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Good for you!

Remember that the creeps trying to put you down are just rejects who can't find girls in their own countries. Most of them only ever marry prostitutes or low class women with crappy jobs and no assets.

Once again, sorry to hear about your troubles on the dating site. You'll bounce back. You'll end up much stronger and wiser.

excuse me pal,

i married a poor farmers daughter who had nothing,,,,,, what you think is nothing anyway, money ect,,

but take it from me,, she,s got a heart of gold,,

and do you no what,

im man enough to say it on here, i love her with all my heart, shes a great wife and a wonderfull loving mother,,

life and love isnt just about money,,,,

This thread is not about you.

The thread is about a woman from the Philippines who had a bad experience on a dating site.

If you want to discuss your wife, start a new thread.

dont yopu think your a cleaver <deleted>

Why the need to be rude?

I don't care about you. Why would I?

Stop trolling. Stop being a creep.

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MsPhilippines, sorry to hear about your online dating woes. There are indeed many cheats and scammers out there.

I know it's easy to generalise (we all tend to do it), though you're probably generally right regards Thai males and faithfulness. I do however find Indian women attractive (they've got the moves and those eyes!). I also find Filipino women refreshing and engaging. I'm sure you'll meet Mr right soon and become MrsPhilippines ;)

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I wanna contact to you Madam OP. I so hansum and rich mak maa, I have mani a lot and I want to spend all for you miss Madam.

No true the Thai puchai is bad i never wana put knife to you back, except if I mao mak maa.

I need a litten bit help now tirak, I wanna release my kasikorn bank account but I must pay 37.179,45 Baht first, right now. I wanna only a litten bit borrow but I give back sure your tang if not this life, next.

My plan for our future we make a karaoke bar duaigan and if you not tired you can work there a litten bit and if you have some philippines nong sisters they come also, if under 18 mai pen rai I have a poen poen policeman.

Don't think bad about me I love you so much. How old are you?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe she thinks i am an Indian too !

You may not look like an indian otherwise your behaviour is much more unpleasant you need to rest sir maybe your old enough to understand the message.. Your reaction describes who you are and it sounds like your guilty from your past maybe you faking some else and you relate yourself thats why you reacted so GUILTY. Relax... smile.png

Reading your OP, what stood out more than anything else is that you do not like Indians. All of your other excuses about "fakers" and "talking about money" is just side noise. By the way, I'm sure you're aware that there's a whole lot of racism and discrimination towards Filipinos throughout the world. Racism is never good, regardless of who is practicing it.

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Loles if your rich old farang save money for your burial. Im not rich not even wealthy but i have a good job and enough salary, professional ang young. I don't need to be caregiver. Enjoy life! Hahahah

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

India has a profound influence on the "white" race, and share many facial feautures.

Indians and Iranians seem to also have similar features.

Asians, do not, they look asian and there is no confusion

Yes about the similarity between Indians and Europeans.

Iranians and Turks invaded India and a lot of interbreeding happened. Before that period, Iran and Turkey were invaed by Arabs and most people were forced to convert to Islam.

"Asians do not" etc..... you mean Orientals, or Oriental Asians. East of India, people look increasingly Oriental, increasingly like Han Chinese. West of India, people look increasingly Arabic.

Oh my goodness, is this really happening...blink.png

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Maybe she thinks i am an Indian too !

You may not look like an indian otherwise your behaviour is much more unpleasant you need to rest sir maybe your old enough to understand the message.. Your reaction describes who you are and it sounds like your guilty from your past maybe you faking some else and you relate yourself thats why you reacted so GUILTY. Relax... smile.png

Reading your OP, what stood out more than anything else is that you do not like Indians. All of your other excuses about "fakers" and "talking about money" is just side noise. By the way, I'm sure you're aware that there's a whole lot of racism and discrimination towards Filipinos throughout the world. Racism is never good, regardless of who is practicing it.

Individual can like or dislike. Regardless of whether or not "there's a whole lot of racism and discrimination towards Filipinos." Maybe Filipinos are not yet as indoctrinated "political correctness" as British? "Racism is not good" etc -- you are preaching a morality. Do not force your belief system on other people.

Edited by Cat ji
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Individual can like or dislike. Regardless of whether or not "there's a whole lot of racism and discrimination towards Filipinos." Maybe Filipinos are not yet as indoctrinated "political correctness" as British? "Racism is not good" etc -- you are preaching a morality. Do not force your belief system on other people.

Quite right. To insist that people not hate on each other simply because of their race is political correctness gone mad.

I mean it's not like racial hatreds left unchecked has led to mass killings.

Next, they'll be wanting us to learn from history and be civilized and all.


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I've always figured that most (all) of those online dating sites were scams any ways. I've browsed a few (whistling.gif ) during my time off while in the 'stan (not like there's much else to do here after work). I got the impression that a lot of those sites were probably all run by the same people/companies, with just slightly different looks and profiles. I've even been told that in some cases, when guys think they are chatting/messaging a girl, it is really the site operator on the other end, trying to lure the guy into paying for a membership.

Same for all the "match-making" and "interests" and "views" - all designed to try and sucker people into paying for memberships by making them think those incredibly hot young women are actually interested in them.

For sure there are some real profiles on some of the sites, just as there are loads of "professionals" and probably guys pretending to be girls for kicks, and possibly out-and-out scammers (in addition to the site operators).

And like "House" always says - "everybody lies" ! Even the ones who say they hate liars. That one show "Orange is the New Black" ? When it comes to online dating, 50 is the new 30 and 70 kgs is the new 50 kgs. "No kids" is the new "I left my 3 children at my parents house".

I've even put in my profiles that my biggest problem is that I like sex too much. All day. every day, any time, any place, any way. Didn't matter. As long as I was logged into the site I'd get bombarded with "views" and "interests" and "listed" (or "favourited") and messaged. When I wasn't logged in my inbox would be filled with "so and so is interested in you, log in now to see her profile" or "so and so messaged you, upgrade your subscription to read it"). Pretty much all BS, but good for a laugh now and then when bored.

I don't know which site the OP was on (there are probably dozens, if not hundreds of those kind of sites now) but I'd say just move on and forget about it. A lot of guys out there just toss out "feelers" to every girl they see, hoping one or two might bite, just as a lot of the girls (ladies) will send messages to (seemingly) almost every guy that looks like he may still have a pulse, in the hopes that maybe one will lead to something.

What is that old saying, "To catch a prince sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs" ? Same idea I guess.

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