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Cancer Treatment Inside Thailand


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My girlfriend, who is Thai, has been diagnosed with intestinal cancer. Extremely shocking news, but I am trying to move fast as this is first stage at the moment.

I was wondering what options, doctors, treatment centers, and medical and healing options anyone knows about in Thailand or neighboring countries, or also outside of Thailand.

I am American, I want to help her to seek treatment where the best doctors and options are. Money and cost are not an obstacle, I just need advice on how/where/who to use to deal with this.

Thank you for any help everyone.

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If money is no object get yourself over to the German or Swiss cancer clinics.

They combine western with complimentary medical treatment and are years ahead of other countries especially in more non invasive treatment of cancer. ie targeted chemo, radiation with heat therapy, hypothermia etc

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The Thai government hospitals have plenty of experience dealing with this and as a Thai citizen most of the treatment will be free. Depending on which hospital she is registered at under whichever health coverage scheme applies ("30 baht" or Social Security), they may have to refer her to a regional or national hospital .

Her prognosis depends on how far advanced the cancer is. A series of scans will determine this. Depending on what they show, surgery alone, surgery plus chemotherapy, or only chemo may be advised. Cancers are reefrred to by Stage, i.e. Stage I, II, III, IV etc. She should specifically ask what stage she is. Also, the exact location of the cancer. If intestinal it is probably in the colon but helps to know which part as this affects surgical options.

There are also some large private hospitals with the capacity to treat this but would cost a small fortune and usually not provide better treatment, though of course more convenient (less wait time etc). Sometimes it is useful to get a private consultation with a top specialist just to be sure the course of treatment being followed/proposed at the government hospital is state of the art, and also to have the opportunity to get a more thorough a consultation is not that costly. She'd need to know what stage she is and specifically what treatment has been recommended, including the names of the drugs if chemo.

If you want the name of a specialist at a private hosp, let me know the location and stage of the cancer.

How old is she?

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