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Abhisit challenges PM Yingluck to quit


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and admit to being forced out by a Eton thug boy ? no no no

that way lies chaos you cant give in to the bullies

If she is impeached or dismissed because she broke the laws then she can't really complain.

Won't be the first time a Shin clan member has simply ignored laws and courts they don't like.

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and admit to being forced out by a Eton thug boy ? no no no

that way lies chaos you cant give in to the bullies

If she is impeached or dismissed because she broke the laws then she can't really complain.

Won't be the first time a Shin clan member has simply ignored laws and courts they don't like.

We all know that the law has nothing to do with it. A brief glance at 70 years of Thai history should tell you everything you need to know.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As I have said in other posts..I can't believe the way some expats on TV believe that Thai politics in some way equates with western democracy. It is no more than a sham, smoke and mirrors FROM BOTH SIDES. Thailand is a feudal system with a thin veneer of democracy to please its trading partners. Posts like yours really make me smile... it's like...'Yeah they are all corrupt BUT Thaksin is more corrupt so there...' Of course Thaksin is corrupt... what the hell did you expect in a country where corruption is actively fostered and agreed to by most Thais? What did you think was going to happen? The Democrats are just as bad. It is endemic in this society so please spare me from the idea that somehow, a knight in white armour (Mark ? Suthep?) will somehow ride in and clean the place up. Everything in this society is designed to keep the masses down. Their language complexity for one, their pathetic excuse for an education system, the banking systems which encourage personal debt, the total lack of a transparent judicial system where money talks and you don't get punished. You are living in a fools paradise if you think it is going to change because Suthep will somehow fix it all...he won't. The Constitution Court was set up by the coup makers so I have little faith in that or any other aspect of so call Thai justice.

Thailand is at a crossroads and a crisis of major proportions and they have brought it on themselves. Democracy does not exist in this country and until the Thais change their attitudes it will never come to pass. I just feel sorry for all the Thais who care about their country but have been shortchanged by both the amart and the Thaksin machine.

Like I said .... Thai politics is a joke and there is no point getting too upset or involved ... hell you can't even vote (if you are a non Thai).... expats are a tollerated inconvenience.

So your answer to the problem is, ignore it, and let things continue the way they are...?!

Are you a Thai? If not understand you can and should do nothing. Ignore ?? What does that mean? The implication of the word ignore is that you have a choice..to do something or to do nothing. The key word here is choice... you have no choice in this society as far as making lasting change is concerned. Sure you can get upset by lots of things here and in some things you can make a difference ... perhaps start a charity for the homeless etc., etc. But as for making changes to the Thai character, Thai politics, Thai judicial system etc. nope.... not a snowball's chance in hell ... so... as I said...don't get too involved in THEIR DRAMA. When you talk of not ignoring are you talking about everything? For example ignoring the continual interfering in the judicial process by those with power and status in this society... or are you confining yourself to ignoring the wrongs of Thaksin (and yep there have been heaps of them that disgust me).

But, do understand that there is a much much bigger drama being played out here and it is all about fighting for power when that which we must not discuss happens .

What disgusts me most about some aspects of Thai (and other societies) is the complete and total imbalance of power in the society, where institutions are designed soley to concentrate power into the hands of the elite (and Thaksin is part of that elite...just a different colour) at the expense of the masses. Who knows, maybe there is a little Issan boy or girl who, given equal access to a good education may find the cure for cancer or go on to make a significant contribution to the world. But the way Thai society works, these life opportunities are forever closed, whilst the Thai elite send their children off to prestigous international schools.

Think outside the square for a moment.

Just my humble opinion.

No, I am not Thai, and I am clearly thinking out side of the [box] a little more than you appear to be.

The Thai people have had enough, and are no longer willing to ignore what their "leaders" are doing to the country. They do have a choice, and it is this choice that has led to the people's uprising. Yes, they were there before Suthep, so the current protests are grounded in the people, not him. They are very much of the opinion that they can bring about lasting change, and no-one on this forum has any right to imply, or even clearly state, that they can't.

This whole issue is about bringing rampant corruption to an end, but you try to shift the focus to what you refer to as "interference in the judicial system". The judicial system is there to bring to justice anyone who steps outside of the law, and that includes politicians who rape the country of its assets. Yingluck and her Ministers, through their puppet master, have been responsible for undermining the Thai economy, and the true devastation of their time in office will only be revealed once they have been ousted and the auditors can get to work.

I firmly believe that those who feel there is nothing that can be done to bring Thailand out of its deeply ingrained attitude towards corruption should go and speak to those who are massing on the streets to bring it to an end. They will clearly show any doubters that they do have a choice, and that their choice is to reform everything about the political system in Thailand so that a "true" leader can step up and make the country as good as it can, and ought to be.

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"Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday (Wednesday) challenged caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to quit the office....."

Basically, what he is saying:

>Electoral majority, I ask that you rescind your votes?

>Please don't force the CC into exposing themselves

Or he could be saying

Thailand needs time to get rid of the corruption in bred into our political system

Would it not be better to step down now, and not be part of Thai history what you have caused

I wrote my answer

who wrote yours PTP

How long has Abhisit been an MP?

And he only thinks this now. Such principle and insight. .they should move heaven and earth to get him to be PM. Such a mind.

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whistling.gif Sounds like a fine deal to me!

Yingluck quits.

Abhisit quits.

Then both of them publically renounce all "political activity" for a period of 5 years from the date of that announcement.

Now that's what I call the perfect "reconciliation".

Perfect balance, and two less self-serving corrupt Thai politicians to deal with.

What could be better than that?

So when can we expect this happy event?

Sorry, but looking out the window, I don't see any Pigs flying by yet.


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whistling.gif Sounds like a fine deal to me!

Yingluck quits.

Abhisit quits.

Then both of them publically renounce all "political activity" for a period of 5 years from the date of that announcement.

Now that's what I call the perfect "reconciliation".

Perfect balance, and two less self-serving corrupt Thai politicians to deal with.

What could be better than that?

So when can we expect this happy event?

Sorry, but looking out the window, I don't see any Pigs flying by yet.


That's a little crude but a good start.

I'd kick out all the Shinawatras, Veijajivas and Thuagsubans for sure and take a long hard look at the other families such as Chitchop, Silpa-Archa etc.

10 years minimum

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Of course she should resign but she wont.She and her brother and the corrupt incompetent brigade behind her want to cling on to some sort of "power",as the country descends into economic and political failure.We will have to wait for the courts and/or senate to pull her away by her varnished finger nails

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Of course she should resign but she wont.She and her brother and the corrupt incompetent brigade behind her want to cling on to some sort of "power",as the country descends into economic and political failure.We will have to wait for the courts and/or senate to pull her away by her varnished finger nails

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Would it be more politically correct to say that she should not resign and continue to be the caretaker PM until the next election in order to maintain law and order. Illegal anarchist like Suterp should never be rewarded by breaking the law. It's the PDRC that is ruining the economy and creatifng political chaos?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As I have said in other posts..I can't believe the way some expats on TV believe that Thai politics in some way equates with western democracy. It is no more than a sham, smoke and mirrors FROM BOTH SIDES. Thailand is a feudal system with a thin veneer of democracy to please its trading partners. Posts like yours really make me smile... it's like...'Yeah they are all corrupt BUT Thaksin is more corrupt so there...' Of course Thaksin is corrupt... what the hell did you expect in a country where corruption is actively fostered and agreed to by most Thais? What did you think was going to happen? The Democrats are just as bad. It is endemic in this society so please spare me from the idea that somehow, a knight in white armour (Mark ? Suthep?) will somehow ride in and clean the place up. Everything in this society is designed to keep the masses down. Their language complexity for one, their pathetic excuse for an education system, the banking systems which encourage personal debt, the total lack of a transparent judicial system where money talks and you don't get punished. You are living in a fools paradise if you think it is going to change because Suthep will somehow fix it all...he won't. The Constitution Court was set up by the coup makers so I have little faith in that or any other aspect of so call Thai justice.

Thailand is at a crossroads and a crisis of major proportions and they have brought it on themselves. Democracy does not exist in this country and until the Thais change their attitudes it will never come to pass. I just feel sorry for all the Thais who care about their country but have been shortchanged by both the amart and the Thaksin machine.

Like I said .... Thai politics is a joke and there is no point getting too upset or involved ... hell you can't even vote (if you are a non Thai).... expats are a tollerated inconvenience.

So your answer to the problem is, ignore it, and let things continue the way they are...?!

Are you a Thai? If not understand you can and should do nothing. Ignore ?? What does that mean? The implication of the word ignore is that you have a choice..to do something or to do nothing. The key word here is choice... you have no choice in this society as far as making lasting change is concerned. Sure you can get upset by lots of things here and in some things you can make a difference ... perhaps start a charity for the homeless etc., etc. But as for making changes to the Thai character, Thai politics, Thai judicial system etc. nope.... not a snowball's chance in hell ... so... as I said...don't get too involved in THEIR DRAMA. When you talk of not ignoring are you talking about everything? For example ignoring the continual interfering in the judicial process by those with power and status in this society... or are you confining yourself to ignoring the wrongs of Thaksin (and yep there have been heaps of them that disgust me).

But, do understand that there is a much much bigger drama being played out here and it is all about fighting for power when that which we must not discuss happens .

What disgusts me most about some aspects of Thai (and other societies) is the complete and total imbalance of power in the society, where institutions are designed soley to concentrate power into the hands of the elite (and Thaksin is part of that elite...just a different colour) at the expense of the masses. Who knows, maybe there is a little Issan boy or girl who, given equal access to a good education may find the cure for cancer or go on to make a significant contribution to the world. But the way Thai society works, these life opportunities are forever closed, whilst the Thai elite send their children off to prestigous international schools.

Think outside the square for a moment.

Just my humble opinion.

No, I am not Thai, and I am clearly thinking out side of the [box] a little more than you appear to be.

The Thai people have had enough, and are no longer willing to ignore what their "leaders" are doing to the country. They do have a choice, and it is this choice that has led to the people's uprising. Yes, they were there before Suthep, so the current protests are grounded in the people, not him. They are very much of the opinion that they can bring about lasting change, and no-one on this forum has any right to imply, or even clearly state, that they can't.

This whole issue is about bringing rampant corruption to an end, but you try to shift the focus to what you refer to as "interference in the judicial system". The judicial system is there to bring to justice anyone who steps outside of the law, and that includes politicians who rape the country of its assets. Yingluck and her Ministers, through their puppet master, have been responsible for undermining the Thai economy, and the true devastation of their time in office will only be revealed once they have been ousted and the auditors can get to work.

I firmly believe that those who feel there is nothing that can be done to bring Thailand out of its deeply ingrained attitude towards corruption should go and speak to those who are massing on the streets to bring it to an end. They will clearly show any doubters that they do have a choice, and that their choice is to reform everything about the political system in Thailand so that a "true" leader can step up and make the country as good as it can, and ought to be.

Yes I agree with much of what you say ...the Thai people do have a choice...BUT WE DO NOT .... so no point in getting involved in their drama. I'm not sure I can agree that the Thai judicial system exists to bring people to justice... way too many examples of cases where money, status and power talks.

The Thai's choice is to change their attitude, particularly the attitude of Bangkokians towards the rural poor. I have seen where the office worker with the darker skin gets much more work on her desk than her fairer skinned workmate. I have heard children abuse a child because he was from up country. The problem in Thailand is a refusal of the elite to give up power and instead use their wealth and knowledge to forge a more inclusive society, one where the rule of law IS enforced without fear or favour. As a 'ruling class' they have failed this country by concentrating power and education into their own hands; that has always been on their agenda and as a consequence the rural poor have awoken... unfortunately they too had a choice and their choice was to follow Thaksin. The Bangkok elite have had endless opportunities to include and empower the rural poor but have failed dismally and this is the result.

Having Suthep as the One Power is like having Colonel Sanders in charge of the chicken coup.

I can't see anything positive coming out of all this, just another deck chair being moved on the Titanic.

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Of course she should resign but she wont.She and her brother and the corrupt incompetent brigade behind her want to cling on to some sort of "power",as the country descends into economic and political failure.We will have to wait for the courts and/or senate to pull her away by her varnished finger nails

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Would it be more politically correct to say that she should not resign and continue to be the caretaker PM until the next election in order to maintain law and order. Illegal anarchist like Suterp should never be rewarded by breaking the law. It's the PDRC that is ruining the economy and creatifng political chaos?
The last sentence meant to be a question? If so the answer is No! Proxy yingluck and the crew are "solely" responsible as facts are revealed over time.Maybe when those responsible are in jail or more likely in Dubai

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Of course she should resign but she wont.She and her brother and the corrupt incompetent brigade behind her want to cling on to some sort of "power",as the country descends into economic and political failure.We will have to wait for the courts and/or senate to pull her away by her varnished finger nails

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Would it be more politically correct to say that she should not resign and continue to be the caretaker PM until the next election in order to maintain law and order. Illegal anarchist like Suterp should never be rewarded by breaking the law. It's the PDRC that is ruining the economy and creatifng political chaos?
The last sentence meant to be a question? If so the answer is No! Proxy yingluck and the crew are "solely" responsible as facts are revealed over time.Maybe when those responsible are in jail or more likely in Dubai

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Fact is that Thailand was never in any economic problems even if you include the rice scheme. There is no lower credit ratings and our debt to GDP is in good shape. Our foreign reserve was healthy and we have a very good service industry. All that change after the last quarter '13 when GDP dipped to 0.6%, sharp decline in domestic consumption and a massive reduction in government spending. Oh, our service industry like tourism took a big hit too. That coincide with the start of the PDRC protest. Economy will continue to take a toll as long as these anarchists are trying to snatch power illegally.

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So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

Your posting is total crap!

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So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

I have to agree with you, what you write is really a joke.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Fact is that Thailand was never in any economic problems even if you include the rice scheme. There is no lower credit ratings and our debt to GDP is in good shape. Our foreign reserve was healthy and we have a very good service industry. All that change after the last quarter '13 when GDP dipped to 0.6%, sharp decline in domestic consumption and a massive reduction in government spending. Oh, our service industry like tourism took a big hit too. That coincide with the start of the PDRC protest. Economy will continue to take a toll as long as these anarchists are trying to snatch power illegally.

Yet last summer, well before the start of the PDRC protest, Moody's warned about both the country's credit-rating, and major Thai banks' ratings ?

"Moody’s Investors Service has threatened to issue a negative outlook for Thailand’s credit rating, which is now assigned a Baa1 rating. It is also reviewing risks associated with the subordinated debt of the major banks of Thailand, given the fact that Thailand has shifted away from its policy of providing a blank check for bank bailouts in times of crisis."


You may be right, when you say "Thailand was never in any economic problems", but it appears that Moody's didn't agree with you ! whistling.gif

Or perhaps they realised, way ahead of the government, that all the claimed million-ton G2G rice-sales were dubious, or outright fictional ! wink.png

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