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Yingluck bids farewell to officials and the public


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What's next for her?

Hopefully a long Jail sentence together with the rest of her cronies and family members who been robbing this country since 2001.

the other mob will rob the country even worse and keep the population in poverty as they only care for their own pockets .the general population bettered themselves under the thaksins ,free health care saved many lives and freed them from pain by giving cheap drugs that they wouldnt have been able to afford esp HIV medication which saved many from dieing of AIDS .

the yellow elites would not have given them free health care at 30bahts

I would like to point out the AIDS stuff you mention is totally WRONG and the drugs given here are supported, initially supplied free under WHO structures by the MULTI NATIONAL (Yes THOSE bad guys) free and subsidised and permitted Thailand to make generics - giving away their patents. NOT THE PTP so get your facts straight. I KNOW as I WAS INVOLVED. The Thai govt pays what you and I pay for paracetamol for these drugs.

While we are talking about facts, still waiting on your response to a comment you made about a USA arrest warrant for Thaksin of Dubai ?

I am informed, as I can only be informed as I am not a US citizen nor a member of the jusdiciary, that The USA and other western nations have warrants out for his arrest is he lands on their sovereign soils for his role in embellishing his pockets with money donated over the Tsunami in Phuket many years ago and whilst he was PM he had immunity as well as impunity.. Ever wondered why he only attends CERTAIN counties?

He was in the US last year or the year before in New York...whistling.gif

Although I am no Rabid Red, and personally glad to see the back of Dear Yingie... I do believe your making this up or your have heard this while sitting on a bar stool, I was in Thailand when the Tsunami happened and don't remember any accusations of Thaksin of Dubai dipping his hand in the tsunami fund till, however I do remember the uproar about immigration making volunteers get work permits

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the yellow elites would not have given them free health care at 30bahts " if its 30 baht it isn't free..

by the way the Surayud interim government DID make it FREE. It was also Mongkol Na Songkhla (interim government) who organized the compulsory licensing for Aids drugs amongst other drugs.

Abhisits Democrats raised the age of compulsory free education by 3 years from 12 to 15 allowing more teenagers into the workplace. As well as streamlining the medical scheme further to allow patients to change their registered hospital.

Thaksin took a few ideas from previous administrations (30baht scheme was one) and made them happen. How many of the schemes benefited his family we will probably never know ( Suvarnabhumi Airport was probably one)

What have Thaksin and the Shinawatra clan REALLY done?

Other than put more and more Thais into debt and dependent on government subsidies!

You miss the point: That the only reason that the Yellows even pretend to give a rat´s rear end about the North is... *Drumroll* ... Thaksin Shinawatra.

The key concept you need to look up is "competition".

No actually I think YOU miss the point.

The one using populist policies and putting more Thais into debt and indebted now is......*drumroll-cymbals* Thaksin Shinawatra and family.

He uses the policies to entice an entrap the people .. just look at the farming community .. they are dependent on the subsidies now because they have so much debt.

That does not take away from his first term in office were he saw an opportunity to enhance his popularity with the masses. He was not a stupid man .. he become selfish, self centred and power hungry .. but not stupid.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It always amazes me the amount of Farang that support the PDRC aka yellow shirts in Thailand since most if not all Farang countries are democracries. Do you ever take into consideration the simple and honest fact that Yingluck was ELECTED PM by the majority of Thai people and was run out of office by a minority of people???

Are you all in favor of over throwing democratically elected officials if you don't agree with their policies?? If you do I suggest you go home and do that with your native government instead of siding with a bunch of people who say that poor persons are too stupid to vote and anyone without a bachelors degree should have no say in who is prime minister....Or maybe that's why you've come to Thailand in the first place, you know to keep those young thai whores in the hole.

Don't worry though because the PDRC and Wealthy Thais have no need for Farangs like the poor working class does. Enjoy it while it last. Continue to watch Blue Sky television instead of any free media that shows the MAJORITY of Thais not even including red shirts that want a DEMOCRATIC country.

excellent first post and well said. Hope to see more of you on this forum.

Memo to Ginjag - it looks like there are 11 of us now!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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she was a great PM and really suprised me, i didnt expect she could step up but she did.

her standout and defining moment, apart from her excellent election campaign, was how she handled the protesters. patiently she waited them out, eventually they lost supporters every week and finally there was hardly any left.

compare that to Abhisit and Suthep who gave the order for live ammunition .... and killed almost a hundred.

also the way she dealt with some pretty ugly, fanatical, hate filled opposition groups in the public.... when she responded it was with grace, dignity, unlike the ugliness from her opponents. and im sure some of that will be on display again in the responses to this post.

anyhow, well done Yingluck....

Surely most of your posts are not genuine, She handled nothing, by keeping out of the limelight gave you the impression she was waiting them out ???

You are now near the biggest wind up merchant, it is not your view-it cannot be because of the lousy government managing. It has to be posting for agro---other things to support my post is --How many topics do you post on---only political ??? why ???-----If the reds shot everyone in the country you would say OK just testing bullets that's all.

Another day, another incoherent hate filled rant!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Clearly a fishing post so here's a bite - she was utter crap. C'mon, even those that liked her would surely have to say admit that even privately. How does a PM be so good and so great when there is a raging war left un-extinguished in the South that kills at least 10 or so people each week (women, children and police, school teachers) without effort to stop? How does Thailand's best PM rank when the US is about to condemn the country for human rights abuses in regards to human trafficking? Kroist - can't even get a population to wear <deleted>' motorbike helmet let alone stamp out corruption and get the economy singing. Let's not even talk about exploitation.

Probably a lot that happens in Thailand is because some folks here don't realise what potential they have in the country, people and resources - instead are buried in microbureaucratics and settling for crap PM's. Maybe there isn't anything better at the moment - but surely you can't hold her up as a bastion of political savviness just because her her was done up nicely when folks were shouting at her.

Wake up Thailand - you can settle for better than you've had.

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It always amazes me the amount of Farang that support the PDRC aka yellow shirts in Thailand since most if not all Farang countries are democracries. Do you ever take into consideration the simple and honest fact that Yingluck was ELECTED PM by the majority of Thai people and was run out of office by a minority of people???

Are you all in favor of over throwing democratically elected officials if you don't agree with their policies?? If you do I suggest you go home and do that with your native government instead of siding with a bunch of people who say that poor persons are too stupid to vote and anyone without a bachelors degree should have no say in who is prime minister....Or maybe that's why you've come to Thailand in the first place, you know to keep those young thai whores in the hole.

Don't worry though because the PDRC and Wealthy Thais have no need for Farangs like the poor working class does. Enjoy it while it last. Continue to watch Blue Sky television instead of any free media that shows the MAJORITY of Thais not even including red shirts that want a DEMOCRATIC country.

StLNYC - interesting post. Perhaps you have a theory and can further elaborate on the connection between the PDRC, Farangs, and the Constitutional court that handed their (tough) decision down today? How exactly was the Constitutional court assembled here in Thailand - was that the work of Farangs and PDRC?

To answer your question - and speaking personally - elections should over throw governments when policies are unpopular. These protests were ridiculous and cost lives and THB's. But did they overthrow her? She toughed it out and didn't resign, after all.

Here's a question for you: Do you think Thailand can achieve more with Yingluck or without her as PM?

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Yingluck and Obama, both the first in their own class of leaders. She the first woman and he the first black, and both will go down in history as incompetent leaders.


doubt it Einstein... he voted in for two terms and she a great 'First Woman Premier' both will be treated very kindly by history unlike the yellow courts who 'rescued' the elite mob when Suthep failed to take over even the Duck Pond at Lumpini Park

it's not over...

Edited by binjalin
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


It always amazes me the amount of Farang that support the PDRC aka yellow shirts in Thailand since most if not all Farang countries are democracries. Do you ever take into consideration the simple and honest fact that Yingluck was ELECTED PM by the majority of Thai people and was run out of office by a minority of people???

Are you all in favor of over throwing democratically elected officials if you don't agree with their policies?? If you do I suggest you go home and do that with your native government instead of siding with a bunch of people who say that poor persons are too stupid to vote and anyone without a bachelors degree should have no say in who is prime minister....Or maybe that's why you've come to Thailand in the first place, you know to keep those young thai whores in the hole.

Don't worry though because the PDRC and Wealthy Thais have no need for Farangs like the poor working class does. Enjoy it while it last. Continue to watch Blue Sky television instead of any free media that shows the MAJORITY of Thais not even including red shirts that want a DEMOCRATIC country.

Spot on here. imagine a country like England in which the entire working class voted for a real Labour government. The conservatives would never get in would they and unless you one of the wealthy (in which case you don't need representation) you would be very happy with that democratic process. After all there are more workers and poorer people than rich right?

You are imagining Thailand where the poor have not been hoodwinked by the 'lie of individualism'.

I am always astounded that so many people side with the rich as if somehow they will gain favour. Not everything has changed in England since Victorian times, the poor are still doffing their caps to the Master.

The yellow shirt farangs are just lackeys trying to curry favour with a bunch of aristocractic asians who are still trying to get the 'democratic' process changed so that 1 vote= 1 person is no longer valid if that person is from Isaan.

You yellows just cannot accept that the courts, the EC and the Finance, in fact, every government qwango has been bought off or is part of the ammart drive to get rid of the PT party . . the whole thing is a giant set up job and if you cannot see this you are either not as clever as you think or blind

Edited by cheyenne
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I suggest you try being sick or a Thai person you know being sick and go to a hospital and be treated for 30 baht.Please let me know where they are.To narrow your search I live in Pathum Thani.

I was treated for a stab wound in a government hospital . . . .very good. I actually paid 900 baht though because i could afford it.

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she was a great PM and really suprised me, i didnt expect she could step up but she did.

her standout and defining moment, apart from her excellent election campaign, was how she handled the protesters. patiently she waited them out, eventually they lost supporters every week and finally there was hardly any left.

compare that to Abhisit and Suthep who gave the order for live ammunition .... and killed almost a hundred.

also the way she dealt with some pretty ugly, fanatical, hate filled opposition groups in the public.... when she responded it was with grace, dignity, unlike the ugliness from her opponents. and im sure some of that will be on display again in the responses to this post.

anyhow, well done Yingluck....

She failed as the history books will show. She spoke to the public via facebook instead of through reporters to avoid questions which she could not answer. She did not condemn violence at Trat for example. And tomorrow she will probably be shown to be incompetent as well. Plus so much more which almost everyone knows about.

completely lacking in any qualities as a leader or politician.

not bad looking though.

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she was a great PM and really suprised me, i didnt expect she could step up but she did.

her standout and defining moment, apart from her excellent election campaign, was how she handled the protesters. patiently she waited them out, eventually they lost supporters every week and finally there was hardly any left.

compare that to Abhisit and Suthep who gave the order for live ammunition .... and killed almost a hundred.

also the way she dealt with some pretty ugly, fanatical, hate filled opposition groups in the public.... when she responded it was with grace, dignity, unlike the ugliness from her opponents. and im sure some of that will be on display again in the responses to this post.

anyhow, well done Yingluck....

So the grass roots people are "pretty ugly and fanatical". I would have thought that if they were that way they would have come out long ago like the red shirts did. The honest //Thai citizens remains quit and watches the country being raped by the Thaksin followers year after year starting in 2000 he finally speaks up and you call him an ugly fanatical hate filled person. I bet you are the star of the red shirt bar scene. I think you have fallen off the stool a few times to many as you seem to be having trouble seeing reality.

Kind of funny you come along with the accusation of ugly fanatical hate filled about the same time the government runs out of money to syphon off to it's corrupt partners. Many of them foreigners. What's your thought's on that?

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No government anywhere in the world is corruption free. We judge them by degrees of corruption. YL was about a 5 on a scale of one to ten. The so called uneducated unemployed around the world are waking up and will not bite the hand that feeds them whether it be rice subsidies food stamps welfare you name it. The 85 rich people around the world that control half the wealth have pushed about as hard as they can. Open warfare is cropping up all over the world. The rich will only give up their control only after they have rung out every last dollar on the planet. We are an ever expanding population with ever decreasing job opportunities due to robotics, living/working longer 3D printers. The rich are using this to their advantage to pick and choose who they want to employ and what remuneration they wish to pay them. They then cast the rest aside.

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Moonao believes this:

she was a great PM and really suprised me, i didnt expect she could step up but she did.

her standout and defining moment, apart from her excellent election campaign, was how she handled the protesters. patiently she waited them out, eventually they lost supporters every week and finally there was hardly any left.
compare that to Abhisit and Suthep who gave the order for live ammunition .... and killed almost a hundred.

also the way she dealt with some pretty ugly, fanatical, hate filled opposition groups in the public.... when she responded it was with grace, dignity, unlike the ugliness from her opponents. and im sure some of that will be on display again in the responses to this post.
anyhow, well done Yingluck....

She was a nice puppet, and that sums it about up. Politics is not a beauty contest, as some might think. Else Taksin would have never made it the first time <wg>.

And about that "almost a hundred" being killed by Abhisit & Suthep, stop raping the truth. There were over 20 people killed, that were opposed to the Red Shirts, mostly from grenades and sharpshooters aka Men in Black or "former BPP". The military didn't get the order to kill but to mob up the contested area. If being shot at by young hotheads, they shot back, no wonder. And the military are the more professional ones, not the suburban bullies, who wanted to proof themselves as local heroes...

Better to stick with the facts...

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SaintLouieNYC believes this:


It always amazes me the amount of Farang that support the PDRC aka yellow shirts in Thailand since most if not all Farang countries are democracries. Do you ever take into consideration the simple and honest fact that Yingluck was ELECTED PM by the majority of Thai people and was run out of office by a minority of people???

Are you all in favor of over throwing democratically elected officials if you don't agree with their policies?? If you do I suggest you go home and do that with your native government instead of siding with a bunch of people who say that poor persons are too stupid to vote and anyone without a bachelors degree should have no say in who is prime minister....Or maybe that's why you've come to Thailand in the first place, you know to keep those young thai whores in the hole.

Don't worry though because the PDRC and Wealthy Thais have no need for Farangs like the poor working class does. Enjoy it while it last. Continue to watch Blue Sky television instead of any free media that shows the MAJORITY of Thais not even including red shirts that want a DEMOCRATIC country.

Did anybody ever tell you, that elections are not democracy per se but a way and means to get to a democracy? I earlier mentioned the difference between elections and democracy as being like a bottle (= elections) and the beer inside (=democracy). What Taksin and btw most governments in the world try to do is to sell you an empty bottle of beer claiming there is beer inside, while it isn't.

It is unbelievable, how many people fall for that ruse! But agreed, it is easier to let others think and decide for you!

And the "bottle" of Thai elections is damaged as well, with vote-buying, election gifts, promises and brute force. So stop ab-using local elections as a reason to support a thoroughly corrupt regime by a single family and their cronies. If you like it that way, why not going across the boder to Hun Sen???

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she was a great PM and really suprised me, i didnt expect she could step up but she did.

her standout and defining moment, apart from her excellent election campaign, was how she handled the protesters. patiently she waited them out, eventually they lost supporters every week and finally there was hardly any left.

compare that to Abhisit and Suthep who gave the order for live ammunition .... and killed almost a hundred.

also the way she dealt with some pretty ugly, fanatical, hate filled opposition groups in the public.... when she responded it was with grace, dignity, unlike the ugliness from her opponents. and im sure some of that will be on display again in the responses to this post.

anyhow, well done Yingluck....

one borne every minute a great prime minister cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif​ a pup[pet of a convicted criminal never in parliament, allowed a bill to go through to give amnesty to 2500 criminals including her brother, oversees disastrous rice scheme, 1 tablet scheme, car scheme and lines pockets of her brother and hangers on robbing thailand blind. Yes a really great PM cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Thank god she's gone but wheel just be replaced by another Taksin appointed puppet and if This people are silly enough to let them in again then they deserve what they get which will for poor be more poverty and crap

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It always amazes me the amount of Farang that support the PDRC aka yellow shirts in Thailand since most if not all Farang countries are democracries. Do you ever take into consideration the simple and honest fact that Yingluck was ELECTED PM by the majority of Thai people and was run out of office by a minority of people???

Are you all in favor of over throwing democratically elected officials if you don't agree with their policies?? If you do I suggest you go home and do that with your native government instead of siding with a bunch of people who say that poor persons are too stupid to vote and anyone without a bachelors degree should have no say in who is prime minister....Or maybe that's why you've come to Thailand in the first place, you know to keep those young thai whores in the hole.

Don't worry though because the PDRC and Wealthy Thais have no need for Farangs like the poor working class does. Enjoy it while it last. Continue to watch Blue Sky television instead of any free media that shows the MAJORITY of Thais not even including red shirts that want a DEMOCRATIC country.

She was selected by Thaksin to be his clone. That was her problem. She was first and foremost not in government to do the job she was supposed to do, but rather to carry out the interests of an unelected wanted criminal. Guilty on a sample charge of fiddling appointments in the family interest. This won't be the first time she has been used by Thaksin for corruption in the family interest, Clone is as clone does. Wow!

She was elected by the Thai people.

Her party won 53% of the seats in the 2011 election with her as the leader.

She was not elected by the Thai people. Do your homework.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yingluck and Obama, both the first in their own class of leaders. She the first woman and he the first black, and both will go down in history as incompetent leaders.


doubt it Einstein... he voted in for two terms and she a great 'First Woman Premier' both will be treated very kindly by history unlike the yellow courts who 'rescued' the elite mob when Suthep failed to take over even the Duck Pond at Lumpini Park

it's not over...

O\f course it is not over Einstein. The pathetic incompetent Shinawatra puppet still has more court appearances, more charges and possible prison terms to be handed out. As has her peoples court convicted criminal fugitive brother. The courts have a lot to do with these Thaksin leeches yet. She might find the Dubai sand shafting her brothers testicles raw quite warmer than Thailand yet.

Loving it...would love to have video surveillance of the Dubai crim..Would be the icing on the cake watching him implode as he is now realising for good that he will never be able to bed another hooker on thai soil in spite of the billions he has and still is creaming from every day thai's life betterment. Karma is life's sweetest allure.

Edited by Roadman
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I really do not see why TV members need to call each other names, try to hurt for no reason but politricks.

YL was found guilty by a court of law. Like it or not.

Remarks about her looks are uncalled for. Leave all in their own right.

Yes there will be some silly people changing names for whatever reason and posting. Their business.

She officially quit. Said goodbye. Case closed. That was the topic.

Interesting and on topic was the phrase 'from now on'.

It seems to me politicians here usually exactly say what they did and deny it in the same sentence. Interesting technique.

Best would have bern this speech about a month ago. Clearing the way for negotiations to find common ground with the opposition. Not Suthep, he is in it for completely other reasons. I mean the Dems and other elected parties. For the good of the country finding a way out. That d been gracious.

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It always amazes me the amount of Farang that support the PDRC aka yellow shirts in Thailand since most if not all Farang countries are democracries. Do you ever take into consideration the simple and honest fact that Yingluck was ELECTED PM by the majority of Thai people and was run out of office by a minority of people???

Are you all in favor of over throwing democratically elected officials if you don't agree with their policies?? If you do I suggest you go home and do that with your native government instead of siding with a bunch of people who say that poor persons are too stupid to vote and anyone without a bachelors degree should have no say in who is prime minister....Or maybe that's why you've come to Thailand in the first place, you know to keep those young thai whores in the hole.

Don't worry though because the PDRC and Wealthy Thais have no need for Farangs like the poor working class does. Enjoy it while it last. Continue to watch Blue Sky television instead of any free media that shows the MAJORITY of Thais not even including red shirts that want a DEMOCRATIC country.

Bit too close to the truth but well said.

I would think a lot of the 15 million who voted for her and her party will be pretty unhappy about a repeat of the seemingly endless cycle of judicial removal of elected bodies and I would think we can expect a violent response over the next few weeks as people vent their frustration at a system that denies them their rights.

The fools on here rejoicing at the apparent removal of the Shin family, have yet to realise that this is now about something far bigger and more important than Thaksin or his sister.

Interesting times indeed.

Thank goodness! I was beginning to worry that the 'Its not about Thaksin' crowd had all been abducted by aliens.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


It always amazes me the amount of Farang that support the PDRC aka yellow shirts in Thailand since most if not all Farang countries are democracries. Do you ever take into consideration the simple and honest fact that Yingluck was ELECTED PM by the majority of Thai people and was run out of office by a minority of people???

Are you all in favor of over throwing democratically elected officials if you don't agree with their policies?? If you do I suggest you go home and do that with your native government instead of siding with a bunch of people who say that poor persons are too stupid to vote and anyone without a bachelors degree should have no say in who is prime minister....Or maybe that's why you've come to Thailand in the first place, you know to keep those young thai whores in the hole.

Don't worry though because the PDRC and Wealthy Thais have no need for Farangs like the poor working class does. Enjoy it while it last. Continue to watch Blue Sky television instead of any free media that shows the MAJORITY of Thais not even including red shirts that want a DEMOCRATIC country.

Spot on here. imagine a country like England in which the entire working class voted for a real Labour government. The conservatives would never get in would they and unless you one of the wealthy (in which case you don't need representation) you would be very happy with that democratic process. After all there are more workers and poorer people than rich right?

You are imagining Thailand where the poor have not been hoodwinked by the 'lie of individualism'.

I am always astounded that so many people side with the rich as if somehow they will gain favour. Not everything has changed in England since Victorian times, the poor are still doffing their caps to the Master.

The yellow shirt farangs are just lackeys trying to curry favour with a bunch of aristocractic asians who are still trying to get the 'democratic' process changed so that 1 vote= 1 person is no longer valid if that person is from Isaan.

You yellows just cannot accept that the courts, the EC and the Finance, in fact, every government qwango has been bought off or is part of the ammart drive to get rid of the PT party . . the whole thing is a giant set up job and if you cannot see this you are either not as clever as you think or blind

Speaking of those who are not as clever as they think and/or willfully blind, the ones who try to persuade us that Thaksin is a tribune of the poor couldn't pin the tail on a Jatuporn donkey.

Edited by SheungWan
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People have to accept that most countries including Thailand are not ready for "Western Style" democracy.

As a very, very well-connected Thai once said to me.

"Have you ever tried eating steak with chopsticks? wink.png


P.S Come back in another 50 years whistling.gif

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I did think she was all that beloved by "the people" so the blowback from this might be a lot less than people are fearing.

There was hope in the early days that she would carry out a programme of government policies but once it became apparent that the government had only one focus of working in the personal interests of Thaksin it all fell apart. She will be relieved to go. Who wants to spend their life as a cipher anyway?
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