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Anyone here love durian?


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love it and can eat half a kilo a day. i always buy the whole fruit, not too ripe, not too unripe. a highlight every single time...

(ps. there are various types of durian, some are much SOFTER in smell and taste than others)

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I used to hate the stuff, but that was before coming to Thailand. Most hotels in Bali have permanent 'no durian' signs in the lifts. But I have come to appreciate the taste and I think the 2 types of Thai durian are indeed more mild than in other countries. The chips are great too. But I also like jack fruit now. Taste buds are changing.

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Honestly, it took me 5 or 6 years before i dared to try it... Now, i am impatiently waiting for the right moment of the season to get stuffed with delicious, smelly Durian.

Best for me, very ripe, after staying 3 hours in the fridge.

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Hmmm, a very ripe and soft durian and a cup of expresso. Delicious !

Good for us durian-lovers that not everybody likes them. The demand and the prices would even be higher.

But instead of "expresso" I prefer mine with Espresso!

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There used to be a little ice-cream shop down the side of the Big Bell Department store in Sukhumvit (since long gone) and on my first visit to Thailand i tried durian ice-cream , not really knowing i should not like it. After getting the taste ( and the burpy after-taste) of the durian i soon progressed onto the harder stuff and ever since i have had this addiction to the stuff.

I now send my gf out to score the stuff for me as she gets the very best stuff at the best prices from the durian dealers in the street.

I still can't pass up durian ice-cream regardless of wether i will be guilty of durian breath and the durian chips from the roadside stalls puts me into a sweat just thinking about them .

No wonder they have that picture of durian with the red bar though it all over South East Asia as a warning to the young and gullible . if only i had known back then what i know about the durian now.

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DURIAN'S taste great but the smell is kind of like a crappy old baby pamper . durians can raise the blood pressure so if you have high blood pressure or any other heart conditions maybe pass it up and eat some noinah (SUGAR APPLES ) Thailand has the best fruit .

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No way! Mama Sluggo (who loves it) is not allowed to bring it in the house. Unfortunately, it's that time of year again & she's very sneaky.

Though sneaking in a Durian is kind of hard....wink.png

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Love it but before i tried it i hated the smell and same as someone else didnt let rhe wife take it into the house now im the one who buys it the most but usually make sure to have mangosteen also...hot and cold yin and yang kind of thing. For those who havent tried it...id say it comparable to gorgozola...it stinks but tastes good.

If your a heavy drinker dont have durian with alcohol...one of my friends did he's 36 yearsold and he almost had a heartattack his heart was racing at around 200 beats per minute.

Yes I've heard this before. I don't know the reason though. Can anyone explain ? - As alcohol is a depressant.

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Durian contains a lot of sulphur which can inhibit production of aldehyde dehydrogenase, an enzyme which breaks down alcohol.

I think you'd need to eat a lot of durian or drink a lot of alcohol to notice it though.

I don't have an explanation for the tachycardia, it may have been unrelated. I'd suspect "feeling drunker" to be the primary symptom.

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