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More Thai police join elite police force tasked to arrest protest leaders


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very helpful - more intended abuse of power by PTP against a group of peaceful protestors that have already been declared lawful by the courts

Anyone noticed the deafening silence recently of the Police chief Adul - has he been sidelined

Peaceful protesters my a$$. Yeah, they were declared so by a "elitist", military, yellow coup.

While I detest the M79 grenade and gun attacks on the protesters, even more despicable are the increasing number of attacks by PDRC "guards" who drag people from their cars to beat, stab and shoot anyone they feel like, with no repercussions against them.

Peaceful protesters don't use pick up trucks to ram police lines.

Peaceful protesters don't beat, stab and shoot people who run over on of their illegal cones.

Peaceful protesters don't beat people, then tie them up and throw them into the river.

Give me a break on this "peaceful protester" bull $hit!

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very helpful - more intended abuse of power by PTP against a group of peaceful protestors that have already been declared lawful by the courts

Anyone noticed the deafening silence recently of the Police chief Adul - has he been sidelined

Peaceful protesters my <deleted>. Yeah, they were declared so by a "elitist", military, yellow coup.

While I detest the M79 grenade and gun attacks on the protesters, even more despicable are the increasing number of attacks by PDRC "guards" who drag people from their cars to beat, stab and shoot anyone they feel like, with no repercussions against them.

Peaceful protesters don't use pick up trucks to ram police lines.

Peaceful protesters don't beat, stab and shoot people who run over on of their illegal cones.

Peaceful protesters don't beat people, then tie them up and throw them into the river.

Give me a break on this "peaceful protester" bull $hit!

just to be clear, you believe blowing up / murdering children and adults with grenades / guns is less despicable than using a truck to push (i saw the video too) into some police lines injuring nobody?

perhaps you would like to remove that one and resubmit if you care at all about being taken at least half seriously...

Did you bother to real ALL of my post, like the part where I said I detest the M79 grenade and gun attacks on the protesters? If you had, then you wouldn't have replied with such an inane comment.

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very helpful - more intended abuse of power by PTP against a group of peaceful protestors that have already been declared lawful by the courts

Anyone noticed the deafening silence recently of the Police chief Adul - has he been sidelined

Peaceful protesters my <deleted>. Yeah, they were declared so by a "elitist", military, yellow coup.

While I detest the M79 grenade and gun attacks on the protesters, even more despicable are the increasing number of attacks by PDRC "guards" who drag people from their cars to beat, stab and shoot anyone they feel like, with no repercussions against them.

Peaceful protesters don't use pick up trucks to ram police lines.

Peaceful protesters don't beat, stab and shoot people who run over on of their illegal cones.

Peaceful protesters don't beat people, then tie them up and throw them into the river.

Give me a break on this "peaceful protester" bull $hit!

just to be clear, you believe blowing up / murdering children and adults with grenades / guns is less despicable than using a truck to push (i saw the video too) into some police lines injuring nobody?

perhaps you would like to remove that one and resubmit if you care at all about being taken at least half seriously...

Did you bother to real ALL of my post, like the part where I said I detest the M79 grenade and gun attacks on the protesters? If you had, then you wouldn't have replied with such an inane comment.

See below :

While I detest the M79 grenade and gun attacks on the protesters, even more despicable are the increasing number of attacks by PDRC "guards" who drag people from their cars to beat, stab and shoot anyone they feel like, with no repercussions against them.
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" Earlier Department of Special Investigation Tarit Pengdit said that the crack police force would first target the protest leaders who have no or a few body guards and for those who are heavily guarded, the police would wait for the right timing to strike. "

Since when do arresting officers tip their strategy so openly ? As always, it's all about saving face. Doing anything successfully is deemed virtually impossible, so the alternative is to give the impression of success forever and perpetually in the making. But really - is this the light at the end of the rainbow ? Is this what will crush the reform movement ? Is this the model to the world as to how to crush dissent ? Is that the source of satisfaction that this man is smiling about ? Crushing dissent ?


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very helpful - more intended abuse of power by PTP against a group of peaceful protestors that have already been declared lawful by the courts

Anyone noticed the deafening silence recently of the Police chief Adul - has he been sidelined

Peaceful protesters my . Yeah, they were declared so by a "elitist", military, yellow coup.

While I detest the M79 grenade and gun attacks on the protesters, even more despicable are the increasing number of attacks by PDRC "guards" who drag people from their cars to beat, stab and shoot anyone they feel like, with no repercussions against them.

Peaceful protesters don't use pick up trucks to ram police lines.

Peaceful protesters don't beat, stab and shoot people who run over on of their illegal cones.

Peaceful protesters don't beat people, then tie them up and throw them into the river.

Give me a break on this "peaceful protester" bull $hit!

just to be clear, you believe blowing up / murdering children and adults with grenades / guns is less despicable than using a truck to push (i saw the video too) into some police lines injuring nobody?

perhaps you would like to remove that one and resubmit if you care at all about being taken at least half seriously...

Did you bother to real ALL of my post, like the part where I said I detest the M79 grenade and gun attacks on the protesters? If you had, then you wouldn't have replied with such an inane comment.

You clearly wrote the violence by the guards is "more despicable" than the grenade attacks. Quite clear what you think. Edited by pmugghc
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Since even foreign journalists can get police protection after receiving death threats, can the PDRC leaders also ask for police protection?

An organisation called CAPO has publicly warned that heavily armed crack troops will come to get them and the public should take care not to be in their neighbourhood.

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" Crack ", "elite " ? Hardly words associated with the BIB

Remember where we live.

Their crack elite force would provide a very serious challenge to the conscript army who would fragment at the very first instance.

Tanks and APC are all well and good, but they don't the personel to keep them fuelled, armed or puncture free... and they would get lost as they did last time around in the back streets of Bangkok. Easy to take out APC in close quarter battles. Even in a small scale battle like Panfah, they were beaten back and had APC destroyed by farmers. God forbid they should come up against fully armed opposition.

Much as the Army want to coup and put Suthep in, they know now the time is past and they don't even have the internal support to pull it off.... but they do dream of it and it is their preferred option.

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This is nothing to do with arresting protest leaders, it is a thinly-veiled attack force that is being set up for an all-out offensive on the anti-government protesters, when in fact, they should be pointing these "special forces" at the red shirt horde, the ones who are killing and maiming many of the innocent protesters.

The all-out offensive will not, however, take place, because General Prayuth will make it very clear that if they are set upon the peaceful protesters, then the Army will have no option but to defend them, using whatever force is necessary.

If it ever comes to that, you won't see Chalerm or Tarit for dust, as they head towards their northern "stronghold", so this "government" needs to understand that they are setting themselves up for an almighty fall...!!


I wouldn't like to be these nine 'crack' coppers.

Lambs to the slaughter.

Look at the past crackdowns.... police died in all attempts.

A crackdown in the current situation would be foolhardy to say the least.... As long as these 'crack' units totally understand that they are being pushed into a suicide mission just to make the PDRC look violent, when in fact they will be merely protecting themselves from a Thaksin, PTP, UDD controlled police force who have assisted government backed terrorists for the past 6 months.

Wonder if we are going to see the police openly firing live bullets at soldiers like they did back in 2010........ Then they complain when the soldiers shoot back.

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The nine crack police officers reported themselves to Pol Lt-Gen Sophon Pisutthiwong, commissioner attached to the Office of the National Police Chief, at the Office of the Narcotics Control Board on Thursday afternoon.

What is the definition of a "crack police officer" in Thailand?

Someone who consistently achieves his monthly quota of bribe money to be passed to the next level up?

Or someone who jumps out of helicopters using a frayed static line and parachute packed on the cheap because 70% of the budget for parachutes and jump equipment was syphoned off?

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This is nothing to do with arresting protest leaders, it is a thinly-veiled attack force that is being set up for an all-out offensive on the anti-government protesters, when in fact, they should be pointing these "special forces" at the red shirt horde, the ones who are killing and maiming many of the innocent protesters.

The all-out offensive will not, however, take place, because General Prayuth will make it very clear that if they are set upon the peaceful protesters, then the Army will have no option but to defend them, using whatever force is necessary.

If it ever comes to that, you won't see Chalerm or Tarit for dust, as they head towards their northern "stronghold", so this "government" needs to understand that they are setting themselves up for an almighty fall...!!


I wouldn't like to be these nine 'crack' coppers.

Lambs to the slaughter.

Look at the past crackdowns.... police died in all attempts.

A crackdown in the current situation would be foolhardy to say the least.... As long as these 'crack' units totally understand that they are being pushed into a suicide mission just to make the PDRC look violent, when in fact they will be merely protecting themselves from a Thaksin, PTP, UDD controlled police force who have assisted government backed terrorists for the past 6 months.

Wonder if we are going to see the police openly firing live bullets at soldiers like they did back in 2010........ Then they complain when the soldiers shoot back.

In 1992 Suchinda and his boys brought in Border Patrol Police and conscripted military units from the provinces and their officers were instructed to indoctrinate them into believing that the middle class protestors were communists whose real intention was to get rid of the King and make Thailand a republic. Officers lead the way by firing their pistols into the backs of fleeing protestors to give their men courage to fire their M16s at them on full automatic. Then they chased them into temples where they had sought sanctuary and killed them there.

Fast forward 22 years to 2014. Are the rank and file BPP and army conscripts as naive as they were then? Today most of the people who appear to want to get rid of the monarchy or set up a separatist republic, are clearly on the red shirt/government side.

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very helpful - more intended abuse of power by PTP against a group of peaceful protestors that have already been declared lawful by the courts

Anyone noticed the deafening silence recently of the Police chief Adul - has he been sidelined

Peaceful protesters my <deleted>. Yeah, they were declared so by a "elitist", military, yellow coup.

While I detest the M79 grenade and gun attacks on the protesters, even more despicable are the increasing number of attacks by PDRC "guards" who drag people from their cars to beat, stab and shoot anyone they feel like, with no repercussions against them.

Peaceful protesters don't use pick up trucks to ram police lines.

Peaceful protesters don't beat, stab and shoot people who run over on of their illegal cones.

Peaceful protesters don't beat people, then tie them up and throw them into the river.

Give me a break on this "peaceful protester" bull $hit!

Peaceful protesters don't kill children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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" Crack ", "elite " ? Hardly words associated with the BIB

Remember where we live.

Their crack elite force would provide a very serious challenge to the conscript army who would fragment at the very first instance.

Tanks and APC are all well and good, but they don't the personel to keep them fuelled, armed or puncture free... and they would get lost as they did last time around in the back streets of Bangkok. Easy to take out APC in close quarter battles. Even in a small scale battle like Panfah, they were beaten back and had APC destroyed by farmers. God forbid they should come up against fully armed opposition.

Much as the Army want to coup and put Suthep in, they know now the time is past and they don't even have the internal support to pull it off.... but they do dream of it and it is their preferred option.

A Thai SWAT team couldn't swat a fly,remember a couple of weeks ago the poor guy in the heliicopter and those 2 poor unfortunates with the parachutes.No offence to those people,just responding to your ( lost for words here ) post.

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Tell you what guys - it would be my thinking that arrest is not the primary objective here - have CAPO engineered themselves a hit squad

Adul's absence from all this is getting louder and louder - I wonder if he refused to co-operate with these dirty deeds - the brainchild of Tarit and Charlerm, nothing would surprise me and they now seem to be desperate trying to cling on

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First the easy one Tarit said:

From Thailand Live Friday #53 14:14

RT@KhaosodEnglish: Police arrest PCAD leader & professor Sombat Thamrongthanyawong on insurrection charges in a univ. parking lot today. pic.twitter.com/zgppqeZHp5

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" Crack ", "elite " ? Hardly words associated with the BIB

Remember where we live.

Their crack elite force would provide a very serious challenge to the conscript army who would fragment at the very first instance.

Tanks and APC are all well and good, but they don't the personel to keep them fuelled, armed or puncture free... and they would get lost as they did last time around in the back streets of Bangkok. Easy to take out APC in close quarter battles. Even in a small scale battle like Panfah, they were beaten back and had APC destroyed by farmers. God forbid they should come up against fully armed opposition.

Much as the Army want to coup and put Suthep in, they know now the time is past and they don't even have the internal support to pull it off.... but they do dream of it and it is their preferred option.

The Army got equivalent units.

All these units have ex-soldiers, of which some are definitely present on both camps.

They were present in one form or another in 2010 as well.

Unless much mistaken, most previous coups made use of special units or trusted units

with somewhat better training and equipment than the average.

Taking out an APC in close quarter battles is maybe easy on internet games.

If it was that easy, it wouldn't make global headlines every time it happened.

Also, most armies wise up to it pretty quickly, so not something that's very easy to pull of again and again.

I don't know that we will see such clashed between units, anyway.

Would be better for all if they avoid it, one way or another.

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Mr Sombut denied the accusation of rebel. What he did was educating people.
Very true: educating people about how to to eradicate dirty corruption, abuse of power and disrespect of law.

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you know, if you add the word, "elite" in front of stuff it sounds cool.

elite house cleaner.

elite go go dancer.

elite handheld encryption utensil. (thats a pen)

or maybe he meant "DELETE"

im insulted at the idea of anything elite in chalerms world.. he has no profesionalism, nor leadership skills. and he is easy to read like a book. all he has is his thugish attitude. and a sniper son who enjoys killing. everybody has a hobby i guess.

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