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Landlord threatening to go to police


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thx for all the replies so far

i didnt speak to him directly ,he doesnt have my number or new address

(he called the x-gf i rented the place with 2 yrs ago and she contacted me on skype because she doesnt have my number either )

i doubt theres much in it for the police to skim off a 7k bill so i think they would write up a report to keep him happy and forget about it

5 min after he leaves the station

btw the damage he claims is a coffee mug ring stain on one of the matresses ( i think i did that for the record while using laptop a couple of years ago )

(4000 hes charging to buy a new bed although double beds arent that cheap ,are they ? )

and he took says the utility bill is nearly 3k so hes rounded it off at 7k

he took 1000 for bills since the last monthly avaerage was 700b and dedcuted a further 1000 for cleaning even though the place was cleaner when i gave it back to him then when i moved in but i wasnt in the mood to argue over 1k so i let him keep it

hes owns loads of large houses in bkk (showed me his portfolio one day of houses he owns for that are available to rent ) and drives a new mercedes so hes not exactly "strapped for cash " but im sure he knows some police as hes in his 60s and native to bkk but whether or not they would be interested is another matter entirely

If it was me I would wire him 2k baht for the outstanding electricity bill after deducting the 1k baht you've already paid. Get his bank details to do this, do not meet him, do not give him your usual telephone number (use a payphone if need be), do not tell him where you live.

Then rest easy knowing you've cleared your debt with him.

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thx for all the replies so far

i didnt speak to him directly ,he doesnt have my number or new address

(he called the x-gf i rented the place with 2 yrs ago and she contacted me on skype because she doesnt have my number either )

i doubt theres much in it for the police to skim off a 7k bill so i think they would write up a report to keep him happy and forget about it

5 min after he leaves the station

btw the damage he claims is a coffee mug ring stain on one of the matresses ( i think i did that for the record while using laptop a couple of years ago )

(4000 hes charging to buy a new bed although double beds arent that cheap ,are they ? )

and he took says the utility bill is nearly 3k so hes rounded it off at 7k

he took 1000 for bills since the last monthly avaerage was 700b and dedcuted a further 1000 for cleaning even though the place was cleaner when i gave it back to him then when i moved in but i wasnt in the mood to argue over 1k so i let him keep it

hes owns loads of large houses in bkk (showed me his portfolio one day of houses he owns for that are available to rent ) and drives a new mercedes so hes not exactly "strapped for cash " but im sure he knows some police as hes in his 60s and native to bkk but whether or not they would be interested is another matter entirely

If he has the right connection and they find you they will jail you until the debt is paid.

Don't see you have much of a case. You damaged his peoperty but what? You don't want to pay for it?

As far as cleaning goes most landlords will automatically have the place cleaned after you leave and charge you for it but that should have come off your depsosit.

The thing is even if you are right you are wrong if he knows someone. How well he knows someone will depend on how hard he makes life for you.

Being innocent in these situations has nothing to do with anything if he's connected.

You're obviously worried or why else would you post on here. Either call him and negotiate or pay what you are due.

A mattress if it's not one of those Thai bricks they call a mattress are at least 8,000 baht so 4,000 is cheap.

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I've had a Real Estate License in the States and managed property for over 25 years. I also own rental here..

Here is my take.... First ask yourself is what he is accusing you of correct? if so pay up? If not....

You said he called you? does he know where you moved to? if he does and you truly feel that what he is saying is incorrect then I would wait until he comes meantime I would find someone who understands pretty good English to help you with your translation to explain your side. Although as noted this is Thailand... and this is something for others to know... even in Thailand... get a release of responsibility from the landlord basically telling you are getting your deposit back minus any problems . A simple scratch piece of paper saying that you are getting your deposit back and you are cleared. In the States once the money is given back or check cashed that seals the deal any other problems arising is on the landlord.

Here you have a 7,000 tab, if he doesn't know any BIB I doubt he can just go to the station and ask them to come with him to settle the matter with you. If he does. I would just wait until they show up. Since he gave the deposit back it is for the landlord to prove. That would be my defense as long as you keep calm and stake your point most likely the BIB is too stupid to figure it out. But if he doesn't his solution will be since you are a falang you are wrong? So in the end, you screwed but I would wait!

Good luck...

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If the bill and damage are legitimate pay them. if not don't. Simple. Do the right thing. thumbsup.gif

Exactly, do whatever is the responsible, adult, thing to do.

If the utility bill is for the time period you were there, you owe it and ought to pay it; if not, it's not your responsibility. As for the damage to the mattress for the coffee stain, I think that's rather chicken shit but, then again, it is some damage and you likely owe something reasonable for that (what amount is beyond my ability to guess). I personally would go meet the guy at the rental unit, inspect the utility bill he is claiming, try to work out something reasonable for the coffee stain, make a deal, shake hands (or wai), and try to have both of you save face.

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thx for all the replies so far

i didnt speak to him directly ,he doesnt have my number or new address

(he called the x-gf i rented the place with 2 yrs ago and she contacted me on skype because she doesnt have my number either )

i doubt theres much in it for the police to skim off a 7k bill so i think they would write up a report to keep him happy and forget about it

5 min after he leaves the station

btw the damage he claims is a coffee mug ring stain on one of the matresses ( i think i did that for the record while using laptop a couple of years ago )

(4000 hes charging to buy a new bed although double beds arent that cheap ,are they ? )

and he took says the utility bill is nearly 3k so hes rounded it off at 7k

he took 1000 for bills since the last monthly avaerage was 700b and dedcuted a further 1000 for cleaning even though the place was cleaner when i gave it back to him then when i moved in but i wasnt in the mood to argue over 1k so i let him keep it

hes owns loads of large houses in bkk (showed me his portfolio one day of houses he owns for that are available to rent ) and drives a new mercedes so hes not exactly "strapped for cash " but im sure he knows some police as hes in his 60s and native to bkk but whether or not they would be interested is another matter entirely

Like many people who have replied, I think it is fair to compensate what you may owe; but, in my own crazy little world, anyone who is furious about a "coffee mug ring stain" on a mattress and intends to buy a brand new bed ... can quickly die of a post-60-year-old heart attack because not only would the world not miss him, but he has lost any connection with the true beauty, awesomeness and wonder of human life on planet Earth. In all seriousness, I pray that Lord Ganesha sends his black Mercedes into a speeding truck so that, if there is an afterlife, he can finally learn the meanings of the words "petty", "pathetic" and "materialistic".

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Depends who he knows, its unlikely to hold water as he already agreed etc and inspected and returned the deposit.

So, nothing there in a reasonable world.

BUT this is Thailand, its a roll of the dice sometimes, my advice would be to let it play out first, see where it goes, if he does go to the Police and makes a formal complaint, you will get chance to put your point if you have someone Thai to speak for you.

Just let it play out and dont panic.

I agree, good advice.

But I'd definitely want to see the bill and damaged furniture. and maybe a translated copy of the rental agreement as there may be some rules about deposits and moving out. good luck

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