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Vehicles That You Most Love To Share The Road With...

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Kamikaze cement lorries coming towards me two abreast on single carriageway roads when there's no hard shoulder.

Arrogant bus drivers.

Arrogant 4x4 drivers.

Motorcycles, a lot of the time - do they really all have a death wish?

Motorcycles at night, showing no lights / inappropriate lights and on the wrong side of the road.

But my favourite scenario is this one:

Travelling in the fast lane of a motorway (because my speed is generally faster than the trucks in the slow lane), about to pass a lumbering great truck, when some idiot in a 4x4 comes racing up my inside, heading for the rapidly decreasing gap between myself and said truck, and then swerves across in front of me - all because the driver just has to save a few milliseconds. OK, if you're awake you can see this coming and ease off the gas a little but this sort of behaviour is lunatic and happens far too often!


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Kamikaze cement lorries coming towards me two abreast on single carriageway roads when there's no hard shoulder.

Arrogant bus drivers.

Arrogant 4x4 drivers.

Motorcycles, a lot of the time - do they really all have a death wish?

Motorcycles at night, showing no lights / inappropriate lights and on the wrong side of the road.

But my favourite scenario is this one:

Travelling in the fast lane of a motorway (because my speed is generally faster than the trucks in the slow lane), about to pass a lumbering great truck, when some idiot in a 4x4 comes racing up my inside, heading for the rapidly decreasing gap between myself and said truck, and then swerves across in front of me - all because the driver just has to save a few milliseconds. OK, if you're awake you can see this coming and ease off the gas a little but this sort of behaviour is lunatic and happens far too often!


And, the trucks (lorries) that you you are not sure will remain upright when you pass them.

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The long-truck drivers who suddenly change lanes as if they were driving a Ferrari. You're coming at 110km/hr and no cars behind, they just can't wait and cut you off this way, slowing you down to 60 so they can pass the tuck in front of them that is going 58 km/hr. :o

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I was in Bangkok and a police officer had one of those scooters pulled over. The policeman was trying to get the Indian guy off the scooter. It looked like it was going to get violent. The Indian guy finally got off and there was so much weight on the back of that scooter that it tipped over backward with the headlight looking at the sun. :o

Actually, it's any of the green busses that I hate to have in the next lane. But, motorcycles with wide loads who squeeze between lanes are a lot of 'fum' too.
Edited by Gary A
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On the other side of the coin.........

The noodle venders, usually pushing their carts against traffic, and the bicycle sahmlars, usually with toothless old men driving, and an old lady in the back (this, at least, in Chiang Mai).

I always smile at these scenes, not just at folks trying to make a satang -- and with a smile on their (toothless) face to boot. But at the picture of a sahmlar going about his busines -- in LOS ANGELES!!!

After 5 million horns, with requisite teeth-gnashing, the sahmlar driver would be run over. However, he wouldn't feel a thing -- having died from multiple gunshot wounds earlier applied.

Traffic's unique here -- but it has its gentler moments.

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