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My Thai wife doesn't like Thailand


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Similar story with my wife. We live in a small town in Wyoming with severe winters that last too long. Summer is like heaven however. My wife is in no hurry to return to Thailand. Here she has a good job, well respected in the community and very accepted.

I'd like to live in Thailand in the winter and return to Wyoming in the summer. OH WELL.

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What percent% Philippines 99% want to leave. Hill tribe people 99% want to leave. Rohingya 99% want to leave. Thai women 1% want to leave. Of Thai women married to Farang 10% want to leave. Still the overwhelming majority want to stay given they could find a decent husband who would also stay.

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What percent% Philippines 99% want to leave. Hill tribe people 99% want to leave. Rohingya 99% want to leave. Thai women 1% want to leave. Of Thai women married to Farang 10% want to leave. Still the overwhelming majority want to stay given they could find a decent husband who would also stay.

Girl I was with, did not want to leave Thailand

she's 32

none of her friends want to leave

one gay friend, went to LA, will never leave LA, gave up his Thai passport, he is set up well

watched him goading the girl to visit LA,

her reply, no

Edited by Scarpolo
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My wife wants to leave (again). We lived in Singapore and the US for many years soon after we got married. She hated Singapore for the first months, but now misses it terribly. She deplores the lack of transparency, efficiency, general honesty, and constantly lowering of standards here. The business we run is hampered by many clients that don't care about quality and others who want kick-backs which we walk away from.

I just promised that as and when we cash out, we will leave. Much as I love traveling around Thailand, working here has lost its appeal and given its impact on my marriage, I can see going from being permanently here to just a few months a year...

This is the point I am at.

We are looking at a long term decampment fro Thailand. It is just too much hassle to run a small/medium business there. I don't know how much of any year I will return. I am sure my wife will go back yearly, but I will enjoy touring Europe for a change.

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I think it's pretty common for the ones who go abroad not to want to come back, although some definitely rush back home ASAP. Most of the time, though, it is Thais I know abroad who ask me why the heck I would want to live in Thailand. Sure, they make more money abroad, but it is other things that they like as well. Food--they can get everything, including genuine Thai food. Entertainment--concerts, movies, shows, etc., are all new and frequent and silly things like amusement parks are like nothing they have in Thailand. So much more, too.

I really do find it is the little things like that which keep them abroad. And, to top it off, they have extra money to invest with/send home and if they visit here, they have enough $ to do what they want. Win-win for them.

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I'm in the same boat, my Thai prefers Canada and wishes to return, the topic comes up at least once a day. I haven't been able to figure out why the sudden dislike for Thailand.


I suggest a newspaper subscription, or even a trip once a day to the TV headlines. They carry essays that specifically address her suddenness.

That's what I wrote. So they will grow up like the current leaders of the country who were educated in the UK and USA. They are doing such a good job. Anyone can see that a good education has made all the difference.

5555 Sometimes I almost fall down and hurt myself laughing at people who suggest that Kim Jong-Un and Assad and Saddam Hussein's boys and all their ilk worldwide will be so-o-o-o-o good for their countries because they were in a western boarding school and subjec... er exposed to basketball and Hollywood and all the wonderful advantages of democratic governance. After decades of failure on this, Hillary Clinton STILL buys into it and sells this idea like snake oil and weirdly, no important voice ever disagrees with her anywhere on the diplomatic or political scale. In fact, we always get children and political heirs who kill their people just like Daddy did, but also watch the Oscars.

The people *I* see making a difference, such as in Thailand, are the business people who go off to marketing and business schools, and come back and market and do business - and stay out of politics. Yingluck was doing a lot better job as a businesswoman than her predecessors in her jobs, in all measureable ways such as profits and public opinion and the like.

But Kentucky and all the travel and all the exposure to those brilliant western ways had no positive effect on her politics that anyone noticed or remarked on. To be absolutely fair, they also had no negative effects that I've noticed.

How naive are you. Since most big Thai businesses are family dominated, one family member goes into politics to make sure the laws are in place to allow the rest of the family to.make money in an uncrowded market place.

Westernisation seems OK for.affirming Thai ability to make money, but not much on their politics. But then, isn't the reason to be in politics in Thailand to make money?

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My wife wants to leave (again). We lived in Singapore and the US for many years soon after we got married. She hated Singapore for the first months, but now misses it terribly. She deplores the lack of transparency, efficiency, general honesty, and constantly lowering of standards here. The business we run is hampered by many clients that don't care about quality and others who want kick-backs which we walk away from.

I just promised that as and when we cash out, we will leave. Much as I love traveling around Thailand, working here has lost its appeal and given its impact on my marriage, I can see going from being permanently here to just a few months a year...

This is the point I am at.

We are looking at a long term decampment fro Thailand. It is just too much hassle to run a small/medium business there. I don't know how much of any year I will return. I am sure my wife will go back yearly, but I will enjoy touring Europe for a change.

not worth the hassle,

pretty much sums it all up,

it just isnt worth it

and that is why I am back in the states, although for now, bored out of my mind, but healthier and better rested,

not one barking incessantly dog anywhere

Well I enjoyed it for most of the time, but times change. Kids need school, and other reasons. My entire time was tinted by my I initial bias that the UK wasn't going anywhere fast and that the east was making progress.

Reality is, that was a very naive idea. In terms of economic activity and wealth creation, the UK is streets ahead of Thailand and business creation is everything here.

I sometimes wonder what I was thinking even attempting to set up a business in Thailand. I must have been bonkers.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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My wife is the same. She has lived in the UK for 10 years now and hates going back to Thailand even for a 2-week holiday

I have been trying hard to convince her that we have to go and live in Thailand to make my pension stretch a bit further – I think I am finally winning the battle

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simple1, on 21 Apr 2014 - 05:21, said:simple1, on 21 Apr 2014 - 05:21, said:

My wife & I have been married for 18 years, four .years of which were in Thailand. We recently returned to Australia as we jointly concur that the quality of life is better in Australia and more 'secure'. Primary reasons being no exposure to corruption by government/law enforcement personel (wife hates the corruption in Thailand even at the lowest level in the Amphur), cleanliness of the environment e.g. clean seas and beaches, quality of food, no noise pollution and equal rights for her & I etc. This is not to say that she or I will not return to Thailand in the future as we have a house and so in in Thailand. However, when I die she will return to Thailand to be near to her close family.

I know many Thais living in Australia and the large majority prefer Australia for the reasons given above, including better opportunities for their children.

If my wife wasn't with me I would say she is with you.... your wife expresses the exact same feelings as mine... she says Thailand crazy, stupid. Will visit family, but hates Thailand, loves Oz. Also agree with what you say about other Thais, living in Oz.... not one, that we know, wants to return to the "Land of Smiles," makes you wonder about how much truth is in that saying, or is it more government false propaganda.

Edited by Rorri
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simple1, on 21 Apr 2014 - 05:21, said:simple1, on 21 Apr 2014 - 05:21, said:

My wife & I have been married for 18 years, four .years of which were in Thailand. We recently returned to Australia as we jointly concur that the quality of life is better in Australia and more 'secure'. Primary reasons being no exposure to corruption by government/law enforcement personel (wife hates the corruption in Thailand even at the lowest level in the Amphur), cleanliness of the environment e.g. clean seas and beaches, quality of food, no noise pollution and equal rights for her & I etc. This is not to say that she or I will not return to Thailand in the future as we have a house and so in in Thailand. However, when I die she will return to Thailand to be near to her close family.

I know many Thais living in Australia and the large majority prefer Australia for the reasons given above, including better opportunities for their children.

If my wife wasn't with me I would say she is with you.... your wife expresses the exact same feelings as mine... she says Thailand crazy, stupid. Will visit family, but hates Thailand, loves Oz. Also agree with what you say about other Thais, living in Oz.... not one, that we know, wants to return to the "Land of Smiles," makes you wonder about how much truth is in that saying, or is it more government false propaganda.

Guess I'm the odd man out (nothing unusual)

Been with my wife for 10 years ....Have a beautiful house in California on a lake. Took my wife there in the beginning to see if she wanted to move there. Her response was that America is beautiful, Clean, Safe, etc.....BUT had no public transport for her to get around, no family near her, and Americans are not very communal as Thai's are (Neighbors getting together everyday to talk and have a meal)....in short ...I think she was saying America is Bland, Vanilla......So she said "No, I don't want to live in America ...I want to live in Thailand" and so we have. She loves it here as do I. We are lucky enough to have a good life here with good friends and family........ But then again we are together and really think it wouldn't matter where we lived as long as we have each other!

Edited by beachproperty
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My wife is the same. She has lived in the UK for 10 years now and hates going back to Thailand even for a 2-week holiday

I have been trying hard to convince her that we have to go and live in Thailand to make my pension stretch a bit further – I think I am finally winning the battle

sounds like you may win the battle and lose the war

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My ex-girlfriend does not like Thailand either ,people aren't as kind as ,The title "Land of smile" does not go a long way,people can be heartless, short sited, uncompromising, use you when they need help,then turn their backs on you when you need help.,and stupid.

She is right . One is better off living in countries like Canada ,the United States, and such.

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I missed reading about your pension. Yes, Living here is a lot cheaper, and streches you budget.

As long as you stay at arms length of the Thais,and you mind your own business ,it could work.

Don't get deep in with these people .

And then, there is always the family, that will come knocking at your door for something.....

Stay far away from them. So you don't have to fall in precarious situations.

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I missed reading about your pension. Yes, Living here is a lot cheaper, and streches you budget.

As long as you stay at arms length of the Thais,and you mind your own business ,it could work.

Don't get deep in with these people .

And then, there is always the family, that will come knocking at your door for something.....

Stay far away from them. So you don't have to fall in precarious situations.

If you don't mind, how many days have you lived in Thailand that you are able to make such a statement or are you relying on the INTERNET to make your observations?

Edited by thailiketoo
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What percent% Philippines 99% want to leave. Hill tribe people 99% want to leave. Rohingya 99% want to leave. Thai women 1% want to leave. Of Thai women married to Farang 10% want to leave. Still the overwhelming majority want to stay given they could find a decent husband who would also stay.

Pretty spot on. Very few Thai women want to leave Thailand permanently and of those who do, majority are dirt poor and/or from dysfunctional families. Can't blame them, I suppose.

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What percent% Philippines 99% want to leave. Hill tribe people 99% want to leave. Rohingya 99% want to leave. Thai women 1% want to leave. Of Thai women married to Farang 10% want to leave. Still the overwhelming majority want to stay given they could find a decent husband who would also stay.

Pretty spot on. Very few Thai women want to leave Thailand permanently and of those who do, majority are dirt poor and/or from dysfunctional families. Can't blame them, I suppose.

I would argue that many educated Thai will not want to return if they have been away for any reasonable period of time; several years up. The percentage will go up if they are working, and not housewives. Not working for a Thai boss for many years has made my Mrs. completely anti having a Thai boss.

If Thailand had not lost its moral compass and it's police force was less of a negative force than it is, I might think differently.

Sent - how is not that important...

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What percent% Philippines 99% want to leave. Hill tribe people 99% want to leave. Rohingya 99% want to leave. Thai women 1% want to leave. Of Thai women married to Farang 10% want to leave. Still the overwhelming majority want to stay given they could find a decent husband who would also stay.

Pretty spot on. Very few Thai women want to leave Thailand permanently and of those who do, majority are dirt poor and/or from dysfunctional families. Can't blame them, I suppose.

I would argue that many educated Thai will not want to return if they have been away for any reasonable period of time; several years up. The percentage will go up if they are working, and not housewives. Not working for a Thai boss for many years has made my Mrs. completely anti having a Thai boss.

If Thailand had not lost its moral compass and it's police force was less of a negative force than it is, I might think differently.

Sent - how is not that important...

How long ago do you figure Thailand lost it's moral compass?

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What percent% Philippines 99% want to leave. Hill tribe people 99% want to leave. Rohingya 99% want to leave. Thai women 1% want to leave. Of Thai women married to Farang 10% want to leave. Still the overwhelming majority want to stay given they could find a decent husband who would also stay.

Pretty spot on. Very few Thai women want to leave Thailand permanently and of those who do, majority are dirt poor and/or from dysfunctional families. Can't blame them, I suppose.

I would argue that many educated Thai will not want to return if they have been away for any reasonable period of time; several years up. The percentage will go up if they are working, and not housewives. Not working for a Thai boss for many years has made my Mrs. completely anti having a Thai boss.

If Thailand had not lost its moral compass and it's police force was less of a negative force than it is, I might think differently.

Sent - how is not that important...

Well .I know of one educated, extremely wealthy, former governmental Thai who want's to return to Thailand ....if you need a hint let me know.

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What percent% Philippines 99% want to leave. Hill tribe people 99% want to leave. Rohingya 99% want to leave. Thai women 1% want to leave. Of Thai women married to Farang 10% want to leave. Still the overwhelming majority want to stay given they could find a decent husband who would also stay.

Pretty spot on. Very few Thai women want to leave Thailand permanently and of those who do, majority are dirt poor and/or from dysfunctional families. Can't blame them, I suppose.

I would argue that many educated Thai will not want to return if they have been away for any reasonable period of time; several years up. The percentage will go up if they are working, and not housewives. Not working for a Thai boss for many years has made my Mrs. completely anti having a Thai boss.

If Thailand had not lost its moral compass and it's police force was less of a negative force than it is, I might think differently.

Sent - how is not that important...

How long ago do you figure Thailand lost it's moral compass?

Tough question.

I can tell you the latest and largest nail in that coffin, IMHO, was the total lack of outrage when children we're kill in Trat in a drive-by at a Democrat rally. Just days after Turkey was brought to a standstill by people united in disgust at the death of an innocent bystander, Thailand let 3 kids die without lifting a finger. That those who oppose the democrats publicly celebrated the deaths is repugnant.

I have only been here since 91, but the downward spiral has been constant; Saudi jewels, the war on drugs, numerous screw-ups in the south...

Sent - how is not that important...

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Pretty spot on. Very few Thai women want to leave Thailand permanently and of those who do, majority are dirt poor and/or from dysfunctional families. Can't blame them, I suppose.

I would argue that many educated Thai will not want to return if they have been away for any reasonable period of time; several years up. The percentage will go up if they are working, and not housewives. Not working for a Thai boss for many years has made my Mrs. completely anti having a Thai boss.

If Thailand had not lost its moral compass and it's police force was less of a negative force than it is, I might think differently.

Sent - how is not that important...

How long ago do you figure Thailand lost it's moral compass?

Tough question.

I can tell you the latest and largest nail in that coffin, IMHO, was the total lack of outrage when children we're kill in Trat in a drive-by at a Democrat rally. Just days after Turkey was brought to a standstill by people united in disgust at the death of an innocent bystander, Thailand let 3 kids die without lifting a finger. That those who oppose the democrats publicly celebrated the deaths is repugnant.

I have only been here since 91, but the downward spiral has been constant; Saudi jewels, the war on drugs, numerous screw-ups in the south...

Sent - how is not that important...

Saudi Jewels and the war on drugs? cheesy.gif My wife doesn't like Thailand because of the Saudi Jewels and the war on drugs. Ya right!

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Lets face facts. Thailand is a third-world country and most Thais know it and want to move to a western country. Most live in shit holes with little creature comfort unless a farang builds them a house and takes care of them and their family up in nakhon nowhere. The classes look down on each other and love to show off their farang to the jealous villagers. The ones who remain, for the most part, have strong family or business commitments. I run into many Thai ladies who want to be rushed off to farangland. When is the last time, outside of Thailand or other third-world country, do you see women washing clothes in a plastic basket?

I understand the attraction, especially for retirees who are invisible in the west, are kids in a candy store in LOS. I'm one of them. The women are beautiful, exotic and available. But to put up with immigration, dual pricing, rich farang mentality, dirt, polution, and foul smells to name a few, tells me that Thailand is not a welcoming country.

Thailand is just Disneyland for adults that is fun to visit on occasion and I'm willing to bet that most ladies would not look back.

When the US military was in the Philippines, the women would give anything to live in the land of the "big PX"

Edited by danmarnj
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I found myself in the same boat last year.My other half had been living in europe for most of her adult life,and decided it was time to go home.I was loving the idea about living in Thailand and she was looking forward to living with her family and friends again.Well to cut a long story short,we didn't last a year in Thailand.She couldn't handle all the unorganized chaos.A lot of the problems we had have already been mentioned in this thread.I could of easily stayed there,but I could see that she wasn't happy.I was livid at first when she said she wanted to go back to europe,because we gave up everything to move to Thailand,but it wasn't worth the hassle of having an unhappy woman around the house so we moved back.She's happy now but says she'll only go back to live in Thailand when it becomes a "civilized land" (her words not mine) .

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Lets face facts. Thailand is a third-world country and most Thais know it and want to move to a western country. Most live in shit holes with little creature comfort unless a farang builds them a house and takes care of them and their family up in nakhon nowhere. The classes look down on each other and love to show off their farang to the jealous villagers. The ones who remain, for the most part, have strong family or business commitments. I run into many Thai ladies who want to be rushed off to farangland. When is the last time, outside of Thailand or other third-world country, do you see women washing clothes in a plastic basket?

I understand the attraction, especially for retirees who are invisible in the west, are kids in a candy store in LOS. I'm one of them. The women are beautiful, exotic and available. But to put up with immigration, dual pricing, rich farang mentality, dirt, polution, and foul smells to name a few, tells me that Thailand is not a welcoming country.

Thailand is just Disneyland for adults that is fun to visit on occasion and I'm willing to bet that most ladies would not look back.

When the US military was in the Philippines, the women would give anything to live in the land of the "big PX"

If you had read the thread you would know everyone agrees that women from the Philippines want to go to another country, almost any country including Thailand. Thai women on the other hand if they have a choice overwhelmingly want to remain in Thailand.

I stay in Thailand because the health care is better and I'm certainly not alone.

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I found myself in the same boat last year.My other half had been living in europe for most of her adult life,and decided it was time to go home.I was loving the idea about living in Thailand and she was looking forward to living with her family and friends again.Well to cut a long story short,we didn't last a year in Thailand.She couldn't handle all the unorganized chaos.A lot of the problems we had have already been mentioned in this thread.I could of easily stayed there,but I could see that she wasn't happy.I was livid at first when she said she wanted to go back to europe,because we gave up everything to move to Thailand,but it wasn't worth the hassle of having an unhappy woman around the house so we moved back.She's happy now but says she'll only go back to live in Thailand when it becomes a "civilized land" (her words not mine) .

Same here we are less than 30 years old so decided to give Thailand a shot, but less than a year and my wife wants to go back to Montreal, can't stand it anymore here. Not so much opportunity for me here, doing business is hell and she wouldn't even be able to find a job that pays more than 30k baht so what's the point in staying. We were doing pretty good in Montreal, good jobs with benefits and money has never been an issue so will go back to our old life. I guess she never fit in the Thai world anyways, probably why she studied in hotel management, likes more international environment. I guess we might give Thailand a shot for our retirement, but maybe do like all the snowbirds but instead of Florida we will go there.

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