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LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling banned for life


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He is a racist plain and simple and his views has no place in todays society.

In yesterday's Society, certainly. In tomorrow's Society, inevitably. But in today's Society, there is no place. It's plain and simple.

Few people are criticising the girl. She squeezed $1.8 million from Sterling and when Mrs Sterling went to court to get it back, this controversy exploded. I have some views on women's treatment of women that have no place in today's Society but they're valid and they should. This girl had a brilliant mind once. Society treats everyone badly but girls are abused.

If she was 17 today, she'd be protected from herself with violent force (to keep her away from men). If she was walking around naked today, she would be sectioned to protect Society. If she was lewd like that liberated Miley Cyrus, distracting children from wholesome violence with fun that doesn't hurt anyone, feminists would be screaming their compassionate concern for her mental health. Feminists want to liberate themselves to take away the liberties of others. Almost all girls are objectified, betrayed, terrorised, reduced and shamed for their sake. Society today may appear progressive but it's all cosmetic. It's the same child-traumatising, girl-shaming, war-mongering, genocidal community of civilised emotional cannibals who prey on Their Own in denial. You can be certain there will be a place to slaughter innocents, napalm children and rape Nanking in tomorrow's Society, but you're right, there's no place for such views today. Certainly not for men.

All over the world, there are women screaming their mother's hate. No one seems to mind. Racist, socio-economic, classist hate and it's considered far more rude to object to their objectionable vitriol than it is to fill a child's mind with hate. Bastard whoresons are innocent babies born to mammal mothers naturally out of wedlock and thus deemed illegitimate by the Matriarchy. In Polite Society, only truth, reality and biology is liable to offend. Speak out in defence of children or young women and you'll be called a misogynist by misogynist women who hate women for being women. Objectified women hate their betters for being better.

Guardian: Twitter's First Star

Disappointingly, she finds that most of the negative comments come from women. "They're trying to shame me," Oxford says, "and it's all from women. Men don't care. A lot of women are like: Oh she's not fat, oh she's cute, she's funny, I hate her."

Sterling's comments weren't really about race so much as jealousy, control, fear. He's afraid black men will steal her (he doesn't feel he can compete with them). He isn't afraid of competing with white men as he knows she only likes rich white men. This is about love.

It's the thought that counts but it's only a Thoughtcrime if you think it. Big Mother knows best how you should think and feel and she uses lies to convince and violence to persuade. Don't think. Just obey. The Daily Mail will tell you what to (Double)think, so today you're on "the right side of racism". The Matriarchal-controlled media says this is about race so it's a race issue, plain and simple.

"But who puts racism into the minds of children?"

Oh boy. The Ministry of Compassion may need to take care of you.


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His girlfriend has a touch of tar brush. Very hypocritical of him.

She looks young enough to be his granddaughter.......and people like to talk about white guys with Asian women.

No wonder she likes to hang around with young handsome dark coloured guys, clearly she's not getting satisfied by the old pompous racist.

Whilst everyone's entitled to an opinion, I don't understand why he attends these games and owns a team if he feels the way he does. Very odd. He's a very sad individual apparently, just proves money doesn't always buy happiness.

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As far as I am aware he has not been charged with any crime, nor has his right to exercise free speech been somehow restricted.

No he only got punished with a lifetime ban from basketball, a $2.5 million fine and being forced to sell his business, because of stupid remarks in what was supposed to be a private conversation. Freedom of speech is thriving in America.

Actually, this case is a classic example of how freedom of speech is supposed to work in America. Sterling has not violated any laws and will not be prosecuted by the government. He is free to say what he wants without government interference. No one is disputing that.

HOWEVER, his free speech is subject to review and judgement by the public at large. He is an NBA owner, so simply can't do what he pleases without consent of the other owners. And fans. His players have a right to express their views on the matter (freedom of speech). As well as sportwriters and reporters. And so on. So what he says has consequences. He's being judged more on his beliefs than what he said. But what he said certainly revealed his beliefs. So whether it's a private conversation or not doesn't change the fact that his true beliefs were revealed.

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The Clippers won a great game 7; it came down to the last few minutes and Blake Griffin was outstanding. They're off immediately to Oklahoma City. After watching them I think they have a decent shot of upsetting the Thunder if they can steal a game at OKC, and maybe even the Spurs (I'm thinking the Spurs will beat Rip City), which will put them in the Finals, against the Heat (I think).

Doc Rivers has done an amazing job given he's pretty much running the whole organization.

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