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What Happened To The Football Last Night?


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According to my satellite provider, and this is second hand from a conversation between my gf and them, they chose yesterday to introduce a new encryption code.


It does seem odd that someone on here says that they watched the SA feed. Can anyone elucidate more on this?

South African Supersports is currently (Monday, June 12th, 4:20 pm) alive and running at my bar! Also no problems last night!


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According to my satellite provider, and this is second hand from a conversation between my gf and them, they chose yesterday to introduce a new encryption code.


It does seem odd that someone on here says that they watched the SA feed. Can anyone elucidate more on this?

South African Supersports is currently (Monday, June 12th, 4:20 pm) alive and running at my bar! Also no problems last night!


Also no problems on my cable network with Supersports. In fact you may be able to hear it in the background. :o

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According to my satellite provider, and this is second hand from a conversation between my gf and them, they chose yesterday to introduce a new encryption code.


It does seem odd that someone on here says that they watched the SA feed. Can anyone elucidate more on this?

South African Supersports is currently (Monday, June 12th, 4:20 pm) alive and running at my bar! Also no problems last night!


Do you get Supersports via cable? I think the cable providers get their Supersports coverage officially whereas the satellite providers need to decode the encryptions which change on an occasionl basis. If you get it via satellite, I'd like to know the supplier.

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South African Supersports is currently (Monday, June 12th, 4:20 pm) alive and running at my bar! Also no problems last night!


Do you get Supersports via cable? I think the cable providers get their Supersports coverage officially whereas the satellite providers need to decode the encryptions which change on an occasionl basis. If you get it via satellite, I'd like to know the supplier.



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really harry there is no need to insult a forum member merely because he dislikes the game of football and replies to a quite stupid initial post.

After watching the boring England display I would think that many more people will be questioning whether there are better things to do with their time than watch football.

There are other things in life to do as well you know :D

I don't play golf.

Therefore when somebody starts a thread with the words GOLF in, I don't bother to click on it, and even if I did, I would not make stupid comments about how boring GOLF is and how I could better spend my time.

I'm surprised icecubes didn't get more stick. I'm sure he would have on any other forum. :D

The Olympics doesn't compare to the Football World Cup.

You guessed wrong. :o

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really harry there is no need to insult a forum member merely because he dislikes the game of football and replies to a quite stupid initial post.

After watching the boring England display I would think that many more people will be questioning whether there are better things to do with their time than watch football.

There are other things in life to do as well you know :D

I don't play golf.

Therefore when somebody starts a thread with the words GOLF in, I don't bother to click on it, and even if I did, I would not make stupid comments about how boring GOLF is and how I could better spend my time.

I'm surprised icecubes didn't get more stick. I'm sure he would have on any other forum. :D

The Olympics doesn't compare to the Football World Cup.

You guessed wrong. :o

As I never mentioned the Olympics my guess could hardly have been wrong....however if you want my opinion on the olympics then please start a thread OLYMPICS :D

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I don't play golf.

Therefore when somebody starts a thread with the words GOLF in, I don't bother to click on it, and even if I did, I would not make stupid comments about how boring GOLF is and how I could better spend my time.

I'm surprised icecubes didn't get more stick. I'm sure he would have on any other forum. :o

Don't worry about it. His comments were directed at me and I don't mind. He's entitled to his opinion.

Football is just one of many interests I have and if I want to spend a couple of hours a week watching it then that's my business.

I asked my question and got the answer, in amongst some of the less helpful posts, which is that for 5 days Royal news takes precedence over the football. Now I know.

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Icewater has it right - end of the day its football. If its on I'll watch it, but certainly not going to have a fit if I can't watch it.

This is a momentous event in thailand for its people and the royal family. Let's appreciate things for what they really are. :o

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While I am an avid football fan, I think that FIFA made a huge mistake holding the opening ceromony and subsequent games on the same day as such a momumental time in World history.

60 years on the throne....5 x 12. This should have been celebrated World wide. A great moment for a great king. As I said in another thread, there should be a few red faces all round.

I whole heartedly agree with you Lamp. I watched the openning ceramonies on satellite, and was not impressed at all.


it is the World Cup that should be held only once every sixty years and then only for 5 days :o

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My threepennorth is that whilst I appreciate fully the magnitude of recent events, the need to show (now well repeated) highlights included people getting in and out of cars and off airplanes across EVREY channel, borders on the removal of the freedom of choice and state control of the media.

To read some of the comments here (blatent trolls apart) you would seem to think that the Thais are knelt infront of their TVs every night praising HM. Well judging by the crowds of Thais I've had in my place (house, not bar!) and their own coments, I'd say some of you are a little over cautious and arse licky I'm afraid.

Thais are people just the same as we are. During the day they have paid their respects to HM the King, however in the evenings (it appears from the comments I've heard these last couple of nights and today at work) they would also rather like to watch the football in the evening and not a rehash of everything they've spent all day watching.

These Thais have not flown 6000 miles to watch the football but would rather like to watch it. Their take on this is that 'Old Square Head' is using the celebrations as an excuse to have a go at Chang Beer and Dhospak both of whom have p*ssed him off in the past. Sounds likely to me!

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Brave post Prof.Fart, and one with which I generally agree. But there it is, we have to accept it, as honoured guests in a strange land.

I doubt that its down some evil plan by DL - they don't need him to do something like this. You would have thought that at the very least they could let people know in advance excatly what was happening and how much of the football would be blocked on each evening. It all smacks of typical amteurism, and the usual shambles. Still, 30 years ago the news would regularly run from around 8.p.m. to often well after 10 pm on most nights - so they have made some progress - but not much.

I almost had my master plan ready last night - live radio coverage from the SUN, and a 30 second tijme dealy on my DVD recorder so that the sound would be in sync with the picture. But Ipstar let me down and I couldn't get the sound, and of course the games didn't materialise until very late.

I've got the sound tonight, but as of 8.45 there's no picture. Spain are winning 2.0

Maybe I'll get there by the final

All good fun :o

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While I am an avid football fan, I think that FIFA made a huge mistake holding the opening ceromony and subsequent games on the same day as such a momumental time in World history.

60 years on the throne....5 x 12. This should have been celebrated World wide. A great moment for a great king. As I said in another thread, there should be a few red faces all round.

Thanks for posting this. You have made my day. This has to be the funniest thing I have read all week. Tell me, since when would ANYONE in Argentina, Brazil, Togo, Spain, Vietnam, England, Ghana etc etc rather watch or be enriched by watching people getting out of cars and airplanes instead of the most prestigious and most popular sporting event in the world? Let's face it, no one outside of Thailand who isn't Thai really cares that the king has been on the throne for 60 years. In fact, the Thai people I was with on Friday wanted to watch the world cup!!! To suggest that FIFA made a 'huge mistake' is cringeworthy to say the least. The only people who I have seen make a fuss of this are foreigners in Thailand who would give their left <deleted> to be Thai and think that by coming out with ridiculous comments like 'FIFA made a huge mistake' it willbring them closer to that goal. (no pun intended)

I'll say it again, no one outside Thailand is going to prefer to watch the dribble that everyone was FORCED to watch over the World Cup and the majority of Thai people I know would have prefered to have watched the world cup too.

The only red faces I saw was from my Thai friends apologising that we had to watch the same crap on every channel all day and night.

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It will be over soon, so whats 5days in the scheme of things for World Cup footie??? HRM deserves as much. :o

Agreed...it is very important for the Thai people to be able to see news of this wonderful achievment of 60 years of reign for the King and the celebrations to mark this occasion.

Football comes way down the list of priorities as far as I am concerned :D

No one is doubting that. But why did it have to be shown on every channel? Do the Thai authorites not think that the general public can make up their mind as to what they choose to watch? How insulting to your average Thai adult. Wouldnt you agree?

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U trying to win a popularity contest here or wot.

There are an awful lot of countries in the world with Royalty that came here to honour HRH.

I am a farang that can respect that and your ignorant few paragraphs shows u know very little of how things operate here.

Do you remember the outpouring of grief when Princess Diana died?

We are celebrating the LIFE of a very very great man.

I am always suspicious of someone that has to make 2 posts consecutively,,,coherent thought too much to ask for possibly. :o

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U trying to win a popularity contest here or wot.

There are an awful lot of countries in the world with Royalty that came here to honour HRH.

I am a farang that can respect that and your ignorant few paragraphs shows u know very little of how things operate here.

Do you remember the outpouring of grief when Princess Diana died?

We are celebrating the LIFE of a very very great man.

I am always suspicious of someone that has to make 2 posts consecutively,,,coherent thought too much to ask for possibly. :o

Now now, there is no need for personal insults. Yes, royalty came to honour the anniversary, thats not really being put to question. I can respect royalty congratulating royalty as well. Anyway, my ignorant few paragraphs were the also thoughts of Thais who wanted to watch the football after enduring hour after hour of these special people being spooned out of cars. I'm sure they know very little of how things operate. Afterall they are actually Thai with Thai passports. [ taunt removed ]

What is amusing though is although you have accused me of being ignorant and incoherant, you havent actually answered anything I have written directly.

You carry on with the celebrations, I'll join the rest of the world with the football.

One last thing to ponder over. Lets say that the King of Benin (also a very very great man) was celebrating 60 years on the throne the same day that Thailand plays Germany in the opening game of the world cup. How many Thai people would think that FIFA made "a huge mistake holding the opening ceromony and subsequent games on the same day as such a momumental time in World history"?

I'll give you a clue. It's 49 divided by 7 minus 3 minus 4.

Yes, 60 years is great, hel_l, its longer than your average Thai man lives at all, but to show 'royalty' getting out of cars all day and night on EVERY channel and not giving people the option of watching the football is wrong, and i bet if you asked Thai poeple if they would like the option of having the football on another channel so they could CHOOSE the majority would agree.

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U trying to win a popularity contest here or wot.

There are an awful lot of countries in the world with Royalty that came here to honour HRH.

I am a farang that can respect that and your ignorant few paragraphs shows u know very little of how things operate here.

Do you remember the outpouring of grief when Princess Diana died?

We are celebrating the LIFE of a very very great man.

I am always suspicious of someone that has to make 2 posts consecutively,,,coherent thought too much to ask for possibly. :o

I say again: The tourists , which bring millions of bahts every year, have been very happy to be forced to see only the celebration. You rest assured they'll promote Thailand when they'll go back home, and they can't wait to come back in 4 years.

I counted 6 channels with te same identical images, but I'm a farang , I don't understand.. arf arf arf sure, BS!!

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My wife isn't a farang she is Thai....does she understand ......NO

If I was in the upper echelons of Thai society then maybe I could explain.

BUT down here in the dregs of village life <deleted> do we know.

heve to dash the footies on..................in English :o:D:D

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Congratulations to the King for being on the thrown for 60 years, but surely they could have put the highlights on at half time, or a different channel. Or how about they interupt the films in the cinema with 30 mins of the king instead of during football? :o

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The opening ceremony was a much played down affair on purpose. Germany cancelled the original planned open ceremony that was to have been held in Berlin on the Thursday. After 2 years of planning and much money already spent they cancelled it to save money.

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If the world cup hadn't been on would the channel schedules have been different ?

I honestly think there was a "you will watch the King" and not football attitude by the authorities, my guess would be if football had been screened on any channel from 8pm that a lot of TV's would have been watching it, somewhat disrespectful for such a momentous event in Thailand..........our King is celebrating and everybodies warching football. I kinda agree with what they did.

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Well the queen of England ( God bless her ) is eighty. If someone would be kind enough to give the broadcasting authorities in the UK a list of all Thai nationals living in the country, I am sure they could organize to have all their footie broadcasts scuppered with pictures of Her Majesty doing the rounds.

Silly post ? well yes, but perhaps as valid as what goes on here. Both nobility rightly revered, but perhaps one society a tad less xenophobic.

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Sorry, but before the " If you don't like it f#$%^% off " brigade start, I do like it, and one of the things I most love about it is the pride in national identity, mostly lost in many of our home countries, but as i've said before in this thread respect for the tourists who keep the economy going and maintaining the age old tradition of Thai hospitality seems to be lacking. I love rugby and will hopefully be cheering on the England boys to a dramatic win against the Aussies this afternoon. I would be more than happy in the half time interval to have an informative programme about the beloved king and I am sure all the footie fans would feel the same way be they Thai or farang. The message of the broadcast would be better recieved this way , with all concered parties needs catered for, without any lack of respect.

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If the world cup hadn't been on would the channel schedules have been different ?

I honestly think there was a "you will watch the King" and not football attitude by the authorities, my guess would be if football had been screened on any channel from 8pm that a lot of TV's would have been watching it, somewhat disrespectful for such a momentous event in Thailand..........our King is celebrating and everybodies warching football. I kinda agree with what they did.

There was no deliberate "you will watch the King" move made by the authorities.

As I said In an earlier post above:

"Just as the Thai national anthem is broadcast at 8.00am and 6.00pm every day, 8.00pm is dedicated to news about the King and the Royal family."

Sorry to disappoint the conspiracy theorists, but the Thai TV programme scheduling was simply 'business as usual'. :o

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