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Wanted 2bed Place Pretty Please

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Hi there everyone, :D

Well my eyes are square after reading through this site for hours....need sleeps now its 4am,,eeek.

I would just like to ask a Big Favour,,,,,We (My friend Ange and I) are looking for a 2bedroom place in what ever shape or name, aprtment/condo/town house..etc. :D

The earliest we can move in would be the 13th of July....we have been in and out of Thailand the past few years and have decided to move upto BKK,,'Big City Lights' up from the south (Suratthani to be exact) and have found the increase in rent a little daunting really,,,but hey thats what comes with wanting to live in a capital city i suppose. :o but unfortunatly our bubget aint massive

Consider everything at this moment but ideally looking at anywhere between Siam and Mo Chit area....Found a few places but no-one is getting back in touch with us unfortunatly so Im putting out a cry for help.

Around Victory monument there seems to be alot but most only studios..hmmm

Anyone got anything>???? We are wanting to stay long term but really not more than a 6m contract to start off with just incase we dont like the area.

Sorry to bumble on,,,,,,enough already, thank you and I hope someone can help, please PM me with anything you think,,,Thanxxxxxx

Dannii & Ange :D

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