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building entry card stolen :(


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one of my friends had her handbag stolen last night with a door entry card to my building in it !

my name address and room number card as well as my door key ! ... it couldnt be worse :(

this is one of 4 out there at the mo and i have the numbers of them all

can the staff here cancel entry to the stolen card if i give them its individual code number ?

or do they cancel them all and have to re issue / re code all of them ?


ps .. im having my room lock changed in half an hour :(

women .... lock changed .. new keys cut .. expensive .. grrrrr


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Most hotel card entry are swiped and reprogrammed every other day and always on check out day.

Can you not do that.

In future only put your phone number on it, for return if lost and maybe personall reference 1,2,3,4 for example.

Oh, and have a spare card for each door incase it happens again.

I would also charge a deposit of at least 500bt to tenants for return of these cards.

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Management should have kept a record of the card number and can cancel it.

you and others were right and the little angels downstairs had done their stuff :)

one friend in bangkok texted me her card number this morning

i called another in phayao this morning and got hers but one in chiang mai didnt answer her phone so i ended up cancelling hers and the stolen card !

the locksmith ... i could have various sorts / qualities of lock and amount of keys with each package from 300 to 1000 baht but in the end i went for just a new barrel change only ( not the handles / guts / bodywork )

and two new keys at 300 baht which i thought was ok and i had another three cut in chiang puak for 60 baht this afternoon so alls well now :)

re .. I would also charge a deposit of at least 500bt to tenants for return of these cards.

tenants .. tenants ?

these girls are errrr ummmm errrr how can i put this

my friends :)

im their friend / customer ... not the other way round !

but ill try asking them for a 500 baht deposit so they can come to see me in future :) but i suspect i know what the answer will be :(



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i dont believe it !

not one of the well known chiang mai experts on everything

has come back with you should have done this , that or the other and you paid way over the top for that apart from one massage shop owner ( i think ) whos reading between the lines / understanding ability is maybe not so good ! ... how can this be ?

an update ... i went to see the missing card holder girl last night and her bar owner said the love of my life ( well an hour of it ) has gone to koh chang for two weeks with a huge atm called gunter whos a really nice bloke and a big spender :(

so im on the lookout for a new friend now :)

it just shows how hard life in chiang mai can be for us oldies :)


pic ... new graffiti :)


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i dont believe it !

not one of the well known chiang mai experts on everything has come back with you should have done this , that or the other and you paid way over the top for that apart from one massage shop owner ( i think ) whos reading between the lines / understanding ability is maybe not so good ! ... how can this be ?

Well it's a situation that we can all relate too. We all exploit cute young women or men for money, so any speed bump along the way is a normal occurrence that we can weigh in on in a reasoned, responsible manner.

And the minority of people who lead different lives know the demographic of the user base, so no much point in pontificating about it. It's just the way things are.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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