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Red shirts force cancellation of a charity concert


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When the idiotic brain dead Red movement is eventually squashed, I just hope somebody is appointed to weed out the meddling red mob farang supporters on this and likewise forums. The way I see it, the non red posters look at things from all sides, but this wretched group of losers wear blinkers and only use the opportunity to incite hatred and unrest in retaliation of there lack of intellect and unhappy childhood. What a bunch of tossers. Be gone with the lot of you.

What a joke you are. Who the hell do you think you are. I want to see you out and rallying on May 14 instead of hiding behind your computer supporting someone no better than Thaksin in his effort to talk over the country. He even said he does not trust farangs but you still support him. Tells me something about you,

Your rambling outburst confirms my statement. When have I ever said I support Suthep or that I am of yellow persuasion. No of course I haven't ever, but your disposition will not let you believe otherwise One thing I can guarantee you is that I am indeed not a red fanatic, but I however support some of their grievances especially the rice farmers plight. As I stated, a non red supporter can see things from all sides. I suggest if you wish to contribute something worthwhile towards a solution to the country and peoples plight or you wish to be critical of someone's view, lift your game and use a little acumen; or are you just proving to the TV members you are just one of those reds I mentioned above with your schoolboy bully comments.

Looking through Mango Bobs posts, I think you are wasting your time. I think he may be a troll or perhaps a child? Your choice of course smile.png

With all the name-calling he doing, I'm going with 'child'. He's very immature as he throws out inflammatory statements and, when he's called on them, then resorts to name calling. I've decided you're right; it is a waste of my time to respond to him as nobody of any importance could possibly take him seriously.

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The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

It is just possible there weren't enough 'name' entertainers willing to volunteer their time and talent for these needy kids. Why didn't some Red entertainer step up to fill the void? That's right, no one with any self-respect would be openly Red.

Is this the way the Reds would govern? Discriminating against those that don't follow them. Awful people those 300 Red protesters; no heart (except for Thaksin).

It's just possible that you don't know what the hell your talking about. Making up stories to defend you leader. Amazing how stupid people are here.

In one sense Mango Bob is correct. Everyone in Thailand should know now that it's not safe to have a concert where the performer isn't a red shirt. It's also important to take a moral stand and say, IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT POLITICAL PARTY a singer, actor, dancer etc supports. They must be allowed to perform without fear.

It would be very good for Thailand if there was some way to charge those 300 red protestors with some kind of a criminal offense. Behaviour like that, and supporting behavior like that is BAD for any country that allows it.

It is horrible that Yingluck, the PTP, the UDD, CAPO haven't issued immediate press releases condemning the action.

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I love Thailand...new drama daily...better than any soap opera...such interesting...ignorant people...

Are you saying all Thais are ignorant?

Might be worth reading the forums rules again old chap.

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The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

i once had a glass of water, it was cold and lookd quite inviting. then, someone flicked their booger into it. this glass of 99.9999% water now needs to be thrown away. how can such a small miniscule obsolete amount make such a difference? ah.

some people will be willing to ruin the future of their children to see their enemies a bit uncomfortable. (poor)

while others are willing to cut their arms off to see the death of their enemies. (middle class)

and others are willing to see peace by burning everything. (wealthy)

as for me, i Honour my ancestors, Fear my God, and obey the laws of the land.

hatred is fickle. if you hate someone... you have to hate his friends too, and their friends, and places they go, and new people they meet. and befor you know it, you hate everyone and are alone. the reds will soon be alone. be patient.

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The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

So nobody should be allowed to perform or do any work unless they support the approved ideology? This is really how you think a "democracy" should work?

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In a way.... I get a good feeling each time things like this happen.

It shows the masses in those staunch red areas that the red shirt movement is nothing other than a new age Khmer Rouge who dictate what the public can see and do in their own communities.

The only real victims here are the beneficiaries of the charity and the fans who turned out to enjoy the concert and instead went home feeling pissed off and dejected at the hands of an internal terrorist organization.

All these little incidents stack up and actually breed resentment and contempt of the red shirt and UDD movement among the very people who they should be getting support from.... This will eventually be reflected at the ballot box... The red shirts are lucky that this is as far as it will normally go.... If the red shirts actually end up with the balls for a full scale uprising, the people themselves will likely rise up and crush them.

So carry on red idiots.

New age Khmer Rouges indeed. I agree there are a lot of similarities in the Red Shirt mentality. I sometimes refer to them as the Chemises Rouges (Red Shirts in French). Let's hope they never get to declare Year Zero and set up re-education camps for whoever they consider "elites", which is pretty much anyone who disagrees with them.

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Chooks made a valid point that a concert was disrupted in Phuket probably because of Sek Loso's red leanings.

However, apart from this Sakhon Nakon incident there has been a number of others, two of which I can recall:

Pattaya - cancelled due to red shirt intimidation.

Nonthaburi - ditto.

When one adds to those the attacks on protestors in Chiang Mai (also a gay parade). Pathum Thani, Samut Prakarn, Trat & Bangkok itself, there are far too many areas of the country off-limits to anyone supporting the Dems or the protestors.

Intimidation rules.

basically what I was saying is that it doesn't matter what side of the political fence you sit on, no body should disrupt a charity function to try an gain points. The Red Cross in Phuket were not and are not aligned to a political party in Thailand. People in the north who organised this fund raiser probably are not aligned either that is why they organised certain people.

The whole idea of both sides targeting charities to gain points is despicable.

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The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

No, blame the reds. These champions of democracy are just thugs. If Mango Bob supports them, then he is a thug too.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

i once had a glass of water, it was cold and lookd quite inviting. then, someone flicked their booger into it. this glass of 99.9999% water now needs to be thrown away. how can such a small miniscule obsolete amount make such a difference? ah.

some people will be willing to ruin the future of their children to see their enemies a bit uncomfortable. (poor)

while others are willing to cut their arms off to see the death of their enemies. (middle class)

and others are willing to see peace by burning everything. (wealthy)

as for me, i Honour my ancestors, Fear my God, and obey the laws of the land.

hatred is fickle. if you hate someone... you have to hate his friends too, and their friends, and places they go, and new people they meet. and befor you know it, you hate everyone and are alone. the reds will soon be alone. be patient.

Felt nauseous and bored at the same time with this post - a rare feat

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Edited by Stradavarius37
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Stradavarius37, on 02 May 2014 - 22:44, said:
Mango Bob, on 02 May 2014 - 06:38, said:

The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

No, blame the reds. These champions of democracy are just thugs. If Mango Bob supports them, then he is a thug too.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Reading some of your recent post it seems you are the thug with your insults and bullying. A typical Suthep follower. You support a man who doesn't trust farangs. What the hell is wrong with you. You can not accept anyone elses opinion without the insults. You must be living a very sorry life.

Edited by Mango Bob
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For example, how many concerts of Bob Dylan has to be cancelled over decades in some countries?

None this millennium.

Whereas this week, the red shirts are stopping a charity concert that was going to help needy students, but, now, will not.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You can not accept anyone elses opinion without the insults. You must be living a very sorry life.

And followed by generous yet equal dollops of hypocrisy and irony.

I see you spend you short time on this forum following replying to all most post. You have nothing better in your life then my post. Maybe you think I am cute. So what's the deal. Just come back from a suspension for doing the same to others who don't agree with your sad leader who also doesn't even trust you farangs. I wonder what wrong with you people. You are a very sick person who needs help.

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You are a very sick person who needs help.


Projection is the misattribution of a persons undesired thoughts, feelings or impulses onto another person who does not have those thoughts, feelings or impulses.

Projection is used especially when the thoughts are considered unacceptable for the person to express, or they feel completely ill at ease with having them.

Projection is often the result of a lack of insight and acknowledgement of ones own motivations and feelings.


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Stradavarius37, on 02 May 2014 - 22:44, said:

Mango Bob, on 02 May 2014 - 06:38, said:

The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

No, blame the reds. These champions of democracy are just thugs. If Mango Bob supports them, then he is a thug too.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Reading some of your recent post it seems you are the thug with your insults and bullying. A typical Suthep follower. You support a man who doesn't trust farangs. What the hell is wrong with you. You can not accept anyone elses opinion without the insults. You must be living a very sorry life.

Better than being a Thaksin apologist.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Stradavarius37, on 02 May 2014 - 22:44, said:

Mango Bob, on 02 May 2014 - 06:38, said:

The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

No, blame the reds. These champions of democracy are just thugs. If Mango Bob supports them, then he is a thug too.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Reading some of your recent post it seems you are the thug with your insults and bullying. A typical Suthep follower. You support a man who doesn't trust farangs. What the hell is wrong with you. You can not accept anyone elses opinion without the insults. You must be living a very sorry life.

Better than being a Thaksin apologist.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Nice comebackwhistling.gif

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When the idiotic brain dead Red movement is eventually squashed, I just hope somebody is appointed to weed out the meddling red mob farang supporters on this and likewise forums. The way I see it, the non red posters look at things from all sides, but this wretched group of losers wear blinkers and only use the opportunity to incite hatred and unrest in retaliation of there lack of intellect and unhappy childhood. What a bunch of tossers. Be gone with the lot of you.

What a joke you are. Who the hell do you think you are. I want to see you out and rallying on May 14 instead of hiding behind your computer supporting someone no better than Thaksin in his effort to talk over the country. He even said he does not trust farangs but you still support him. Tells me something about you,

Your rambling outburst confirms my statement. When have I ever said I support Suthep or that I am of yellow persuasion. No of course I haven't ever, but your disposition will not let you believe otherwise One thing I can guarantee you is that I am indeed not a red fanatic, but I however support some of their grievances especially the rice farmers plight. As I stated, a non red supporter can see things from all sides. I suggest if you wish to contribute something worthwhile towards a solution to the country and peoples plight or you wish to be critical of someone's view, lift your game and use a little acumen; or are you just proving to the TV members you are just one of those reds I mentioned above with your schoolboy bully comments.

Looking through Mango Bobs posts, I think you are wasting your time. I think he may be a troll or perhaps a child? Your choice of course smile.png

With all the name-calling he doing, I'm going with 'child'. He's very immature as he throws out inflammatory statements and, when he's called on them, then resorts to name calling. I've decided you're right; it is a waste of my time to respond to him as nobody of any importance could possibly take him seriously.

Take him seriously? No one of importance reads TV. Or any anonymous forum for that matter. Important people don't waste their time on these rubbish back and forths. Fortunately - I am not important!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Stradavarius37, on 02 May 2014 - 22:44, said:

Mango Bob, on 02 May 2014 - 06:38, said:

The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

No, blame the reds. These champions of democracy are just thugs. If Mango Bob supports them, then he is a thug too.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Reading some of your recent post it seems you are the thug with your insults and bullying. A typical Suthep follower. You support a man who doesn't trust farangs. What the hell is wrong with you. You can not accept anyone elses opinion without the insults. You must be living a very sorry life.

Better than being a Thaksin apologist.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Nice comebackwhistling.gif

Thanks man!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Well, if this indicates the kind of intimidation that the reds will mete out to the opposition campaigning in the North, the EC have made it quite clear that this could well void the next election as well.....that is because the election will not be 'free and fair'. Elections and campaigning cannot be carried out under such circumstances, whether problems are instigated by either side. Anyway, it's looking like Yingluck and her crew might well be bundled out before the next election. Will be nice to see a few fresh faces...but probably only those old haggard ones fresh from their 5 year ban....more Thaksin lackeys as well!

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