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Pheu Thai members expected to meet with Thaksin in Hong Kong


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This is wrong on so many levels . . . with all PT's agitation to involve outside agencies in their "defense" they surely must see the hypocrisy in what they are doing ... or perhaps not ...

It's based on "sources" so did it happen? According to nearly all the posts on here it must have judging by the faux outrage being expressed - yet no proof one way or another , just a fluff piece.

Remember posting this, Tatsujin, the last time this kind of event was supposed to have happened, June 2013?

Well, if the reporters did their job a little better, this wouldn't be a rumour, it could be confirmed. How hard is it to check and track down the locations of the the top Pheu Thai politicians? If they all happen to be in Hong Kong at the same time, I'd say that would confirm things. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/648785-pheu-thai-denies-rumor-of-secret-cabinet-meeting-with-thaksin-in-hong-kong/#entry6539465

The same sentiments are valid now.

I think it is pretty solid. I know 100% that it happened last year.

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We can comment as much as we like but until he is listed with "Interpol" my understanding is he can go where he likes-otherwise why not send a Thai Seals"team to confiscate him and whisk him back to Thailand to face the consequences?

A pipe dream I know but maybe one day who knows - and you must ask is he ("T") any worse than the political criminals from every other country around the world (I was going to put region but I think The World is more correct)

Not sure there are any Thai Seal teams that could accomplish this but really extremely qualified people are at the fingertips if desired.

The Dog would do nicely.

attachicon.gifthe dog bounty hunter.jpg

Yes indeedy. Dog has my vote. However there are others that are more discreet and would bring him back in any condition you wish.

ha, ha, ha. My vote too. I would pay to see Dog driving with his troop across HK Island hunting this idiot down. Very funny image.

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This is wrong on so many levels . . . with all PT's agitation to involve outside agencies in their "defense" they surely must see the hypocrisy in what they are doing ... or perhaps not ...

isn't it against the law to seen to be consorting with criminals as a minister of government let alone seeking advice and doing their bidding?

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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At this point, there are no, repeat NO!!!!!!!!!! Corruption charges against her. She is being investigated for negligence & not doing her job properly. I.e. she was warned that corruption was happening & investigated the person who told her, instead of investigating what she had been told. It is bad enough when partly informed people keep on about "her corruption charges" but this is an article by a journalist who we would hope would get it right. Corruption charges could conceivably follow depending on the outcome of the current investigation, but at this stage that is NOT what they are doing.

This is true but consider that corruption charges, especially at this level and this scale take years and years to investigate and bring to court. However, it is quick and simple to file charges of negligence against the PM but it doesn't mean there are no corruption charges in the pipeline.

I guess time will tell what happened and if she was involved in anything illegal.

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Why are they still wasting money to book trip to HK meet the big boss daddy? (opps, i forgot all are on taxpayers expenses).

Anyway they have been emphasizing on election. They always blame the democrats are cowards and always lost the elections. All the ptp/ red shirts need is to have elections. They always know the CM red shirts and Issan red shirts will always vote for them, no matter what happens.

The "majority" will vote for Thaksin and his cronies. Again and again, no matter what they do. Even they corrupted, abuse the system, bend the rules of law, defy the high courts, deny the NACC, the red shirts will still vote for them. This is the democracy they are talking about.

We love Thaksin. we love Yingluck. We are the majority, we make the rules, we are "democracy". What ever you all have issues with our dear leaders, blah blah blah..... We still vote for them. We are still the "majority".

What can you the rest do??

This is the reality. This is the fact. This is the democracy we are talking about.

Set a new election, vote and majority win. That it. Don't tell us what have they done. How much money are gone? How have they abuse the system? What rules have they break? What have they stealing from the nation? How much have they got from the country assets?

WE (Red shirts) dont' give a <deleted> about it! We are the majority. We vote and we win the election. That's it. We make sure only we the red party win the elections and only us (the red shirts), no one else. We are talking about democracy, our RED DEMOCRACY.

What can the rest do?

They can fight an election on a platform which attracts enough votes to win a majority, and then form a government.

We are talking about democracy. You on the other hand our constructing excuses to do away with democracy.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They can fight an election on a platform which attracts enough votes to win a majority, and then form a government.

Which platform? When the opposition set a rally stage for different views of opinions, their stages are destroyed by the red shirts. People in some particular provinces are warned not to link with any opposition party network.

You on the other hand our constructing excuses to do away with democracy.

Which group is actually constructing excuses to do away with democracy but building their own RED DEMOCRACY.

How to attracts enough votes to win a majority and form a govt when they deny the freedom of speech from the opposition groups in the red homegrounds? Any common citizen will be afraid to against a group of militants known possessing Ak47 and m79 grenade launchers.

A real democracy should consist of freedom of politics speech in any places regardless of any particular provinces. The people should feel freely to attend any color rally as they like and receive more informations and news from any political group, getting the facts and truth. Not some individual spinning grandmother stories. The common people shouldn't feel threatened or intimidated by any terrorist group.The people should not even worry will their family member be harassed or any bomb will throw into their house one of the midnight. Under this circumstance, it has directly affected the voting result and true democracy is been compromised.

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You have personal experience of this sort of mass intimidation?

I see your location is given as Bangkok so I do wonder.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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We can comment as much as we like but until he is listed with "Interpol" my understanding is he can go where he likes-otherwise why not send a Thai Seals"team to confiscate him and whisk him back to Thailand to face the consequences?

A pipe dream I know but maybe one day who knows - and you must ask is he ("T") any worse than the political criminals from every other country around the world (I was going to put region but I think The World is more correct)

I can not see the PTP asking Interpol to put out a notice on him, even the dems were reluctant to do this and don't forget it was the dems that let him go to Beijing in the first place, with a promise to return, a promise from Thaksin. If ,the big if he ever returns to Thailand he will be taken out , question, what happens then, dangerous ground Thailand treads.???

Sorry to prick your bubble but the government in power at that time was the PPP under Somchai Wongsawat, who just happens to be the husband of Yaowapa, Thaksins sister.

He was banned from politics for 5 years after the PPP was dissolved for electoral fraud and since that time is now up has been selected as an "advisor" to the PTP and Yingluck.

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