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What's Her Motive?


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I would be very careful with this. I don't think she could get a US tourist visa with your help or without. If she is single and 20 something with no relatives in USA and not a pile of money in the bank, forget it. As for her motives, I would take plenty of time to sort it out. Dealing with the women is a major downside to living here. It is not like USA or the west, where things are gererally out in the open and "on the table". Many of these women are masters at deception and accomplished and pathological liars. It seems that it is not part of the culture to tell things straight in any case. Where there is money as an issue and where the local party may have something to gain, caution should prevail. This is no "urban myth" as on poster implied here. In my opinion, it is everyday reality.

sounds like just one more person who would be better off without thailand.

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Hang on a minute !!!!

Kidney problems? (normally a sign of HIV).

Me thinks you is a bit silly.

excellent diagnosis Dr. House. she is HIV positive. mehtinks you too may be a bit silly.

I would love you to document the string of assumptions you made to give the woman AIDS.

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paulsmithson is true in what he is saying man... push her away from you life while you still can...

kideney problem.. wooo big problem...

Australia??.. other man..

like many woman, i don't think that she will seek love before a real security..

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[Well, I have decided to not fund anymore hospital visits, or substantial expenses of hers, for the time being. I will also let her know that I am not ready to make a leap into a buss. with anybody, let alone - myself. In addition, I will not sign any papers for her to go to the U.S. because I need to know her better, & am not ready to take on supporting her in the U.S. It may sound cold, but it's all true & it's the smart thing to do. I am wwwaaayyyyy too nice a guy sometimes. If she doesn't understand this...then she will be free to make her move, whatever that may be. But, I have a feeling that she won't be thrown off by this.

( She is also a smart girl, but I am also no dummy..) I don't mean to sound so pesemistic, but I am really on the fence about this. I know I will get opposing advice from others, but just curious what it sounds like..

So what happened, stevo? Did you tell her what you wrote you were going to do? How did she take it all? Break the suspense here. :o

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