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Opposition no-show hinders Thai election talks


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Opposition no-show hinders Thai election talks
by Thanaporn PROMYAMYAI

BANGKOK, April 22, 2014 (AFP) - Negotiations on a roadmap to elections in Thailand following months of political turmoil suffered a major setback Tuesday as the opposition pulled out of rare multi-party talks at the last minute.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is pushing for new polls as soon as possible to bolster her precarious position in the face of a series of legal threats that could force her from office.

The kingdom has been without a fully functioning government or parliament since December, and a general election held in February was voided after opposition demonstrators disrupted voting.

The nation has been shaken by months of political violence that has left 25 people dead and hundreds wounded, including many anti-government protesters, in grenade attacks and shootings.

The Election Commission (EC) called the talks to discuss a new election date with political rivals including the main opposition Democrat Party, which boycotted the last round of voting.

But a day after describing the talks as "the most opportune time to put aside our party views", Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva announced shortly before the meeting began that he would not be going.

"I will not attend the meeting because of security," he told AFP without specifying the nature of the concerns. "No one from the Democrats will attend."

On the eve of the meeting, Yingluck's Puea Thai Party decried a "conspiracy" by her opponents to thwart new polls.

In a statement the party said certain groups and political parties "don't want democracy" and are trying to create a political vacuum so they can appoint their own unelected leader.

The EC -- which has been accused by government supporters of siding with the opposition -- says it needs several months at least to organise new polls, leaving the country in legislative limbo.

EC chairman Supachai Somcharoen said at the start of the talks that the meeting would be "important for solving the country problems".

But without the participation of the opposition, hopes of a breakthrough were fading.

Representatives of more than 50 other political parties joined the talks, according to election officials.

Opposition protesters have threatened to disrupt any new polls. Dozens of anti-government demonstrators rallied outside the Bangkok hotel where the talks were taking place Tuesday, demanding "reform before election".

- Justice or power grab? -

Yingluck, who won a landslide election victory in 2011, could be ordered to step down within weeks in connection with two legal cases under consideration by the Constitutional Court and an anti-corruption panel.

Thailand's first female premier is accused of the alleged improper transfer of a top civil servant as well as dereliction of duty linked to a loss-making rice subsidy scheme that critics say is infested with corruption.

Her supporters see the moves as an attempted power grab.

The backdrop is an eight-year struggle between a royalist establishment -- backed by parts of the judiciary and the military -- and Yingluck's family, which has traditionally enjoyed strong support in the northern half of Thailand.

Yingluck's "Red Shirt" supporters have vowed to take to the streets again to defend her administration, raising fears of a bloody new chapter in Thailand's long political crisis.

Mass protests by the Red Shirts in 2010 triggered a military crackdown under Abhisit's government that left dozens dead.
A senior figure in the red-clad movement, Thida Thavornseth, urged followers Tuesday to be ready for another "long protest".

The opposition protesters want Yingluck to resign to make way for an unelected "people's council" to oversee political reforms.

They have vowed to purge the kingdom of the influence of her brother Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a coup in 2006 but looms large over Thai politics from self-exile in Dubai where he lives to avoid prison for a corruption conviction.

Asked Tuesday about reports that the Shinawatra family had offered to quit politics if the opposition respected the democratic process, Yingluck said only that she was "not clinging to her position".

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-04-22

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Abhisit won't attend EC meeting due to security concerns

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva on Tuesday wrote on his Facebook page that he was unable to attend the meeting with the Election Commission (EC) and other political parties to discuss possible election dates due to safety concerns.

He wrote that he had sent a letter reaffirming the Democrats’ intention to cooperate in finding a way forward for the country. "We will keep on trying," he wrote.

-- The Nation 2014-04-22

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All the red boys out attacking Abhisit following their hymn sheets.

I see there were shootings very close by

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What do you expect after the song and dance he made about attending. So representatives of 64 political parties managed to conquer their fear, but not abhisit.............................

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Asked Tuesday about reports that the Shinawatra family had offered to quit politics if the opposition respected the democratic process, Yingluck said only that she was "not clinging to her position".

Because, after all, "her family don't want power, only peace" That statement stinks worse than a monk beater flinging his own crap. As the old saying goes, "don't eat that elmer, that's horseshit".

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Does anybody seriously believe that if all the Shinawatras walked away from politics, went to live on the moon we could have an election. You kid yourself this is a power grab under the masquerade of demonising Thaksin and family members. Suthep will not stop whatever and keep moving the goalposts untill he undemocratically snatches power and hangs onto it for an unspecified time. Dont delude yourself, his faceless backers are evil people only driven by greed.

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All the red boys out attacking Abhisit following their hymn sheets.

I see there were shootings very close by

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What do you expect after the song and dance he made about attending. So representatives of 64 political parties managed to conquer their fear, but not abhisit.............................

I'd like to understand a bit better what his concerns were.

Its very close to the Laksi intersection where there was a previous attack, very close to a red shirt demonstration and certainly his memories of having bags of shit thrown into his private home coupled with the excreta thrown at the EC this week would have made anyone wary

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"I will not attend the meeting because of security,"

A principle of democracy is "equal protection under the law" though the "1 principle party" do not adhere to that principle. The PDRC are like lambs to a slaughter with daily attacks offered by opposition that act with impunity due to the political persuasion of the police force. When the red shirts stated 2 days ago they will hunt down Somchai from the EC and actually threw rotten fish, eggs and even human excreta at the van he was in then one can understand the Right Honorable Ahbisits concerns. Do you know what happened to the people that broke the law by throwing eggs, fish and excreta at the van? Do you know what the police did to persuade others that this action is not tolerated. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. So when Ahbisit offers a concern for safety then by all means it is true. He is hated by the one principle supporters more than Somchai. The hero's of democracy usually are hated by one principle supporters. They fear them and being inarticulate will resort to violence as they are unable to communicate their concerns.

People denounce him for telling the truth, for fearing for his safety because of a one sided police force. I think they crave blood. They cheer terrorist attacks so we already know their lust for the red stuff.

Yet they stay silent when two liars are scared to attend the criminal court to hear if their bail was revoked when Jatuporn's and Nattwutt's lawyer Winyat Chartmontree said both his clients were "sick". When there bail was nbot revoked they miraculously got better and thanked the courts. What would happen if their bail was revoked. One can be assured the two accused terrorists would now be on the run. One would be the deputy commerce minister setting the example that if held accountable then run away like thaksin.

Ahbisit tells the truth and fears for his life. Denounced. Two accused terrorists are in hiding until a court case goes their way. They are the good guys?

That is PTP logic right there.

"fears for his life" cheesy.gif

the LEADER (sic) of the opposition "at the last minute" does not go??? he's a FARCE with no ethics or gumption

what a pathetic state the opposition is in - I would support Lucifer Himself if it were against this excuse for a leader

Thais are NOT STUPID they can see his pathetic game playing passifier.gif

as for your grovelling and deferential post what can one say? beatdeadhorse.gif

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" Yingluck, who won a landslide election victory in 2011 ... "

It should be pointed out - yet again - in this AFP article - that in 2011 Yingluck did not win a landslide by any definition. She got 48.41 % of the vote. That's not a landslide. She won 265 out of 500 seats. That's not a landslide. After a number of party leaders made highly visible trips " abroad ", Thaksin was able to cobble together a coalition for her that resulted in about 300 seats. Even that isn't a landslide. But right now, Yingluck has no legislative authority. At all. And since December 9 she has no publicly sanctioned mandate. At all. Right now, she is charged with abuse of power that could result in her removal from office, as well as through an investigation into a fiscal scandal, commonly known as the rice scheme. The two bodies investigating these - the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission - have come under relentless intimidation from the Yingluck administration. AFP always ends their articles with a resume of events to help readers unfamiliar with this situation. They need to start including these facts as well.

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What a craven coward.

He is the proverbial "tits on a bull" useless

Good for absolutely nothing other than resoundingly losing elections with regular monotony.

It appears that Suthep won't let his poodle attend the meeting so the poodle makes up a ridiculous excuse to not go.

Yellow hearted lightweight failure that he is.

Step aside and let a real man front the opposition and then the Dems will be one step closer to winning an honest contest.

He is nothing but a pox on the nation.

Please go away

Edited by Torkmada
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Your friendly neighbour reporter has heard, from someone who 'is familiar with the matter', that the EC commissioners had heinously plotted to instruct all 50 parties who did attend to throw their paperclips at Abhisit !!!!!!

This was considered, by Abhisit's PDRC 'Praetorian Guard', to be a grave threat to the "Emperor-in-Waiting" whoops that's Suthep... anyway... he was scared

"I shall not go"!!!!!! Abhisit declared to the glowing testimony of some TVF posters (and his maid and driver) asked why? he replied "Suthep didn't like the idea as he was not invited and he wanted to take my whistle away"

so... dear readers... he decided to stay within the safety of his compound vowing "never to leave" for fear of his... safety

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All the red boys out attacking Abhisit following their hymn sheets.

I see there were shootings very close by

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What do you expect after the song and dance he made about attending. So representatives of 64 political parties managed to conquer their fear, but not abhisit.............................

Here's an avatar for you.


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By Heck! What is this guy useful for, anything? Did he hear that the TV cameras won't be showing up or something equally devastating?

This guy would boycott the opening of a book.

Well, he is handsome and he is very clever... seems this guy went to the best school in the world and then attended one of the best Universities in the world .. and then it seems he went back to that University to teach.. as a Don.. Credentials seem to be impeccable ... Which Uni did you attend fab4.. ? Someone once said to me , What do you call a Scouser at Uni.. answer... The Janitor..! (with your pen-name you must be that janitor) giggle.gif

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All the red boys out attacking Abhisit following their hymn sheets.

I see there were shootings very close by

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The shootings were near the UDD march at the top end of Chang Wattana Road, The EC meeting was at The Miracle Grand which is in Lak Si.

Buy a map.

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"I will not attend the meeting because of security,"

A principle of democracy is "equal protection under the law" though the "1 principle party" do not adhere to that principle. The PDRC are like lambs to a slaughter with daily attacks offered by opposition that act with impunity due to the political persuasion of the police force. When the red shirts stated 2 days ago they will hunt down Somchai from the EC and actually threw rotten fish, eggs and even human excreta at the van he was in then one can understand the Right Honorable Ahbisits concerns. Do you know what happened to the people that broke the law by throwing eggs, fish and excreta at the van? Do you know what the police did to persuade others that this action is not tolerated. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. So when Ahbisit offers a concern for safety then by all means it is true. He is hated by the one principle supporters more than Somchai. The hero's of democracy usually are hated by one principle supporters. They fear them and being inarticulate will resort to violence as they are unable to communicate their concerns.

People denounce him for telling the truth, for fearing for his safety because of a one sided police force. I think they crave blood. They cheer terrorist attacks so we already know their lust for the red stuff.

Yet they stay silent when two liars are scared to attend the criminal court to hear if their bail was revoked when Jatuporn's and Nattwutt's lawyer Winyat Chartmontree said both his clients were "sick". When there bail was nbot revoked they miraculously got better and thanked the courts. What would happen if their bail was revoked. One can be assured the two accused terrorists would now be on the run. One would be the deputy commerce minister setting the example that if held accountable then run away like thaksin.

Ahbisit tells the truth and fears for his life. Denounced. Two accused terrorists are in hiding until a court case goes their way. They are the good guys?

That is PTP logic right there.

"fears for his life" cheesy.gif

the LEADER (sic) of the opposition "at the last minute" does not go??? he's a FARCE with no ethics or gumption

what a pathetic state the opposition is in - I would support Lucifer Himself if it were against this excuse for a leader

Thais are NOT STUPID they can see his pathetic game playing passifier.gif

as for your grovelling and deferential post what can one say? beatdeadhorse.gif

Thanks for that post. I gave you a like in appreciation for proving me right. You have highlighted PTP logic.

The Right Honorable Ahbisit tells the truth and he is denounced. "A farce with no ethics or gumption"

Two accused terrorists go into hiding with their excuse being they were sick. When the bail was not revoked they make a miraculous recovery and come out of hiding. You stay silent on that one, but others defended them.

Again thanks. It reminds me of Somchai stating the red shirts are are rude, low and wild with the red shirts response being a rude, low and wild one!

I state PTP logic and you prove me right. We should tag team more often.

SMUG mode engaged.

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What a craven coward.

He is the proverbial "tits on a bull" useless

Good for absolutely nothing other than resoundingly losing elections with regular monotony.

It appears that Suthep won't let his poodle attend the meeting so the poodle makes up a ridiculous excuse to not go.

Yellow hearted lightweight failure that he is.

Step aside and let a real man front the opposition and then the Dems will be one step closer to winning an honest contest.

He is nothing but a pox on the nation.

Please go away

Bit like Yingluck who won't go head to head on a live tv debate,but she does have tits,I've seen them.

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Such an opportunity lost.

It's pretty clear sutep is calling all the shots and wants his unelected reform committee at all costs.

I nearly feel sorry for abhisit I think for a moment he wanted to attend and at least show that there might be a path to some resolution but was reigned in at the last moment.

The monk and the protesters didn't help nor has all the mixed messages coming out of the dems camp.

Why not just push on without the and call the election

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Ahbisit is an incompetent coward?

Then don't forget our angelic looking lady, what shall we call her?

She is far more worse.

And i remember there is a video showing a reporter asking her about the recent increase petrol pricing.

And she looks totally sucks. That day no one beside saving her ass.

She gave a totally clueless pathetic face with a HUH!??? huh.png

She doesn't know any shit at all and the most laughable is she ask back the reporter which company huh???

Is it LG??? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I never know there is a oil company call LG in Thailand. clap2.gif

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Abhisit is an incompetent coward that is the leader of the worst political opposition party in Thailands history.

The sooner this loser leaves politics for good, the better for Thai democracy.

Nice idea, but you got the name wrong, as usual. It's Taksin who's the craven one. After all Abhisit is still here, and Taksin is.... where?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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