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THAI Family looking to spend some time in the Phillipines away fro trouble

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Panang pretty nice there if you like muslims.

Penang is majority Chinese, although there are some Muslims too. And on my most recent trip to southern Thailand I observed just how many mosques and how few Buddhist temples there were. The majority of Thais all the way up to about 50km south of Ranong are also Muslim (from the Phang-nga border to 50km south of Ranong, I counted 11 mosques and only 3 Buddhist temples), so you better like Muslims too if you want to live anywhere in southern Thailand.

Muslim is not a country or a race of people.Malaysian people of the Muslim faith are nice people just like anybody else.

Indeed they are friendly from my experiences. But for some reason there are some expats in Thailand that create some kind of scaremongering about Malaysia (because it's a majority Muslim country, but then only a marginal majority) and I don't get it. As mentioned, most of southern Thailand is like Malaysia, religion wise and linguistically also in the 4 southernmost provinces + to some extent in Satun too. The 3 southernmost conflict ridden provinces + eastern Songkhla are more like eastern Malaysia than anywhere else in Thailand. Just saying...

Anyway, Malaysia is politically stable and very safe, with no conflicts of the type seen in southern Thailand.

It's said to be quite a good choice - otherwise try Singapore or of course Australia/NZ/USA/Canada.

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Panang pretty nice there if you like muslims.

Penang is majority Chinese, although there are some Muslims too. And on my most recent trip to southern Thailand I observed just how many mosques and how few Buddhist temples there were. The majority of Thais all the way up to about 50km south of Ranong are also Muslim (from the Phang-nga border to 50km south of Ranong, I counted 11 mosques and only 3 Buddhist temples), so you better like Muslims too if you want to live anywhere in southern Thailand.

Muslim is not a country or a race of people.Malaysian people of the Muslim faith are nice people just like anybody else.

Indeed they are friendly from my experiences. But for some reason there are some expats in Thailand that create some kind of scaremongering about Malaysia (because it's a majority Muslim country, but then only a marginal majority) and I don't get it. As mentioned, most of southern Thailand is like Malaysia, religion wise and linguistically also in the 4 southernmost provinces + to some extent in Satun too. The 3 southernmost conflict ridden provinces + eastern Songkhla are more like eastern Malaysia than anywhere else in Thailand. Just saying...

Anyway, Malaysia is politically stable and very safe, with no conflicts of the type seen in southern Thailand.

It's said to be quite a good choice - otherwise try Singapore or of course Australia/NZ/USA/Canada.

I'm very appreciate of the fact that there are some expats in Thailand, and those who visit Thailand, who don't like going to "muslim" countries. Means I can kick back on the beach in Langkawi enjoying a nice bottle of Chilean Sauvignon, bought locally at duty free prices, without being bothered by them smile.png

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I've obviously visited a different "Philippines" than you guys as I'm yet to see 1 incident of Road Rage (apart from me swearing at other drivers from the back of the car, whilst the driver just smiles & carries on, I can't believe how calm they are!) & to say Filipinas are "Too controlling" reflects on you, not the country (sorry, it had to be said).

Oh & I'm a UK "Farang" (sic) who has a better than average career & when not living/working in Singapore, splits his time between visiting his Filipina's family (just got back to the hotel from a fabulous Chinese & a top band) & touring the rest of Asia, so please, feel free to tell me all about being a "Farang" (do you even know the Tagalog equivalent?) that "hangs out here")

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[Edit: and to say "Hand on heart, there is no worse 3rd World/Developing Country you could spend time with your your family" doesn't match my experience of working in (more than) a few.

Unless you consider the "Stans", Sub-Sahara Africa, India (sorry guys, some of my best mates are Indian but ur country drives me nuts when I have to work there & could never live there) etc... as genuinely better places to be than the Philippines]


Boy o boy, some strong opinions here. I have to wonder how many of these folks have never been outside of the Manila region, Angeles City or Cebu. Just like the people who have never been outside of Pattaya,Phuket,Bangkok and Chiang Mai and judge all of Thailand by their limited experience. I admit that the Philippines is a little raw but some of us enjoy some adventure in our lives. If you have to have western amenities, granted you will not like it. Subic Bay is probably the best spot for a family short stay. Safer and cleaner than other areas and good power and internet. Pureto Princesa would be a good second best, imho because of they variety of things to do.

As a side note: Muslims are members of the Islamic faith. There is no muslin religion. thumbsup.gif

And as JB300 said.I can thinks of a lot of countries worse than the Philippines as far as safety and infrastructure. Been there, done that. Ugh!

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Hi, Look on ExpatForum. com You will need to join, cost nothing. There are sections on different countries around the world including the Philipinnes and Thailand.

Best of luck.


Amazing how many negative posts on the Philippines. Most probably have only been there on a breif trip. I have lived there for 5 years now and own and operate a business in the Manila area. While I choose to live most of my time in Laguna (Phuket), I do appreciate what the Philippines has to offer... 7,107 islands (mostly undeveloped, but clean and beautiful), friendly and caring people that go out of their way to smile and learn your name (without a generalized reference to "farang"), cheap food (although my least favorite in Asia), innexpensive inter-island travel, cheap taxis, lots of entertainment (at least in Manila), beautiful women (not to mention: trustworthy, respectful, sincere), English speaking, educated, etc.

The downside to the Philippines in my mind is: infrastructure (Internet is horrible; cellular communication as well as landlines are antiquated and in need of a major upgrade; airports are third-world, but improving; visible filth in the urban areas; prone to regular typhoons in the Visayas; guns and guards are everywhere.

If you want to find nice, clean beaches and actually buy beachfront land, near an airport, hospital, etc., it is possible to do so for under 3 million Baht. I enjoy surfing and will be buyng a retirement home on Siargao Island (world famous for surfing and fishing). If you would like a safe, clean place to stay, you cant go wrong with Baguio, Boracay or Bantangas.

Everyone has an opinion, but you should go and take a look for yourself to see what it is like before moving your whole family there. Good luck.

Par for the course. This is a Thai centric board and any comments not praising Thailand are anathema. Pass the Kool aide buddy :)

Seriously, take the comments with a grain of salt- go the Philippines and check it out for yourself :)

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My Filipino gf spoke to me about this site and the poor comments of many westerners regarding her country. She was quite offended and very upset at the comments of some contributors. I agree with her. By the way, she lives and works in Thailand by necessity as she has put 3 children through University back in Phils, whilst ex sat on his arse.

I have been 5 times to Phils and I enjoy it every time, people are friendly, service is far superior to that obtained in Thailand and we are accepted in the country and welcomed. English widely spoken and understood.

Yes food is very average, but many other cuisines to choose from. I never had any problems in my visits there and we will move back there when she finishes teaching in Thailand, where she is subjected to extreme racism and abuse of her qualifications, by so called educated Thais.

No worse corruption in Phils than Thailand, maybe some of you need to open both your eyes when you next go there. Yes poverty worse and cleanliness generally not up to scratch, but we will live in a secure community, same as we do in Thailand and will have no problems, I am sure.

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My recommendation is to visit Malaysia instead of Philippines!

Any recommendation where a foreigner would want to live in Malaysia, close to the beach, city with about 250k-750k ppl? Thanks in advance.

Lankawi may be best, more cosmopolitan, less muslim; but I would still prefer the PI in spite of my other post on this forum.


Boy o boy, some strong opinions here. I have to wonder how many of these folks have never been outside of the Manila region, Angeles City or Cebu. Just like the people who have never been outside of Pattaya,Phuket,Bangkok and Chiang Mai and judge all of Thailand by their limited experience. I admit that the Philippines is a little raw but some of us enjoy some adventure in our lives. If you have to have western amenities, granted you will not like it. Subic Bay is probably the best spot for a family short stay. Safer and cleaner than other areas and good power and internet. Pureto Princesa would be a good second best, imho because of they variety of things to do.

As a side note: Muslims are members of the Islamic faith. There is no muslin religion. thumbsup.gif

And as JB300 said.I can thinks of a lot of countries worse than the Philippines as far as safety and infrastructure. Been there, done that. Ugh!

Well, been there, done that for sure.

Six years ago, I left the PI after more than nine years of living and working there, over 30 years of marriage to a Filipina, and over 47 years visiting the PI--I lived in Manila, Cebu, Tacloban, Puerto Galera, and Angeles; and traveled to Mindanao, Palawan, Bohol, Negors, Iloilo, Masbate, Samar, Panay, even Tawi-Tawi. My wife, and several of our Filipino in-laws and friends who are working here in Thailand, prefer it here. My mother-in-law loves to come visit, not just to see her children and grandchildren, but she loves the food and neighborhood cleanliness. After a total of four months in visits here, she is eagerly awaiting her first brownout. It costs less--food, gas, utilities, housing, vehicles, clothing; and all better quality--to live in Thailand, and that is according to my Filipino in-laws. The infrastructure is more advanced and dependable in Thailand--I can actually ride at speed onto an unknown bridge surface without an abrupt surprise and, as I said, power outages are rare and garbage collection is done. The two-bit thievery and endless begging is less in Thailand. You can actually leave your house with no one in it and expect to return with all your belongings still there. And, when you tell a beggar to go away, they do. Perhaps most important, over all the beers are colder and the bathrooms are cleaner in Thailand--and, it may take a while to see a Thai pissing on a wall. Granted, some things are better in the PI: the driving, most everyone speaks some English, and there is a price on most everything--whether you consider that corruption or facilitating is up to you. There is beauty in the Philippines--the islands, the mountains, the beaches, the women. Alcohol and tobacco are cheaper in the PI. I do miss the pan de sol, bawang mani, and sisig; and the friends I have there. And, I am still married to my Filipina when there is divorce in Thailand. Such is life, you pay your money and take your choice.

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As I've posted on a couple of different threads, my idea of heaven is living in Thailand with a Filippina.

Nb, I'm in no way saying that Filipinas are better than Thai girls (have never dated a Thai so in no position to coment/ judge) but out of all the girls I've dated since moving to Asia, the Filipinas are my favorite.

Incidentally, IMHO Singaporean Chinese have been the worse, they're absolutely stunning but turn into stropy little kids at the drop of a hat :(... Again, this is just my humble opinion, your mileage may vary...

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My Filipino gf spoke to me about this site and the poor comments of many westerners regarding her country. She was quite offended and very upset at the comments of some contributors. I agree with her. By the way, she lives and works in Thailand by necessity as she has put 3 children through University back in Phils, whilst ex sat on his arse.

I have been 5 times to Phils and I enjoy it every time, people are friendly, service is far superior to that obtained in Thailand and we are accepted in the country and welcomed. English widely spoken and understood.

Yes food is very average, but many other cuisines to choose from. I never had any problems in my visits there and we will move back there when she finishes teaching in Thailand, where she is subjected to extreme racism and abuse of her qualifications, by so called educated Thais.

No worse corruption in Phils than Thailand, maybe some of you need to open both your eyes when you next go there. Yes poverty worse and cleanliness generally not up to scratch, but we will live in a secure community, same as we do in Thailand and will have no problems, I am sure.

Just about sums the place up.

the poor comments of many westerners regarding her country. She was quite offended and very upset at the comments of some contributors.

she lives and works in Thailand by necessity

No, she works in Thailand by choice, if the PI is so great why isnt she working there, lets cut to the chase here, if she could be in Singapore or the US of A she would be working there.

I know many Pinoy who have no intention of ever returning to the country, they are more than happy in countries such as Australia, America or the Uk, maybe take your girl for a visit?

What a shame, considering the potential of the place, beaches way better than anything Thailand has to offer, an educated and English speaking work force, its almost as if 1986 never happened.

Get it together Pinoy and turn your country into the next must visit destination in Asia, your country has so much to offer.

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As I've posted on a couple of different threads, my idea of heaven is living in Thailand with a Filippina.

Nb, I'm in no way saying that Filipinas are better than Thai girls (have never dated a Thai so in no position to coment/ judge) but out of all the girls I've dated since moving to Asia, the Filipinas are my favorite.

Incidentally, IMHO Singaporean Chinese have been the worse, they're absolutely stunning but turn into stropy little kids at the drop of a hat sad.png... Again, this is just my humble opinion, your mileage may vary...

Now, don't everyone rush out an get themselves a Filipina. Like Thais, some Filipinas are great women, others are not. I have spent many years in both countries, known literally scores of falangs married to Thai and PI girls, and heard the same crying from both countries about the brother/boyfriend, the constant gimme money, the gambling, the sick carabao, and all the rest of those stories intended to separate the buffalo from his money. I can only say, be smarter than the problem, and if you fall into that quagmire, get out as soon as possible.


^^^couldn't agree more... And would add that you need to put your foot down & not take any crap at the start of the relationship or she will walk all over you,


My Filipino gf spoke to me about this site and the poor comments of many westerners regarding her country. She was quite offended and very upset at the comments of some contributors. I agree with her. By the way, she lives and works in Thailand by necessity as she has put 3 children through University back in Phils, whilst ex sat on his arse.

I have been 5 times to Phils and I enjoy it every time, people are friendly, service is far superior to that obtained in Thailand and we are accepted in the country and welcomed. English widely spoken and understood.

Yes food is very average, but many other cuisines to choose from. I never had any problems in my visits there and we will move back there when she finishes teaching in Thailand, where she is subjected to extreme racism and abuse of her qualifications, by so called educated Thais.

No worse corruption in Phils than Thailand, maybe some of you need to open both your eyes when you next go there. Yes poverty worse and cleanliness generally not up to scratch, but we will live in a secure community, same as we do in Thailand and will have no problems, I am sure.

Mogo, yes the Filipino people are friendly, service may be better because they speak English (but many times they just don't understand or whatever you ordered is 'out-of-stock'), and the Filipinos are open and welcoming (and, most of them want to get out of the PI and maybe you can help). Try living there a while. My Filipina wife and I went to the States to live, she loved it there, but couldn't wait to go back to the PI for a visit. When she did, she was depressed. All the old friends only wanted their pasalubong, and even strangers were expecting her to buy drinks and food for everybody, the foods were not nearly as good as she had remembered, there were so few clean toilets, men were pissing everywhere, and garbage littered the streets. That was her impression about returning to the PI after only one year in the States.


I think people are upset by the attacks on Filipinos rather than the state of the country's infrastructure / poverty & some are judging the nation after only visiting Manila/AC which would be like judging the US after only visiting Detroit (Google the most dangerous cities in the world).

I think this is particularly "raw" with me at the moment as I work with a lot of Filipinos in Singapore & there's a lot of anti-filipino sentiment on the local websites here due to the planned Philippine national day celebration and you can see how much it upsets them.

Of course, the difference between the Philippines having a national day in Singapore vs Singaporeans having one in Australia is everybody/nationality is invited (in particular Singaporeans) vs the "closed" event (in a public place!)


I think people are upset by the attacks on Filipinos rather than the state of the country's infrastructure / poverty & some are judging the nation after only visiting Manila/AC which would be like judging the US after only visiting Detroit (Google the most dangerous cities in the world).

I think this is particularly "raw" with me at the moment as I work with a lot of Filipinos in Singapore & there's a lot of anti-filipino sentiment on the local websites here due to the planned Philippine national day celebration and you can see how much it upsets them.

Of course, the difference between the Philippines having a national day in Singapore vs Singaporeans having one in Australia is everybody/nationality is invited (in particular Singaporeans) vs the "closed" event (in a public place!)

as far as i can see its not the infrastructure thats attacking the foreigners in PI. but then and again there is a major preponderance of barbarians there so completely understandable. problem is u could still get mistaken for one on a dark and stormy night..chinese too are also in the hunters spot light. there are better places where you cant be mistaken for the current targets.

my long past girlfriends father was shot dead on the street there a few days after his new young filipino wife attained her foreign citizenship by their marriage and they return to her home town to "celebrate". was even long before the open season on barbarians began there.


Crazy idea:) Philippines infrastructure is like Thailand in 1970.

However for forums you could check Livinginthephilippines and livingincebu for starters.


Interesting that the replies seem divided in two - those who have lived in the Philippines who are mostly okay with it and those who have visited or never visited and think it is bad. As someone who has lived about 10 years in each so you will realize that I am going to be positive for both.

On safety : Thailand is safer - Philippines is more like a western country. There are parts which are safer than others. Same as England and Australia. An example some gave is Angeles which is equivalent to Kings Cross or Soho - not so safe. Makati is more like Sydney CBD - yes you can have problems but more similar to the risks we live with in western countries. On the other side I have had my pocket picked twice in Bangkok but never had such a problem in Manila. I have known farangs that have had problems in both Thailand and Philippines. The novel Private Dancer points out the dangers in Bangkok and that is very real. A month of reading Thaivisa will make you realize not all is rosy in LOS.

Cost of living for everyday items is cheaper in the Philippines. Everytime I go back to a Thai supermarket I cringe at the prices. That said the electronics is cheaper in Thailand so bring your laptop/tablet.

Where would I recommend for a family - Cebu for me but someone suggested Bohol which I think is equally good. Panglao has beaches and is cheap.

Forum on the Philippines - try Livinginthephilippines forums. They also point to many more such forums.

Hope this helps.


pocket picked twice in Bangkok but never had such a problem in Manila.

i dont see how you can equate being pickpocket in the street in bkk (never happened to me anywhere in thailand) with being brutally murdered in your own home in manilla or PI (just read the online news and you will find the stories pretty quick).


pocket picked twice in Bangkok but never had such a problem in Manila.

i dont see how you can equate being pickpocket in the street in bkk (never happened to me anywhere in thailand) with being brutally murdered in your own home in manilla or PI (just read the online news and you will find the stories pretty quic

On the other hand I have yet to read or hear any stories about being hacked up by tuk tuk drivers or condo diving in PI. hummmm


pocket picked twice in Bangkok but never had such a problem in Manila.

i dont see how you can equate being pickpocket in the street in bkk (never happened to me anywhere in thailand) with being brutally murdered in your own home in manilla or PI (just read the online news and you will find the stories pretty quic

On the other hand I have yet to read or hear any stories about being hacked up by tuk tuk drivers or condo diving in PI. hummmm

granted. but on looking i guess you could find them. more likely to be shot than hacked though.

a lot more bombing in the thai press these days too


I'm sure somebody has been murdered in their own home (and pick pocketed) in every city on the planet & a simple Google for the cities with the highest murder rate brought back this wiki article that shows 4 (5 if you count Puerto Rico) cities in the US in the top 50... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_murder_rate (none in Asia), looking at it by country, RPI is 5.4 per 100,000 vs US (excluding Puerto Rico) & Thailand at 4.8 so very similar numbers (unless your the 6 in a million).

As for armed personnel in shopping centers (they don't have them at 7-11s but do have them at Banks along the street), we have those wandering around shopping centers in Singapore but that's not the worry, it's the number of people who have access to guns, obviously everybody knows that the US has the highest % of gun ownership (in 2007 this was 89 per 100 people, I doubt it's gone down too much) but did you know that Thailand (15.6 per 100) had more than 3 times as many as Philippines (4.7)?

As wrgf has said, there are parts of any country that are safer than others, no way do I feel safer in Manila than I do in Bangkok, but I do feel safer in Boracay/Palawan than I do in Phuket.


I'm sure somebody has been murdered in their own home (and pick pocketed) in every city on the planet

yes all around the world there are moronic a**holes too but that doesnt mean you"d want to visit them


Amen to that brother...

If the OP if still with us, I don't think there's a single post in the thread recommending you go to the Philippines as a family to stay for a significant period of time if you don't have a "Connection" to the country (I.e. A Filipina :)) have you given anymore thoughts to staying in Thailand Vs going somewhere else?


Amen to that brother...

If the OP if still with us, I don't think there's a single post in the thread recommending you go to the Philippines as a family to stay for a significant period of time if you don't have a "Connection" to the country (I.e. A Filipina smile.png) have you given anymore thoughts to staying in Thailand Vs going somewhere else?

OP has never been back and is no doubt unaware of the controversy, was probably just a passing fancy smile.png

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