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Any help about a good school and teacher


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I will come back to Thailand in early June I have a 5 year contract with a company

I’m asking for any help from teachers that know what would be a good school and the cost

Last time I worked there I should say I worked as a consultant I’m not a teacher. I had a few teacher friends

So I know about you pay you pass, I know about the poor quality of education. I have looked at the insane prices they ask for rubbish education there. Moreso Australia will not accept or recognize any education results from Thailand.

Oh I should say I will live in Bangrak in Bangkok not far from the BTS, I will work in Sathorn road any good schools in that area I have a car we can drive somewhere as well not too far.

My son’s ages and class level, 7 years old, year 2 and 9 years old, year 4 I have spoken to their school here, they have suggested they will send them work each week that they will need to do so that they can pass this year as they have one more term. I don’t think there are any good schools in Thailand and the Australian government won’t recognize them anyway.

The other thing is my son who is 9 and in year 4 is clever most of his work is year 6 plus which makes it more difficult as there is a system here in Australia where you can teach that level to them and the child is tested in Australia including the work they have done for the year, but It will not suit my elder son because he’s highly intelligent, and more advanced than the level he must achieve.

“All I have said above is only my opinion I’m not stating it’s true and correct it’s only what I have been told in Thailand and Australia”

My plan

I’m thinking I will find a private teacher to teach them, which will help them to achieve their results moreso help my son who has a high level of intelligence and their study will be tailored to the Australian curriculum. The school will also send them weekly what they need to study and produce for the school, which will be recognized by the Australian education department. I have made some enquires and it can be done. Only catch with this is they don’t get to interact with other kids of their own age, level and don’t have that going to school everyday, as they will study at home.

I’m thinking I will find them a school they can go to needs to be bi-lingual minimum as my kids can’t read, write or speak Thai (I’m sure very quickly they will pick it up) I’m not interested in what they teach as I will get a private teacher, but going to school will still keep them in a routine and still feel they are going to school of course it needs to be a good school.

My question is this, what do you guys who are in the know, what’s the best plan of attack?

I don’t want them to go to school all day them come home and be privately taught late into the afternoon plus they will be tired not a good time to really learn big a commitment for them they are only young. I was thinking that they go to a Thai school but 3 hours in the morning or afternoon they study at home with a private teacher.

Last thing is the private teacher, I’m tossing up over hourly rate or flat rate. Hourly rate means if you’re paid for 3 hours per day you have to make it last 3 hours and hang around for that time. On the other side of the coin they might need 4 or 5 hours due to the work load. What do you think is a good set rate I’m thinking between $30,000 to $60,000 baht per month? If I pay a low amount then the teacher will struggle and need to find other work. If I pay higher end then it’s a good job I think just 3 to 4 hours per day, plus the teacher is not having to look for extra work to cover their costs.

Or just pay and hourly rate?

I’m 90% sure my company can offer a work permit if needed. Should I offer this in my ad?

Should I offer transport cost?

Is a teaching degree important?

Is there any good schools in the area someone can suggest ?

Thanks for any help or advice

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My daughter Jazz, was attending a private Thai / Chinese school.

2 years behind in her Western peers education,by the time I got custody of her from her Thai mother.
She could not speak, nor read and write English.

My wealthy friends were disillusioned with the International schools here, so were home schooling their children.
I met several other children that were being home schooled.
I was so impressed, I immediately decided to home school Jazz.
2 years on.
I employ a Philippine tutor.
Jazz is home schooled with another girl. ( which I recommend)
Jazz also importantly, learns Taekwando, Yoga, Meditation, Dance, Piano and Art
This gives her more than enough interaction with her peers.
Jazz is now up to speed with her western education.
6 months ahead in maths.
Has no need to use a calculator and is fluent in both English and Thai.
Without any reservation I wholeheartedly recommend home school.
At the very least until they are 12.
It builds a very strong foundation, for the rest of their education.
Jazz is being groomed for a life outside the normal constraints of a life in the Rat-Race.
But will have the necessary qualifications should she choose to join it.
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A few of my students (14-16 years olds), have gone for a year to study in both the US and Australia. They were my students in an EP in a Thai school. Upon getting there, they found there level was a year more advanced than the local students (in maths, at least). One student, who I considered of average ability, was actually asked to enter local maths competitions. Other students have come back with very high scores across a variety of subjects. Note, some of these students have gotten into medicine/law now in universities here. So good schools do exist here. We use a lot of material from Singapore, which is quite advanced, so maybe that has something to do with it.

A couple of years in Thailand won't damage your kid's education at all, as long as you can find a decent school. Just avoid local government schools where they only get Thai teachers teaching english; 50 kids in a class, can't ask questions, etc. There are plenty of bilingual and EP's here, if you are not willing to pay the 300-500K baht a year for an international school (some can approach 1M baht with all expenses).

I should add that they should complete their Junior certificate and Senior (HSC, etc) in Australia. I don't like the system in Thailand for University entrance, and the way senior high school is structured here (until grade 9, it is OK, though). My grade 9's do content equivalent to NSW junior certificate (grade 10).

Edited by culicine
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If you go that route; ONLY hire a qualified teacher; not a TEFL'er, you will regret it if you do.

You will need someone who understands goals, benchmarks etc. and is able to find appropriate resources.

My assumption would be that 60-80k per month would be a great job for the right person (3-6 hours per day home schooling).

The top tier int schools cost 1-1.2 Million Baht per year, there are a few below that, that are still good and a bit (but not much) cheaper.

Home schooling is probably better than the lowest tier int. schools.

Hope that helps

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If you go that route; ONLY hire a qualified teacher; not a TEFL'er, you will regret it if you do.

You will need someone who understands goals, benchmarks etc. and is able to find appropriate resources.

My assumption would be that 60-80k per month would be a great job for the right person (3-6 hours per day home schooling).

The top tier int schools cost 1-1.2 Million Baht per year, there are a few below that, that are still good and a bit (but not much) cheaper.

Home schooling is probably better than the lowest tier int. schools.

Hope that helps

I agree only hire a qualified teacher.

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