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Thai Police blame 'fake CCTV' for no footage of PCAD stabbing


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Whats with the fake camera stuff...... Is it that someone got paid to put in so many cameras and then found out that quite a bit of pocket money could be had if a lot of them were just the outer casing, making it look like a real CCTV but without any inards.

Whos to know until they go to get the answer as to why nothing was being sent.

I recall a large construction project and all the sprinkler heads for fire suppression were simply glued to the ceilings...they were not plumbed. Wasn't discovered until there was a fire.

So I immediately thought the same as you...would love to see the contract to see if this was really approved or only now being discovered as fraudulent.

Edited by ClutchClark
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So the mad monk and his thugs will get away with it. They know who the leader is so why aren't they dragging that lowlife piece of excrement in and putting him through the wringer. The authorities are scared shitless of this evil monk.

I hope you do your police work in OZ with a higher standard, because you know this would never be done in the West. There is no proof he is directly involved, they could of course question him but no proof.

I guess your police tasks in Oz are laser gunning people who drive a bit to fast or going after hard criminals like those parking in the wrong spot. Your law skills leave much to be desired.

In the not so distant past police corruption in the State of Victoria,went right to the top.Plus NSW and Qld.

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Start by making it forbidden to wear masks. Wear a mask in public, be prepared to be questioned by police and arrested if have no plausible explanation or if clearly done to not be identified (and not to keep the smog out...)

Then people would have to take bike helmets off at ATM's!

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Whats with the fake camera stuff...... Is it that someone got paid to put in so many cameras and then found out that quite a bit of pocket money could be had if a lot of them were just the outer casing, making it look like a real CCTV but without any inards.

Whos to know until they go to get the answer as to why nothing was being sent.

I recall a large construction project and all the sprinkler heads for fire suppression were simply glued to the ceilings...they were not plumbed. Wasn't discovered until there was a fire.

So I immediately thought the same as you...would love to see the contract to see if this was really approved or only now being discovered as fraudulent.

This also happened on an inner city job in Melbourne.They weren't glued on,but minimal pipework done to hold sprinkler in place.How do i know,i'm the person who found out when i worked there later.This was done to get the building opened on time.The sprinkler company was bankraupt,so the builder took over payments of workers.This is one of the biggest builders in Oz.Name starts with G.Corruption and fraud is worldwide.Also nobody was prosecuted.

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But, but, but I thought there was that bloke Somchai the head police who said there were NO MORE FAKE CCTV cameras in Bangkok and that we would get 100 Baht if we found one?


Nevermind. Looks like someone beat me to it. What absolute clowns. We should start carrying bananas to hand out to these guys whenever we see them.

I wouldn't believe anything any thai said.

Your married life must heaven if your married to a Thai?

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"Pol. Col. Wichai said that it will now be very difficult for police to identify the perpetrators"

Isn't that the reason Police have the authority to INVESTIGATE crime to find the alleged perpetrators? You know, do the "NCIS" things by searching for evidence and interviewing witnesses. But they won't make any such attempts because PDRC leadership forbids such police intrusion into their "peaceful" protest sites. The PDRC has become a law unto itself and one can expect that attitude to be carried into government if the PDRC succeeds to gain control of the Government.

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Is anybody still swallowing this "peaceful protest" garbage? Only terrorists and looters wander around with their heads covered, body armour and what looks suspiciously like a side arm on the chap in the middle at the back.

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The headline screams 'fake' yet the text states 'dummy' A big difference. The first implies that the BMA did not get what they paid for and the second that a dummy camere was mounted to save expense but fool the observant into thinking that it was real and recording the scene.

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PCAD Guards are obviously well prepared for CCTV with the face masks just to keep the sun off their delicate skin even at night time , swaggering walk looks like they carry a get out of jail card with them. Hope victim Mr Thanakrit makes a full and speedy recovery just doing his delivery round job Ice man fighting for his life in a coma for knocking over a cone placed by the guards , [ guards must be responsible for guarding someone who must be held responsible for their actions ] aren’t checkpoints in the Thai democracy supposed to be manned by the police who look after the rule of law for the Thai people , not a shower of stupid thugs time these people were taken off the streets and locked up for good.

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Do people actually read the post before they hit the reply button?

Sorry, I don't have a motorbike for sale. Have you tried the classifieds section?

There are probably none at that section, apart from the odd village bike on offer.

Edited by Morakot
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"Pol. Col. Wichai said that it will now be very difficult for police to identify the perpetrators"

Isn't that the reason Police have the authority to INVESTIGATE crime to find the alleged perpetrators? You know, do the "NCIS" things by searching for evidence and interviewing witnesses. But they won't make any such attempts because PDRC leadership forbids such police intrusion into their "peaceful" protest sites. The PDRC has become a law unto itself and one can expect that attitude to be carried into government if the PDRC succeeds to gain control of the Government.

hidden in another topic I found this:

"Separately, the 17-year-old wife of Thanakrit Pinwises, an ice deliveryman who was stabbed close to the Channel 5 TV station where the PDRC was rallying on Saturday night, spoke to police and psychologists at Phya Thai Police Station yesterday. Police said they only knew that the attackers were dressed in black and their faces were covered as the closed-circuit cameras nearby were only dummies."


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So the mad monk and his thugs will get away with it. They know who the leader is so why aren't they dragging that lowlife piece of excrement in and putting him through the wringer. The authorities are scared shitless of this evil monk.

I hope you do your police work in OZ with a higher standard, because you know this would never be done in the West. There is no proof he is directly involved, they could of course question him but no proof.

I guess your police tasks in Oz are laser gunning people who drive a bit to fast or going after hard criminals like those parking in the wrong spot. Your law skills leave much to be desired.

clap2.gif Oh please enlighten me oh wise one, on how to do my job. You appear to be very experience in my line of work.

You have to love Thaivisa everyone knows more about others than they do about themselves.

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So the mad monk and his thugs will get away with it. They know who the leader is so why aren't they dragging that lowlife piece of excrement in and putting him through the wringer. The authorities are scared shitless of this evil monk.

I hope you do your police work in OZ with a higher standard, because you know this would never be done in the West. There is no proof he is directly involved, they could of course question him but no proof.

I guess your police tasks in Oz are laser gunning people who drive a bit to fast or going after hard criminals like those parking in the wrong spot. Your law skills leave much to be desired.

clap2.gif Oh please enlighten me oh wise one, on how to do my job. You appear to be very experience in my line of work.

You have to love Thaivisa everyone knows more about others than they do about themselves.

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Maybe the cctv was NOT fake and there is a cover-up??? Wouldn't that be a first in Amazing Thailand!!!!

but if all the CCTV cameras in Bangkok are real and functioning, surely that would imply a serious schedule of routine maintenance to keep them functioning, plus a serious archive of footage in order to make use of the cameras in the event of an incident?

Sounds like forward planning and citywide regulated systems...

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Is anybody still swallowing this "peaceful protest" garbage? Only terrorists and looters wander around with their heads covered, body armour and what looks suspiciously like a side arm on the chap in the middle at the back.

Alwyn i am behind you on this one, i cannot for the life of me, believe that the Thai police or Thai military for that matter, can continue to let groups of thugs (supposed guards) roam around the streets of Bangkok with side arms, semi-automatic guns, face masks and body armor?

They are not protecting people, they are actually attracting hatred, fear and possible revenge attacks for their stupidity.

I would also bet, by the looks of them, that they don't really care which government is in power…….they look very much like guns for hire…so someone backing Suthep is basically paying these guys…..mercenaries...

If Thailand is not careful and these armed groups continue to get away with murder, they will feel more empowered and things will quickly become like parts of the Middle East or Mexico with armed factions starting to splinter off and get into other crimes.

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Start by making it forbidden to wear masks. Wear a mask in public, be prepared to be questioned by police and arrested if have no plausible explanation or if clearly done to not be identified (and not to keep the smog out...)

Then people would have to take bike helmets off at ATM's!

Don't they carry them over their arm like they do when they're on their bike?

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So the mad monk and his thugs will get away with it. They know who the leader is so why aren't they dragging that lowlife piece of excrement in and putting him through the wringer. The authorities are scared shitless of this evil monk.

I hope you do your police work in OZ with a higher standard, because you know this would never be done in the West. There is no proof he is directly involved, they could of course question him but no proof.

I guess your police tasks in Oz are laser gunning people who drive a bit to fast or going after hard criminals like those parking in the wrong spot. Your law skills leave much to be desired.

clap2.gif Oh please enlighten me oh wise one, on how to do my job. You appear to be very experience in my line of work.

You have to love Thaivisa everyone knows more about others than they do about themselves.

Maybe you could enlighten us then. Have you any sort of proof of association which maybe the Thai police don't have or is it just an assumption and is that enough?

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So the mad monk and his thugs will get away with it. They know who the leader is so why aren't they dragging that lowlife piece of excrement in and putting him through the wringer. The authorities are scared shitless of this evil monk.

I hope you do your police work in OZ with a higher standard, because you know this would never be done in the West. There is no proof he is directly involved, they could of course question him but no proof.

I guess your police tasks in Oz are laser gunning people who drive a bit to fast or going after hard criminals like those parking in the wrong spot. Your law skills leave much to be desired.

clap2.gif Oh please enlighten me oh wise one, on how to do my job. You appear to be very experience in my line of work.

You have to love Thaivisa everyone knows more about others than they do about themselves.

Maybe you could enlighten us then. Have you any sort of proof of association which maybe the Thai police don't have or is it just an assumption and is that enough?

Very simple in Australia, this so called Monk has already admitted that he is the leader, he has warrants and admits his people are violent. The Australian police would simply move in and arrest him without fear and Australian people know without doubt if they tried to stop them, then there will be serious consequences and they will automatically disperse and not hinder the police.

This monk as the leader of the thugs will be seriously interviewed and without doubt be facing serious charges of affray as a minimum along with hindering a police investigation withholding information. He would be considered a serious risk to the public and remanded in custody.

Australian Police are not dictated by the military or the government, they act solely on legislation and if that legislation is breached then they move in. The Government has no power to stop them from enforcing the legislation/law. If a government minister or a general of the military breached this law then they will be arrested no if and no buts. The Australian Military has no power over the police, the Government has no power over the police, and the judicial system can not stop the police acting within legislation.

In brief the government, military, police and the judicial system are separate bodies and neither have power over the other. The courts will rule in the end result if there was a breach of legislation/law but will not interfere in the process.

Thailand appears to be very different where everyone has power over each other.

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