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Guest endure
G, Ive only been here a short time and I already know that for some bizzare reason nobody is allowed to disagree with or say anything contrary to BAMBINA.

Why I dont know, I guess people just like him for some reason.

That being said I think he's a vet , and that does recquire an education.

He's a she and she's a vet. People like her because she's a good laugh and her heart's in the right place.

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G, Ive only been here a short time and I already know that for some bizzare reason nobody is allowed to disagree with or say anything contrary to BAMBINA.

Why I dont know, I guess people just like him for some reason.

That being said I think he's a vet , and that does recquire an education.

He's a she and she's a vet. People like her because she's a good laugh and her heart's in the right place.

Spot on, right on, and true to the point, endure. :o

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Alright enough of this crap. This has happen one too many times. Whatever anyone else thinks BambiA it doesn't matter. What matters is her actions and what she thinks of herself. The minute someone figures out a little but of her past some thread gets hijack so it can be dicussed. I don't care about genes, I don't about Chromosomes X or Y. None of it matters, so leave her alone and get back on topic. :D:o

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I don't know what your problem is, but I'd bet it's hard to pronounce.

Who really cares wether she is a male or a female? Are those her pictures, what's the purpose of your posts?

Man you are sick, and you have no respect.

<deleted>?!?! YOU EVEN SENT ME A PM TO TELL ME ABOUT HER?!?!?!?!?!

You need a doctor dude and a good one!!!!!

Folks now you know why you never ever have to reveal your personal infos on the net when there are sickos like this around

Sorry Bambi

Edited by KhunMarco
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Alright enough of this crap. This has happen one too many times. Whatever anyone else thinks BambiA it doesn't matter. What matters is her actions and what she thinks of herself. The minute someone figures out a little but of her past some thread gets hijack so it can be dicussed. I don't care about genes, I don't about Chromosomes X or Y. None of it matters, so leave her alone and get back on topic. :D:o

All I did was call a he a he, no judgement was made.

You can cut my arm off and Im still a man, same goes for Bambina, if you draw his blood today it comes back male.

He's no ashamed of it, and Im not disgusted or bothered by it, but Im not going to say "she" when referring to him because hes not a she.

I made a post, I said he, and a bunch of posters jumped on me for saying so. Either they didnt know or are too uptight about the issue to let my prefrence for not calling a he a she slide.

How many posts do you need to make to that effect? Is it in your genes to be redundant? If I cut your arm off would you still be redundant?

All the posts you have made have been a snickering little school boy taking every chance he can get to tell the same joke. So, if you have no problem with it why make sure to tell anyone you can on this thread that you want to call BambiA a man? You are trying to make a joke of who she is while hidding behind the agrument of her once being a man and therefore should still be a called man. Weak and childish, and that's being nice about your sense of humor.

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Guest endure
the reality is if you're born a man you're a man. No big deal. Nothing to be ashamed of.

The reality is that if you're born a <deleted> you are a <deleted> and no amount of submersion in a culture different to your own will convince you that there might be alternative views which are equally as valid as yours.

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Guest endure

the reality is if you're born a man you're a man. No big deal. Nothing to be ashamed of.

The reality is that if you're born a <deleted> you are a <deleted> and no amount of submersion in a culture different to your own will convince you that there might be alternative views which are equally as valid as yours.

Apologies. I shouldn't have posted that...

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ROFL: account suspended for 72 hours for trolling and disruptive behaviour.

Have a nice day. :D

Good move udon. :D

ROFL's been pushing the limit for a while.

Now what were we talking about before we were so rudely interrupted? :o

Ahhh... queue jumping. :D

Edited by Jai Dee
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ROFL: account suspended for 72 hours for trolling and disruptive behaviour.

Have a nice day. :D

Good move udon. :D

ROFL's been pushing the limit for a while.

Now what were we talking about before we were so rudely interrupted? :o

Ahhh... queue jumping. :D

Ah Yes Jai Dee.

Well I can't say that in the time I have lived here I have given it any consideration, except when I have been waiting for ages to see a Doctor and they wheel someone in on a stretcher half dead and they go before me.... I don't worry about that.

Anyway..if you get angry about anything..you are the loser.

I thought Camatra's Post was excellent

Have a Queue free day eveyone :D


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