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Trip to Myanmar

susan d

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Hi all! I'm planning my next solo trip to Myanmar and a visa run from Thailand.

I'm planning to fly in to Yangon from Bangkok and spend 5-7 days travelling around. I know it's not a lot of time but I'd like to make the most of it. Can any one recommend an itenirary for that amount of time? I normally don't go on packaged tours but I wonder if it's a good idea in Myanmar given the limited time I have?

Visiting Bagan has been on my to-do list for a while but since my budget probably won't have room for the balloon flight, I wonder if it's still worth it? Is it possible to hike to a nice viewpoint?

Other than Bagan I'm a bit lost in thought about places to visit. I really like getting to know different cultures, I enjoy visiting markets, temples etc. and I don't mind having to work for getting to interesting off the beat places (hiking etc.). I'm not too fond if loud party places and am more of a drinking-beer-on-the-beach-with-a-guitar (and someone who plays it) kind of person. Any recommendations with that in mind would be much appreciated icon_smile.gif

Lastly, since I'm in a bit of a time crunch this time around I was thinking of flying from Myanmar to Hanoi, Vietnam. Is that possible?

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I think this is probably better off over in the Myanmar travel forum. Let's move this topic over there. A link will still be here in the Thailand travel forum for reference. OK?

Also, I'd recommend you peruse the Myanmar forums for info. I think there might be some threads there that will interest you.

Topic Moved.

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It's been well over 10 years since I went to Myanmar but Bagan is a fantastic place, it's spread out so you can rent a bike and get around and there were some decent viewing spots, if I recall

Are you flying though? Travel will eat into your week long trip. Not sure if it's been improved but every single long bus trip I took broke down, add minimum 6 hours to anything over 10 hours journey time, may be different now though but I'd check that

I liked Rangoon itself, internal flights are quite cheap I think

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Hello Susan,

Lets get an easy question out of the way first.

Vietnam Airlines has direct flights 3 days a week from Yangon to Hanoi, departing at 19:10 and arriving at 21:30 (7:10pm - 9:30pm)

However you should still check flights via Bangkok as this will often provide cheaper options if you prefer.

As for travelling in Myanmar, 5-7 days is probably only going to allow a whirlwind introduction to the country.

Given you are a self confessed drinking-beer-on-the-beach-with-a-guitar (and someone who plays it) kind of person then your only options to do this in Myanmar is pretty much Ngwe Saung beach or Chaungtha beach (both on the delta coast some 6 hours bus ride west of Yangon), or Ngapali up in the northwest (an hour plus flight)

Ngwe Saung is a little more relaxed than Chaungtha, but there is little to do besides sit on the beach and eat seafood. Ngwe Saung is a nicer swimming beach, Chaungtha caters more to Burmese families and has pony rides, banana boating and other activities. You'll even see ponies painted like zebras there, bit of a novelty.

Bagan is on a plain, can't recall any view points beside the balloon (which is well worth while if your budget allows). Lots of ancient temples in a beautiful landscape.

Yangon itself is worth a couple of days exploring, it is under rated and often overlooked by travellers who arrive there and rush off to their first tourist hotspot the next morning.

Keep in mind that Myanmar is a large country, and it takes time to get around by bus.

On a 5-7 day time-poor trip, you should be looking to fly from place to place. so as not to waste half of your week on a bus or train.

I suggest you do some more research. There is a LOT to do and see in Myanmar, and 5-7 days means you will have to choose carefully so as to see some of the country without rushing and losing the enjoyment of a holiday.

If you have any specific questions post back and we'll try to help.



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5-7 day i'd do like SVB suggests (beaches).


Yangon -> Moulmein -> Hpa'an.... (eventually leaving overland via Kawkareik-Myawaddy).

edit: if u do the beaches do Bassein too one day/night. great delta city/life. genuine myanmar.

Edited by stickylies
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My advice is extend it to ten days. You see nothing in 5-7.

i don't agree. SEEING something has nothing to do with length of stay but with level of LOOKING (and preparation/organisation). i have met too many backpackers who traveled myanmar for 25+ days who simply rushed the big 4 thinking the more miles involved the more hardcore they are..... one can do a fantastic CITY trip in yangon of 5 days! plenty to see, visit, do. ps. even when u have 1 full year u don't get to "see" all myanmar has to offer................................

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I hired a car and driver in Yangon. Great guy (kosoe). He called ahead and arranged cars and drivers in Mandalay and Bagan. Got to meet his family and got to go out of the norm places and see and experience real life. They are really into what we call Caroms (sp?). Saw some great matches. Can't take out anything out of the country made of wood.

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