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Where to meet Caucasian women in Bangkok.


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" meet up "events and the Hash scene ( google Bangkok hash), is where I would start,also " Internations" events.

Not noticed any single Caucasians at Hashes. There are other Hashes but most Filipino or Thai girlfriends and wives. Thanks for the Bangkok Hash idea but it is men onlywhistling.gif

Meet ups might work, I even thought of going to the running one for distance running but they meet at 6.30 am. Bit early for me.biggrin.png

Thought it was your "friend".............whistling.gif ...................facepalm.gif ...........................laugh.png


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" meet up "events and the Hash scene ( google Bangkok hash), is where I would start,also " Internations" events.

Not noticed any single Caucasians at Hashes. There are other Hashes but most Filipino or Thai girlfriends and wives. Thanks for the Bangkok Hash idea but it is men onlywhistling.gif

Meet ups might work, I even thought of going to the running one for distance running but they meet at 6.30 am. Bit early for me.biggrin.png

Thought it was your "friend".............whistling.gif ...................facepalm.gif ...........................laugh.png

You have disappointed me with you cheap attempt at humour. I ask the ladies perfectly honest question and you somehow think you can make it into schoolboy humour. Grow up[.

Why are you posting on the ladies thread? Don't you bat for the right team?

Well you said it was for a friend and then you say: "Meet ups might work, I even thought of going to the running one for distance running but they meet at 6.30 am. Bit early for me.xbiggrin.png.pagespeed.ic.XhpYJIv77v.png"

Speaking of bats, is there only one "right" team? Bit judgmental and a tad creepy. At least women who read this will know what venues to avoid for awhile.

Edited by Suradit69
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He did say "physically" attractive. I have a friend who only goes after Caucasian women. When I asked him why not a Thai girl, his answer was "I'm from Louisiana". Actually when I come to think of it, I've known a few men who don't find them sexually attractive. I don't think that I know any single expat women in CM. They always seem to have husbands tagging along.

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When I was living in Bangkok I met a lot of caucasian women (I prefer Thai women myself) at church. ICB is a great place to meet people. The pastor and congregation are fairly liberal. There is a folk music service in the evening and whoever wants to goes out to a noodle shop afterwards.

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Is the Hard Rock Cafe still around? Near Siam Square. One or two blondies used to hang around there. But why not make eye contact with a girl,if you have the courage,smile and say,"Are you a tourist? If she says ,"yes"ask her which country she is from. Then you are on your way. OK you will get many rejections before you hit the jackpot but this works. A pal of mine has a 50% success rate. Do not try it if you are drunk or you have not met up with the bathroom soap for a while. Good luck.

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" meet up "events and the Hash scene ( google Bangkok hash), is where I would start,also " Internations" events.

Not noticed any single Caucasians at Hashes. There are other Hashes but most Filipino or Thai girlfriends and wives. Thanks for the Bangkok Hash idea but it is men onlywhistling.gif

Meet ups might work, I even thought of going to the running one for distance running but they meet at 6.30 am. Bit early for me.biggrin.png

i thought you were asking for a friend.

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Troll posts removed.

This is the ladies section & as such we have much stricter rules to the general mysogyny many of you suffer from, I suggest you post elsewhere otherwise next nasty comment I see gets a thaivisa holiday.

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Although we aren't a dating site this has come up a few times, usually night time venues like witches tavern & the bars in that area plus saxaphone have the expat women in. Most living in country tend to go out to places like that rather than the backpacker venues.

witches tavern is gutted out, not sure if they are to renovate, move or shut

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Troll posts removed.

This is the ladies section & as such we have much stricter rules to the general mysogyny many of you suffer from, I suggest you post elsewhere otherwise next nasty comment I see gets a thaivisa holiday.


100% agree. it would be very interesting to see what some of these studs look like and if they could compete in other markets. cheesy.gif

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Although we aren't a dating site this has come up a few times, usually night time venues like witches tavern & the bars in that area plus saxaphone have the expat women in. Most living in country tend to go out to places like that rather than the backpacker venues.

Witches Tavern no longer exists. The building has been completely gutted.

I've been looking for this magical place where Western girls (or women as some prefer to be called) regularly hang out, but there really isn't one (I should perhaps qualify that I'm only talking about hanging out in bars and clubs)

The problem is that Bangkok is very large and the Western female population is relatively small. So unlike Hong Kong and Singapore no venue in Bangkok has a consistently large percentage of resident expat women.

I would also guess that aside from tourists (who don't know any better), the resident expat females wouldn't go to the clubs here because they are filled with Thai hookers and western guys looking for Thai hookers (Think places like Insanity, Amnesia, Climax, Spicy etc).

There is usually a large number of expat girls in Levels, but they look very much like tourists so maybe not what your friend is looking for.

The lack of Western female friends and dating is one of the few things I really don't like about living in Thailand.

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my point was that so many Western men on this post go on bangin about how great Thai women are (are they all 100% amazing and perfect) and how terrible Western women are (some unkind comments). I am Western man (expat from US) and while happily married for 10+ years, I would say that there are wonderful women as well as not so wonderful women from all cultures. It seem too many men on the post were slamming western women but I wonder if they, the men, could compete in a market where there is more balance of education, rights, money and ability to be equals. I have traveled the world and seen good, bad, etc. In lots of Asia there is a real inequality of income between men and women, which makes men in other developed markets with smart, well educated and equal rights for woman more of a match. I am very certain there are some great western men who have found wonderful partners in Thailand and I am happy for them. But I have also seen way to many men in developing markets like Thailand not ideal candidates themselves and take advantage of the situation. Women in thailand don't have as many options and are poor, uneducated and have other family issues.

So I am not a troll commenting on another troll. if you think that, you are misguided, uneducated or just misread my comment too fast.

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2 posters enjoying a 4 day, thaivisa sponsored holiday.

If my previous warning wasn't clear;

If you troll, make derogatory comemnts or generally just be nasty in the ladies forum, you will be suspended.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Start playing sport. Southerners sports club has more than a few marriages come as a result.

Find out anywhere international school teachers and the NGO types hang out. Aree seems to be a good place.

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  • 2 months later...

Laundries...they are also good spots.

Laundries? Are you saying coin laundromats? If so where are these located? I've been all over bkk and I've never seen one. Especially since one can have all laundry washed and folded for 250 thb at on nut.

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