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What do you think this Thai girl wants of me?


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I when out for like 3 months with what I call a freelancer she never asked me for any money till near the end of the third month I said no and any body in there right mind should know it's just about the money.

What do you expect after 3 months with a girl who's only income is what she can make having sex?

If on the other hand she is getting money from somewhere else (a real job, family, some fat old sponsor) and she still asks for money from you, then she is either greedy or you are not being generous enough with paying for things.

Did you allow her to keep working while you were 'dating' her?

It is only about money if the girl has no other source of income, in which case you are her source of income.

No different to a woman in the west who gets married and quits working to raise the kids, as the bread winner it's the man's job to give the woman money.

Why would anyone date a girl who doesn't have her own income?

I would, if she is sexy and an animal in bed!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Because you have 2 posts and 95% of posts of this nature are by people with a few posts.

Did you not research Thailand via forums before you lived visited there?

I swear this is not a troll - and please tell me just if you think I am being stupid?

I did yes, I've been reading this forum for years occasionally but haven't made an account until today.

I mean I've understood that the general opinion is that if you meet them in a bar they're just after your money.. but I am genuinely wondering if she is chatting to me purely to try and get money off me later on?

You mentioned you live in Bangkok. Have you been here long and do you intend staying long?

You seem pretty switched on about the potential pitfalls, so I'm not really sure why you are asking what seems to me to be an easy question to answer.

Enjoy your time with her, never forget that (whatever your family background and wealth is) her family are dirt poor compared to you and even if she genuinely is attracted to you, she is also seeing you as perhaps a way to escape poverty one day.

If you and her just have a nice little fling together then after you go back to Bangkok she *has* to go back to shagging any old fart that want to pay for it.

Maybe keep in touch with her for when you go back to Phuket, or just put her down as a notch on your belt and find another one to shag next time, just don't fall in love with her.

You are only 22 so you shouldn't really be thinking of marrying anyone for at least 10 years. Hopefully by then you'll have become wise (but not cynical) and you will (if you are still in Thailand) have met girls who are not from dirt poor families and been hookers, but proper girls with good jobs and from well off families.

For the record, I've been here 5 years, first girlfriend was from a bar in BKK, that lasted 2 & 1/2 years (we are still friends). Now I won't even entertain dating a girl unless she earns at least 60,000 a month in a real job, or her family are middle class and don't need any financial help from me. I'm 46 but easily pass for 10 years younger.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Move along nothing to see here.


Sorry but why do you actually think this is a troll? o_O

Is it because I'm being so naive and think there might be any other motive than money?

Freelancer doesn't need your money handsum man

Wonder why a 22 year handsome American guy want to travel all the way to Thailand just to pick up a prostitute woman? Isn't there any attractive girls in the US anymore? Or maybe he don't look like what he is describing? Good luck with your free prostitute in the future, she may be the most expensive woman you ever have dated clap2.gif

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"I'm 22 my self and not any kind of an "old fat farang" (no offence to any old fat farangs haha)"

No offense taken. there are no old fat farangs here. we are all fit and look like sean connery

However, we prefer our martinis stirred. And we are not drunk every day like Sean

Edited by slipperylobster
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I when out for like 3 months with what I call a freelancer she never asked me for any money till near the end of the third month I said no and any body in there right mind should know it's just about the money.

What do you expect after 3 months with a girl who's only income is what she can make having sex?

If on the other hand she is getting money from somewhere else (a real job, family, some fat old sponsor) and she still asks for money from you, then she is either greedy or you are not being generous enough with paying for things.

Did you allow her to keep working while you were 'dating' her?

It is only about money if the girl has no other source of income, in which case you are her source of income.

No different to a woman in the west who gets married and quits working to raise the kids, as the bread winner it's the man's job to give the woman money.

Why would anyone date a girl who doesn't have her own income?

I would, if she is sexy and an animal in bed!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes point taken Gunter, but I said 'date' as in relationship, not just a few free shags.

Getting a few free shags from some girl who has no income is fine, just don't do it for too long or you will end up being asked for financial assistance, unless she has money coming from somewhere else

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You are 22, fit and allegedly good looking. She is 21.

Just because she is Thai and working in a bar in Phuket does not mean she can't see a good looking bloke and be attracted to him; and having fond him attractive why should she want money for sex, why can't she just want sex for the pleasure of it.

Chances are she has to have sex with plenty of fat ugly guys (young and old) and deserves to get paid for having their sweaty unattractive bodies on top of her, so when she find a hot young guy she is probably glad of some actual enjoyment with a guy.

Agree, these girls are no different to the western girls in that, if they like you, they'll screw you but they will manipulate you as well.

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&lt;deleted&gt;??? What do you think she is thinking you are trying to do? What a nice, hansom(your spelling), troll. What is your name? Remind me so that if I ever run into you I don't make you my friend. You will be asking this forum about that. Hey guys what do you think? This yank met me and started talking and he even bought me a beer. What do you think? You think he wants to rob me? You think he a tosser? Why was he talking to me??? Maybe he is gay and thinks I am?

Did you ever think the person may have NO ulterior motives? You have many friends? Didn't think so.

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OP and others think that a troll is a thing. It is not. A post cannot be a troll. The definition of a modern day internet troll:

"One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument"

(Urban Dict App)

Btw, I don't think our OP is a troll. He made the mistake asking this forum a question. He will learn that all topics of interest to young (and, therefore, inexperienced) people will cause shitstorms. When my handsome son came to visit and really hot dancers paid their own bar fine and fought over who could give a freeby first, he asked me similar questions.

I explained. He had a good time. Pleasure without remorse.

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She wants money from you sometime. I find it funny that she is supposedly jealous of you going out and maybe having sex while she is banging two other guys on the side.

Also she was clearly enjoying my company. (yes, I can tell the difference)

I doubt that very much, they are extremely good actors.

&lt;deleted&gt; The OP answered all his own questions. This is a NON_POST

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They don't all want just money...i met my girl in a rock club ... and she was clearly there to support herself amd family with a farang ...however I have never paid for sex with her... and we live in a nice place... of course I pay for rent and food ... so... yes there are the once that love you too... hard to find sometimes ... bit mine doesn't have another farang ...i know as im a techno freak and i bugged her phone for a while with a hidden program that records anything from text to email to conversations she has with her female friends... After a while I un installed the program... We are happy together ..when im not working we spend all day

.going for walks and doing stuff... yes mate there are exceptions but ...not the once who have 2 to 20 others on the go... take care of yourself and you're wallet :)

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Because you have 2 posts and 95% of posts of this nature are by people with a few posts.

Did you not research Thailand via forums before you lived visited there?

I swear this is not a troll - and please tell me just if you think I am being stupid?

I did yes, I've been reading this forum for years occasionally but haven't made an account until today.

I mean I've understood that the general opinion is that if you meet them in a bar they're just after your money.. but I am genuinely wondering if she is chatting to me purely to try and get money off me later on?

Yes. It's her job and she knows all the tricks.
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Impossible to say what's on her mind. No need to so cynical as some of the posters--just cautious. You can always dump her later if she starts pumping for big bucks.

Just make sure she knows you are seeing other women and let the chips fall.


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Because you have 2 posts and 95% of posts of this nature are by people with a few posts.

Did you not research Thailand via forums before you lived visited there?

I swear this is not a troll - and please tell me just if you think I am being stupid?

I did yes, I've been reading this forum for years occasionally but haven't made an account until today.

I mean I've understood that the general opinion is that if you meet them in a bar they're just after your money.. but I am genuinely wondering if she is chatting to me purely to try and get money off me later on?

You mentioned you live in Bangkok. Have you been here long and do you intend staying long?

You seem pretty switched on about the potential pitfalls, so I'm not really sure why you are asking what seems to me to be an easy question to answer.

Enjoy your time with her, never forget that (whatever your family background and wealth is) her family are dirt poor compared to you and even if she genuinely is attracted to you, she is also seeing you as perhaps a way to escape poverty one day.

If you and her just have a nice little fling together then after you go back to Bangkok she *has* to go back to shagging any old fart that want to pay for it.

Maybe keep in touch with her for when you go back to Phuket, or just put her down as a notch on your belt and find another one to shag next time, just don't fall in love with her.

You are only 22 so you shouldn't really be thinking of marrying anyone for at least 10 years. Hopefully by then you'll have become wise (but not cynical) and you will (if you are still in Thailand) have met girls who are not from dirt poor families and been hookers, but proper girls with good jobs and from well off families.

For the record, I've been here 5 years, first girlfriend was from a bar in BKK, that lasted 2 & 1/2 years (we are still friends). Now I won't even entertain dating a girl unless she earns at least 60,000 a month in a real job, or her family are middle class and don't need any financial help from me. I'm 46 but easily pass for 10 years younger.

Wow,my hero.

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Great post Sir,I can see where you are coming from.If you bear with me for a moment I will tell you you something about myself.I am 65 yo old,ugly as a hat full of ,I have a slight handicap no bad just a bit of weakness in the right hand side so I have to walk with a stick.So you are well in front of me,in the mating stakes you would leave me for dead.Now some positive points about myself.I have a beautiful 45 yo Thai companion,we are not married and never will be which suits me fine.I just rent a house in Issan,do not drink very much and smoke about 10 a day.I guess as a young guy you would go out and party and could have a lot of girls and show them a great time,so once again I would say you are well in front of me.So I have to get some points back.The first thing is I have got an 11.5 inch penis,which at some time is no advantage at all,but I wish I had a camera the first time Lady saw it.Her eyes went so big,it was so funny.Second I have got $5 million,not baht,$s.Years ago I bought Ladys Dad a car and a voice in my head was telling me I was doing something wrong.I got the car around to his place then realized the old bastard cannot drive.I wish you all the best for the future but if someone came along with a few baht your girl would be gone in a flash

your 5million reasons ahead of this guy.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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OK.... first of all she is a prostitute. But that does not make her a less nice person. Obviously she is a nice person. And being a pro does not mean she does not have feelings. Obviously she has.

So it's a good friend.

Just don't abuse of her: Everything she meets you she does not make money. So take good and gentle care of her. And perhaps, like most expats do here, still pay her if she doesn't refuse.

Good luck. Good guy. Good girl.

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I'd suggest that you let your big head not control your little head... Or visa versa........

And by the way, I was like you were before.... Yes dummy, you will get fat, and be old......


Where is the sense in this post..... Well actually it is money......

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