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Thais in Sydney


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The word is for Thais wishing to live in a Western country, that Australia is the place to go, it`s one of the easiest Western countries to gain a visa and stay.

Education visas are usually the number one choice, handed out like candy. Pay about 200000 baht to set up and even better if they can find an Australian sponsor and then they`re in, it`s that simple. Once in Australia they find ways to change their visa status and once established they then pave the way for other Thais to study, work and live in Australia.

There is a huge amount of Thais that work in the Australian sex industries, especially in Melbourne and Sydney and some of it is even legalised there, in the abundance of Thai themed massage parlours, escorts and brothels. It is not my attempt at Thai bashing, but a fact.

A 27 year old female cousin of my Thai wife advertised herself as seeking a Australian boyfriend on a free dating site. After only a couple of months she met an Australian who posed as her fiancée and accompanied her to the Australian embassy to apply for an education visa. Within only 4 months we discovered she was working for a Sydney massage parlour and escort agency. That was 6 years ago and she`s still there. None of us know how my wife`s cousin managed to remain in Australia when at first she arrived there on an Ed visa. I do know that this is now common practice.

In the most populous state, New South Wales, there has been a substantial increase in the number of female sex workers from Thailand over the last 8 years, mostly taking advantage of Australia`s liberal approach to the commercial sex industries.

Once in Australia they quickly learn the system or are shown the way by other Thais, then they are more or less given a free pass to live, work and do whatever they like. Taking an educated guess I would think that Australia has the second highest population of Thai ex-pats after the United Kingdom, or it`s certainly heading that way, which is also a doddle to get in for those who know how to work the system, especially for young Thai females.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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i dont think you are going to get an argument from any farang . they all know that aussie women are sadly lacking in the sex department.

I lived in Oz as a single guy for 15 years, we all have differing experiences; for me I don't agree with your observation regarding Australian female sexual partners.

I do not agree with the sweeping statements by Beetlejuice on the ease of obtaining Ed visas for Thais. Look at the funds required, plus the cost of health insurance. Sure there are illegal activities, but I'm positive Oz immi is across most scams. There not that many Thais on overstay, a few years back it was less than 2,000


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