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Gen Prayuth urges Thais to adhere to democratic rules

Lite Beer

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It is difficult for those of us who have lived here for several years and want to continue living here and know the truth of what has happened and is happening to sit idle when we read the lies and hate that are regularly posted by the red supporters.

Hence our posts contradicting those lies.

I could live with that, even endorse it, but thats not the truth and you know it. You arnt simply dispelling pro Thaskin propaganda, you are projecting PDRC propaganda in its place.

How anyone from a civilised Western country (such as New Zealand wink.png ) genuinely supports Suthep with all their soul is a mystery. Choosing between Yingluck and him is like choosing between a punch in the face and a kick in the balls, one may be slightly less painful but im not altogether sure. Most with sense would rather not have either of these painful options and hope for something altogether better for Thailand..

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It is difficult for those of us who have lived here for several years and want to continue living here and know the truth of what has happened and is happening to sit idle when we read the lies and hate that are regularly posted by the red supporters.

Hence our posts contradicting those lies.

I could live with that, even endorse it, but thats not the truth and you know it. You arnt simply dispelling pro Thaskin propaganda, you are projecting PDRC propaganda in its place.

How anyone from a civilised Western country (such as New Zealand wink.png ) is a mystery. Choosing between Yingluck and him is like choosing between a punch in the face and a kick in the balls, one may be slightly less painful but im not altogether sure. Most with sense would rather not have either of these painful options and hope for something altogether better for Thailand..

Why are you trolling like this?

No I for one are not writing anti govt propaganda unless you call the truth about what the Govt and their controller are up to propaganda.

I have never at any time as you put it "genuinely supports Suthep with all their soul" however I am unbias enough to recognize the good he has done in being the one to bring the people together to get rid of the amnesty bill and get the need for reforms recognized.

What makes you think there is a choice between him and Yingluck and a choice of what ?

Your last sentence highlights the stance of the red posters on here who continually defend Yingluck as the only choice for this country and as we all see, Yingluck equals Thaksin.

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Equality and virtue in THailand? Who actually takes this seriously as a desire?

Especially when Thaksin the convicted criminal leader of the country on the run from the law comes on television and says let us forget and forgive the past.

Oh I'd made a pact, with myself, not to get into this ridiculousness, but, seriously, this constant harping on about 'fugitive from justice', what justice here in Noddyland? And please DO name but one 'convicted and already fled', as per, having been brought back to face his crime? No? Thought not. Stupid little country. In the immortal words of a dear friend 'Dear Lord, don't let me take this country seriously'. Nah? coffee1.gif

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Lastly, he said morality, ethics, virtue, moral, and justice are the key factors that would drive this nation forward.

That counts the PTP out then.

Morality - Denounce Supa for telling the truth. Defend Kittiratt for lying.

Ethics -Give a passport to a convicted criminal.

Virtue - Try to push a 2.2 trillion infrastructure bill through off budget so no one in parliament can scrutinize it.

Justice - Amnesty for 25 000 corruption cases including the PM's brother.

So you have nothing then. The worst of those criminals to get amnesty were from your party from 2010 under this reconciliation program. The lot of them were to be pardoned for murder and the army given immunity. Suthep twisted that against PT, but the first thing they'd do if they got power was to give themselves immunity. Your side is the lying side, scheming corrupt side. You accuse others of your own crimes.

OK, so with the change of subject aside what are your thoughts on the below

Morality - Denounce Supa for telling the truth. Defend Kittiratt for lying.

Ethics -Give a passport to a convicted criminal.

Virtue - Try to push a 2.2 trillion infrastructure bill through off budget so no one in parliament can scrutinize it.

Justice - Amnesty for 25 000 corruption cases including the PM's brother.

I would love you to have a crack at the first one or being too hard to defend is that why you change the subject?

Edited by djjamie
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the time you spend in the bar I spend on the internet. I have a loving wife and do not feel the need to buy a temporary one. Nor do I feel the need to distort my mind with a drink. I am retired and have the time.

2 young kids and a 50 hour job shuttling between Europe and here means aint too much time for that.

Brilliant unsubstantiated claim.

Well I have 4 young kids, and work a 70 hour a week and shuttle between South America and here….First class!!

Anyone care to beat that unsubstantiated claim?

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Brilliant unsubstantiated claim.

Well I have 4 young kids, and work a 70 hour a week and shuttle between South America and here….First class!!

Anyone care to beat that unsubstantiated claim?

yeah? I thought you were a top Bangkok dj laugh.pnglaugh.png

i couldnt give a shit what you think kid, whether my occupation is substantiated is irrelevant anyway. Its the pro Suthep pish you write on here, which is truely unsubstantiated which gets on everyones tits.

Now havnt you got some cds to be playing in your bedroom?laugh.pngintheclub.gif

Interesting an revelling post

I think that what you are saying is that it gets on the tits of the PTP supporters and in a "real democracy" they are the only votes and views that count ... so they are everybody.

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To sum up, no coup, military backs elected government, if they want their soft coup, they can't rely on the military to save them.

It still leaves the EC failure to run elections, but basically democracy won.

Yet here we are, month's later, with court cases against the PM and other members of the lower and upper houses and a government in a caretaker status which can't pay some it promised to pay in order to get elected in the first place, with less than half of those registered to vote actually voting in the last election, but it doesn't matter anyway because that election was voided.

Seriously, when you think of a functioning democracy, is this what comes to mind?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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