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Thai woman sentenced to death in Malaysia on cannabis smuggling charge


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To those of limited brains my Dad had cancer the treatment caused him to not be able to keep food down he lot alot of weight and was getting worse I gave him pot after a week he was gaining weight and strength he made through chemo and went on to live another 20 years so death sentence is uncalled for in pot cases trafficing yes 20 years maybe less if willing to rat out big guy.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The death penalty is a barbaric punishment and state sanctioned murder. I hope Thailand do what they can to get her home, and as important get on the list of countries that no longer let the courts give capital punishment.

I couldn't agree more its disgusting and does not deter people from committing crimes. More preventative measures should be taken I know its easy to talk about that but killing people is not the answer to the problem.

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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

It doesn't matter the location or the crime - it is a medieval punishment that has no place in the modern world.

Did she knew about the the death sentence? Sure.

But she was used to break the law and escape with a 200bht fine (helmets,insurance,.....)

Others pay 200 000 bht for killing .........Politicians are given jail time and never sit a day........

So when she saw :" death penalty for drug smuggling......pff ....that doesn't scare me "

Well she must understand that some things can't be done !

If she jumps from a 20 floor balcony ......the law of gravity will deal with her stubborn brain...would she believe this? I think so .

So maybe change the writing on the wall into :" smuggle drugs (politicians frauds...) and we throw you from a 20 story high balcony "

Would this scare her off????

I think there will be a pile up to the 19th floor very soon coffee1.gif


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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

It doesn't matter the location or the crime - it is a medieval punishment that has no place in the modern world.

Did she knew about the the death sentence? Sure.

But she was used to break the law and escape with a 200bht fine (helmets,insurance,.....)

Others pay 200 000 bht for killing .........Politicians are given jail time and never sit a day........

So when she saw :" death penalty for drug smuggling......pff ....that doesn't scare me "

Well she must understand that some things can't be done !

If she jumps from a 20 floor balcony ......the law of gravity will deal with her stubborn brain...would she believe this? I think so .

So maybe change the writing on the wall into :" smuggle drugs (politicians frauds...) and we throw you from a 20 story high balcony "

Would this scare her off????

I think there will be a pile up to the 19th floor very soon coffee1.gif


So she is guilty of drug smuggling and a massive error of judgement.

I am not sure if she knew of the penalty for drugs offences but you seem to be. Regardless, a death sentence for ANY crime is abhorrent to me and many other forward thinking people.

Time and time again, studies have shown that the death penalty is not a deterrent against crime - if it were, it would never need to be carried out.

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The death penalty is a barbaric punishment and state sanctioned murder. I hope Thailand do what they can to get her home, and as important get on the list of countries that no longer let the courts give capital punishment.

On a flight to Malaisya the FA in his before descent speech clearly stated that the death penalty applies to drug smuggling. Obviously, if I had any drugs I would leave them in the overhead.. It was a real wake-up call

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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The death penalty is a barbaric punishment and state sanctioned murder. I hope Thailand do what they can to get her home, and as important get on the list of countries that no longer let the courts give capital punishment.

On a flight to Malaisya the FA in his before descent speech clearly stated that the death penalty applies to drug smuggling. Obviously, if I had any drugs I would leave them in the overhead.. It was a real wake-up call

was found guilty of committing the offence under Section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, at the express bus terminal of Shahab Perdana,

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"She was convicted of committing the offence under Section 39B(2) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, which carries the mandatory death sentence upon conviction."

How is that possible? Given cannabis is not dangerous.

Cannabis is not dangerous for the user.

It is however deemed dangerous to those in power, and those profiting from the chemical based pharmaceutical industry.

Perspective is everything...............

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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

It doesn't matter the location or the crime - it is a medieval punishment that has no place in the modern world.

Did she knew about the the death sentence? Sure.

But she was used to break the law and escape with a 200bht fine (helmets,insurance,.....)

Others pay 200 000 bht for killing .........Politicians are given jail time and never sit a day........

So when she saw :" death penalty for drug smuggling......pff ....that doesn't scare me "

Well she must understand that some things can't be done !

If she jumps from a 20 floor balcony ......the law of gravity will deal with her stubborn brain...would she believe this? I think so .

So maybe change the writing on the wall into :" smuggle drugs (politicians frauds...) and we throw you from a 20 story high balcony "

Would this scare her off????

I think there will be a pile up to the 19th floor very soon coffee1.gif


So she is guilty of drug smuggling and a massive error of judgement.

I am not sure if she knew of the penalty for drugs offences but you seem to be. Regardless, a death sentence for ANY crime is abhorrent to me and many other forward thinking people.

Time and time again, studies have shown that the death penalty is not a deterrent against crime - if it were, it would never need to be carried out.

"I am not sure if she knew of the penalty for drugs offences" It is written very large on the wall, in thai language also,maybe she cant read?

Where do i say death penalty for every crime ??Also you have a problem reading?(politician frauds .....sure !)

" the death penalty is not a deterrent against crime" believe me it helps ,not 100% for sure but it surely helps for tempted people with a brain.

​If a high politician knows he will be decapitated when caught red handed in a billion fraud,and had already a few of his friends who lost their heads ........are you sure it wont help?

You need a study for that ?coffee1.gif

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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

It doesn't matter the location or the crime - it is a medieval punishment that has no place in the modern world.

Barbaric crimes have no place in the modern world either

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I think I am right in thinking drugs are evil even cannabis, and for the record I do not smoke and rarely drink whiskey.

How can any thing, i.e. inanimate object, be "evil"?

Since nature created cannabis, is nature "evil"?

Opium is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy plant. Opium contains approximately 12% morphine, an alkaloid, which is frequently processed chemically to produce heroin for the illegal drug trade and for legal medicinal use in some countries.

Is opium "evil"? Can any plant or chemical be called "evil"? Were such plants or chemicals "evil" even before humankind existed in this universe?

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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

It doesn't matter the location or the crime - it is a medieval punishment that has no place in the modern world.

Barbaric crimes have no place in the modern world either

Get some perspective, for God's sake! The woman had a bag of leaves that would, at most, make the consumer feel a bit woozy. The 7/11 below my apartment has a shelf full of cheap thai whiskey that could kill me in an hour but that is allowed and this naive, foolish woman has to die?

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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

The report say's GRAMS not kg

Indeed you're right. It says 23,123 grams which is 23.123 KILOGRAMS.

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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

The report say's GRAMS not kg

Indeed you're right. It says 23,123 grams which is 23.123 KILOGRAMS.

I often have to measure items that are over 1 meter, but I always measure in millimeters as one or two millimeter is the difference between fit or not.

Edited by Basil B
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I think I am right in thinking drugs are evil even cannabis, and for the record I do not smoke and rarely drink whiskey.

How can any thing, i.e. inanimate object, be "evil"?

Since nature created cannabis, is nature "evil"?

CANABIS is now more evil than the Nazis and smoking the drug is worse for the brain than watching Richard Madeley on television, new research suggests

http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/health/cannabis-now-worse-than-the-nazis-20070801315 tongue.png

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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

The report say's GRAMS not kg

You do know that there enough grams makes a kilogram, right? 1000 grams makes 1 kg.

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The usage of the death penalty for crimes should be held exclusively for MURDER and NOTHING else... ok maybe a violent rape of a child but for cannabis possession, even of that degree, forget about it, that is truly barbaric

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Harsh punishment for drug offences is a government policy that aims to reduce drug use, abuse, addiction etc. Worldwide you can see that this policy just does not lead to any result other than inhumane overcrowded prisons like in Thailand but also in the USA. The poor often ignorant mules get hanged or locked up behind bars for decades and the drug lords stay out of harms way on their yachts in Marbella already busy recruiting next ignorants in desperate need for money. That is a never ending story. Imagine the capacity of police force needed to trace and arrest these "horrible" weed criminals. Capacity that cannot be used to make the streets safer and hunt down real bad people like rapists, child abusers, violent robbers, cocaine dealers/traders, killers and other scum.

The death penalty is not only a harsh and cruel punishment that doesn't belong in this time, it is also proven ineffective unless the only aim is revenge. And revenge never solves any problem. Countries with a liberal policy on marihuana and related soft drugs have a proven track record of a lower amount of drug addicts. And the other argument so often abused is that soft drug users can easily get hooked on the hard stuff like cocaine, there is no scientific proof for that argument whatsoever. It doesn't matter if you get drunk on your beer or whisky or smoke a weed cigarette. Not that I want to promote that, all three are not good but seriously should not be related to harsh inhumane punishment.

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Saowanee Srisar seems to have some colored friends on facebook, if they used her as a mule? Sorry story! sad.png

In a thread full of some pretty idiotic comments ("nothing barbaric about it..."), that's probably the dumbest so far... so congratulations.

My suggestion to far fetched for you, you feel offended, at least you are very unfriendly arsch.gif

because you are, a colored person,

because you are one of her facebook friends,

because you are both, colored and a facebook friends of hers? rolleyes.gif

Sorry,tongue.png maybe I look to much "Locked up abroad" in True Move.

By the way thefinger.gif

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No, it's because you assume that any friend of hers who is black is responsible for her situation.

And now because you're a weird old racist who is sending me odd private messages.

But I was kind of friendly. I did congratulate you. :)

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The death penalty for shipping "whacky-baccy" seems extremely harsh even though she did have rather a lot. I don't know much about drugs but as far as I know it is extremely unusual for addicts to go burgling in order to get the money for a "spliff".

Heroin is quite a different matter and unless the addict has an extremely well paid job the addiction will result in burglaries.

As to cannabis, allegedly in Holland it can be purchased in coffee shops. Apparently a strange situation exists in that the drug is neither legal nor illegal rather like the state turning a blind eye to the problem.

What does seem remarkable is that some countries that were formerly British Colonies have still not moved on from flogging and hanging.

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I don't know much about drugs but as far as I know it is extremely unusual for addicts to go burgling in order to get the money for a "spliff".

That is true for cannabis as it is nowhere near as addictive as other drugs like opiates or crystal methamphetamine.

As to cannabis, allegedly in Holland it can be purchased in coffee shops.

I quite like the muffins there.


Apparently a strange situation exists in that the drug is neither legal nor illegal rather like the state turning a blind eye to the problem.

The status is called "decriminalized".

What does seem remarkable is that some countries that were formerly British Colonies have still not moved on from flogging and hanging.

Ironically, the British were one of the world biggest ever narcotics traffickers (of opium into China), and went to war when China tried to stop the trade.

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23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Nothing really barbaric about it.

The report say's GRAMS not kg

You do know that there enough grams makes a kilogram, right? 1000 grams makes 1 kg.

Thaivisa - Hub of arguments over basic arithmetic !

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No, it's because you assume that any friend of hers who is black is responsible for her situation.

And now because you're a weird old racist who is sending me odd private messages.

But I was kind of friendly. I did congratulate you. smile.png

I could not find a process report, but, 56 facebook friends in all, that are, 26 colored males, 7 Asian man, 23 females, not one white person.rolleyes.gif

she had her preferencestongue.png , make me not without doubt, suspicious which connections she had.wink.png

Just Google a bit and look -Locked up abroad- in TV

Just curious, thinking about the mostly African colored boys hanging around in some Bangkok streets, what they are up to?

Sometime approaching me, want to start a conversation about my interest in gems and gold and ? But I try to avoid that in a friendly way.rolleyes.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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The insanity of this is compounded by the fact that some states in the USA are reducing penalties or legalizing the use and selling of cannabis. I mention that to point out government versus religion ( especially much of Islam ) is impossible to understand.

Why not just cut off her hands and feet and let her bleed to death? And do it publicly Such punishment seems to be the norm much of the time in Muslim countries.

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