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Sometimes We Just Want To Have A Meal By Ourselves...


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Sometimes we farangs need a meal home by ourselves. We have our own favorite foods that we know how to cook...OK it may not be haute cuisine...but, we like it. I like spaghetti from Italy and a sauce from Cambells (spicy with garlic and basil).

Sometimes Thai food leaves me wanting.


Edited by penzman
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Sod the meal...I like talking to my fellow species on a one to one basis.

Dont get me wrong.. I love my Wife..but if I want Intelectual stimulation...I turn to my Mates here............and we all do the same.

Although I could be wrong here....but everyone I socialise with agrees that they Love thier Wives..but need the Farang Connection too

what do our Wives know about the World Cup for example?

My Wife cooks excellent Farang food... but I dont talk to the food !!!

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r u sure your wife doesn't like pasta?

it may be the sauce ...

try a tomato sauce with peeled tomatoes - squeeze out all the seeds and the juice.

cook it slowly until a thick mass.

add some sugar to take away the sourness.


leave it over night in the fridge.

the next day, after adding some olive oil, pepper and salt, its perfect.

no, impossible that she can resist.

pure perfect taste.

PS: and dont forget the raw squeezed garlic the next day when you warm up the sauce.

Edited by danone
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Understand how you feel. I like european food very much too, but sometimes I need Thai Food, thai herbs, the really thai food with stinky fishsauce or dried schrimp for the ingredient. Then I shall be fulled for some days and starting eating European food again ( for some weeks ) :o

Edited by Kathe
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I often like to eat alone. My ex-TgF thought I was depressed or suicidal or something.

I just like to eat when I feel like it, and often alone.

Unless I´m inviting her out for dinner or something.

Never been much point in me cooking for her, cos even my best dishes were "funny look farang food I no like".

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Sod the meal...I like talking to my fellow species on a one to one basis.

Dont get me wrong.. I love my Wife..but if I want Intelectual stimulation...I turn to my Mates here............and we all do the same.

Although I could be wrong here....but everyone I socialise with agrees that they Love thier Wives..but need the Farang Connection too

what do our Wives know about the World Cup for example?

I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. Of course, she doesn't like this and says I talk to my friends too much. Then accuses me of not wanting to pay attention to her. What are we to do???? :o

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World Cup intellectual stimulation?

Well I understand the problem the Thai gals life and priorities are different to ours.

Prob the one thing that puts me off from moving to thailand is the thought of brain turning to mush and drinking even more than i do now.

As for the food I occasiionaly cook Falang food ,but eat a LOT of thai,prob the missues fav dish is spag bol with mussells!!!

Lack of any stimulating company,guess its understandable why Falangs make mountains over so many petty things when living in Thailand.

Even in Falangland its similar ,my lady has her Thai friends she endlessly chats and eats with.

I have a senior exec role which requires a lot of eating out etc,my lady gets upset I dont take her,but the reality is shes just eye candy to the other guests and a source of amusement and jealousy to the wifes.

Sod the meal...I like talking to my fellow species on a one to one basis.

Dont get me wrong.. I love my Wife..but if I want Intelectual stimulation...I turn to my Mates here............and we all do the same.

Although I could be wrong here....but everyone I socialise with agrees that they Love thier Wives..but need the Farang Connection too

what do our Wives know about the World Cup for example?

I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. Of course, she doesn't like this and says I talk to my friends too much. Then accuses me of not wanting to pay attention to her. What are we to do???? :o

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... If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. Of course, she doesn't like this and says I talk to my friends too much. Then accuses me of not wanting to pay attention to her. What are we to do???? :o
This could apply to any wife in general, just the nature of the beast I'm afraid, :D
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We both eat together but she cooks hers and I cook mine.

Every night we fight to gain dominance over the chopping block, the stove hotplates and the microwave oven.

She usually wins by cooking one of her smelly concoctions. The stink forces me out of the kitchen.

If I ate her food the heat from the chillies would melt the gold fillings in my teeth.

There is no fight to see who washes up afterwards, she usually leaves that to me. :D

......and then, after dinner we sit together to watch television. How close we sit to each other depends on the amount of garlic she has consumed in her concoction. :o

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I havent cooked in 6 years, apart from the bbq which I believe is a mans only thing anyways.

I eat by myself if it can be heated up in the microwave. Other than that the fiancee cooks, she can cook Thai and farang food which is great.

She can cook italian food like they do at the restaraunts almost.

We eat about 50/50 thai and farang which is a good balance.

Once I cooked for her about 6 years when I first met her my Chicken tasted like ham, after that day she never wants me to cook again which works in my favour :o

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When I would date a women, I would always ask myself "Will I have something to talk to this person about 25 years from now?" Perhaps if you guys applied the same standard, you might have enjoyed more stimulating conversation.

Been there, done that..Got 3 T shirts to proove it :o

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Monochaser, stop these silly anti-Thai rants you seem to enjoy no matter what the topic. There's other forums in the world that are not about Thailand that you could join.

Give the poor guy a break please. Its well apparent this poor man obviously haven't been laid by a Thai women since he's been in Thailand :D

Keep trying buddy, one day you'll succeed :o

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what do our Wives know about the World Cup for example?

Quite a lot actually.

I like farang food once in a while, but my wife cooks it, and really well. That's a big factor in getting married.

She had a farang restaurant once, and got all my favourite foods from my mother and grandmother.

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When I would date a women, I would always ask myself "Will I have something to talk to this person about 25 years from now?" Perhaps if you guys applied the same standard, you might have enjoyed more stimulating conversation.

What if the Thai woman said this?

Many of the guys I see coming to thailand and getting hitched won't be able to talk in 25 years.

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My wife cooks for me mainly Thai food but if I want some Falang food she will do that as well. On the other hand if I want to cook something for myself she lets me get on with it. Cleaning up is done by the people who work for us and if I want conversational stimulation I nip down to RC for a bottle or two of Sang Som and good conversation.

If I stop in Makro on the way and pick up a leg of lamb I can get a good roast dinner which I don't get at home as I am the only Farang for 20 km.

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I must say, I do pity the majority of you who chose illiterate or unintelligent wives. If you need to seek out other people to have a conversation why did you marry her in the first place?

To be able to communicate deeply with your partner has to be the most important part of any marriage. I couldn't imagine not being able to discuss politics, football or even James Bond movies with my wife or be able to go out with friends where we can all interact on the same level. I have a friend who's girlfriend speaks elimentary school english and you can tell she feels uncomfortable.

I'm sorry if I am coming across a little harsh but to marry someone but still need to find friends to have a conversation is a little sad.

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I comunicate with my fiancee really well, she even watches the boxing with me and even has a punt on the footy (rugby league).

But we all need friends to have our manly conversation with at time just like females need to get together and have girly conversations.

I mean your wives/gfs probaly think you are illiterate or unintelligent when it comes to beauty products, haircare stuff, shoes and all the other girly stuff

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I have a friend who's girlfriend speaks elimentary school english and you can tell she feels uncomfortable.

Don't you feel uncomfortable not speaking Thai, you are in Thailand?

My wife speaks less than elementary English, we've always spoken Thai. I have farang friends that feel uncomfortable when out with both of us.

For a Thai not speaking English, doesn't mean that they are illiterate or not intelligent.

BTW - it's "elementary" :o

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I have a friend who's girlfriend speaks elimentary school english and you can tell she feels uncomfortable.

Don't you feel uncomfortable not speaking Thai, you are in Thailand?

My wife speaks less than elementary English, we've always spoken Thai. I have farang friends that feel uncomfortable when out with both of us.

For a Thai not speaking English, doesn't mean that they are illiterate or not intelligent.

BTW - it's "elementary" :D

nice one :o but so true

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I have a friend who's girlfriend speaks elimentary school english and you can tell she feels uncomfortable.

Don't you feel uncomfortable not speaking Thai, you are in Thailand?

My wife speaks less than elementary English, we've always spoken Thai. I have farang friends that feel uncomfortable when out with both of us.

For a Thai not speaking English, doesn't mean that they are illiterate or not intelligent.

BTW - it's "elementary" :o

Umm, if I am speaking to to someone Thai, I'll speak Thai. If I am speaking to someone who is more comfortable speaking English, French or Malay I'll speak to them in English, French or Malay as I speak those languages too. Not sure what you meant there. Were you assuming I didn't speak Thai or something?

Anyway, I was refering to people who stated that they needed to speak to other people as they couldnt hold intelligent conversations with their wives. See below.

I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. Of course, she doesn't like this and says I talk to my friends too much. Then accuses me of not wanting to pay attention to her. What are we to do????

Doesnt sound like a marriage that will last the distance!

The other interesting comment was by TP who said when he needs to talk to someone he likes to talk to someone of the same species?!! Um, like the human species? What does that make your wife then? Or is she the human?

May I take this opportunity to suggest your wife learns a little more English. It will give her a much greater understanding of the world in general as well as broaden her communication abilities with your farang friends who feel uncomfortable.

Edited by Kananga
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For a Thai not speaking English, doesn't mean that they are illiterate or not intelligent.

Umm, if I am speaking to to someone Thai, I'll speak Thai. If I am speaking to someone who is more comfortable speaking English, French or Malay I'll speak to them in English, French or Malay as I speak those languages too. Not sure what you meant there. Were you assuming I didn't speak Thai or something?

Anyway, I was refering to people who stated that they needed to speak to other people as they couldnt hold intelligent conversations with their wives. See below.

I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. Of course, she doesn't like this and says I talk to my friends too much. Then accuses me of not wanting to pay attention to her. What are we to do????

Doesnt sound like a marriage that will last the distance

Are you serious? You really didn't understand anything either of us said, did you? What the OP and the rest of us are trying to say is that we married Thai women that cannot speak the same level of English that we can. In order to have a fluent conversation, we must talk to others. Especially when it's about something the wives have no knowledge of. Example--Sports.

You replied by saying that we married unintelligent women. Just because they cannot speak a second language as fluent as we can does not make them unintelligent. This is what Neeranam was trying to point out to you. Then you go off on a tangent telling us about all the languages you speak. You completely missed the point and now you are way off base. Excluding yourself from this conversation is a good idea because it's pretty clear you have no idea. :o

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For a Thai not speaking English, doesn't mean that they are illiterate or not intelligent.

Umm, if I am speaking to to someone Thai, I'll speak Thai. If I am speaking to someone who is more comfortable speaking English, French or Malay I'll speak to them in English, French or Malay as I speak those languages too. Not sure what you meant there. Were you assuming I didn't speak Thai or something?

Anyway, I was refering to people who stated that they needed to speak to other people as they couldnt hold intelligent conversations with their wives. See below.

I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. Of course, she doesn't like this and says I talk to my friends too much. Then accuses me of not wanting to pay attention to her. What are we to do????

Doesnt sound like a marriage that will last the distance

Are you serious? You really didn't understand anything either of us said, did you? What the OP and the rest of us are trying to say is that we married Thai women that cannot speak the same level of English that we can. In order to have a fluent conversation, we must talk to others. Especially when it's about something the wives have no knowledge of. Example--Sports.

You replied by saying that we married unintelligent women. Just because they cannot speak a second language as fluent as we can does not make them unintelligent. This is what Neeranam was trying to point out to you. Then you go off on a tangent telling us about all the languages you speak. You completely missed the point and now you are way off base. Excluding yourself from this conversation is a good idea because it's pretty clear you have no idea. :o


No need to get so defensive. My point, which YOU missed the boat on, is why you would marry someone you cant have an intelligent conversation with (your words). I couldnt imagine marrying someone who couldnt hold an intelligent, let alone a fluent conversation with me, but then I guess we all have different marriage agendas. High on mine would be the ability to speak to my wife fluently. If you can get away by subsitiuting with communication with third partys then fine. I just find that a little hard to understand. No need to be so defensive or nasty. Mai pen rai?

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> Um, like the human species? > Um, like the human species? What

> does that make your wife then? Or is she the human?

Ha, well I met them both they're both wonderful people, however one of them enjoys talking about rugby more and the other enjoys talk about babies, and food. For rugby talk I can't blame TP for seeking gratification outside of matrimony. :o

> May I take this opportunity to suggest your wife learns a little more English.

She speaks excellent English. Lot easier to understand frankly than a bloke from Liverpool I met the other day watching the world cup.



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