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Deadly Viagra?


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My wife just translated an article from a Thai newspaper dated january 6 2004. It seems an american english teacher working in BKK came to CM picked up a bar girl went back to the hotel and died while on top of the poor girl! He had told her that he had taken a Viagra and there were two more V pills on the night table. He was only 44! Scary! I never read about this in the english newspapers,another case of not reporting farangs biting the dust in Thailand? They showed a photo of the poor guys dead body,didnt look too overweight. makes me think twice about using that Viagra crap.

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I recall reading about this case before; and the salient point is this man had an existing heart condition and was on heart medication (which was found in the room). If the medication was nitroglycerine, mixing that with viagra can easily kill anyone, no matter their age. The reason I think is that the combination lowers the blood pressure dramatically (counterintuitive to what most people would guess).

Anyway, I think the moral is only that if you have a heart condition and/or are already on medication, see a doctor before considering taking vitamin V.

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I recall reading about this case before; and the salient point is this man had an existing heart condition and was on heart medication (which was found in the room). If the medication was nitroglycerine, mixing that with viagra can easily kill anyone, no matter their age. The reason I think is that the combination lowers the blood pressure dramatically (counterintuitive to what most people would guess).

Anyone, I think the moral is only that if you have a heart condition and/or are already on medication, see a doctor before considering taking vitamin V.

Absolutely. Talk to your own doc. That death stuff is kinda permanent. :o

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What the heck is a person 44 years old on heart medication doing taking Viagra? And the article stated he collapsed on top of the damsel. How could she have even seen the television from that position? :o

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s only 44! Scary! I never read about this in the english newspapers,another case of not reporting farangs biting the dust in Thailand? They showed a photo of the poor guys dead body,didnt look too overweight. makes me think twice about using that Viagra crap.

there are too many reports of dead farangs dieing from a variety of stupid reasons that you could publish a monthly magazine of all the cases ,papers couldnt print them all.

its always been the way for the last 20 years

i dont know why but tourists to thailand leave their brain on the plane when they arrive

i recall the brit who fell of a hotel roof while taking a pic of the sunrise and a german who fell off a train whilst taking some air at the door.

and a sunbathing farang girl who was killed by a thai who jumped off a condo roof to commit suicide and landed on her -- splat .

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They showed a photo of the poor guys dead body,didn't look too overweight. makes me think twice about using that Viagra crap.

I am overweight, so I will never take that stuff. As I get older the wife will have to work harder. :o

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What the heck is a person 44 years old on heart medication doing taking Viagra? And the article stated he collapsed on top of the damsel. How could she have even seen the television from that position? :o

There are no televisions at the Muang Tong Hotel, but it is only 100 baht for a few hours and reasonably clean. Sight-see-ers, very near the Mango Tree restaurant!

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:D well im 57 next month and a quarter of a tablet does wonders for me it lasts me 48 hours. im not over weight or blood pressure no medication.

What gets me is the young guys using it there killing them selfs

only take it if you sure that the lady wants it. :o

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Simple But Important Points To Remember Before Taking Sildenafil Citrate

Sildenafil Citrate has been prescribed to you for treating erectile dysfunction which will help you get and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity provided you are sexually stimulated.

• By simply taking the Sildenafil Citrate, You will not get an erection.

• Sildenafil Citrate is not an aphrodisiac and does not affect desire (Libido)

• It takes about an hour for the drug to give you the desired results so preferably take Sildenafil Citrate about one hour before you plan to have sexual activity. It may be taken about 30 minutes to 4 hours before sexual activity.

• As per clinical experience, 50mg is the recommended dose but dose varies from one patient to another so follow your doctor's instructions carefully.

Do not take more than 100 mg of Sildenafil Citrate and never take more than one dose per day.

• If Sildenafil Citrate does not work for you the first time, don't be discouraged.

• Try again another day but most importantly do not take another tablet on the same day.

You should never take Sildenafil Citrate with drugs containing nitrates or nitric oxide donors for relief of angina. If Sildenafil Citrate and nitrates are taken together, you may suffer form some complications occurring due to lowering of your blood pressure to an unsafe level.

• It is very important to inform your doctors on all the medications prescribed to you before taking Sildenafil Citrate.

• The most common side effects are headache, indigestion, facial flushing, and nasal congestion and blurring of vision & colour tinge. These are usually mild & transient in nature.

• In case, you come across with any other side effects, please speak to your doctor.

Nicked from a website selling Generic Viagra, ANYONE ON 'ANY' MEDICATION SHOULD HEED THE ABOVE ADVICE.

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Apparantly coming fast down the pipeline (pun intended) are meds that work locally to prop up what needs propping up. You rub it on and it does not effect the internal system.

So these medical worries should eventually be passe.

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I'm 57 next month and a quarter of a tablet does wonders for me it lasts me 48 hours. im not over weight or blood pressure no medication.

What do you mean by a quarter of tablet?

What size tablet?

Viagra comes in 25mg, 50mg and 100mg tablets.

Try the 25mg first.

Pharmacists tend to sell 100mg and that can be downright dangerous, as this item shows.

If you get any other symptoms, apart from a hard on, such as headache, dizziness, palpitaions you are taking too big a dose.

I too am 57 and 25mg is quite sufficient!!

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If you cant get it up and force your body to do it then you are a fool or want to die quickly!

Get your body in shape before you get in the ring!

Only have sex when you can get it up and still be careful!

Viagra is very very very very dangerous!

Figure it out before it kills you too!

Back to nature is the only solution!

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Once met an amaerican guy in Kanch. He was about 60 I think and he was riding bicycles around Thailand. I said to him that he appeared to be quite fit and he told me he had been taking Vitamin E and lecithin to maintain his cardio-vascular health. he said that one side effect which was not really a concern, was that he was getting huge and hard erections !! More than ever !! :o

Now I have a stock of these items inmy cupboard at home. :D

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Guest IT Manager

Just trying to imagine the conversation that led up to that revelation. I'm sure that would have been interesting.

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I heard about an European man, who was totally drunken and still made it perfectly with his girl, trying it out without viagra. However it took him a while - Finally he was so happy about his success, that he was thinking, he could fly.... 22nd floor.... high rise condo in Jomtien.....

Do not blame viagra or the Thai girls to kill all these f**king farangs.....sometimes they kill themselves....


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  • 2 weeks later...

One tip for the weekend:

If Willy won't work work try changing the partner before trying Viagra.

You don't have to worry about the dosage, there are no side effects, just don't let your partner know.

If she ever finds out just explain that you were testing and calibrating your instrument so that you could give her a better time in the future. After all how would you know what is good if you don't know what is bad.


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