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Jeremy Clarkson: BBC gave me final warning


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Also worth pointing out that the offending mumble was never broadcast but merely one of dozens of out takes during the making of the show.

There are lots of programmes on tv I don't like such as Eastenders etc but I would never suggest the wide range of programmes produced by the BBC should be restricted because of my old fashioned tastes. The one person I cannot stand is Russell Brand.

Dozens of channels out there plus ability to watch stuff you've missed means we have more choice than ever.

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Get a life some people need to move on people getting raped murdered etc and they waste money to see if he said n word

I hope there house gets ripped off and see they waste our time on these remarks

using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I hate Clarkson, here are the reasons.

He can drive the most expensive cars ever manufactured, and gets to test drive them free.

He is paid to have fun driving fast cars in exotic locations, by My Money, via the BBC license fee.

He writes best selling books.

He writes for The Sun Newspaper, and I find his column the most entertaining read on a Saturday.

He lives in a big house that I could never afford to live in.

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Clarkson owns a large chunk of the programme, or the company who makes it, so either way he is in the money . If he gets chopped by the BBC he still gets money

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  • 5 weeks later...

Excuse me for reviving this old thread. I came across a poem today that I think might help in this discussion where posters have been talking past each other and understanding has been difficult to foster.

It's understandable that people who've not been at the sharp end of racist remarks, don't appreciate the hurtfulness of hateful words. I'll assume that the people who think that the N-word is just a word are simply innocently ignorant rather than true haters. In the interest of fostering better understanding, allow me to quote British writer Salena Godden:

The N-Word

If that word were a man

would that word stand tall?

Would that word be your equal?

Would that word sound grand?

If that word were a woman

would that word be your girlfriend?

Would that word be educated?

Would that word understand?

If that word were your king

would that word be fair?

Would that word have grace?

Would that word rule the land?

If that word were a child

would that word be joyful?

Would that word feel the sting

of the back of your hand?

And if that word were a dog

would that word come to heel?

Would that word eat off your floor

Would that word bite your hand?

And if that word is a river,

is it polluted by you?

And if that word is a clock,

did you stop time too?

And if that word is a cage,

do you have the keys?

And if that word is a forest

can you see the wood for the trees?

That word is the N-Word.

Do you use it with shame?

Do you use that name because

you dont understand?

You spread ignorance and fear

like a million wet grains of sand.

Every time I hear the word Nigger

That word is a gun

loaded with negativity and history

blood n fire n truth run.

Sticks and stones may break my bones

but names will always hurt thee,

If that word were a flag

Id burn it happily,

because we still have slavery

In the 21st Century.

If that word had a soul

I would set her free

If that word had a soul

I say set him free

If that word had a soul

I say set them free.

And if that word is the word

Youd use to describe me,

I say set me free, set me free,

Set me free.

~ Salena Godden


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the Daily Mirror, which said it had hired "audio forensic experts" to analyse the clip it had obtained.

Unbelievable that these days audio forensic experts are hired to find something to destroy someones career.

Isn't such a practice racist on itself?

No....no it isn't

I believe we still sell COON Cheese in Australia, there was a court battle at one time over the name COON. We still have the cheese so they must have lost the battle. Too many do gooders with nothing to do with their time.

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