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I have Avamigran at home, mostly I throw them away after it is years over the expiration date. But in the rare case of migraine it helps wonders.

I bought them in Austria it contains (I hope these are the english names or at least understandable)

0.75 mg Ergotamintartrat

20 mg Mecloxamindihydrogencitrat

25 mg Camylofindihydrochlorid

80 mg Coffein

125 mg Propyphenazon

In Thailand there is also a Avamigran which contains "only".

1 mg Ergotamintartrat

100 mg Coffein

So I think asking for a equivalent medication to the Austrian/German one is domed as everyone will tell that they have the same which is not the same.

A Google search for a similar medication of course also brings the Thai Avamigran.

Maybe the Thai version works the same, but I don't want to try in the rare case of migraine.

Any ideas?

Edit: or are there Pharmacies that can mix themself. In Austria my friendly pharmacist (now retired) once mixed me a tropic version of it (just the in some plastic so it doesn't attract moisture like the originals do), so the substances are available (in Austria)


A.Menarini manufacture this medication in Thailand and the formation differs from one available in Europe.

The Propyphenazon is an analgesic similar to Paracetamol.

Whilst the Thai version contains the "important" ergotamin and caffeine it is a matter of conjecture as to whether the medication would be effective for any one individual.

There is no "equivalent " to the European Avamigran in Thailand.

If visiting Thailand it is permissible for personal medication to be imported.

30 days worth


A.Menarini manufacture this medication in Thailand and the formation differs from one available in Europe.

The Propyphenazon is an analgesic similar to Paracetamol.

Whilst the Thai version contains the "important" ergotamin and caffeine it is a matter of conjecture as to whether the medication would be effective for any one individual.

There is no "equivalent " to the European Avamigran in Thailand.

If visiting Thailand it is permissible for personal medication to be imported.

30 days worth

Well I am living here....So my options are:

a pharmacist that can mix himself

....never seen one doing it.....


Even the very common Paracetamol is not the same with the European Paracetamol or Panadol.

Although they say it contains the same ingredients, it hasn't got the same affect.

Have to bring loads of them with me when in Europe.

And the awkward thing is you have to shop from many pharmacies because you are not allowed to buy a box more than 16 in Europe.


Even the very common Paracetamol is not the same with the European Paracetamol or Panadol.

Although they say it contains the same ingredients, it hasn't got the same affect.

Have to bring loads of them with me when in Europe.

And the awkward thing is you have to shop from many pharmacies because you are not allowed to buy a box more than 16 in Europe.

The online pharmacies get big in Europe now. I tried it for my mother and bought a couple of Aspirin without any restrictions. And well if there are, your brother, sister, mother, father, neighbor and his dog might order Paracetamol....it might add a bit shipping costs, but they are a bit cheaper and the gasoline to drive to the pharmacies doesn't come for free in Europe (I just recall the gasoline prices I saw....)


No pharmacy here "mixes" drugs, they only sell approved formulations.

Understand the difference between what you had and what is available here:

- the main anti-migraine drugs are the ergotamine and caffeine, which the Thai preparation also has (in slightly higher dose).

The avamigran you had in Austria also contained:

propyphenazone - a pain reliever which is not available in Thailand in any form. Either paracetemol or one of the NSAIDs (ibupfrofen and the like) would be the closest thing to it.

camylofin dihydrochloride - a muscle relaxant, also not. available in Thailand. There are diffewrent muscle relaxants that are available here but frankly in my experience this type of drug doesn't do much.

mecloxamine citrate - decreases nausea. Not available in Thailand, but metoclopramide is and may do just as well. Plasil is a common brand name.

In other words what you have been taking is basically the Thai avamigran combined with an analgesic (pain reliever), a muscle relaxant and an anti-nausea drug.

Taking avamigran (Thai) plus a pain reliever plus an anti-nausea med would likely achieve the same thing. BTW substitute Cafergot and Degran are the exact same as )Thai) avamigran - ergotamine plus caffeine.

Suggest you try the Thai avamigran + 500 mg paracetemol + plasil. It will be 3 tablets instead of one but approximate what you were getting in the Austrian Avamiogran which as explained was actually a combination of several different types of drug.


No pharmacy here "mixes" drugs, they only sell approved formulations.

Understand the difference between what you had and what is available here:

- the main anti-migraine drugs are the ergotamine and caffeine, which the Thai preparation also has (in slightly higher dose).

The avamigran you had in Austria also contained:

propyphenazone - a pain reliever which is not available in Thailand in any form. Either paracetemol or one of the NSAIDs (ibupfrofen and the like) would be the closest thing to it.

camylofin dihydrochloride - a muscle relaxant, also not. available in Thailand. There are diffewrent muscle relaxants that are available here but frankly in my experience this type of drug doesn't do much.

mecloxamine citrate - decreases nausea. Not available in Thailand, but metoclopramide is and may do just as well. Plasil is a common brand name.

In other words what you have been taking is basically the Thai avamigran combined with an analgesic (pain reliever), a muscle relaxant and an anti-nausea drug.

Taking avamigran (Thai) plus a pain reliever plus an anti-nausea med would likely achieve the same thing. BTW substitute Cafergot and Degran are the exact same as )Thai) avamigran - ergotamine plus caffeine.

Suggest you try the Thai avamigran + 500 mg paracetemol + plasil. It will be 3 tablets instead of one but approximate what you were getting in the Austrian Avamiogran which as explained was actually a combination of several different types of drug.

Sheryl, again thank you for your most excellent informations.

I guess every pharmacy in Austria has (or had, it might has changed) a room where they can make customized medication. Interesting the difference in culture.

I am a bit ashamed that I didn't get the idea to just eat 3 different medication....it is so obvious....

I think I can drop the plasil. When I catch the migraine in an early stage there is not much nausea and even if it develops full, I feel nausea but not vomit like other people do.

But I would like the muscle relaxant, our family tend to get a bit hard muscles on shoulder and neck which sometimes causes headache...it doesn't cause the migraine but it supports it. So what would you recommend as muscle relaxant?

Actually the Austrian Avamigran help wonder in a very short time, so maybe half of a Thai Avamigran might be enough. There is no problem splitting the tablet and just eat half of it, or?

If it doesn't work good enough I could still eat the other half 30 min later, right.


You can do that (half tablet), yes, though the result will be a lower dose than what you had in the Austrian Avamigran.

The ergotamine makes many people nauseous even if the migraine itself does not, but see how it goes.

Re muscle relaxant, as I said IMO they don't really work much if at all, but if you want one, go for one that is combined with paracetemol that way you don't have to take so many different pills, just the Avamigran plus this (adding the Plasil if you find you are nauseated, as you may be from the ergotamine in the Avamigran). There are several brands of muscle relaxants that also contain paracetemol in Thailand, unfortunately I cannot look up specific brand names for you now as my internet connection has slowed to a crawl. but a local pharmacist should be able to help. If language is an issue (or the pharmacist not really a pharmacist..common here) ask to see the book called "Mims" and look in the table of contents for the pages listing muscle relaxants, it will show all the brand names and which ones are combined with paracetemol.

  • 1 year later...

I used to buy Cafegot (for migraine) but for some reason, about 2 years ago it became unavailable, so I asked the chemist for "mangan" and she gave me TOFAGO. At that time Cafegot was between 75-80 baht for 10, and to my surprise Tofago was 25 baht for 10. The only difference was that you need 2 Tofago to do the same as 1 Cafegot - but for a mild migraine one will do. What I have discovered now is that Cafegot is available again - but only in certain large pharmacy chains, so instead bought "Avamigran". On checking the intenet, they are all have exactly the same ingredients. (Avamigran is priced between the other 2).

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