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Giant Buddha head attracts Thai Lotto hunters


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Once again we see why there are no Buddhists here. They only pray for money which is the opposite of what they should be chasing as a Buddhist.

Can we stop calling them Buddhists as they are an insult to real Buddhists in other countries

You notice those who are obvious

If I go to Pattaya I would know that all farangs are drunks and have to pay for sex ....

You don't see Thai or western people in there own private lives living the way people should

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Once again we see why there are no Buddhists here. They only pray for money which is the opposite of what they should be chasing as a Buddhist.

Can we stop calling them Buddhists as they are an insult to real Buddhists in other countries

You notice those who are obvious

If I go to Pattaya I would know that all farangs are drunks and have to pay for sex ....

You don't see Thai or western people in there own private lives living the way people should

What has that got to do with Buddhism?

Never go to places like Pattaya myself, but I can assure you that more Thai men pay for sex than Australian men as a percentage. Not even close as I taught in a school and the M3 boys were going to prostitutes, that is 15 yo's. I never heard of that when I went to school but normal here.

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Once again we see why there are no Buddhists here. They only pray for money which is the opposite of what they should be chasing as a Buddhist.

Can we stop calling them Buddhists as they are an insult to real Buddhists in other countries

You notice those who are obvious

If I go to Pattaya I would know that all farangs are drunks and have to pay for sex ....

You don't see Thai or western people in there own private lives living the way people should

What has that got to do with Buddhism?

Never go to places like Pattaya myself, but I can assure you that more Thai men pay for sex than Australian men as a percentage. Not even close as I taught in a school and the M3 boys were going to prostitutes, that is 15 yo's. I never heard of that when I went to school but normal here.

My French lessons were never like that. sad.png

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The Buddha would surely not approve...

The Buddha games list is a list of games which it is reputed that Gautama Buddha said that he would not play. As such it dates back to the 6th or 5th century BC and is the earliest known list of games.

There is some debate about the translation of some of the games mentioned, and the list given here is based on the translation by T.W. Rhys Davids of the Brahmajāla Sutta and is in the same order given in the original.[1] The list is also given in a number of other Buddhist works, including the Vinaya Pitaka.

  1. Games on boards with 8 or 10 rows. (Thought to refer to Ashtapada and Dasapada respectively.)
  2. The same games played on imaginary boards. (Akasam Astapadam was an Ashtapada variant played with no board, literally "Astapadam played in the sky".)
  3. Marking diagrams on the floor such that the player can only walk on certain places. (This is described in the Vinaya Pitaka as "having drawn a circle with various lines on the ground, there they play avoiding the line to be avoided". Rhys Davids suggests that it may refer to Parihâra-patham, a form of hop-scotch.)
  4. Either remove pieces from a pile, or adding pieces to it, with the loser being the one who causes the heap to "shake" (similar to the modern game pick-up sticks).
  5. Throwing dice.
  6. "Dipping the hand with the fingers stretched out in lac, or red dye, or flour-water, and striking the wet hand on the ground or on a wall, calling out 'What shall it be?' and showing the form required--elephants, horses, &c."
  7. Ball games.
  8. Blowing through a pat-kulal, a toy pipe made of leaves.
  9. Ploughing with a toy plough.
  10. Playing with toy windmills made from palm leaves.
  11. Playing with toy measures made from palm leaves.
  12. Playing with toy carts.
  13. Playing with toy bows.
  14. Guessing at letters traced with the finger in the air or on a friend's back.
  15. Guessing a friend's thoughts.
  16. Imitating deformities

and some more ....

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Once again we see why there are no Buddhists here. They only pray for money which is the opposite of what they should be chasing as a Buddhist.

Can we stop calling them Buddhists as they are an insult to real Buddhists in other countries

You notice those who are obvious

If I go to Pattaya I would know that all farangs are drunks and have to pay for sex ....

You don't see Thai or western people in there own private lives living the way people should

What has that got to do with Buddhism?

Never go to places like Pattaya myself, but I can assure you that more Thai men pay for sex than Australian men as a percentage. Not even close as I taught in a school and the M3 boys were going to prostitutes, that is 15 yo's. I never heard of that when I went to school but normal here.

Obviously you need help to understand the obvious

You made a statement about ALL Thai Buddhist - most of whom you have never met

In Thailand there are good Buddhist and every graduation through to people who only just qualify to be human

which is the same as every religion , in every country in the world

In scientific terms you have stated that you can prove a negative - which is an indication of lack of clarity of thought

What every one notices is the people who offend our belief of what should be and rarely notice those who act as we thing they should

What I was saying is that trying to make a statement about a TOTAL population based on what has come to our intention is not very smart

HOWER if you had said that this is a perfect example of "wrong view" that is all too common in Thailand I would have agreed with you TOTALY

Edited by issanaus
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The Buddha would surely not approve...

That's why he attacked the Lotto Hunters laugh.png

You guys are way to serious about this, It is human nature at work,

not Thai nature, HUMAN NATURE

Do you think Christ or Mohamed would have approved of their religions now?

Humans look for patterns, Christians find miraculous images of the virgin Mary in the bark of a tree or burned toast.

The best thing you can do with such behavior is , see it for what it is and move on.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Once again we see why there are no Buddhists here. They only pray for money which is the opposite of what they should be chasing as a Buddhist.

Can we stop calling them Buddhists as they are an insult to real Buddhists in other countries

Why cant they be like Christians , Muslims and Jews who religiously adhere to all tenants of their religion.laugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png alt=laugh.png width=20 height=20>

PS: what is it that make you think that they only pray for money?

I don't buy into any of these commercialized religions, so I agree that we can paint them all with the same superficial brush.

But I do know for a fact that Thais pray for more than just money when they solemnly bow their heads at a shrine or wat. I've heard them, and their pleas to Buddha are for luck and beautiful things as well.

Luck for the lottery a boyfriend who has big money or a beautiful house and Mercedes.

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