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Rajavej full health check- my experience


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Thanks, OP

I'm glad you didn't fail to mention the necessity of fasting, even if you did put it at the end of the post where people are already asleep.

I, too, was very pleased with the checkup there. After the tests, Dr. can't-remember-his-name actually put me on the table and poked and tapped and listened and asked questions just like western doctors do. I mention this because I've had checkups at other local hospitals where the doctor barely glanced at me while he read the reports and said normal, ok, normal, etc.

Congratulations on finding the courage to go through with it. Now it's time for your colonoscopy.

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Good write up eyecatcher thumbsup.gif

"this time they are sticking cellotape on my nips"

I knew those nipple piercings would bother you some day. biggrin.png

Hope said nips are not hirsute otherwise the cello tape removal process may have been painful ;)

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Good write up eyecatcher thumbsup.gif

"this time they are sticking cellotape on my nips"

I knew those nipple piercings would bother you some day. biggrin.png

Hope said nips are not hirsute otherwise the cello tape removal process may have been painful wink.png

Need to trust EC's word on this. wink.png

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Thanks for this. I have been fretting about doing exactly the same thing for ... waaay too long. Hope I get exactly the same results! Question: can basically the same be done at CM Ram for at least not too many more Baht? My experiences with CM Ram have been very good (for very minor events) and it is a lot more conveniently located for me. Anybody with check-up experiences there?

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Mind you, the Premium does cost; here's Bumbrungrad's which costs Bt16,900.

Package Name: Comprehensive Male 50+*
Vital Signs and Physical Examination Complete Blood Count (CBC) Fasting Blood Sugar Lipid (Fats) Profile - Cholesterol, HDL and Triglyceride, Cholesterol/HDL Ratio, LDL Cholesterol Gout (Uric Acid) Kidney Function Panel Creatinine BUN Liver Function Panel SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Total Bilirubin, Albumin, Globulin Gamma GT (GGT) Thyroid Panel * TSH and Free T4 Hepatitis Screening HBsAg and HBsAb, Anti-HCV Tumor Markers CEA for GI Cancer AFP for Liver Cancer PSA for Prostate Cancer Urine Examination Stool Examination with Occult Blood Electrocardiogram (EKG) Chest X-ray Ultrasound Whole Abdomen Eye Exam (Acuity and Tonometry) Exercise Stress Test (EST)
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My experience with the executive check-up (Bunrumgrad) at age 41 was as follows. I wish I had never done it. After not having a chest xray since a childhood pneumonia I was told that I had to see a specialist in pulmonology and CT scans of my lungs were ordered. I was told by the "board certified US trained expert" that I had lung cancer or TB. Realize that I have never as much as coughed and run 10k's with no training. Tests were ordered and I came in a month later for more scans. They told me some conflicting information such as "we dont think you have cancer but the lesions are progressing ( they weren't) we want to do a needle biopsy. I could have told you I don't have TB. At that point I put the brakes on and, freaking out, went to Cedar Sinai in Los Angeles. The doctor there told me clearly upon reviewing my scan CD's that I did not have lung Cancer, but he ordered extra tests for some other stuff like fungal infection/valley fever. He said that the needle biopsy was potentially dangerous and absolutely contraindicated.

All tests were negative. They did set me up for more CT scans every 6 months for two years. 2 years and thousands of dollars later I was sent off with no clear diagnosis of what caused the lesions/scarring on my lung, which were not growing. It was all more hassle and stress than what it was worth.

The lesson here is One has to be a very informed consumer of medical services, you almost gave to be your own doctor. i wanted to take care of myself and decided on a thorough checkup. These full check programmes give you tests that are not necessary, and may give results that lead to more tests. If you get full body scans and tests, there are lumps and bumps, they will find something. Xxrays are ionising radiation, to which there is no safe limit of exposure. For that reason in the States they are not given unless indicated. Upon consulting in the States though now the Doc had to order more scans, if only to cover himself from potential lawsuits.

Think about the fasting blood sugar tests which are all the rage and given to people with no symptoms of diabetes at all. What's the point? Is ignorance bliss?

Edited by arunsakda
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While it certainly may happen that someone has a bad experience, it is far better to know about problems ahead of time that to stick your head in the sand and hope everything will be right. For one bad experience, there are probable dozens of people who can either be cured or control the problems that are developing before it is too late.

I also had the full check and something was found on the ultrasound that is apparently nothing to worry about after looking at a CT scan. The was also something else that was there in the first scan but not detected in the subsequent ones. Even though, I eat reasonable well and exercise a lot, my cholesterol and blood pressure are slightly elevated. It's good to have a heads up to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep on checking things that are developing.

Personally, I'm not only hoping to live into my 90s but also be very active. It's like an old car, if you want to keep it running, it will need more and more care as it gets old.

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While it certainly may happen that someone has a bad experience, it is far better to know about problems ahead of time that to stick your head in the sand and hope everything will be right. For one bad experience, there are probable dozens of people who can either be cured or control the problems that are developing before it is too late.

I also had the full check and something was found on the ultrasound that is apparently nothing to worry about after looking at a CT scan. The was also something else that was there in the first scan but not detected in the subsequent ones. Even though, I eat reasonable well and exercise a lot, my cholesterol and blood pressure are slightly elevated. It's good to have a heads up to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep on checking things that are developing.

Personally, I'm not only hoping to live into my 90s but also be very active. It's like an old car, if you want to keep it running, it will need more and more care as it gets old.

Can't argue with anything you said here. Sometimes people wake up, cough up blood, and go to a surgery to be told they have stage 4 lung cancer and will be dead in a month. Others go to a checkup every 6 months and get an Xray that gives them lung cancer after 20 years. As for me I am going to stick with my Doc's reccomendations.

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Thanks for this. I have been fretting about doing exactly the same thing for ... waaay too long. Hope I get exactly the same results! Question: can basically the same be done at CM Ram for at least not too many more Baht? My experiences with CM Ram have been very good (for very minor events) and it is a lot more conveniently located for me. Anybody with check-up experiences there?

Never again. Just to take the ultra scan they made me drink about 4 liters of water and I had to really take a leak but they said they could not do it unless I drank all that water. You sit down and need to take a leak not to bad but they force you to drink 4 more liters of water before they can do the scan. Never again. I will not go into the poop test. That was a genuine shit-y affair.

Also had an extraa X ray taken and the doctor wanted to throw me on the table right away. some thing my two specialists in Canada had advised against and later when I saw Dr. Suthee at the Ram he explained why not to do it. The man has only seen it done once in 40 years and it is a pain that is just another part of me now.

The one thing I was wondering on the OP was about having an OK prostate test with out the rectum method. Is the ultra scan good enough.wai.gif

Edited by northernjohn
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Wife and I did the health check in December at a Raj.

Nothing but praise from the whole process and excellent value. Don't let the internet doctors put you you off.

A couple of years ago with our 2 year check the wife was diagnosed with the very early stages of TB which could have been very serious if left any longer still a few months of treatment followed.

Go and do it.

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Thanks for this. I have been fretting about doing exactly the same thing for ... waaay too long. Hope I get exactly the same results! Question: can basically the same be done at CM Ram for at least not too many more Baht? My experiences with CM Ram have been very good (for very minor events) and it is a lot more conveniently located for me. Anybody with check-up experiences there?

Never again. Just to take the ultra scan they made me drink about 4 liters of water and I had to really take a leak but they said they could not do it unless I drank all that water. You sit down and need to take a leak not to bad but they force you to drink 4 more liters of water before they can do the scan. Never again. I will not go into the poop test. That was a genuine shit-y affair.

Also had an extraa X ray taken and the doctor wanted to throw me on the table right away. some thing my two specialists in Canada had advised against and later when I saw Dr. Suthee at the Ram he explained why not to do it. The man has only seen it done once in 40 years and it is a pain that is just another part of me now.

The one thing I was wondering on the OP was about having an OK prostate test with out the rectum method. Is the ultra scan good enough.wai.gif

Whilst it sounds like you were treated like a piece of meat, what you experienced I am sure is unique, and bears no resemblence whatsoever to what I went through.

Drinking water, I think I a couple of those paper cones and that was only because it was suggested I may be thirsty after no drink for 12hrs.

Regarding the prostrate, there was no knitting needle shoved anywhere and the scanner did the work, they can see problems,and can measure in 3d so they know if any organ is enlarged or out of shape. Well that's how I interpreted what I was looking at on the monitor.

There was a mention above of a premium test in Bum at a massive cost.

I had the same test not including a physical and eye check. Personally I know physically I am in good shape and an optician knows about eyes so even if that was an option I would have not bothered.

My results show at least 75 items that were checked, and I even know the size of my kidneys are 5.5x10.4 and 4.6x11.2 and my prostrate gland volume is 19.5cc.and no gallstones developing anywhere.

Impressed? I was....to all doubters,it really is a no brainer and for 4900bt.

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Thanks for this. I have been fretting about doing exactly the same thing for ... waaay too long. Hope I get exactly the same results! Question: can basically the same be done at CM Ram for at least not too many more Baht? My experiences with CM Ram have been very good (for very minor events) and it is a lot more conveniently located for me. Anybody with check-up experiences there?

Never again. Just to take the ultra scan they made me drink about 4 liters of water and I had to really take a leak but they said they could not do it unless I drank all that water. You sit down and need to take a leak not to bad but they force you to drink 4 more liters of water before they can do the scan. Never again. I will not go into the poop test. That was a genuine shit-y affair.

Also had an extraa X ray taken and the doctor wanted to throw me on the table right away. some thing my two specialists in Canada had advised against and later when I saw Dr. Suthee at the Ram he explained why not to do it. The man has only seen it done once in 40 years and it is a pain that is just another part of me now.

The one thing I was wondering on the OP was about having an OK prostate test with out the rectum method. Is the ultra scan good enough.wai.gif

Whilst it sounds like you were treated like a piece of meat, what you experienced I am sure is unique, and bears no resemblence whatsoever to what I went through.

Drinking water, I think I a couple of those paper cones and that was only because it was suggested I may be thirsty after no drink for 12hrs.

Regarding the prostrate, there was no knitting needle shoved anywhere and the scanner did the work, they can see problems,and can measure in 3d so they know if any organ is enlarged or out of shape. Well that's how I interpreted what I was looking at on the monitor.

There was a mention above of a premium test in Bum at a massive cost.

I had the same test not including a physical and eye check. Personally I know physically I am in good shape and an optician knows about eyes so even if that was an option I would have not bothered.

My results show at least 75 items that were checked, and I even know the size of my kidneys are 5.5x10.4 and 4.6x11.2 and my prostrate gland volume is 19.5cc.and no gallstones developing anywhere.

Impressed? I was....to all doubters,it really is a no brainer and for 4900bt.

Usually for for the last part of an abdominal ultrasound for men, most places like Urology Care Foundation recommend you to drink several full glasses of water about an hour before to fill your bladder.

I agree with northernjohn that it can be bloody uncomfortable, especially if someone already has an enlarged prostate. A full bladder pushes the intestines (which contain air) out of the way of the pelvic organs. This makes the ultrasound picture clearer.

Your check up does sound good value.

Edited by uptheos
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Glad to hear it went well but 90 minutes sounds like a basic health check.

I recently had a premium health check here in Singapore at Raffles. I was there the whole day 9-5 doing tests with half an hour off for lunch.

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Glad to hear it went well but 90 minutes sounds like a basic health check.

I recently had a premium health check here in Singapore at Raffles. I was there the whole day 9-5 doing tests with half an hour off for lunch.

I use Rajavej Hospital and, you're correct, this is a basic test--good for general pointers, though.

I have also used Bumrungrad [ very pricey and thorough] and Bangkok Phuket--the latter was where they stopped my 'Exercise Stress Test' telling me that I had a 'serious anomaly' in my heart Rhythms, etc... and tried to sell me a 'Balloon Angioplasty performed in their main branch in Bangkok---fortunately, I took the test results back to UK for a Second Opinion and was told that they had 'misread the tests'--I can't tell whether this was due to incompetence or the far worse possibility that they were hoping to sell me a potentially dangerous invasive surgical procedure to make a fat profit--who knows--be wary of Thai medical check results when the whole system is based on 'Private' paid for up-front treatment.

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I really think you should have a fasting blood sugar test regularly. My dad didn't and by the time he showed any symptoms of diabetes there had been significant damage done to his body. The damage wasn't really apparent at the time the diease was diagnosed, but really created major problems as he aged, especially the vascular dementia.

I think there may be controversy about the value of having repeated scans of your body, but I really don't see the harm of regular blood checks for things like blood sugar and cholesterol. Or an EGK. These are non-invasive tests that do no damage to your body.

Decades ago, Hubby and I worked for a Fortune 100 company in the U.S. and they required their employees to have a basic health screening every two years that included these types of tests -- no x-rays or scans, just basic blood testing, EKG and a doctor listening and thumping. Oh, and a lecture if your BMI and smoking habits weren't good. As a result, their health insurance costs were much lower than the national average. I remember this health screening catching early stage leukemia in a co-worker -- at a stage where it was still treatable. He never would have known otherwise.

Edited by NancyL
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I really think you should have a fasting blood sugar test regularly. My dad didn't and by the time he showed any symptoms of diabetes there had been significant damage done to his body. The damage wasn't really apparent at the time the diease was diagnosed, but really created major problems as he aged, especially the vascular dementia.

I think there may be controversy about the value of having repeated scans of your body, but I really don't see the harm of regular blood checks for things like blood sugar and cholesterol. Or an EGK. These are non-invasive tests that do no damage to your body.

Decades ago, Hubby and I worked for a Fortune 100 company in the U.S. and they required their employees to have a basic health screening every two years that included these types of tests -- no x-rays or scans, just basic blood testing, EKG and a doctor listening and thumping. Oh, and a lecture if your BMI and smoking habits weren't good. As a result, their health insurance costs were much lower than the national average. I remember this health screening catching early stage leukemia in a co-worker -- at a stage where it was still treatable. He never would have known otherwise.

Hello, NancyL.

I would be interested in a non-invasive blood test, since I have Trypanophobia. How is this done?

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Thanks for this. I have been fretting about doing exactly the same thing for ... waaay too long. Hope I get exactly the same results! Question: can basically the same be done at CM Ram for at least not too many more Baht? My experiences with CM Ram have been very good (for very minor events) and it is a lot more conveniently located for me. Anybody with check-up experiences there?

Never again. Just to take the ultra scan they made me drink about 4 liters of water and I had to really take a leak but they said they could not do it unless I drank all that water. You sit down and need to take a leak not to bad but they force you to drink 4 more liters of water before they can do the scan. Never again. I will not go into the poop test. That was a genuine shit-y affair.

Also had an extraa X ray taken and the doctor wanted to throw me on the table right away. some thing my two specialists in Canada had advised against and later when I saw Dr. Suthee at the Ram he explained why not to do it. The man has only seen it done once in 40 years and it is a pain that is just another part of me now.

The one thing I was wondering on the OP was about having an OK prostate test with out the rectum method. Is the ultra scan good enough.wai.gif

Whilst it sounds like you were treated like a piece of meat, what you experienced I am sure is unique, and bears no resemblence whatsoever to what I went through.

Drinking water, I think I a couple of those paper cones and that was only because it was suggested I may be thirsty after no drink for 12hrs.

Regarding the prostrate, there was no knitting needle shoved anywhere and the scanner did the work, they can see problems,and can measure in 3d so they know if any organ is enlarged or out of shape. Well that's how I interpreted what I was looking at on the monitor.

There was a mention above of a premium test in Bum at a massive cost.

I had the same test not including a physical and eye check. Personally I know physically I am in good shape and an optician knows about eyes so even if that was an option I would have not bothered.

My results show at least 75 items that were checked, and I even know the size of my kidneys are 5.5x10.4 and 4.6x11.2 and my prostrate gland volume is 19.5cc.and no gallstones developing anywhere.

Impressed? I was....to all doubters,it really is a no brainer and for 4900bt.

Great couple of posts eyecatcher-thanks. I expected to be bored but got to the end without a zzzz. Maybe I'll go to Raj too.... tomorrow!

I am astonished that haybilly thinks everyone gets these check-ups regularly; thought it was well known that most men dont go the doctors unless they think they are

almost dead- then find out its just a headcold!!

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well done, but you should really get your prostate check (PSA test and ultrasound) annually. Dunno why they say 18 months. I do it and feel reassured each time. Knowing people who died of cancer because of being lazy, this is the absolutely a must. Some say at an older age it should be every 6 months. Just repeating what I was told.

I also got a colonoscopy and now I m clear for the next 10 years but will go in 5.

These procedures eliminate the dangers for the 3rd and 4th most prevalent causes of male death. Heartattacks caused by bad habits and smoking are of course not covered by this. But taking care of numbers 3 and 4 and having an excellent chance of cure if early detected makes those checks a very good investment.

I m a little worried about the xrays. I had an accident and I could not help it but had to get one (they said). They messed the first one up and so I got 2. No idea how much radiation I ate. In the past I have asked the doc if there is another method for diagnosis. THis saved me 2 xrays over the years. The xray might not be that bad but then we get enough impact from other sources. Thus, reducing potential sources of trouble makes sense to me.

OP, thanks that you encourage people. Many of my friends never go and I am saddened by the thought that I m likely to attend some more premature funerals.

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It is certainly worth noting that in the private health world, there is an incentive to treat people otherwise you don't make money. I think it is wise to get a second opinion hopefully from a party that won't have any self interest in the outcome especially when it is looking a little more serious.

I had an MRI a few months back that showed a definite tear of the meniscus in my left knee. The surgeon said it absolutely had to be operated on however I decided to hold off since it was only a bit painful and there was no swelling, clicking or locking in the knee. There has been some studies about the effectiveness of said surgeries vs rehabilitation hinting that surgery was often too quickly performed. I am now fairly functional(enough to ride 100km on the bike, run 10 km and play golf and tennis though not always on the same day). There's is still some pain and discomfort however having already had that surgery on a few occasions, I'm not sure I would have been better off with it.

Always think that asking a surgeon not to cut is a bit like asking a divorce lawyer to have a quick and easy settlement... It goes against their own interest. Who will they care most about? You or themselves?

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i hate to say it eyecatcher, but the finger in the rectum test that you missed was probably the most important test for a gent your (our) age! you didn't mention if you took a PSA test or not but even that is not as good as checking to see if your prostate is smooth or has a bump on it.

next time, skip the beans the night before.laugh.png

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Finger in the rectum--they don't offer that, Thank God--I think they just rely on a Blood test and Ultrasoound--is this not enough??

Not that I am angling for a poke up the bum--but, if needs must.

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Finger in the rectum--they don't offer that, Thank God--I think they just rely on a Blood test and Ultrasoound--is this not enough??

Not that I am angling for a poke up the bum--but, if needs must.

An experienced index finger will tell if your prostate is enlarged.

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Linking to an article on executive health checks from FT.com

Executive health checks raise questions


Not trying to be an internet doctor at all but with many MD’s in the family I probably picked up a little too much knowledge for my own good around the kitchen table. (Dad retired gas-passer, Mom a Nurse, brother GP, sister in law GP). All have a pretty dim view of the effectiveness and value of these programmes except the old man, and he’s a bit of a hypochondriac. If you have health concerns what you absolutely must not do is put it off getting a checkup worrying, or try to self diagnose yourself on the internet, you’ll get it wrong. ANXIETY is a killer. I’m not saying don’t get the checkup. Probably better however to start a long term relationship with a trusted practitioner and go by his/her suggestions rather than sign on for a generic slate of tests that may not be called for at your particular age and situation. Medical professionals are 99% well intentioned but It is clear that there is a degree of medical marketing and up-sell going on. I fell for it myself of course. There are many empty beds in private hospitals here and only so many well insured or economically advantaged patients to fill them.

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As far as I know (having been through loads of tests when my lung showed a shadow) a doctor cannot conclude that you are 'free of cancer' on the back of 5,000 baht's worth of basic health check-up. Would need a 'PET scan' and a highly trained radiologist to do that. A PET scanner is a very expensive bit of nuclear kit which, for instance, only a few large regional and national hospitals have in the UK (don't know if Thailand has any). You know it's a serious test when they tell you after taking the prep that you should stay at least 6 feet away from any human for half an hour and the operatives stay well clear of you at all times!

However I guess that basic tests would give some indication there are no obvious adverse signs.

Another comment is that a colonoscopy is quite good for checking on the health of your prostate as a bi-product of looking at your colon.

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