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Thaksin 'ready to sacrifice family', sets terms for quitting politics


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The man is pathetic. One can see how pathetic he is by the way he has used / destroyed his young sister for his own objectives. I have a sister and I couldn't bring myself to put her in harms way for any personal agenda I may have.

He would do well to just keep his mouth closed and continue living the current lifestyle he is living.

Yes, i'm sure yingluck feels like she has been his sacrificial lamb for a long time, so when Thaksin says he's willing to sacrifice his family, that's really easy to believe. But when he says he's doing it for the good of Thailand, that's impossible to believe. Thaksin S. has shown that he is a truly delusional megalomaniac so jokes aside the man clearly does have serious mental problems. His poor family must be shaking in their boots after hearing him say something that could easily be interpreted to mean that he'll throw them under the bus for his own benefit.

Edited by tempmember
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I have always thought that the Thaksin-Redshirt alliance was one of convenience rather than ideology. Assuming there is any shred of truth to this report, it would not surprise me if the foreign backers of Thaksin were to ditch him and lend their support to some other politicians. This cycle is going nowhere and there needs to be a clear and uncontested victory for one side. Anyone who can gain the support of the Lanna-Isaan swathe of the country will most likely be in government.

The current regime has, yet again, failed to saddle the country with chronic debt - one of the key pre-emptive strikes on the road to 'liberalisation', privatisation and resource-theft. Thailand will never be a 'good ally' unless it allows itself to be plundered. Just look closely at what is happening in the Ukraine, beyond the military exchanges there has been a huge debt-for-resources scam.

I don't think the battle in Thailand is a 'normal' democratic politics about merely managing the country, but more about who ultimately controls the resources. That this conflict even exists seems to indicate that Thailand's elite are unwilling to relinquish their control to the globalists. For how long can such a relatively small country hold out? I'm not sure that repeating the 19th century policy of accommodating all sides will work again.

There's a lot of merit in what is being said here.

I'm not sure that the 'Liberalisation' is coming from the usual direction and suspect a neighbour to the North East has eyes on Thailand's assets, particularly food production.

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Thaksin says he is willing to sacrifice his family... well he divorced his wife to avoid her being chased for his money and he placed his sister in an impossible position which has clearly been a miserable experience for her.

What else is he going to do?

As Abhisit rightly says, the only thing Thaksin is interested in is an amnesty for himself.

If he wishes to put an end to the problems, return to Thailand, accept his conviction, go to jail and ask for the amnesty which has been on the table for a long time - Anyone who has served time in jail is welcome to the amnesty.

Serving time in jail will of course exclude Thaksin from political office, but he's just said he is willing to withdraw from politics.

Thaksin could for once demonstrate he means what he says and obey the law he wishes everyone else to obey.

this goes both ways right? But why would anyone obey the law when the likes of suthep and his gang of thugs dont. Answer that?

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Unless he was misquoted (I doubt) He said he was finished with politics, so whats new ?? he wants to tell us all again, sort of re-fresh ??

This man is totally out of order, he should never be allowed to interfere in the running of the country, should have been banned years ago. Yingluck please note you made a big mistake with the authorization of the passport, you as PM should have been arrangements with other countries to get him back to face his dues.

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Too little, too late Thaksin.

Your sister is about to take the fall for your inane gamble to bring you home. How do you feel?

You are in a corner. You will never come home, except in a pine box. You will die a broken man in exile because of your self centered greed and ego.

Enjoy your wealth.

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Our goal is to get Thaksin into jail. We don't care who will get out of politics or not," key PDRC leader Thaworn Senneam said.

Have they changed their goals? I thought Suthep was ranting and raving that he wanted the Shins out of politics and out of the country.

Seems that not being allowed into Thailand IS a self imposed prison sentence for Thaksin.

My heart bleeds for him, he must be sick of seeing sand by now!!

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I thought he quit politics in 2007?


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, you're right, but after following his countless statements from exile over the years, I've come to realize that on average Thaksin 'quits politics' every three or four months or so.

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Our goal is to get Thaksin into jail. We don't care who will get out of politics or not," key PDRC leader Thaworn Senneam said.

Have they changed their goals? I thought Suthep was ranting and raving that he wanted the Shins out of politics and out of the country.

Seems that not being allowed into Thailand IS a self imposed prison sentence for Thaksin.

My heart bleeds for him, he must be sick of seeing sand by now!!

And having to buy CAMEL brand clothes.!!!

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Keep the foot on Thaksin's goolies and keep pressing hard. Bottom line is there should be no pardon nor amnesty for Thaksin for the garbage that he has dragged Thailand into. He has more charges awaiting him and they need to be served the same as his lackey's have been dealing it to the rest of Thailand.

After seeing the way that the "Wanted for murder" character called Suthep, struts around Bangkok with complete immunity.

I cannot see why Taksin could not live quietly in Chaing Mai. After all there is a hell of a difference with Sutheps crimes and that of Taksins, which after all were just "trumped up" politically induced charges, aided and abetted by a military coup appointed court. Because they are afraid of his popularity.

Edited by oldsailor35
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You can't shake hands with a rattlesnake.

Thaksin is now displaying a twisted benevolence of which he is in no position to trade one in.

This is an eleventh hour acceptance of defeat of the Thaksin regime, and he knows it.

The regime is dangling over the grand canyon with no way back and being held by a single thread, and Suthep is holding the other end.

He is declaring submission, but ironically is still spouting 'pee-conditions' in an attempt to get a little back to save some face, even though the hypocrisy used is astounding, he is a sociopath and just can't help himself.... He wants to come out of this with a dignity and image of benevolence to the nation that he has no right to.

It is coming blatantly clear that YL has broken down and has begged her brother probably with buckets of tears to be released from her puppet strings. She has a son and can probably foresee their futures as being that equal to big brother's.... a very bitter pill to be banished from your native country.

Thaksin knows YL is now firmly in the shit, and that things are going to be exposed via the scams they have pulled between them that will possibly see very substantial prison sentences handed down to those he loves... If indeed he is capable of that virtue......

It has all gone horribly wrong..... They have made a shitload of money from their time in politics, but it has come at a severe cost.

Even if they got all their pardons.... there is no way to guarantee they will stay out of politics..... They will probably (once in the clear) engineer some sort of massive northern uprising of the people screaming for his return to lead them, so he can say...... 'its what the people have asked for, so I will respond positively to them'.

He is no more than a rattlesnake.

Good post. Agree.

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Sociopaths are unable to accept responsibility for anything. Others are always blamed by these people. I am sorry but Thaksin is mentally ill and the cause of all the problems here in Thailand. The guy is a monster and should be removed from all influence if he cannot remove himself. What ruddy arrogance to demand that others respect the law when he has done everything he can for so many years to flout it. Not only Thai law, but international law too. I'm fed up of this man who ruins so many lives and I am fed up of those sycophants here who support him.

A mentally ill sociopathic monster who is the sole cause of all the problems in Thailand.There are two interpretations of this statement.The first is that it is true, and thus all steps necessary to remove him should be taken.The second that it is a hysterical, buffoonish and ignorant rant ignoring the complex political and social issues that have brought the country to its present pass.I have my own views on the applicable interpretation but others must make up their own minds.

To have some idea of what is going on in Thailand today, one has to read "Latest White Paper on Thailand" just google it.

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Our goal is to get Thaksin into jail. We don't care who will get out of politics or not," key PDRC leader Thaworn Senneam said.

Have they changed their goals? I thought Suthep was ranting and raving that he wanted the Shins out of politics and out of the country.

Seems that not being allowed into Thailand IS a self imposed prison sentence for Thaksin.

My heart bleeds for him, he must be sick of seeing sand by now!!

And having to buy CAMEL brand clothes.!!!

and eating sheep eyes instead of rat on a stick.

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