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Yingluck says Abhisit should be given chance to seek solution


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Abhisit's first statement to getting Thailand back on track should be " Sorry Yinluck, you have to go - now, not later, hope you understand and appreciate the necessity of this."

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" find a solution accepted by all sides"

Somehow I think Ms. Yingluck means the political parties and not really the Thai people. As for 'accepted by all sides', well pigs can fly in Thailand, can't they?

And in the mean time Ms. Yingluck will remain as 'whatever status' PM, because k. Abhisit should be given enough time to be fair, and to drag things on and so on and so forth.

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So who is the caretaker Pm now...?

Yingluck is not in a position to do any deals, she is crawling-trying to be a sweet mouth.

Had 3 years -new exactly what her party were up to, got into big time Dung, now in mega trouble and losing support every day.

Yingluck is trying to save as much face as possible. Wish I could believe her good intentions, her history she gave to me doesn't sway me.

It even looks like --"I'm sorry" time, so do what you can.

Well until the ruling she is still there... no matter what you think will happen or are convinced will happen or have knowledge of that I don't...she is still there she did not capitulate within any of the deadlines or declarations by Suthep ... she did not fold, she did not topple with all that Suthep and his mob threw at her and you can be as happy as a pig in a poke when and if she is finally toppled by the judiciary coup,,, or an actual military coup but until then... all parties are now in a face save mode... so we will still have to wait a bit longer... i still believe a lot of us will be surprised with the final outcome.. some maybe even delighted...

Are you trying to tell me she is still there ?? she did not fold you said---she did not topple---she was toppled -it was self inflicted and well you know it --do not give me this Suthep tripe. I don't give a fig for her or the PTP as it happened they were the party that was not democratic, I would have given any party hell if they abused the same as they did. I do not feel sorry for her one bit, she and PTP abused power and are paying for it.

Who Is the caretaker defense Minister now...? and all the other caretaker cabinet members continuing to keep this whole thing running...?

The ones getting the decrees? the ones attempting to get people paid... the ones committed to doing what they are mandated to do until a new election or other occurrences that may change the game...?You...? You are now the caretaker everything..? Darn..I missed that one! Sorry to have disrespected you omnipotent one... Go on rant your rants ... you keep repeating them over and over... that is fine... but no matter how much you spit into the wind the fact remains she is still at this moment the caretaker PM despite of the millions and millions of baht and hundreds and hundreds of demands thrown at her... by the un democratic _Democrat Party, Suthep and all his cronies... and anybody with a sober.. look at all of this can see that every Pm here as far back as there have been PM's probably have had things go badly or flat out been exposed for corruption... including the party that you may cheer for now so at this point self- righteousness is ill spent... and I care not who you pity, or you you feel sorry for..it has nothing to do with the OP

You are trying to tell me what--what a fantastic PM she has been ??? PTP have performed flawlessly???

They are attempting to get people paid ??? you think every one is stupid ?? they had the money to pay before any protests and they didn't. WHY ??

My posts are not rants I try to put facts down but that goes against the grain of posters like you in denial--yes it it the same rhetoric but why do you reply with denial remarks all the time, you should be ashamed of yourself for aiding and abetting a regime. BUT it is your choice-freedom of speech and all that.

Read my post... I never said she was a fantastic PM anywhere..... you play a game of disassociate reasoning by trying to inject your suppositions into my text..I never mentioned anything about PTP... you have them haunting you I guess... go rant your rants on a relevant post but try and stick to the topic here... and don't attempt to insert conjecture in my text with your suppositions... I deny nothing things are what they are.. I merely made a comment about a hopeful resolution and given all the negativity it may have some kind of positive outcome the two of them talking and him trying... but I rather doubt it because he to date has been the least effectual one in the whole scheme of things..

Try not to twist my post--I said quote "are you trying to tell me what a fantastic PM she has been, ??? PTP have performed flawlessly"


You said you merely made comment about a hopeful solution. LOOK AT THE REST OF YOUR POST.-- I read your post and replied truthfully---YOU twisted it--read again.

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Good. It is no time to reject solutions just because of who proposed them. At least he is trying to define some needed reforms and find a way to satisfy everyone. It is time to start ignoring that radical loose cannon Suthep and start listening to what Abhisit has to say.

You trying to tell me that you don't even know that this is already negotiated as the end game?

Wow.... talk about naive.

Suthep is very much involved in all of this... don't doubt that for a minute.

They are not stupid, they are luring the PTP into a trap that they will not be able to get out of and have to accept, they have the backing of the military already, the EC will be next and then the PDRC...

Once they have a three way agreement, the last spoke in the wheel will be the PTP and they will be under so much pressure to accept the only way out of the turmoil... If they refuse they will be laid wide open to mass criticism from the nation.

They will have to publicly refuse.......

The Dems joining the next election

Quick electoral reforms to ensure democratic free and fair elections

The PDRC agreeing no disruption

And even the possibility of Suthep ending the rallies to send everyone home to vote

They are going to find it almost IMPOSSIBLE to refuse to agree.

That in itself will be political suicide and expose them for what they really are, a corrupt government who only worry about their ability to cling onto power rather than the needs of the country.

Excellent outmaneuvering by Suthep and Abhisit..... That fact that he is fooling even most on here is testament to the fact it is working. It even sucked in Yingluck and probably Thaksin too.

Now watch the rest play out over the week.

Edited by WoopyDoo
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Abhisit has realised that " offering a solution" has given him brownie points, however lame and late in the game it is.

Yingluck and her backers have realised that Abhiisit is moving as far away from Suthep as possible and his end game is nigh.

Highly unlikely an acceptable solution will be born, but highly likely that Suthep is an ex factor.

Where does that leave Thailand?

Probably where it was before Suthep arrived and f---d the country.

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" find a solution accepted by all sides"

Somehow I think Ms. Yingluck means the political parties and not really the Thai people. As for 'accepted by all sides', well pigs can fly in Thailand, can't they?

And in the mean time Ms. Yingluck will remain as 'whatever status' PM, because k. Abhisit should be given enough time to be fair, and to drag things on and so on and so forth.

Yeh, that's basically it. She has to be nice to him because his friends in the independent agencies are blocking elections, but democracy isn't diplomacy. You don't have a nice chat and come to some agreement.

No instead, you hold elections, one side loses (that would be the Democrats), and that loser (Abhisit) crawls away, to be ejected by his party, and replaced by someone more electable (Korn, or some unknown with ideas and electable popularist policies). And if his party doesn't eject him? Well another party simply arises to replace them by taking their voters from them.

Meanwhile the winning party runs the country (That would be Pheu Thai), and their leader gets to pick the government ministers (that's Yingluk).

I think she wants to give him enough rope to hang himself, but he's not an important actor in this soap opera, more a bit part player. Who really cares if the bit part player dies in a soap opera? Isn't that what bit part players in soap operas do? Can you imagine an out pouring of grief is the Democrats sacked Abhisit? Me neither.

You can see his backers have faltered and divided, he's the last twitch of this dying coup. But he's not going into elections because he loses those, so he'll present some illegal undemocratic solution, at which point EC will be pushed to do its job and stop delaying, and his party will boycott elections which will go on without him.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Now, she is taking the piss out of him.

What a sad state of affairs.

Or maybe just maybe serious? The devious cretin indeed. Sounds Google though hey? The dems just been sitting on their bottoms for the last 6 months waiting for a coup. Let's move on hey and hope the best!

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Havent you worked out yet that the army aren't going to give Thaksin the coup he so desperately wants and needs.

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Abhisit has realised that " offering a solution" has given him brownie points, however lame and late in the game it is.

Yingluck and her backers have realised that Abhiisit is moving as far away from Suthep as possible and his end game is nigh.

Highly unlikely an acceptable solution will be born, but highly likely that Suthep is an ex factor.

Where does that leave Thailand?

Probably where it was before Suthep arrived and f---d the country.

You are way out. Gross mismanagement Fd the country, and you know it. K. Suthep was not in the picture when PTP self destructed. Yingluck was hardly around at any time.

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Read my post... I never said she was a fantastic PM anywhere..... you play a game of disassociate reasoning by trying to inject your suppositions into my text..I never mentioned anything about PTP... you have them haunting you I guess... go rant your rants on a relevant post but try and stick to the topic here... and don't attempt to insert conjecture in my text with your suppositions... I deny nothing things are what they are.. I merely made a comment about a hopeful resolution and given all the negativity it may have some kind of positive outcome the two of them talking and him trying... but I rather doubt it because he to date has been the least effectual one in the whole scheme of things..

So who is the caretaker Pm now...?

Yingluck is not in a position to do any deals, she is crawling-trying to be a sweet mouth.

Had 3 years -new exactly what her party were up to, got into big time Dung, now in mega trouble and losing support every day.

Yingluck is trying to save as much face as possible. Wish I could believe her good intentions, her history she gave to me doesn't sway me.

It even looks like --"I'm sorry" time, so do what you can.

Well until the ruling she is still there... no matter what you think will happen or are convinced will happen or have knowledge of that I don't...she is still there she did not capitulate within any of the deadlines or declarations by Suthep ... she did not fold, she did not topple with all that Suthep and his mob threw at her and you can be as happy as a pig in a poke when and if she is finally toppled by the judiciary coup,,, or an actual military coup but until then... all parties are now in a face save mode... so we will still have to wait a bit longer... i still believe a lot of us will be surprised with the final outcome.. some maybe even delighted...

Are you trying to tell me she is still there ?? she did not fold you said---she did not topple---she was toppled -it was self inflicted and well you know it --do not give me this Suthep tripe. I don't give a fig for her or the PTP as it happened they were the party that was not democratic, I would have given any party hell if they abused the same as they did. I do not feel sorry for her one bit, she and PTP abused power and are paying for it.

Who Is the caretaker defense Minister now...? and all the other caretaker cabinet members continuing to keep this whole thing running...?

The ones getting the decrees? the ones attempting to get people paid... the ones committed to doing what they are mandated to do until a new election or other occurrences that may change the game...?You...? You are now the caretaker everything..? Darn..I missed that one! Sorry to have disrespected you omnipotent one... Go on rant your rants ... you keep repeating them over and over... that is fine... but no matter how much you spit into the wind the fact remains she is still at this moment the caretaker PM despite of the millions and millions of baht and hundreds and hundreds of demands thrown at her... by the un democratic _Democrat Party, Suthep and all his cronies... and anybody with a sober.. look at all of this can see that every Pm here as far back as there have been PM's probably have had things go badly or flat out been exposed for corruption... including the party that you may cheer for now so at this point self- righteousness is ill spent... and I care not who you pity, or you you feel sorry for..it has nothing to do with the OP

You are trying to tell me what--what a fantastic PM she has been ??? PTP have performed flawlessly???

They are attempting to get people paid ??? you think every one is stupid ?? they had the money to pay before any protests and they didn't. WHY ??

My posts are not rants I try to put facts down but that goes against the grain of posters like you in denial--yes it it the same rhetoric but why do you reply with denial remarks all the time, you should be ashamed of yourself for aiding and abetting a regime. BUT it is your choice-freedom of speech and all that.

Try not to twist my post--I said quote "are you trying to tell me what a fantastic PM she has been, ??? PTP have performed flawlessly"


You said you merely made comment about a hopeful solution. LOOK AT THE REST OF YOUR POST.-- I read your post and replied truthfully---YOU twisted it--read again.

No you are wrong Kimosabe... you said;

You are trying to tell me what--what a fantastic PM she has been ??? PTP have performed flawlessly??? (which I did not)

They are attempting to get people paid ??? you think every one is stupid ?? they had the money to pay before any protests and they didn't. WHY ??

My posts are not rants I try to put facts down but that goes against the grain of posters like you in denial--yes it it the same rhetoric but why do you reply with denial remarks all the time, you should be ashamed of yourself for aiding and abetting a regime. BUT it is your choice-freedom of speech and all that.

But I am not going to sit here and play semantics with you.. you inject whatever you want into whatever you want... you do most times anyway and you won't change so enjoy while you can... and good luck to you...
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The problem with the yellows is that they focus so much on yingluck that they miss the big picture.

It doesn't matter because after the antics of the yellows on February 2 the ranting of the peoples sovereign medium or whatever he calls himself the PTP could throw up rin tin tin as their leader and would still win by a landslide.

They are on the nose and they know it!

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Read my post... I never said she was a fantastic PM anywhere..... you play a game of disassociate reasoning by trying to inject your suppositions into my text..I never mentioned anything about PTP... you have them haunting you I guess... go rant your rants on a relevant post but try and stick to the topic here... and don't attempt to insert conjecture in my text with your suppositions... I deny nothing things are what they are.. I merely made a comment about a hopeful resolution and given all the negativity it may have some kind of positive outcome the two of them talking and him trying... but I rather doubt it because he to date has been the least effectual one in the whole scheme of things..

So who is the caretaker Pm now...?

Yingluck is not in a position to do any deals, she is crawling-trying to be a sweet mouth.

Had 3 years -new exactly what her party were up to, got into big time Dung, now in mega trouble and losing support every day.

Yingluck is trying to save as much face as possible. Wish I could believe her good intentions, her history she gave to me doesn't sway me.

It even looks like --"I'm sorry" time, so do what you can.

Well until the ruling she is still there... no matter what you think will happen or are convinced will happen or have knowledge of that I don't...she is still there she did not capitulate within any of the deadlines or declarations by Suthep ... she did not fold, she did not topple with all that Suthep and his mob threw at her and you can be as happy as a pig in a poke when and if she is finally toppled by the judiciary coup,,, or an actual military coup but until then... all parties are now in a face save mode... so we will still have to wait a bit longer... i still believe a lot of us will be surprised with the final outcome.. some maybe even delighted...

Are you trying to tell me she is still there ?? she did not fold you said---she did not topple---she was toppled -it was self inflicted and well you know it --do not give me this Suthep tripe. I don't give a fig for her or the PTP as it happened they were the party that was not democratic, I would have given any party hell if they abused the same as they did. I do not feel sorry for her one bit, she and PTP abused power and are paying for it.

Who Is the caretaker defense Minister now...? and all the other caretaker cabinet members continuing to keep this whole thing running...?

The ones getting the decrees? the ones attempting to get people paid... the ones committed to doing what they are mandated to do until a new election or other occurrences that may change the game...?You...? You are now the caretaker everything..? Darn..I missed that one! Sorry to have disrespected you omnipotent one... Go on rant your rants ... you keep repeating them over and over... that is fine... but no matter how much you spit into the wind the fact remains she is still at this moment the caretaker PM despite of the millions and millions of baht and hundreds and hundreds of demands thrown at her... by the un democratic _Democrat Party, Suthep and all his cronies... and anybody with a sober.. look at all of this can see that every Pm here as far back as there have been PM's probably have had things go badly or flat out been exposed for corruption... including the party that you may cheer for now so at this point self- righteousness is ill spent... and I care not who you pity, or you you feel sorry for..it has nothing to do with the OP

You are trying to tell me what--what a fantastic PM she has been ??? PTP have performed flawlessly???

They are attempting to get people paid ??? you think every one is stupid ?? they had the money to pay before any protests and they didn't. WHY ??

My posts are not rants I try to put facts down but that goes against the grain of posters like you in denial--yes it it the same rhetoric but why do you reply with denial remarks all the time, you should be ashamed of yourself for aiding and abetting a regime. BUT it is your choice-freedom of speech and all that.

Try not to twist my post--I said quote "are you trying to tell me what a fantastic PM she has been, ??? PTP have performed flawlessly"


You said you merely made comment about a hopeful solution. LOOK AT THE REST OF YOUR POST.-- I read your post and replied truthfully---YOU twisted it--read again.

No you are wrong Kimosabe... you said;

You are trying to tell me what--what a fantastic PM she has been ??? PTP have performed flawlessly??? (which I did not)

They are attempting to get people paid ??? you think every one is stupid ?? they had the money to pay before any protests and they didn't. WHY ??

My posts are not rants I try to put facts down but that goes against the grain of posters like you in denial--yes it it the same rhetoric but why do you reply with denial remarks all the time, you should be ashamed of yourself for aiding and abetting a regime. BUT it is your choice-freedom of speech and all that.

But I am not going to sit here and play semantics with you.. you inject whatever you want into whatever you want... you do most times anyway and you won't change so enjoy while you can... and good luck to you...

Another look at the post please YOU are trying to tell me ????? it was a question I did not say you said it----You are wrong lone ranger. Chok Dee.

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Actually she is countering his thrust with a parry... and smart to do it ...if indeed there ever is an election the politicking has already begun. She also said she would meet with him,,, so she certainly cannot faulted for that..she is giving him more credence than Suthep for which she had no reason whatsoever to mediate with as he is only an insurrectionist not a possible counterpart in politics in the future...or is he...LOL.. who knows...if Abhisit's efforts result in something substantial.. and something do-able she'd be foolish to have closed the door in advance..it is to everyone's benefit... I have this feeling that deals are already in the works and will undoubtedly be surprised again over the next few months...a more moderate landing may yet come to pass.. though so far I have yet to see Abhisit's plan so will have to wait a few more days for that... but this press release is no more toxic that Abhisit's claim that he has the support of the SC who agrees with him that all sides need to work together... wonder what the headlines will be tomorrow.. Suthep's cat had kitten's...?

I've no idea what she's up to but I hope that her statement was an honest one. As I've said elsewhere her problem is that since the last election she hasn't been the real PM and she wouldn't have been able to do the job anyway. If she'd taken a more normal, slower route to the top or at least to a level she was comfortable with I wouldn't be surprised if she did a good job. Unfortunately she didn't and there's no guarantee that she'll be able to do much now without asking someone else first rather than consulting with the party as should be the case.

A great pity.

How does anyone expect a single mother, with no political clout ( apart from being related to Mr corrupt) or experience to be able to run successfully a country that is so divided . I personally believe there is only one half politician in Thailand and that is Abhisit. So why go hell for leather times ago to dislodge him and his democrat party, to take his place and then fail big time. Unbelieavable.

Technically she's not a "single mother". The father of her son is also her legally recognized common law husband.

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The problem with the yellows is that they focus so much on yingluck that they miss the big picture.

It doesn't matter because after the antics of the yellows on February 2 the ranting of the peoples sovereign medium or whatever he calls himself the PTP could throw up rin tin tin as their leader and would still win by a landslide.

They are on the nose and they know it!

You get real and stop BS. The focus was on Yingluck 3 years ago. What yellows Feb 2nd???? yellows ??

The big movie/saga started when your people were democratically elected, so the focus was on them, and rightfully so but they self destructed.

YOUR lot will never get the reigns again, they threw in their chance, but the proof was they did not have the know how or the brains even to cheat.

Initially they were 10 of you pro government now I see there are only a Clint Eastward lot left.--The extremist type.

Edited by ginjag
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Yingluck says Abhisit should be given chance to seek solution

BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Monday that Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva should be given a chance to try to find a solution for the political crisis.

"Abhisit should be allowed to try his best and we will monitor his moves," Yingluck said.

She said if Abhist manages to find a solution accepted by all sides, it would benefit the country.

"The government is open-minded to support anyone in anything that is useful for the country," Yingluck said.

She is starting to sound like a real Thai politician biggrin.png

Too late to make any difference now. rolleyes.gif

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Yingluck says Abhisit should be given chance to seek solution

BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Monday that Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva should be given a chance to try to find a solution for the political crisis.

"Abhisit should be allowed to try his best and we will monitor his moves," Yingluck said.

She said if Abhist manages to find a solution accepted by all sides, it would benefit the country.

"The government is open-minded to support anyone in anything that is useful for the country," Yingluck said.

She is starting to sound like a real Thai politician biggrin.png

... which most of us would take as an insult...!

Edited by GeorgeO
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Don't have the brains or the know how!

And once again the superior we know better you high so attitude comes out!

You just don't get it!

Your lot will never get the reigns again!

Ok support an election.

The yellows will get creamed,

As one poster commented about posters calling them yellows.Same dog different collar and the electorate hasn't forgotten.

So let the people decide,

If the dems win they win if the PTP win they win.

No worries here!

You ok with that?

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I've no idea what she's up to but I hope that her statement was an honest one. As I've said elsewhere her problem is that since the last election she hasn't been the real PM and she wouldn't have been able to do the job anyway. If she'd taken a more normal, slower route to the top or at least to a level she was comfortable with I wouldn't be surprised if she did a good job. Unfortunately she didn't and there's no guarantee that she'll be able to do much now without asking someone else first rather than consulting with the party as should be the case.

A great pity.

How does anyone expect a single mother, with no political clout ( apart from being related to Mr corrupt) or experience to be able to run successfully a country that is so divided . I personally believe there is only one half politician in Thailand and that is Abhisit. So why go hell for leather times ago to dislodge him and his democrat party, to take his place and then fail big time. Unbelieavable.

Technically she's not a "single mother". The father of her son is also her legally recognized common law husband.

... where do you get the idea that a "common law" spouse is legally recognized? Even in the UK, the term is "recognized" for its real meaning, which doesn't give the "common law" spouse any legal standing...!!

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She's underestimated by a lot of people!

She played suteps game and handled him quite well!

Now she is giving abhisit every chance to find a solution which in means ok show us what you've got!

No secrecy put in on the table and let's see if the thai people agree or not with your solutions and reforms!

And then you woke up?

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Yingluck says Abhisit should be given chance to seek solution

BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Monday that Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva should be given a chance to try to find a solution for the political crisis.

"Abhisit should be allowed to try his best and we will monitor his moves," Yingluck said.

She said if Abhist manages to find a solution accepted by all sides, it would benefit the country.

"The government is open-minded to support anyone in anything that is useful for the country," Yingluck said.

She is starting to sound like a real Thai politician biggrin.png

Geez she is only 3 years into it and she is just now starting to sound like a politician. How **ed up is that? Normally a person selected to be the prime minister would be well qualified from day one. This country is doomed under this Shin Clan cleptocracy.

Maybe should bring on little Oak, let him have a go at it for a while, could not get any worse.

Don´t ask for to much.


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" find a solution accepted by all sides"

Somehow I think Ms. Yingluck means the political parties and not really the Thai people. As for 'accepted by all sides', well pigs can fly in Thailand, can't they?

And in the mean time Ms. Yingluck will remain as 'whatever status' PM, because k. Abhisit should be given enough time to be fair, and to drag things on and so on and so forth.

Yeh, that's basically it. She has to be nice to him because his friends in the independent agencies are blocking elections, but democracy isn't diplomacy. You don't have a nice chat and come to some agreement.

No instead, you hold elections, one side loses (that would be the Democrats), and that loser (Abhisit) crawls away, to be ejected by his party, and replaced by someone more electable (Korn, or some unknown with ideas and electable popularist policies). And if his party doesn't eject him? Well another party simply arises to replace them by taking their voters from them.

Meanwhile the winning party runs the country (That would be Pheu Thai), and their leader gets to pick the government ministers (that's Yingluk).

I think she wants to give him enough rope to hang himself, but he's not an important actor in this soap opera, more a bit part player. Who really cares if the bit part player dies in a soap opera? Isn't that what bit part players in soap operas do? Can you imagine an out pouring of grief is the Democrats sacked Abhisit? Me neither.

You can see his backers have faltered and divided, he's the last twitch of this dying coup. But he's not going into elections because he loses those, so he'll present some illegal undemocratic solution, at which point EC will be pushed to do its job and stop delaying, and his party will boycott elections which will go on without him.

Great insight! You really have the finger of the pulse. Now, just remind us what planet you're on?

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Don't have the brains or the know how!

And once again the superior we know better you high so attitude comes out!

You just don't get it!

Your lot will never get the reigns again!

Ok support an election.

The yellows will get creamed,

As one poster commented about posters calling them yellows.Same dog different collar and the electorate hasn't forgotten.

So let the people decide,

If the dems win they win if the PTP win they win.

No worries here!

You ok with that?

Ah, could you please insert more blank space lines? Or even better, just make your posts blank space, would improve the quality!

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She's underestimated by a lot of people!

She played suteps game and handled him quite well!

Now she is giving abhisit every chance to find a solution which in means ok show us what you've got!

No secrecy put in on the table and let's see if the thai people agree or not with your solutions and reforms!

she is the supposed LEADER of this tin pot nation. Where are HER solutions? Better to BLAME someone else for her failures?

The buck stops with the CEO. She is the CEO

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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She's underestimated by a lot of people!

She played suteps game and handled him quite well!

Now she is giving abhisit every chance to find a solution which in means ok show us what you've got!

No secrecy put in on the table and let's see if the thai people agree or not with your solutions and reforms!

maybe you should change your name to another bird...TWIT

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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I have a solution... Get the army to,round up all the politicians and either shoot all the ones who,have ever done anything corrupt, lock up the rest.

The go to the neatest bars like soi cowboy or pattaya walking street and grab anyone who yells HELLO WELCOME with some degree of sincerity.

They would do a better job and at a thousand baht a pop, the nation would be richer

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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" find a solution accepted by all sides"

Somehow I think Ms. Yingluck means the political parties and not really the Thai people. As for 'accepted by all sides', well pigs can fly in Thailand, can't they?

And in the mean time Ms. Yingluck will remain as 'whatever status' PM, because k. Abhisit should be given enough time to be fair, and to drag things on and so on and so forth.

Yeh, that's basically it. She has to be nice to him because his friends in the independent agencies are blocking elections, but democracy isn't diplomacy. You don't have a nice chat and come to some agreement.

No instead, you hold elections, one side loses (that would be the Democrats), and that loser (Abhisit) crawls away, to be ejected by his party, and replaced by someone more electable (Korn, or some unknown with ideas and electable popularist policies). And if his party doesn't eject him? Well another party simply arises to replace them by taking their voters from them.

Meanwhile the winning party runs the country (That would be Pheu Thai), and their leader gets to pick the government ministers (that's Yingluk).

I think she wants to give him enough rope to hang himself, but he's not an important actor in this soap opera, more a bit part player. Who really cares if the bit part player dies in a soap opera? Isn't that what bit part players in soap operas do? Can you imagine an out pouring of grief is the Democrats sacked Abhisit? Me neither.

You can see his backers have faltered and divided, he's the last twitch of this dying coup. But he's not going into elections because he loses those, so he'll present some illegal undemocratic solution, at which point EC will be pushed to do its job and stop delaying, and his party will boycott elections which will go on without him.

You're not really up to speed on all this are you?

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Don't have the brains or the know how!

And once again the superior we know better you high so attitude comes out!

You just don't get it!

Your lot will never get the reigns again!

Ok support an election.

The yellows will get creamed,

As one poster commented about posters calling them yellows.Same dog different collar and the electorate hasn't forgotten.

So let the people decide,

If the dems win they win if the PTP win they win.

No worries here!

You ok with that?

Of the Red Shirt leaders how many of them could actually pass even a high school exam without cheating?

Mark is intellectually far superior to them and you.

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