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'Totally inappropriate': Tourist's shock at Buddhist temple in Thailand


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Cannot see this is at all inappropriate

It does not in any sense accord approval to the event. How about that famous photo of guys strolling around on the riverbank while the planes hit?

Many Temples have gruesome pictures of the Breughel Hell variety

Also many Temple murals are explicitly didactive and instructional.

They also reflect contemporary concerns. viz the murals in Nan with Farangs

The road to the Doi Saket temple has a series of pictures, among which the most striking reads:

"Keeping your own faeces away from dogs: Very stingy"!!

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How come they ignored Hitler?

The Hitler symbols and images have now become past tense and no longer in fashion.

This in my opinion is a total mockery and travesty of one of the worst tragedies of modern times. This so-called work of art that depicts 9/11 in such an insensitive manner is of extremely bad taste and is bound to offend and probably cause great upset and grief to those who survived or lost loved one`s in the 9/11 disaster and to many Westerners that witnessed these horrific events taking place during the times. I still have the terrifying images of people jumping to their deaths in my mind.

This is the work of a warped mind, by someone who has no sensitivity to horrific and tragic events such as this.

The question is; how many more times are the Thais going to plead ignorance to their creation of these offensive so-called artworks and imagines? Because there can be no excuses. Only one word to describe this: outrageous.

I hope that tourists will decide to boycott that temple until those offensive images are smashed down and destroyed.

The reality and there were no super heroes around at the time to rescue them:

You still have the terrifying images of people in your mind yet you post a video of it..........................................................................

I am trying to nail home the reality for the ignorant that perhaps have no idea what was involved during 9/11 and those who have short memories, also I wonder if some of the opinions posted on here would be the same if they were involved or lost loved one`s in the disaster? I guess not if it were personal to them. I actually lost a cousin during the collapse of one of the buildings.

The way the 9/11 tragedy is depicted in that painting is insensitive and inappropriate. This is not a respectful memorial to the disaster but rather portrayed as something of visual amusement apparently created to impress the tourists.

It`s bang out of order and as I see it, obscene. There can be no excuses or any justifications for the display of this total load of offensive crap and I say again; outrageous.

Well said ..Agree with you Imagine if some of the posters here walked in and seen this and had a loved one killed . Different story ..

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This image appears to me to be a legitimate work of art.

It seems the artist is extremely talented.

Whether such provocative art belongs in wats though, that I don't know, as I don't pretend to understand Thai Buddhist culture.

I think an art gallery would be better.

Yes, even in New York. Maybe better in New York.

Art is more than something that looks pretty over your sofa, my dears.

Art in itself can be many things to many people, apart from the untalented scribbling of 99.9% of graffiti "artists" there can be something to appreciate in all pieces presented for review or comment.

Your final comment on the other hand is purely pretentious and patronizing, I believe the vast bulk of negative comments here are simply about the location of the exhibited piece and not about it's artistic merits. I happen to agree with most of them as a place of religious worship is no place to exhibit unrelated artwork.

Even if we are less well educated or cultured than your good self, I doubt many people on this forum still buy there "artwork" to hide a damp patch on the wall.

But it's a privately-owned building, as has already been pointed out.

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Well that was a good read. Sorry it ended. These threads that develop into anti-American rants are always entertaining, although I noticed that a few TV heavy-weights were absent on this one. Regarding the Mural depicting 9/11, nothing wrong, just an illustration of of a false flag event that will likely change history. The more Thai people that see it, and question it the better. JD.

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Well that was a good read. Sorry it ended. These threads that develop into anti-American rants are always entertaining, although I noticed that a few TV heavy-weights were absent on this one. Regarding the Mural depicting 9/11, nothing wrong, just an illustration of of a false flag event that will likely change history. The more Thai people that see it, and question it the better. JD.

We still do not know however,

what was being felt by the artist

it could have truly been sadness that the comic characters then relieved for him, as he or she remembered the youth and spirit of the earlier america?

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Well that was a good read. Sorry it ended. These threads that develop into anti-American rants are always entertaining, although I noticed that a few TV heavy-weights were absent on this one. Regarding the Mural depicting 9/11, nothing wrong, just an illustration of of a false flag event that will likely change history. The more Thai people that see it, and question it the better. JD.

We still do not know however,

what was being felt by the artist

it could have truly been sadness that the comic characters then relieved for him, as he or she remembered the youth and spirit of the earlier america?

Hey ScarBro -- is that Paul Newman in your avatar?

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Well that was a good read. Sorry it ended. These threads that develop into anti-American rants are always entertaining, although I noticed that a few TV heavy-weights were absent on this one. Regarding the Mural depicting 9/11, nothing wrong, just an illustration of of a false flag event that will likely change history. The more Thai people that see it, and question it the better. JD.

We still do not know however,

what was being felt by the artist

it could have truly been sadness that the comic characters then relieved for him, as he or she remembered the youth and spirit of the earlier america?

Hey ScarBro -- is that Paul Newman in your avatar?

Steve McQueen,

unless they changed it!

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As much as some people will disagree, 9/11 is a part of history, it was a world changing event. For an artist to put his/her thoughts onto canvas, using historic events as a backdrop, IMHO there is nothing wrong with that.

If on the other hand they had put a figure holding an AK47/AK74 shouting or waving Jihad banners, that would be a completely different story.

It does surprise me that so many people get upset over history. It was a tragic event when it happened, but at the end of the day it is now history.

its not about being part of history, or talking about history. using cartoon characters on a painting like this makes light of the situation IMHO.

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As much as some people will disagree, 9/11 is a part of history, it was a world changing event. For an artist to put his/her thoughts onto canvas, using historic events as a backdrop, IMHO there is nothing wrong with that.

If on the other hand they had put a figure holding an AK47/AK74 shouting or waving Jihad banners, that would be a completely different story.

It does surprise me that so many people get upset over history. It was a tragic event when it happened, but at the end of the day it is now history.

its not about being part of history, or talking about history. using cartoon characters on a painting like this makes light of the situation IMHO.

This painting is without doubt a protest about America's capitalist ways and is actually glorifying the occasion!!!

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It may have been an american who complined but most likely an evangelical christian american who sees the twin towers as a sacred symbol of american freedom attacked by our enemies who are jealous of our freedom. Notice how the snake demons wrapped around the towers evolve into gas station pumps implying the connection of middle east oil. Its all about the oil!

Are they meant to be Blair and Bush ?

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