorks like you are getting right up my nose.

That's funny... gossipping behind my back... :o

"Uptight dorks"... nice, i thought there was a rule against flaming.

It would be nice if posters like you would think before posting, if they would actually say what they post in real life without getting smacked in their face , and then reconsider their posts.

Yes, the more you flame they more i see a need for a forum in which serious topics can be discussed without ad hominem attacks by posters like you.

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I can understand Colpyat wanting a forum for academics. But I also agree with some of the other posters comments regarding the stuffiness of it. I'm of both minds, I think. I come to TV (and have been for years) to experience what is likely one of the biggest virtual communities regarding Thailand.

Some times I come here for advice on bikes, some times I come for a laugh, sometimes to check up on the headlines. However, since I am academically interested in Thailand, and spend a huge chunk of my life studying it, once in awhile it is nice to network with other academics who have chosen Thailand as their main interest. I mean, why is it okay for ESL teachers to network here, but not students/professors?

And if the answer to the question is "They can!", then my response would be, why not in subforum where everyone involved would know that the threads are going to be filled with pompous and pedantic diatribes meant to showcase ones "knowledge" about a subject? It would just be like a uni classroom!

On second thought... nvm :o

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I have heard many folks say the same about you behind your back.

Maybe it's time I stopped posting on here becuase uptight dorks like you are getting right up my nose.

That's funny... gossipping behind my back... :D

"Uptight dorks"... nice, i thought there was a rule against flaming.

It would be nice if posters like you would think before posting, if they would actually say what they post in real life without getting smacked in their face , and then reconsider their posts.

Yes, the more you flame they more i see a need for a forum in which serious topics can be discussed without ad hominem attacks by posters like you.

Dude, you should change your handle to AD HOMINEM. You use it more than the Dude does "The Dude".

Sorry if this post aint that intellectual. :o

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The disturbing aspect of 'just scrolling to the next serious one' interrupts the train of thought.

If you cant handle that you aint Itellectual nuff to be in da Thai Visa mensa forum. :o

I submit your name for ban from said mensa forum for blatant display of not being smart nuff.

Is there gonna be a test?

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I can understand Colpyat wanting a forum for academics.

It shouldn't be just for academics. I wouldn't be allowed in. :o

Nevertheless, in my work i do benefit enormously from works of different academic disciplines. And it would be fascinating for some topics to be discussed on a somewhat better niveaux than is possible on the existing forums.

Naturally it would be not a high volume forum, but therefore maybe more in depth than is possible within the existing forums, and should be stricter moderated to keep this level.

Maybe not even a public forum, just a dusty cabinet to exchange ideas on an intellectual level, that bores the shit of of the rest of the population?

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I would wish for a serious forum. I don't want the whole board to be serious, but i would wish for a space that is strictly moderated in which certain topics can be discussed seriously, absolutely flame free, where discussions can be held undisturbed on a very high level. No sarcy posting of pictures replacing well researched and intelligent statements, no ad hominem attacks, with clear rules of conduct.

www.thai-dorks.com is still available

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A seperate forum might actually be a good idea. The problem with so many 'serious, considered' long posts, is that there normally are enough holes in the arguments to elicit a long, serious, considered post from someone else, with many holes, which elicits another long, serious, considered....

So many threads are being taken over by two or three posters having a slugging (slogging? :o ) match, and woe betide anyone who wants to interfere.

Most posters here are probably looking for more balanced threads, hence the humor. A little lightheartedness to balance the serious issues. After all, we ain't gonna solve anything on here.....

Then of course, there's Totster.... :D

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A seperate forum might actually be a good idea. The problem with so many 'serious, considered' long posts, is that there normally are enough holes in the arguments to elicit a long, serious, considered post from someone else, with many holes, which elicits another long, serious, considered....

So many threads are being taken over by two or three posters having a slugging (slogging? :D ) match, and woe betide anyone who wants to interfere.

Most posters here are probably looking for more balanced threads, hence the humor. A little lightheartedness to balance the serious issues. After all, we ain't gonna solve anything on here.....

Then of course, there's Totster.... :D

Long winded posts aren't normally read.... :o

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You come across as aloof, superior, serious and also a crashing bore most of the time.

I have heard many folks say the same about you behind your back.

Maybe it's time I stopped posting on here becuase uptight dorks like you are getting right up my nose.

Excuse me, will you please leave me out of this topic. TP, I thought I could confide in U :o:D

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Hmmmm to the ORIGINAL TOPIC and the real questions ... should there be a more tightly moderated sub-forum ...


I've watched guys that think of themselves as the "Bright shining stars" in here get thread after thread closed down when people don't agree with them. That use their personal experience in Thailand as the rules and totally disregard that of others. That just can't manage geography here at all etc etc etc ...

The Wikpedia idea presented earlier DOES however make sense!

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I've watched guys that think of themselves as the "Bright shining stars" in here get thread after thread closed down when people don't agree with them.

Not exacty.

The threads got closed down because they detriorated into flame wars, personal attacks, accusations of dishonesty, and infantile jokes using cartoon characters. This would hardly be possible in a tightly moderated forum.

But why let the truth spoil a good story? :o

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Guest endure
i'd be up for this new forum.

as long as the discussions dont coincide with the world cup games.

i wouldnt want to be too pissed to take part.


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highly intellectual like Totster and Daleyboy.

Nice to be recognised at last, thanks Prof :D:D:o:D

But to be fair there are a fair share of posters on here that like to get all serious, which is fine, but i have no interest in that, i have enough serious stuff going on in my real life so i come on here purely to shoot the shit with like minded Thailand lovers. I sometimes post something serious, like now :D but most of the time i hope to just be here to give people a laugh and to give myself a laugh :D

Then of course, there's Totster.... :D

Yes.. there's me...

I think if you look back through my posts you will be able to find a few serious and helpful posts. But generally you will find my posts to be one liners and normally an attempt to be humerous and wind up certain members...

In my normal day I find my intellect and seriousness is used quite extensively, and when on here I don't have the desire or want to think about long winded complicated replies to simple questions. To me theres nothing worse than coming across a 100 line essay written by someone who either has too much time on their hands or nothing else in their life to stimulate them intellectually.

But saying this, it's each to their own, when I see a post I can't be bothered to read, I simply don't read it, and I suspect most normal people do that when they come across one of my posts they can't be bothered to read... but it seems the intellectuals would rather parade their intellect and post a whinge.

Another consideration is that most of the new topics I see now are actually repeats of topics I've replied to in the past.. I've already argued my points and have no desire to argue them again... normally with the same people !!!

So you intellectuals want your own forum here... well, it's my experience that forums that involve only a select few from the main population always seem to fail..

totster :D

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