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What do you think this Thai girl wants of me?


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Hi guys,

I met this really cute girl in a Nightclub in Phuket when I was there. She's 21, cute and a really fun character too and her profession is eh.. I'd classify her as a freelancer. So we spent a couple of days together, because she was actually a really fun person too. Went to the beach together, a romantic trip to the STD clinic and at the end of the holiday she asked me to come and meet her sister. I didn't have time for this unfortunately, as had to fly to my next destination.

I'm 22 my self and not any kind of an "old fat farang" (no offence to any old fat farangs haha); I'm actually young, very fit and maybe a little hansum too, at least I hope so=D

Please let me make clear immediately, that:

-No, I am not in love with her and not planning to..

-No, I am not going to help her sick buffalo or anything else

-No, I am not going to marry her

However this girl never asked me for any money. There was no bullsh1t with her, she told me she has 2 Canadian boyfriend ATM's. I took her number just in case I come to Phuket again.. Also she was clearly enjoying my company. (yes, I can tell the difference)

I was bored one day and dropped her a text, and she added me on WhatsApp.. Since then she has been sending me messages nearly every day, including pictures of her and her family, pictures of Songkran, pictures of her naked.. and I must say I don't mind at all, beacuse that kind of stuff just helps me keep a little smile on at my incredibly boring job here in Farangland. I also send her pictures because she asks me to.

Just thought it would be great to have a contact in Thailand, just a friend with benefits thing who I can have a laugh with, maybe someone who can help me understand their culture a little. I actually got her to teach me a little Thai haha..

Also one funny thing, whenever I mention I'm going out she gets VERY jealous. She wants to makes sure I'm going with guys only. She asked me one day "who you make sex with" and I told her just a friend of mine and she got completely angry at me!! I guess the right answer would have been "my hand 5555".. lol some real Thai logic there.

Ok right so my question is, what do you think are her intentions? I came up with 3 possibilities myself:

1. She is just texting me to have a sure human ATM the next time I'll be in Phuket. A human ATM who's company she enjoys, but a good way to have someone pay for her things.

2. She is not stupid and is slowly trying to build up some kind of feelings in me, so she can come up with a sick buffalo story maybe later on? (On the other hand she doesn't give me any of this "I like only you" BS like I've seen many times. I remember another one said to me once after one night that if I pay her $300 she will quit her job and come with me. I joked that I live in Bangkok, pack your things we're leaving tomorrow - her face went pale :D Since when do they use $ in Thailand anyways=D? maybe 300 sounded better than the equivalent in Baht..)

3. She just genuinely thinks I'm just nice to chat to. I mean we are all humans afterall and we are the same age. Maybe she want's to have a farang friend..

What do you more experienced people think? What are her intentions? I remember someone saying once that a woman can't be a friend ;)

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doesnt really matter, when the dogs piss in her ear, nothing she thinks or feels will make an iota of difference. like a cobra dancing the tune, she not her own woman. too many people know the compliance tune, but you never will.

note it is when not if.

Edited by Ao Kuntee
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

She wants money from you sometime. I find it funny that she is supposedly jealous of you going out and maybe having sex while she is banging two other guys on the side.

Also she was clearly enjoying my company. (yes, I can tell the difference)

I doubt that very much, they are extremely good actors.

Well at least she gave me freebies and paid for her own food. But you might be right, she might eventually try to get money off me somehow. But I doubt she would be so intelligent to invest time ("money") into me for free in order to maybe get money off me in 6 months? Well you never know, maybe she is a professional wink.png

I was bored one day and dropped her a text, and she added me on WhatsApp.. Since then she has been sending me messages nearly every day, including pictures of her and her family, pictures of Songkran, pictures of her naked

Work her out yourself. It's not hard.

Anyway, you appear extremely naïve due to your youth or you are trolling. Good luck if it's your youth.

Yeah, eventually I will. Not trolling, it's the youth.. the thing is just that I'm just wondering how far would they go with pretending just to ask money at some point. It's not like she's supposed to be a good girl or anything, but if it's all just about useless chatting I'm absolutely fine with it as its quite fun. Brightens my day. But I would be still disappointed if eventually she would make a sick buffalo story as then all her chatting would have been only for this purpose.

But again she seemed so honest about what she does, so it doesnt seem like she's trying to make me fall for her or anything.

By the way only a few months and moving to LOS to work in technology.. Farangland got too boring for me. Will not be going to Phuket though biggrin.png

Edited by fitfalang
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Move along nothing to see here.


Sorry but why do you actually think this is a troll? o_O

Is it because I'm being so naive and think there might be any other motive than money?

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Because you have 2 posts and 95% of posts of this nature are by people with a few posts.

Did you not research Thailand via forums before you lived visited there?

I swear this is not a troll - and please tell me just if you think I am being stupid?

I did yes, I've been reading this forum for years occasionally but haven't made an account until today.

I mean I've understood that the general opinion is that if you meet them in a bar they're just after your money.. but I am genuinely wondering if she is chatting to me purely to try and get money off me later on?

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Because you have 2 posts and 95% of posts of this nature are by people with a few posts.

Did you not research Thailand via forums before you lived visited there?

I swear this is not a troll - and please tell me just if you think I am being stupid?

I did yes, I've been reading this forum for years occasionally but haven't made an account until today.

I mean I've understood that the general opinion is that if you meet them in a bar they're just after your money.. but I am genuinely wondering if she is chatting to me purely to try and get money off me later on?

Why do you refer to yourself as "this" ?

Surely anyone with half a brain who doesn't even speak the English language as a 1st language would use the term "I".

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Because you have 2 posts and 95% of posts of this nature are by people with a few posts.

Did you not research Thailand via forums before you lived visited there?

I swear this is not a troll - and please tell me just if you think I am being stupid?

I did yes, I've been reading this forum for years occasionally but haven't made an account until today.

I mean I've understood that the general opinion is that if you meet them in a bar they're just after your money.. but I am genuinely wondering if she is chatting to me purely to try and get money off me later on?

Why do you refer to yourself as "this" ?

Surely anyone with half a brain who doesn't even speak the English language as a 1st language would use the term "I".

this - as in this original post is not a troll..

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You are very young and this may be a good life experience for you. Most Thai women looking for a "sponsor", will not look in a 22 years old, and accepting a small gift from you is not proof that its is just looking for money. She may really like you and enjoy your company, even if she have a "job" in a night club. My advise. Just act with her in the same way you will with a farang girl friend, spending the same amount but in Thailand's proportion. Easy way to do it, is knowing that here $300 is equal to a Thailand's minimum monthly salary, and it is a lot of money to spend with a girlfriend here. If you control your spending with her in that way, you will know soon if she is interested in just your money or not. You are young. You do not need to get into a common farang mistake showing and spending more money than necessary, and later complaining that was scammed by a Thai woman.

Enjoy your youth, do not get into trouble or lies, have safe sex, and a lot of fun!

Edited by umbanda
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If you are 22 I'm pretty sure she does prefer you to the ATM old fat farangs, which is why she is playing the long game. Unless you are wealthy enough to support her and family (unlikely if you hate your job, unless you are a money-brokertongue.png ) you will never convert that advantage of youth.

If she's that great, I would keep poking her for free until she reaches that decision point. One up to the falangs!

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feed it. To the OP drop what you're doing and catch the next plane back and marry her before any one else does, she's a keeper for sure. And you're right, very really will they be you're friend only a gik which will still end up costing you but maybe less then her other 5 bf's
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So what do you want Posters on here to say? You have already described her short comings,so best to move on from this woman who knows exactly how to snare one and several others into her net. And in answer to your question.......

"Replying to What do you think this Thai girl wants of me?

Frankly! another paying sponsor to join her other collection of those that left their brains back home!

those that left their brains back home!

Edited by MAJIC
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Most Thai women see farangs as ATM dispensers that can give some financial security for themselves & their family. They will do what you wish & more to please & hang on to you. There are no moral issues or age factors involved; it's all about the money.

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Why have 2 walking ATMs when 3 (or 5) is even better ? Sure there's the odd scheduling problem, especially when one of the lovesick kwaii decides to extend his holiday (or arrive earlier than expected), but hey, that's what "sick family in Isaan" are there for, right ? Sorry teerak, momma go hospital. I come back 2-3 days na. Need baht for taxi/hospital/medicine/etc.

7-8 years ago I knew girls that had numerous walking ATMs and were (supposedly) getting upwards of 100k (baht) per month to "not work bar" and yet there they were, looking for more. I also knew a guy who used to specialize in picking up girls and waiting for their ATMs to phone, then calling out loudly so the ATM could tell she was screwing around. Haven't seen him in a long time. Probably nothing to do with him becoming very unpopular with the ladies or anything !

Like others have mentioned, enjoy the ride while it lasts but don't be surprised when "teerak" suddenly needs ever increasing amounts of baht for one reason or another. You already know she has (at least) 2 other ATMs on the go, don't think for a second that you are any different than they are.

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